School tube video

mikeyslittlehoaxermikeyslittlehoaxer Posts: 281
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hello all my fellow Hoaxers!

In school in advisory today we were watching this video and it's pretty weird I'm not saying that they are in on the hoax I'm just saying that the video was wierd. Here's 2 things (Theres many more) that stuck out as strange.

1. 4 people in all green who looked like green man from we are the world remake
2. Signs with bam in it even though the song (firework by Katy perry) didn't have the word bam in it.

Who was holding the camera?

Here's how you can watch it
Go to and type in lipdub or it'll say it somewhere.

Thanks for reading happy Hoaxing! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->


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