Lisa Marie Collapses

ignisaeternusignisaeternus Posts: 553
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
According to the front page of National Enquirer:
Lisa Marie Collapses! Health Secret she is hiding.

-Her shocking weight loss: 55 lbs in 5 months
-Husband races to save her after she falls to the floor.
-She flies to LA for treatment.
I have the enlarged pic, but I am an idiot about uploading it. So here is the website.
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Odd things:
-Wasn't National Inquirer the rag Michael used when out with Lisa during the Ivy dinner in 1998 ("Quote: We have a secret.") And he has used them before.

-There are NO reports anywhere about any collapsing. Yes, she is pretty private- but you would think the British tabloid industry would have been all over that (this indicates it happened in GB BEFORE she arrived here, carrying her daughter, looking pretty well).

The weightloss: first of all- there is a triple 5. Then, it reminded me of Michael's stories of weightloss and collapse rumored during TII rehearsal.

She is in LA to record and to for the courtcase (Eliza P- as we were redirected to). Treatment? For what? Weightloss? (maybe it's dehydration and She has a history of having had eating disorder symptoms before, but.... (odder even: just months ago, there were tabloids about her "dying like her father" from drugs and being overweight).

Anyway- could be nothing. Could be coincidences (and I am fresh out of believing in those these days) . But I thought I'd add it to the data bank. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->


  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    The web is not available in my area. Can you copy and paste the text please?

    For the pic, right click on it, copy image route and paste it here between
    pic%20here <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    this is the cover of the magazine, I will try to find the article

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    The National Enquirer is toilet paper.
  • She has lost a lot of weight recently. She looks half the size now, than what she looked like in the Oprah interview.

    Why would she fly to LA for treatment?? Treatment for what?? We do have hospitals and clinics in the UK... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    The cover pic is her singing. they are so sloppy (cutres we say in my country, cutreeees)
  • The web is not available in my area. Can you copy and paste the text please?

    For the pic, right click on it, copy image route and paste it here between
    pic%20here <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Thanks for the info re images.
    I don't have the article - trying to get it. Interestingly, it was not listed on the online version.
    Yes, Gema- the NE is toilet paper. What got me suspicious was that MJ had in the past used this toilet paper...
    Dancing the Dream- yeah, my question exactly re what treatment. I'm trying to get info on the article- hope to have more after work ( work again interstates with Michaeling...sigh).
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Eliza's court case is not in LA, so I don't think she's in the US for that.

    I think the story is BS. According to the National Enquirer MJ had 6 months to live because he was terminally ill.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • ijcslyijcsly Posts: 128

    The National Enquirer is toilet paper.

    And it's not even good at being toilet paper <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    <!-- m --> ... n-rundown/<!-- m -->
    Scientology diet?
  • I believe the story is concocted as well. LMP doesn't look emaciated to me and looks healthy, from all of the pics I have seen of her lately.
  • Eliza's court case is not in LA, so I don't think she's in the US for that.

    I think the story is BS. According to the National Enquirer MJ had 6 months to live because he was terminally ill.

    Correct- it is in Tennessee. Lisa did get back shortly before the date on the docket. BUT - she entered the US in LA- not Memphis or Vegas (as I thought she would to participate in the celebrations for her Dad's bday). I was just hypothesizing that she might be in the country partly in connection with the case. Her official story, per her facebook, has been that she will be in LA in January to record.

    The 6 month to live story is exactly my point re National Enquirer: I think that was a plant (by Michael)- as he "died" exactly 6 months later (either to the date or pretty darn close). And closely after that article came the picture of Michael in the wheelchair- taken by National Photo Group, of course- and I think it was also featured in NE.

    Oh, I totally agree- the article is total BS. Well, the content is. That was my whole point for posting it. The whole thing just stood out (probably due to the "fishy" smell).
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    This last post is really again what makes me think that Michael had a double that was sick and that was why he posted...hints in the enquirer about going to die in 6 months!!! The double was sick and had just months to live. The double was THIN and in the wheel chair. The mask he wore for so long was prob. the double originally because of his ill health..and so Michael had to wear one too.
  • Ok, I finally got the contents. Supposedly, she collapsed on January 2nd. (1+2+2+1+1=7) They returned to the States January 7th (or so the article said). Like I pointed out before, she had planned to be in LA in January- and if her husband RUSHED her to LA- why did it take 5 days? (cause it didn't happen, I say...).
    Also, REALLY? Scientology will make it all better? Yeah, I am sure, their "cleansing rituals" will do wonders.

    The trip to Hawaii might help. Maybe she will visit Jesse there...

    I had to laugh- I don't read tabloids normally, so the style killed me. Anyway- nope, I am not buying this one bit.


    LISA MARIE PRESLEY is hiding a shocking health secret - she suffered a terrifying collapse at her $14 million dollar estate in England and has fled back to the United States for emergency treatment at the Church of Scientology.

    Only five months after abandoning America for England, the 42 year old homesick entertainer was rushed back to the States by a private jet by her loving fourth husband Michael Lockwood.

    Now the mother of four - weakened by a low calorie diet and an all-out attempt to relaunch her music career - is undergoing Scientology counseling to help her recover from her frightening emotional collapse, says sources.

    Incredibly, Lisa Marie dropped 55 pounds in just 5 months - and friends are worried about her condition.

    On January 2nd, Lisa Marie was at her 11-bedroom mansion outside London, caring for her two year old twin daughters Harper and Finley, when all her pent-up stress finally erupted like a volcano.

    'Lisa Marie just lost it," a long time family friend told THE ENQUIRER. "She started freaking out and burst into tears, crying: 'I can't take any more! I can't take any more!"

    "Just after putting the twins down for a nap, she collapsed on the floor. She screamed and sobbed: 'I just can't handle it!'

    "Michael raced to her side and scooped her up in his arms. He held her tenderly. It seems like everything had hit her at once. " Her musician husband took charge of the crisis and said the source "Lisa Marie's a fervent Scientologist and it was Michael's idea that she turn to her faith for comfort.

    "Lisa agreed. She then begged him to get her back to L.A to be with her mother, her older children and to be near the Scientology Centre she's grown to love. She told Michael, "I need them to get my head clear, and I need their guidance.' "

    Just five days later, the couple and their twins - along with staff members and nannies - arrived in California. Lisa Marie immediately went to the Centre located in the heart of Hollywood.

    "She was really shaken up" revealed her friend. "Lisa Marie has been living under alot of self-imposed pressure to revive her stagnant music career - she wants to record hits. But her comeback plan had been made even more stressful by her relocation to London. In her heart she's an American, and in the end she decided she was wrong to think she could make music anywhere else. When the family finally returned to California on January 7th, a slimmer Lisa Marie was weak, trembling and tired."

    Insiders blame a large part of her problem is extreme dieting. After ballooning to 165lbs, the 5-foot 3 performer "went on a crash diet to lose 55lbs and look sexy again for her showbiz comeback.

    "The pounds began to melt away but she was barely eating anything!"

    "She's about 110lbs now, but she became weak because she just wasn't getting enough calories. Lisa Marie tried to cope with the stress of dieting and getting ready to record in addition to looking after the twins, who are a handful. But she'd frequently become lightheaded because she was incredibly active on a low-calorie diet."
    MAKING MATTERS EVEN WORSE, she insisted on keepingg her diet secret from those close to her, revealed the source.
    "She was hiding that she was practically starving. She pretended that the diet didnt even exist!" Finally it all came to a head.

    Another pal confirmed to THE ENQUIRER: "Lisa suffered a major meltdown in England. She told friends that her life is turning into one big mess, and she never felt so alone.

    "Her weight was a major issue at 165, and now that she's down to 110 so quickly, her family and friends are worried that she got too thin, too fast. Along with her health problems, her career is falling apart. She just can't make up her mind what she wants to do with her life."

    Everything started to go wrong after Elvis' only child defied her mother Priscilla's wishes and moved to England this past August. She brought a magnifacent country estate on 90 acres and Michael built her a state-of-the-art recording studio.

    "But after it was finished," said her pal "Lisa Marie struggled because some of the songs just werent coming. She finally told her husband, "I want to go home!" Lisa inherited her father's restless gene, and she's terrified of dyingn young like Elvis.

    After spending a few weeks in Los Angeles, the family is planning to go on to Hawaii where they still have a house.

    "Lisa Marie is never happy or content in one place for long"...
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    TOOOOO fishy....Michael one hears from lalaLiz in how long?? MJ3 go to HAWAII....LMP go to HAWAII. ANNNNNDDD Elizabeth Taylor bought a new home in HAWAII just about 6 or 7 months after Michael left us!!!!! HUMMMMM wonder where he is???
  • And here we have the ( expected) denial:

    <!-- m --> ... 296291600/<!-- m -->

    LISA MARIE PRESLEY: Lisa Marie Presley's publicist has denied a tabloid report claiming the U.S. musician collapsed at her home in England after she lost 55 pounds on a diet.

    "It is absolutely and completely untrue," Presley's representative told Friday. "The National Enquirer puts Lisa on the cover every few months with manipulated photos and horrendous stories of supposed 'meltdowns,' and has since she can remember."

    The 42-year-old singer-songwriter, who is the daughter of rock 'n' roll icon Elvis Presley, is working in Los Angeles on her third album, reported.

    "She is happy and healthy and working hard," the representative added. "The rest is absolute garbage. Not a bit of truth to any of it."
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    I saw this in the grocery store. BS. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • I not only do not pay cash for that tabloid trash....I quit paying attention to so many years ago...I do not even notice it. lol
  • kemrekemre Posts: 44
    How ridiculous! You can see she's holding a microphone in the cover picture. She's obviously singing... Not fainting.
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