The speech in a whole new light...

Lovely OneLovely One Posts: 430
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Watching the 02 conference speech is one thing. When you just READ the speech it becomes
even clearer that Michael was trying to tell us something! What Michael says is so odd that it even left the announcer scratching his head at the end. I went through the whole speech and wrote exactly what Michael
said and even noted some very odd body language. He was definitely trying to tell us that "THIS WAS IT" as
as he repeated it 9 times! It seems as if he was more excited about this being the end of him performing,
rather than that he was giving a concert!
So here we go....the press conference word for word:

Michael walks out and wipes his mouth ( kinda like boxers do before a fight!)
Goes to podeum and first says.."I love you so much"
"Thank you all.." Then fist pumps and starts saying "This is it, This is it"
"But, I, I , I just wanna say that um, These (puts up 5 fingers with palms
facing outward) "These will be my final show performances in London!"
(Touches sun glasses as if to push them up) "This will be it, this is it and when
I say this is it, it really means this is it because......(laughs an evil kinda laugh as if
he is hiding something puts his hand on his chest to indicate that the words are coming
from his heart.) "I'll be performing the songs my fans wanna hear (scrunches up shoulders
as if to make himself appear smaller) "THIS IS IT! I mean this is really it! (Puts up palm
facing outward again) "This is the final, this is the final curtain call...OK? and Umm...
I'll see you in JULY" ( smiles big and takes a step back laughs again...snickers)
"And (swallows nervously and puts up hand to crowd again) I LOVE YOU, I really do, you
have to know that I love you so much! (Shakes head) "Really, from the bottom of my heart!"
(puts hand on chest again) "THIS IS IT and SEE YOU IN JULY!" (He then puts his arms up
in a "V" if a victory sign!)
Michael starts to exit then turns back around....he now has a different demeanor! He now seems
angry as he puts up his fist to the air, shows his teeth, and throws his head back!
He regains composure, switches back to pleasant Michael, throws the crowd a kiss, waves goodbye
and exits the stage!
After Michael is gone the announcer comes back to the podeum.."And there we go, thank you very
much one more time ladies and gentleman for the King of Pop..MICHAEL JACKSON! "
Then he makes a very strange face..."Was that weird for you too?"


  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Wow, Lovely One...........very nice. You obviously took time to write that! I could hear his voice word for word....I have watched it so many times, lol. It is indeed interesting to read it. Totally understand what you are saying! Thank you!
    Have a most wonderful day!
    Blessings to you!
  • Wow, Lovely One...........very nice. You obviously took time to write that! I could hear his voice word for word....I have watched it so many times, lol. It is indeed interesting to read it. Totally understand what you are saying! Thank you!
    Have a most wonderful day!
    Blessings to you!

    Thank you wishingstar! Yes, when you read it you can see how pumped he is about it being the final
    curtain call! He doesn't show much enthusiasm about the concert though....and that is the strangest
    part because that is what this conference was supposed to be about!
    Instead, it turned into "This is it" and he sure let us know it.

    Conclusion: Michael was trying to tell us he was done and that he loved us. He was also VERY excited
    and pumped about it!! I hope he is happy wherever he is! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • He put a lot of emphasis on This Is It and July. And it was so strange to me how he changed his demeanor from pleasent, to angry, and back to pleasant again. I'm glad you pointed that out. You know, you're right <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Its easier to examine it when everything's written. Thanks for your post!
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    BUT I THOUGHT we all pretty much agreed it WASN'T Michael at the O2 announcement with all that enthusiasm and repetitive wording and strange body movements and all the in a DIFFERENT FACE.
    Now I'm confused. I DO NOT BELIEVE for one moment that was Michael.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Thank you for writing that all out! Nice to see it in that form.

    I 100% believe that was Michael, and it was a masterpiece in showmanship, mystery and cryptic elements, and laid open his heart. 200% sure. No impersonator could have pulled that off. NOTHING was accidental.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    For me, whether it's Michael or not, does not matter. It was all in the delivery of the announcement. If it was Michael he did a great job of mysterious-ness; if it was not Michael it was well directed. Either way, the message is clear...he wanted us to focus on This Is It and July. Thank you again for writing this out... much appreciated <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Happy Friday to you all.......
    Blessings Always!
  • Thank you for writing that all out! Nice to see it in that form.

    I 100% believe that was Michael, and it was a masterpiece in showmanship, mystery and cryptic elements, and laid open his heart. 200% sure. No impersonator could have pulled that off. NOTHING was accidental.

    I am with you on this....I do believe 100 percent it was him! His message was cryptic but simple and beautiful.
    He loves us but for whatever reason, he had to go!! Hopefully we will see him in July!!!!!

    I can however see others points that they are not sure it was him....he seemed taller and did look
    different. But like wishingstar said, the delivery of the announcement is the important thing. "This
    is it" and July were repeated over and over!! Once again lets pray we see him in JULY!!!
    What a celebration that would be!!!!!!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Lovely One
    Michael walks out and wipes his mouth ( kinda like boxers do before a fight!)
    I find that habit MJ as intriguing. He does it in a lot in his videos. He is such a sexy rebel. And then little Blanket, bless his heart, does the same thing before shaking Oprah's hand! Like for instance in Remember the Time, before MJ approaches the queen. Needs more analylis <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> . Just what goes through that mind of his? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Lovely One
    Michael walks out and wipes his mouth ( kinda like boxers do before a fight!)
    I find that habit MJ as intriguing. He does it in a lot in his videos. He is such a sexy rebel. And then little Blanket, bless his heart, does the same thing before shaking Oprah's hand! Like for instance in Remember the Time, before MJ approaches the queen. Needs more analylis <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> . Just what goes through that mind of his? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Sexy aint it?? Its a very rebellious action and shows that Michael (more times than not) has something
    important to say against those who are trying to control him OR maybe its a lovely gesture to clear his
    thoughts before he speaks???
    Cute that Blanket picked that up....I wonder if Blanket felt like he had to defend himself against
    Oprah?? Or, maybe just clearing his thoughts before he speaks??
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Good to look at this again, funny how I see it very differently now than back in March 09 - can you believe that was almost 2 years ago?

    Very nice post Lovely One, you've obviously studied this speech in detail to write such a good description!

    Can I add another 'mannerism' that I always see - just before he says' I'll be performing the songs my fans wanna hear', he touches his mouth, in the way I've seen MJ do many times in interviews. It's not the 'mouth wipe' , just a brief' lip touch' with his index finger and thumb! Do you know what I mean? And I also see an eyebrow raise and closed mouth sort of wide smile that I've seen many times before.

    Although of course a double could do these mannerisms as well for authenticity, they make me believe this WAS MJ at this announcement, albeit slightly disguising himself! Definitely used a different method of applying lipstick that day for starters!
  • Good to look at this again, funny how I see it very differently now than back in March 09 - can you believe that was almost 2 years ago?

    Very nice post Lovely One, you've obviously studied this speech in detail to write such a good description!

    Can I add another 'mannerism' that I always see - just before he says' I'll be performing the songs my fans wanna hear', he touches his mouth, in the way I've seen MJ do many times in interviews. It's not the 'mouth wipe' , just a brief' lip touch' with his index finger and thumb! Do you know what I mean? And I also see an eyebrow raise and closed mouth sort of wide smile that I've seen many times before.

    Although of course a double could do these mannerisms as well for authenticity, they make me believe this WAS MJ at this announcement, albeit slightly disguising himself! Definitely used a different method of applying lipstick that day for starters!

    Thank you Curls...I did notice that he does touch his mouth before he said that he would be "performing the songs my fans want to hear.." A body language expert would most likely say that touching the face or lips means that the person is not being totally truthful. I guess MJ knew that he "WOULDN'T" get to perform the songs his fans wanted to hear because of this being a hoax! To be sure though, I would love for a real body language expert to help us out here!
    Anyone on the forum an expert in body language???
  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
    Oh guys... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Oh guys... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Having a bad day Agent?? Just having a little fun trying to analyze Michael's body language.
    Cheer up! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I viewed this particular video of the press conference: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    I've read a lot of body language books, I'm really into psychology (hoping to study it soon.) When Michael starts to say "These will be..." he uses what experts call a "politician's point" which, as the name suggests it's the gesture a lot of politicians use. It means they are trying to get a clear point across. The gesture is when he presses his index finger and thumb together.

    Michael then shows the palm of his hand for quite a long time. Any time we see the palm, we can assume the person is honest. Perhaps Michael knows this and kept it up for a long time, purposely to gain the audience's trust; as if to prove he is being honest. After this he goes back to the politician's point.

    He then starts to say "This will be it, and when I say this is it, it really means this is it..." and right as he says "it really means this is it" he closes his fingers over his palm (not so honest?)

    He starts giggling which could be from all the attention and he feels embarrassed (he's done that plenty of times) and he leans over the podium, as if he doesn't want to look at the audience (again may just be embarrassment.) The hand over the chest implies again, honesty, sincerity. But he puts his left hand first and then right, so both hands are on his chest. Defensiveness, insecurity maybe?

    Then he smiles and touches his bottom lip: "I'll be performing the songs my fans wanna hear." When he says the word "fans" his shoulders go up, that suggests tension, nervousness. Touching the lip/laughing could mean lying but any time anything goes up to the mouth, it means the person is seeking reassurance. So insecurity is there.

    Then he starts saying again "This is it, I mean this is really it..." Notice the palm is back, just like the first time he tried to make it clear "This is it."

    Something else I just picked up on (I'm watching it bit-by-bit as I type this to be sure I don't miss something lol.) he then says "I'll see you in July." Do you notice when he pronounces the word "July" it makes the whole statement sound more like a question. More like "I'll see you in July?" This means he is unsure of himself because if he was sure of himself it would come out like a definite statement. Maybe he was unsure if he could go through with the concerts, or maybe he knew there wouldn't be any concerts.

    Omg another thing I only just noticed. Look at 4:45 in the clip. After he says "I'll see you in July" (sounding like a question) he says "And..." He is smiling and he suddenly closes his mouth. Watch his throat! He swallows! He could be lying, or feeling nervous. Why, I wonder? He then tilts his head to the audience, did he just see someone who made him nervous?

    THEN he puts his hand up, giggles and says "I love you. I really do..." Now, go back to my last paragraph. What did he mean when he said "And..." AND WHAT Michael? It looked like he wanted to add something, then stopped himself and felt nervous, thus closing his mouth to swallow. Then, to distract the audience from what he almost said after the "And..." he puts his hand up (another palm), giggles and tells them he loves them a few times. "You have to know that" he says. Why do we *have* to know it? All his fans know he loves them back. I don't think I've ever heard him tell an audience he loves them the way he did. I know it was meant to be his final shows, but if he said it in such a final way because of that, surely he would make more of a speech, thanking people throughout his career, his family, fans? He would be clearer and say thanks for all the decades of loyal fans, and thanks to all the people he worked with. The whole speech just sounded so disjointed.

    He definitely looked nervous about something, I can tell you that much. Either he was nervous of his fans' reactions to him implying he was retiring, or he was nervous because he was hiding something. He couldn't possibly be that nervous out of shyness and the embarrassment of all his fans cheering for him; he has done plenty of other speeches (recent ones) where fans were cheering him on, yet he did not act that way.

    HOLY cow I just picked up something else. Back at the start when he says "These will be my final show London." WATCH the way he emphasises the word London. After he says "performances" he moves his head quickly to
  • I just typed up an analysis, and it was quite long so I put it in a new thread. Check it out. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=36&t=18000&p=307657#p307657<!-- l -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Thanks EyeHeartMJ for helping us see from that perspective.

    I just can't watch this speech enough. Every tiny inflection, pause, stutter, giggle, etc. is laden with purpose IMO.
    My favorite part is when he says, "This is it, and when I say This is It, I really mean This is It because..." and then he laughs this conniving secretive little cute laugh. If he was going to be performing 10 or even 50 concerts there would be no need to laugh about it being really it. I think he's laughing because he knows the hoax is coming and it's a little clue for us that there's something up his sleeve. The prankster!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Thanks EyeHeartMJ for helping us see from that perspective.

    I just can't watch this speech enough. Every tiny inflection, pause, stutter, giggle, etc. is laden with purpose IMO.
    My favorite part is when he says, "This is it, and when I say This is It, I really mean This is It because..." and then he laughs this conniving secretive little cute laugh. If he was going to be performing 10 or even 50 concerts there would be no need to laugh about it being really it. I think he's laughing because he knows the hoax is coming and it's a little clue for us that there's something up his sleeve. The prankster!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Sort of like 'I know something you don't know!'
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    EyeHeartMJ, I think your analysis is fine right here! It follows on nicely from what we've been discussing. Thanks!

    I agree the body language here is fascinating. He's kicking off his hoax that he's been planning for years, so a bit of nervous excitement is totally understandable and probably deliberate!
  • i understand there was supposed to be some sort of fan survery about the chosen songs. that shoulder shrug has always stood out to me. i know people have analized the songs that were done. as i was listening to history the other day i began to wonder. what about the songs he didn't chose. is there something there that is telling? just a thought.
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