We Need More Than Jermaine's Tweets!!

everlastinglove_MJeverlastinglove_MJ Posts: 2,884
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
On topic <!-- m -->http://mjkit.forumotion.net/t4139p25-tm ... ised#98734<!-- m --> and <!-- m -->http://mjkit.forumotion.net/t4161-jerma ... ing-tweets<!-- m --> were posted Jermaine’s tweets:
As difficult as the trial & glare will be, its televising prevents the kind of truncated, selective reporting of 2005...

We must look at the bigger picture which is the truth and justice being SEEN to be done

Now, I’ve been thinking that we need more than Jermaine’s tweets to make people aware of the manipulating influence of the media. There will be an overload of news about the trial of reliable and unreliable sources and to avoid a blurred and distracted vision, we have to stay alert and take a step back from the sensational reported circus show from time to time. We must be critical and self-selective concerning the news. Don’t let it be like in 2005, where the media was too manipulative and the public too prejudiced.
Shouldn’t we all spread this awareness? It is all for fair justice, NO prejudice and above all for Michael.


  • justice being "SEEN"

    Hmm.. I wonder what we will SEE. I can't wait. Very curious to see if there will be toys in the courtroom.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Anyone knows about the tweet Jermaine sent to Souza?
  • On topic <!-- m -->http://mjkit.forumotion.net/t4139p25-tm ... ised#98734<!-- m --> and <!-- m -->http://mjkit.forumotion.net/t4161-jerma ... ing-tweets<!-- m --> were posted Jermaine’s tweets:
    As difficult as the trial & glare will be, its televising prevents the kind of truncated, selective reporting of 2005...

    We must look at the bigger picture which is the truth and justice being SEEN to be done

    Now, I’ve been thinking that we need more than Jermaine’s tweets to make people aware of the manipulating influence of the media. There will be an overload of news about the trial of reliable and unreliable sources and to avoid a blurred and distracted vision, we have to stay alert and take a step back from the sensational reported circus show from time to time. We must be critical and self-selective concerning the news. Don’t let it be like in 2005, where the media was too manipulative and the public too prejudiced.
    Shouldn’t we all spread this awareness? It is all for fair justice, NO prejudice and above all for Michael.

    I agree with you. What you are saying is vitally essential. We need to get the word out, the TRUTH, and spread awareness before the trial and during it. Time to let Twitter and Facebook work for us the way it has for Egypt! Side story: Wolf Blitzer on CNN interviewed Ghonim, the Egyptian who works for Google and began the revolution on Facebook. Wolf: Now Egypt, before this Tunisia. What's next? Ghunim: Facebook. Media Takeover.

    I say. EXACTLY.
  • Thank you SoldierofLOVE. I've watched the interview you linked. The hero who says in his modesty that he's not, dedicates a facebook page to his real hero, who died for Egypt, against human rights abuse and police corrupcy. The FB page has already +200.000 fans and it's multiplying. This is really great. Good development, specially when you want to spread your message quickly.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Anyone knows about the tweet Jermaine sent to Souza?
    Gema, I haven't heard anything about that. Let us know what you find out, please.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I think I should searach on the Kit forum. BRB.
  • <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Here we go! The media circus has been started already. Next article is an example of typical copy & paste “journalism”. It is pretty obvious that THG used exactly the same statements which TMZ used. And there are more (tabloid) journalists who use the same tactics. Haven’t we seen that poll before? How creative!

    Dr. Conrad Murray to Argue Michael Jackson Was a Lost Cause, in Failing Health
    February 8th, 2011 8:10 AM by Free Britney

    After a rocky preliminary hearing in which his defense theory that Michael Jackson killed himself was repeatedly shot down - at least in our view - Dr. Conrad Murray is trying a new tactic in fighting involuntary manslaughter charges.
    The physician will argue at his April trial that Michael was in such a weakened state before he passed away that it's unfair to blame Murray, or Propofol.
    Think a jury will possibly buy into that?

    MJ was clearly a shell of his former self after years of abusing meds, but whether that absolves Dr. Conrad Murray of guilt is another matter entirely.
    The defense has to try something, of course, and it looks as if his lawyers will argue that at the time of his 2009 death, Jackson's body was failing him.
    Because of Murray? Not so, the doctor says. MJ being "driven over the edge" by AEG to rehearse for his upcoming "This Is It" tour is a likely target.
    Murray's lawyers will call witnesses to testify that Jackson was either a no-show for rehearsal or was exhibiting "clear signs" of failing health if he did.
    The defense theory rides on the belief that even if jurors believe Dr. Conrad Murray administered the fatal dose of Propofol, he still may not be liable.
    It's a tough sell as we see it, but we won't be in the jury box. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    Lawyers are still expected to argue that Michael Jackson killed himself when he administered a fatal dose of Propofol when Dr. Murray left the room.
    There are also problems with that, however, namely the testimony of Sade Anding, who cast doubt on Murray's actions and whereabouts at the time.

    What do you think: Dr. Conrad Murray ...


    Not Guilty!

    Still Unclear!
    View Results

    The next article is highlighting the media circus in 2005 with some ignorant respectless reporters:
    Cameras were not allowed into the courtroom for that trial -- but that didn't stop E! from doing daily reenactments, based on court transcripts.
    Though after reading the pretty annoying "Jacko" name in the headline, I tend to ignore this article and not taking the news seriously. Though it's worth posting because of the critical note about the media circus in 2005 linked to the next trial.

    Jacko trial on TV
    Post staff writer
    Last Updated: 10:49 AM, February 9, 2011
    Posted: 11:10 PM, February 8, 2011

    Michael Jackson will once again be the focus of a televised trial.
    But this time the circus will be without its main attraction.
    Los Angeles Superior Court judge Michael Pastor has ruled that a TV camera will allowed into the courtroom to cover the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, who's accused of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death in 2009.
    Pastor said he wanted the "absolute least intrusive" placement of one TV camera in the courtroom for Murray's trial.
    Murray's trial is scheduled to begin March 24 in LA. He's pleaded not guilty and is free on bail.
    The last trial involving Jackson was in 2005, when the self-proclaimed "King of Pop" was tried, and subsequently acquitted of child molestation charges.
    That trial turned into a media circus as cameras trailed Jackson to and from court (including one day when he showed up late, wearing pajama bottoms).
    Cameras were not allowed into the courtroom for that trial -- but that didn't stop E! from doing daily reenactments, based on court transcripts.
    Murray, Jackson's doctor, was in Jacko's house in LA the morning of his death on June 25, 2009.
    He admitted to giving Jackson, 50, the powerful anesthetic propofol to help him sleep while he was rehearsing for a series of comeback concerts.
    Jackson's death was attributed to an overdose of propofol and sedatives

    Read more: <!-- m -->http://www.nypost.com/p/entertainment/t ... z1DqPSzAMj<!-- m -->
  • btw the source of the first article is: <!-- m -->http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2011/ ... iling-hea/<!-- m -->
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