"The Hoax" and Coca Cola

SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I just watched the movie "The Hoax" about the Howard Hughes autobiography hoax back in the early 70's and I noticed that there is just one ad in this movie, just random, just there playing on a tv. Probably some sponsoring, but the ad is from Coca Cola, this one:


Just thought it was interesting since we see Coca Cola pop in here as well. Hoax...Movie...Coca Cola.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."



  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    That's another interesting coincidence to add to the list. That Coke commercial has a We Are The World-ish feel to it and it's all about love and harmony...
  • I used to be obsessed with the mystery millionaire recluse Howard Hughes.
    Even when he was still alive...I still have books on the guy.
    Lord I hope MJ isn't hold up somewhere with long scraggly hair,beard and 5 inch nails.
  • That is interesting - thanks for sharing Souza.

    I was reading something a day or two ago about product placement in advertising. The name of the product doesn't even need to be said, it's just there - and it's recognized. Hmmm.....
  • I was reading something a day or two ago about product placement in advertising. The name of the product doesn't even need to be said, it's just there - and it's recognized. Hmmm.....

    Yeah...that has been going on for years. That is why you see people drinking/eating/whatever
    something that looks almost like a known product in shows. Because if they use the actual product the Co. wants a cut.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    I used to be obsessed with the mystery millionaire recluse Howard Hughes.
    Even when he was still alive...I still have books on the guy.
    Lord I hope MJ isn't hold up somewhere with long scraggly hair,beard and 5 inch nails.

    I read somewhere before that Howard Hughes used to collect his urine in jars...reminds me of Arnie Klein saying MJ would pee in cups...

    I found this article about Howard Hughes and Michael...there are some interesting parallels, perhaps Michael deliberately incorporated some Howard Hughes-type stuff into the hoax?
    Michael Jackson and Howard Hughes: Two sides of same coin?

    If you saw the movie The Aviator starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Howard Hughes, you may recall a scene in which Hughes is testifying before a Senate committee and the charge is brought that Hughes regularly used funds to entertain influential people in the military industrial complex to help win contracts. Hughes acknowledges the charges in a matter-of-fact manner, saying that is just the way the aviation business is done and that everyone spends money on key people, not as bribes, but as a way to influence their decisions. I’ve never read the transcripts of the actual hearings so I don’t know if that part of the script was just written to indicate the true situation. But, on this date in 1947, the New York Times broke the story, though its much more interesting.

    It is more interesting because the NYTimes goes to great lengths to describe how Hughes is charged with spending over $5000 on the son of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt, who was the guy who could make or break military contracts with individual companies. In the story, it’s not Hughes who fesses up, but instead one of his associates who, just a easily as Hughes was portrayed in the movie, admits that they did and do regularly throw parties and entertain people like Fred Roosevelt. In fact he said Elliott was just “one of 1000″ that he entertained. The Times goes on to say that there was more…that Hughes Aircraft provided women to government officials! What is intersting is that no one really gets mad at the government folks accepting the gratuities. I mean, Howard Hughes could invite FDR’s son all he wants but no one forces him to go. But, that never comes up.

    Now, Hughes died on April 5, 1976 amidst mysterious circumstances. He was said to have become exceedingly excentric and developed phobias to about everything, including germs. Some speculate that he was the money man behind Watergate and that Richard Nixon never would have been forced to resign had not Hughes been secretly funding White House operations. Seems, in the early 1970′s, the then richest man in the world was found in England flying around naked, which was apparently not unusual. Late in his secret life, he surrounded himself by Mormons and doctors, yet in death the only way he could be identified was through fingerprints. He was a genius on many levels, but his later life was clouded with his erratic behaviour. There are those who say that Hughes was allowed to die by his handlers who were more interested in making money for themselves than caring for Hughes, who was reportedly around 90 lbs, with long stringy hair, a beard to his waist and very long fingernails when he died on a plane over the Gulf of Mexico enroute to Houston from Acapulco. There are those who say he really died in Acapulco and the story was simply a fabrication to add to his legacy. Then, of course, there were the years sifting through all of the wills that appeared following his death.

    Now, does that sound familiar? Who else can you think of that gained great fame and fortune as a youth? Who else was dubbed a genius for the innovation that he brought to his field? Who else became extremely eccentric and mysterious later in his life? Who else died of mysterious circumstances leaving a vast estate? How about Michael Jackson. And now, like Hughes, there are charges and speculation that his death was not as it seemed.

    I don’t think that Jackson ran around naked all the time, but there was the weird stuff like his ever changing appearance, dangling his kid off a balcony and having young boys have sleep overs. And, his sister LaToya says that Michael was murdered by those who wanted his money. I drew this comparison on my own but I found that his father, Joe Jackson, also compared Michael’s final days to those of Hughes. So, I suspect we will be hearing more of this comparison in the media in coming days. Ad to that the fact that Joe Jackson also says that he was killed by people who plan to cash in on his death, and we have the makings of a story that will live on for years. Jackson friend, activist and comedian Dick Gregory went on a 40 day hunger strike until the “truth” about Jackson’s death comes out. Hmmm…wonder what happens if the “truth” doesn’t come out for 60 or 90 days? Or, what if it comes out in 30 days? Does Gregory go hungry for another 10 days just for good measure? The real truth at this point is that no one knows. It does seem odd that a man like Hughes was allowed to fall into such ill health, mental illness and drug addiction. And, it does seem odd that a man like Jackson was allowed access to the drugs that he was apparently addicted to. You know who else comes to mind with a similar scenario? Elvis, except Elvis is not generally thought of as a genius.

    Maybe its just that the hangers on of both Hughes and Jackson were too afraid by their boss’s fame and fortune to say anything. Maybe they were yes men and did whatever the boss said. Or, maybe it is like some think….that those that surrounded the two men were complicit in each death because they stood to gain financially. I dunno. But, I do wonder sometimes if the fame and fortune that many seek is really worth the effort. I wonder, as these individuals rose in notoriety and their celebrity no longer allowed them time alone or time out of the public eye, if maybe at times each of them did not secretly wish that they could go back to being “normal.” Hughes was famously out of sight for years to escape the spotlight and Jackson had been heard recently saying he wished everyone would leave him alone. If we could ask them now, I wonder if they would say the life they lived was worth a life being cut short. I mean, is it really so good to be the king?

    <!-- m -->http://symonsez.wordpress.com/2009/08/0 ... same-coin/<!-- m -->
  • Now, does that sound familiar? Who else can you think of that gained great fame and fortune as a youth? Who else was dubbed a genius for the innovation that he brought to his field? Who else became extremely eccentric and mysterious later in his life? Who else died of mysterious circumstances leaving a vast estate? How about Michael Jackson. And now, like Hughes, there are charges and speculation that his death was not as it seemed.


    That thought has occurred to me as well....especially one night when I came across a piece of writing [it may have been in MJ's own book that I e-read online.
    it or he stated MJ was fascinated with guess who?
    Howard Hughes.LoL

    IMO there are parallels in their lives alright but the writer of that piece fudged a bit on Howard Hughes background.
    He was an only child...
    He inherited his money...where MJ had to work his ass off for his.

    They both adored their mother...Howard's dad died when he was young.

    Yes he did keep bottles of urine in his room and was a germaphoebic.
    He bought a Vegas Hotel I believe it was the Sands when he decided to
    check out...and lived there for years conducting major business over the
    phone....he did drugs...I believe it was Demerol and had many well paid doctor's.
    He was verra picky about what he ate...and would get on kicks of eating the same thing for weeks.
    No one entered his room or touched him without having a kleenex on their hands.
    When you think about it...just how much protection is that really? lol

    He even testified before a government committee once in person some years back [they had to chop off his hair and nails and clean him up] and the next time via phone.... over Lockheed or the spruce goose....some government contract.

    From all I have read about Howard Hughes some of his phobia's were started early in life by his overly protective mother...the germ thing....the tendency to be a hypochondriac.

    He was brilliant as a young man but had some odd ways. lol [sound familiar?]
    He took his inherited millions that his daddy made by inventing the Hughes drill bit for oil drilling and headed to Hollywood.

    If you have seen the movie you know he was into aviation while making movies and inventing other things...mind never stopped working.

    I believe that although as a young man he was what I would call OCD and he was a known germaphoebic.

    After he crashed a new jet that he had designed into a house in Hollywood and nearly killed himself.
    That is where his problems eventually escalated to where he was a mental mess...yet still smart enough to run all of the businesses he owned by phone.
    I also believe that due to to the massive injuries he suffered in that crash....he became addicted to drugs.

    There were similarities alright...lol
    and if Michael delved into Hughes like I did.....well...it does sound like he may have either recognized some of his similarities in himself...or decided to use them.

    I think MJ' did suffer from some social anxiety as well as anxiety problems...
    he stated he hated to fly...but fly he did everywhere.
    I also think some of his phobia's started early in his life as well.

    Interesting theory...eh?
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Very interesting RunFaYaLife. I was just reading up on Howard Hughes and the similarities you brought up are...weird to say the least...and I'm thinking that's how MJ planned it but I too am not sure if it was intentional or if he recognized similarities first, then played them up.

    And the Vegas connection is neat too since a lot of this hoax has centered around Vegas. And it's noteworthy that HH was involved with motion pictures as well. And kinda ironic that a germaphobe would have 5 inch fingernails...

    Michael is very reclusive, much like HH was.

    This has made me think of that Simpsons episode with Mr. Burns.


    Funny what the little germs on Smithers' face say.
  • LoL...yep I would say they were doing a take off of Howard alright.
    Did you watch the Real ones of Howard Hughes on YT?...I saw those from
    your link. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

  • Andrea...and gang watch this.

    Holy shizba!...talk about a familiar road map. LOL

    See what I mean?
    Back in the day when Michael Jackson and people like me were coming up we
    all thought people like Howard Hughes were just amazing....he was always on the news...on our black and white [or if you were lucky color] TV's...we admired him.
    Little did we know.
    SO much like a Michael Jackson...we were all from that g g g generation.
    I want to say at this juncture

    You little shit! [speaking to Michael Jackson]....clever! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    The Secret History: Howard Hughes, Bizarre Billionaire (1/5)
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    That's so weird RunFaYaLife, I have another window open and I'm watching that on youtube right now!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> I'm on part 2 right now. The words "bizarre, eccentric, and reclusive" are used...I can't believe I haven't looked into this before now.
  • aaaaaaaahhhhaaaa @ Andrea! I was just looking for my usual Typos!
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Where money is concerned, people don't count.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    TA DA!!!
    We have the road map. You could actually replace Howard Hughes name with Michael Jackson's and have Michael's life in most of this documentary. It's really creepy. You just have to watch it, then watch it again taking notes. I still think Michael's hoax was done for movie and the greatest hoax ever, but this will show the script to the T.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    This part is just too much of a coincidence

    What do you think? MJ learned from Huges bio or MJ developed some signs of a mental break down and was treated before it was too late?
    We know very little about Michael´s psychology indoors. So far we heard from the last nurse that he was very kind and lovely and I get the impression that also stubborn.

    I can´t picture Michael neglected to that level, not having his kids around who gives him love.

    IDK if this "interview" has been posted, but reading it I see some Howard Huges similarities in some quotes
    <!-- m -->http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/ ... 591237.ece<!-- m -->

    THE nanny who became “mother” to Michael Jackson’s three children has told how she regularly had to pump his stomach to remove dangerous cocktails of drugs.

    Grace Rwaramba, 42, who flew from London to Los Angeles yesterday in the hope of being reunited with his children, has given a graphic account of the singer’s increasingly desperate final months. She was speaking exclusively to top international interviewer Daphne Barak.

    She paints a grim picture of Jackson, sometimes penniless but deluded about his “riches”, leading a nomadic life, moving from country to country and hotel to hotel, before allegedly falling under the increasing influence of the Nation of Islam, the extremist sect.
    Related Links

    Jackson is believed to have been taking up to eight different drugs a day, including three narcotic painkillers. Rwaramba, who is expected to be interviewed by detectives about whether she helped administer the drugs, told Barak: “I had to pump his stomach many times. He always mixed so much of it.

    “There was one period that it was so bad that I didn’t let the children see him . . . He always ate too little and mixed too much.”

    The nanny says she once called in the singer’s mother, Katherine, and sister, Janet, to attempt an “intervention”, trying to persuade the singer to come to terms with his addiction. Instead Jackson turned on her, accusing her of betraying him. “He didn’t want to listen; that was one of the times he let me go,” she told Barak.

    Rwaramba, who is from Rwanda, worked for Jackson for more than a decade, starting as an office assistant before becoming nanny to his children, Michael Jr, known as Prince, aged 12; Paris, 11; and Prince Michael II, 7, nicknamed Blanket to distinguish him from his brother.

    She was dismissed for a final time last December but still went back to see the children. When she visited them in April she claims Jackson was so hard up she had to buy “happy birthday” balloons for Paris on her own credit card.

    On a previous occasion he had sent her to Florence to buy antiques for $1m. “We didn’t even have a home to live in. So we had to put the antiques in storage,” she told Barak.

    Yesterday an official with the Los Angeles police revealed the singer had become “heavily addicted” to the powerful painkiller OxyContin and had received an injection of Demerol, another painkiller, an hour before his death. It is now almost certain the police will begin a full investigation into the singer’s death and that Rwaramba will be regarded as a witness. Coroners in the case said yesterday there was no suspicion of foul play but toxicology tests would take several weeks.

    One theory is that Jackson was taking an increasing amount of drugs to combat the stress of his forthcoming 50 concerts at the O2 in London. The nanny told Barak: “Fifty performances! I told him . . . what are you doing? He said ‘I signed only for 10’. He didn’t know what he was signing. He never did.”

    Detectives have made contact with Dr Conrad Robert Murray, a cardiologist who was with Jackson at his rented mansion when he died, and have made clear they want to interview him. Police denied a report that they also want to talk to a second doctor.

    Police will also want to know whether early CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) efforts to save the singer’s life were botched. On a tape of conversations between the Jackson home and the ambulance service, one of Jackson’s staff tells the dispatcher that Jackson is on the bed and that a “doctor is here”, meaning Murray.

    Medical experts say it is usual for the patient to be on a hard surface because it is difficult to compress the chest on a soft surface. The operator told the caller to “get him on the floor”. A car towed by police from Jackson’s home is registered in the name of Murray’s sister in Texas.

    Rwaramba claims the Nation of Islam, the sect that had become increasingly prominent in Jackson’s life, told him it cost $100,000 (£60,000) a month to rent the mansion, but she believes similar properties were on the market for no more than $25,000 a month.

    The sect has supplied bodyguards to the singer and allegedly intimidated auction houses that were selling Jackson memorabilia.

    “Michael had no idea about money,” Rwaramba said. “He got a proposal to make an appearance in Japan for $1m . . . By the time everyone took their share, he ended up with $200,000.” At one stage Jackson and his entourage flew economy class to Germany. One of the worst periods was after Jackson was acquitted following a five-month trial in 2005 on charges of sexually abusing a boy during sleepovers at his Neverland ranch.

    Jackson, Rwaramba and the children went to Bahrain as guests of Sheikh Abdullah, a son of the king, who hoped to make a CD with the singer.

    People there described yesterday how they sometimes saw Jackson walking through a mall, his frail body draped in a woman’s abaya, or robe, which covered part of the face. He drew a crowd since he did not walk like a woman.

    When the singer and the sheikh fell out, Jackson and his family moved to Ireland to stay with friends of Rwaramba and then in a small house in New Jersey where Jackson slept in a downstairs room while she and the children shared a bedroom.

    When Jackson did have money, he hid it in black rubbish sacks and under the carpets at the Los Angeles house. Rwaramba says Katherine Jackson rang her in London at 7am on Friday to ask where the money was, possibly to stop it being stolen.

    Sources close to the Jacksons yesterday told the TMZ entertainment website, which broke the news of his death, that the children would stay with their grandmother and grandfather Joe at the family home in Encino, California.

    They said: “We’re told the family is 100% behind this - feeling that Katherine and Joe Jackson are the only people who can help the children understand who their father was, help them grieve, and teach them to deal with life in the spotlight.”

    And what about Coca-Cola? new MJ sponsor?
  • What do you think? MJ learned from Huges bio or MJ developed some signs of a mental break down and was treated before it was too late?

    I think Michael [just my opinion] took some of Hughes bio. or revisited it ...at some point when he started getting tired of [IMO] being the dancing puppet on a string and being made fun of all of the time.
    Also, I think he did exhibit some signs of anxiety and possibly OCD -it was well known he was a perfectionist...just. like. Hughes.

    Perhaps he used some of Hughe's eccentricities and adapted them ...either by osmosis or desperation.

    After about 50 or so various law suits you can bet he was getting just a little tired of being the law suit King and the favorite of the tabloids.

    And he was looking at losing everything if he did not perform 50 concerts
    he did not want to do. ..that alone would piss me off...and I really believe health wise he was not up to it.
    Hopefully, he crafted his 'death hoax' from Hughes and decided to disappear.
    You little shit! [speaking to Michael Jackson]....clever! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Hopefully, he crafted his 'death hoax' from Hughes and decided to disappear.
    I do think Hughes was one of many masters that MJ learned from and incorporated into his hoax of all hoaxes.
    Besides the "peeing into cups" story from AK, I thought they had found a bottle of MJ urine by the "death" scene. Isn't that right?

    I saw "The Hoax" about HH, a few years back, and thought it quite clever.
    I also remember the actor playing Howard Hughes in the movie The Rocketeer, which I saw many times. This is one scene of several that HH makes an appearance.

    In the HH link in an above post the related videos was this one, son of HH, Harry Hughes. I can hardly make heads or tails of what he's explaining, only that he has a computer chip in his brain, and they did weird things to his genitals. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I'm still not sure what to make of Grace. She, like KF, has spent many years in close proximity to MJ, and she seems to support the hoax drug and financial mess side of MJ. I'm leaning towards her being part of the hoax and assigned with spinning the hoax yarn.

    About the Coca Cola ad, it's interesting that at the end the group of people are arranged in an inverted pyramid/triangle shape.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I was reading something a day or two ago about product placement in advertising. The name of the product doesn't even need to be said, it's just there - and it's recognized. Hmmm.....

    Yeah...that has been going on for years. That is why you see people drinking/eating/whatever
    something that looks almost like a known product in shows. Because if they use the actual product the Co. wants a cut.
    This reminds me of the product placement that happened in the ET movie.
    Wednesday, March 21, 2007
    Does E.T. Really Prefer Reeses Pieces To M&M's? Or Was He Paid To Like Them?

    Remember one of the earliest examples of product placement? Hershey paid to have Reeces Pieces in the movie. ET ate the candy and sales of Reeses Pieces shot up 65% in the weeks following the movie release as all the kids wanted what ET had. Take a look at this Time Magazine article from July 26, 1982, just over one month after the release of E.T.

    That's product placement, one of the most effective forms of advertising. M&M's didn't realize this back in 1982 because it was relatively unheard of. They had a chance to have M&M's in the movie before it was offered to Reeces Pieces. They turned it down. Big mistake for them.

    Fast forward to 2007. Product Placement is everywhere... on TV (The Apprentice, Survivor), in movies, in video games, on the internet... Ahh, hold on. Product placement is OK everywhere, just not on the internet. right? The internet has a different set of rules, right? It depends who you ask.

    Here's what I mean. When ReviewMe.com first started, I thought it was a good idea. The first thing I thought it was was a form of product placement for blogs. I hadn't considered using it to advertise or even getting paid to use it, but nonetheless, I thought it was a pretty good idea. product placement for blogs. I just didn't know why it took so long for someone to do this.

    But then comes the controversey. WOMMA is concerned at the corrosive impact of these practices on consumer trust of consumer-generated media in general, and the blogosphere in general. But there are differing points of view. Andy Beard disagrees with WOMMA.

    I'm all for innovative ways of advertising, including ReviewME (Product placement for blogs). If it works it works; if not, the marketplace will correct itself and Review me will fade away. But I don't think anybody should try to stop a business from doing what it does because you disagree with it.

    And, about product placement. Product placement works when people don't realize that the products intertwined in the media are paid for. I guarantee you 100% the the kids that purchased Reece's Pieces after watching E.T. didn't know that Hershey paid to have the candy placed in the movie. How could they? They were too young to know (or even care). Did Hershey and the producers of E.T. know that they were manipulating kids. For sure they did. I'm also pretty sure that nobody called for full disclosure of product placement in the movie at that time. Perhaps it would have looked something like this:
    <!-- m -->http://www.trade-pals.com/blog/2007/03/ ... es-to.html<!-- m -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    The documentary on HH is an "official" version of the story and thus most likely coloured suiting a certain intention.

    We have seen too many celebs having been pictured as "sick", "egocentric", "bizarre", "drug addicts" and close to being a danger to "regular" society. They have been exhibited as a humanoid zoo animal, in a golden cage, for all to see and for all to spit on. In the meantime they were milked financially and kept on top to deliver even more money to their handlers.
    An ongoing crime with nowhere to escape to. When dispensable, they died of "heart attack", "drug overdose" or a mysterious "shooting", sometimes declared a "suicide". If they didn't die, they were declared "minor", needing a guardian, made a patient in one of the clinics the intelligence is walking in and out or their children were harassed. Re-read the stories again.
    It all sums up to the same pattern.

    A milking cage for humans to deliver money like those thousands of bears in Asia that are kept in cages with an open drain into their gallbladder to deliver as a more dead than living robot their bile for medical fantasies.
    Caution, this is graphic and another heartbreaking crime.

    HH as well as all those other celebs who were built up to serve on top, who were abused, handled and milked financially by a mafia behind the curtain, all those were put on drugs on purpose for easier handling and for easier scotching their credibility and reputation just in case they would one day dare speaking up. Nobody would believe them anyway.
    Hollywood is creating monsters and freaks on purpose. This has become a very obvious pattern and it is not even taking place in hiding anymore.

    I don't believe the NG documentary because it is another example of blaming the man not the system behind.
    If elements of HH's life were to be found in parallels in the disappearance story of MJ, there is a good potential that this was a way for MJ for speaking up to those who would listen and keep their eyes open.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    The following is an excerpt from Rabbi Shmuley's book, in the chapter called "The Master of Mystery":

    Rabbi Shmuley: So what is it about the hidden which makes it outlast the revealed? What is it about holding something back that people want it suddenly?

    MJ: I just, I love, I do love the power of mystery, I really do. I think it's very powerful.

    RS: Is it spiritual? What is it?

    MJ: It's spiritual, it's, it's people conjure up all these ideas, people create it themselves. They conjure up all these ideas in their head about what's going on. I mean they used to say, you know, Howard Hughes is up there and he owns the hotel but he stays on that floor, he doesn't come down. He's in the dark, he's in the corner in the bed with long nails and hair to here and he's hooked to an IV. So the brain would just go crazy conjuring up all kinds of crazy stories, and I love that. I love Howard Hughes 'cause he played this big thing. I mean, to me he's like one of my masters. But I don't know, this is the first time I've ever said this Shmuley, I love Howard, he's a genius.

    RS: Because what? Because he knew the power of mystery?

    MJ: How to play people, yeah. He knew how to make the public interested. P.T. Barnum was pretty good at it hmself.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fVSEe2bHf4<!-- m -->
    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    What do you think? MJ learned from Huges bio or MJ developed some signs of a mental break down and was treated before it was too late?

    I think Michael [just my opinion] took some of Hughes bio. or revisited it ...at some point when he started getting tired of [IMO] being the dancing puppet on a string and being made fun of all of the time.
    Also, I think he did exhibit some signs of anxiety and possibly OCD -it was well known he was a perfectionist...just. like. Hughes.

    Perhaps he used some of Hughe's eccentricities and adapted them ...either by osmosis or desperation.

    Makes a lot of sense what you just wrote.
    After about 50 or so various law suits you can bet he was getting just a little tired of being the law suit King and the favorite of the tabloids.

    And he was looking at losing everything if he did not perform 50 concerts
    he did not want to do. ..that alone would piss me off...and I really believe health wise he was not up to it.
    Hopefully, he crafted his 'death hoax' from Hughes and decided to disappear.

    Very possible.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I'm still not sure what to make of Grace. She, like KF, has spent many years in close proximity to MJ, and she seems to support the hoax drug and financial mess side of MJ. I'm leaning towards her being part of the hoax and assigned with spinning the hoax yarn.

    About the Coca Cola ad, it's interesting that at the end the group of people are arranged in an inverted pyramid/triangle shape.

    I am wondering why so little has been said/published about Grace. I am sure that she should be in the know of something. Michael trusted her for 17 years, with her children as well. I don´t think KF got the same trust from Michael.

    Any news for Grace lately?
  • MJ: It's spiritual, it's, it's people conjure up all these ideas, people create it themselves. They conjure up all these ideas in their head about what's going on. I mean they used to say, you know, Howard Hughes is up there and he owns the hotel but he stays on that floor, he doesn't come down. He's in the dark, he's in the corner in the bed with long nails and hair to here and he's hooked to an IV. So the brain would just go crazy conjuring up all kinds of crazy stories, and I love that. I love Howard Hughes 'cause he played this big thing. I mean, to me he's like one of my masters. But I don't know, this is the first time I've ever said this Shmuley, I love Howard, he's a genius.

  • Wow! this sounds just like Michael's life in a sort of way. I do think Michael took some lessons from Howard Hughes, as long he will not have long long nails and long long hair with a long long beard BIAK!!!!. I am sure Michael will still be a stud..
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    The following is an excerpt from Rabbi Shmuley's book, in the chapter called "The Master of Mystery":

    Rabbi Shmuley: So what is it about the hidden which makes it outlast the revealed? What is it about holding something back that people want it suddenly?

    MJ: I just, I love, I do love the power of mystery, I really do. I think it's very powerful.

    RS: Is it spiritual? What is it?

    MJ: It's spiritual, it's, it's people conjure up all these ideas, people create it themselves. They conjure up all these ideas in their head about what's going on. I mean they used to say, you know, Howard Hughes is up there and he owns the hotel but he stays on that floor, he doesn't come down. He's in the dark, he's in the corner in the bed with long nails and hair to here and he's hooked to an IV. So the brain would just go crazy conjuring up all kinds of crazy stories, and I love that. I love Howard Hughes 'cause he played this big thing. I mean, to me he's like one of my masters. But I don't know, this is the first time I've ever said this Shmuley, I love Howard, he's a genius.

    RS: Because what? Because he knew the power of mystery?

    MJ: How to play people, yeah. He knew how to make the public interested. P.T. Barnum was pretty good at it hmself.

    ♫Altogether brothers and sisters, can you sing, clue clue clue clue
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