Statement from John Branca regarding Mijac-Sont/ATV

MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
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Posted Today, 03:46 PM
There have been a great deal of questions regarding the Mijac catalog and reports in the press of it moving to Sony/ATV. Below is an email from Co-Executor John Branca to Jeff Jampol, GM of the MJ Online team, clarifying some of what has been publicized through various media outlets.


I understand that you are being asked a lot of questions about Mijac.

Yes, there is a matching right that Michael granted to Sony/ATV but they only get to administer the catalog for a limited term AND only if they agree to unprecedented favorable terms. We will not relinquish ultimate control and ownership to anyone. We have favorably refinanced the loans on Mijac which will be paid off and the catalog WILL absolutely be passed to Michael's children as long as we have anything to say about it.

Sony/ATV is a great company and the Estate owns half of it but no one, not even Sony/ATV, will ever own Mijac while John McClain and I remain in charge.

The current Sony team is the one Michael chose to work with on the Thriller 25 release and they are good partners. As stated in the recent court filings, they worked with us to refinance the burdensome debt that had been placed on Michael's interest in Sony/ATV to very favorable terms, an important achievement which insures that Mijac and Michael’s masters remain secure for the benefit of Michael's children for years to come.

I would appreciate your sharing this with the fans that are asking questions.

Thanks – John

John Branca
The Estate Of Michael Jackson
Los Angeles, CA "

Source: MJSUNIFC/MJ Online Team


  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    I posted that earlier in the other Sony thread...
  • peacock7peacock7 Posts: 147
    Again, I know that MJ rules his attorneys. He went to school with John McClain, and he must trust him very much.

    Critical thinking is a wonderful tool. Of course like Maya Angelou stated "when one knows better they do better." (at least one should)

    Here's my thing about the above statement. When it was reported that Diana Ross was willed MJ's children to care for if something happened to his mother, I took it to mean that he cared for her a lot and that they were like family. I wondered about it, and thought - what about Rebbie if not Latoya or Janet? But, I let it go, because it was not my business. Then last October or so, I ran up on one of those MJ/Diana sites and started to read up. Needless to say, I was captivated. Like I mentioned before, we never missed any black entertainer on TV from back in the early sixties on, (until these days) so I know I'd seen each and every show MJ and or Diana were on, and we saw them together on a few dancing and singing together. We were so proud of them and loved them.

    Fast forward to last October, I really got intriqued and figured a couple of things out to me about their relationship. Quite naturally, I thought about the supposed will left by MJ. I think it is fake as it pertains to the 2002 date and I'll explain why.

    Let's say in 2002, MJ and Diana were in or were not in a romantic relationship, (I don't think it was full blown if it was one) weren't married etc, then why would MJ leave her his children in a will? First of all, he would have had to ask her permission to do it. And if they were not in a romantic relationship, then why would he even dare assume such a thing to ask? What if she said yes and then 2 months after it was finalized, he passed on? What is she met a man that she fell in love with but he didn't want the responsibility of MJ's children? (still in 2002 now) Should she have given up her happiness with a new love just to care for MJ's children and because she promised? That fake will was not entered into in 2002.

    So......................, some think John Branca is a crook and is running things and MJ is dead or MJ is not dead but is part of a sting operation to prove that John Branca is stealing his fortune by making himself one of the executors of his estate? Come again? How ridiculous does that sound? It's preposterous. That would mean John McClain was in on it. How can that be? He is one of MJ's greatest friends. He was with them from the Jackson 5 days.

    Plus, this would mean that John Branca either in 2002 or 2009 forged a fake will, but made sure he added Miss Ross in it to act as the children's guardian if something happened to Mother Kate. Now how does that sound? So, John Branca thought to himself what? I'd better add Diana Ross so that this rip off can look real. Lol Or, is Diana in on it? I mean really! Granted, I didn't think of all of this until last October, but I never suspected the two Johns after I found the old forum and after I noticed MJ teaching Omer to dance on Memorial montage. Omer knows me from his "Home" video. I would post there, and I gave him a lot of encouragement and love - just because he is MJ's firstborn. Now more than ever (because of Miss Ross - The Boss - I see things from a different perspective) (identifying with both Omer & Diana has helped me with this hoax)

    In other words, by putting on my critical thinking cap, I've concluded that both John's would have to be fools to add Diana Ross to MJ's will. Why not leave everything for the children then and a little bit to charity? Then, the two Johns could scam the estate. That's why to me, with MJ being such a brilliant man, he made sure he added Diana Ross to the SYMBOLIC will, because he wants the world to know how much she means to him - and that she is "The Lady In My Life" to him of course.

    Diana, for her part said at Memorial (Smokey Robinson read statement) (ties = Berry Gordy - Somkey - Diana - Michael) (they are all very close) -"Michael was a personal love of mine. I would like to thank his parents for sharing him with the world and with me." AMEN!

    It is all about the TRUST of the ESTATE anyway. People living - hire estate attorneys all of the time to manage their estate. Similar to people hiring leasing agents to look after leased/rental properties.

    It's a HOAX WILL and COURT. <!-- smoonwalk_/ -->moonwalk_/<!-- smoonwalk_/ -->
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