Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)



  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    This needs to be put on itunes immidiatley and be number 1.



    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    by RunFaYaLife » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:49 pm
    I can tell you this most of the people in the USA are sick of Charlie Sheen
    He is nothing more than a spoiled celebrity.

    I live in the USA and I'm not sick of Charlie. If he's sober, heck, even if he's not, he's speaking more truth than most of them have in a long, long, time. If he's sick he needs help but I am another who wouldn't be surprised to learn that he is acting.

    On another note I keep hearing how difficult and long the process is to get verified on Twitter. Charlie Sheen had over a million followers in less than 10 posts and now has over 2 million followers in what...a week? Amazing. However, I just noticed that he's also been verified by Twitter.

    I guess this makes another area that Charlie is #Winning.

    I love him too. I hope he is just acting for whatever reason. Do you think that he can be the second celebrity who fakes his own death? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    I've chopped that song and made it my new ringtone,spreading the message of #WINNING to all who happen to be around me when my phone goes off <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    I am not endorsing or saying that anyone is clever for banging 7gm rocks or getting arrested etc but what I do endorse and what I admire about him is that he is admitting to all of it,instead of some worried management company releasing a press release covering it up-LYING to the world when everyone can clearly see he is guilty and making out he is someone who has a problem because of fame.Which is usually the general excuse.
    He is putting it out there,being honest and saying yeah,I do drugs,but y'know what it's my life,the media do not control what I do,if you don't like it,get off my wavelength and leave me alone.

    I know he has kids and i'm sure he is a very good dad and provides anything they might need but who is anyone to judge him?Who is anyone to say 'no Charlie Sheen,you cannot hang out naked in Vegas with women and do drugs?'
    He only got fired because he was slagging off the producers from two and a half men and saying he had deleted the guys number so if he wanted to talk he would have to ring him hahahaha which I found utterly hysterical.
    He achieved a world record-yep it's going in the book-without even meaning too for getting 1.2million followers in 25hours on twitter.It's 2million+in a week and he was verified from the word go.(which does say something about TR as much as I admire and respect the man-it is quite simple if you are a celebrity with status to get that blue tick so where is his,he was filling forms in in like October 2010?)

    We want celebrities to stand up and stop being pampered and given an easy ride,he is doing it and getting shit for it.He has even put on his twitter unemployed winner-which to me suggests he is not sorry for his behaviour or anything he has said,is sticking by his opinions,isn't being two faced or letting the media push him into giving some sort of fake apology so he can get his job back.

    Charlie Sheen is going to make A LOT more $$$$ from this whole thing than Two and a half men/it's producers will.
    He has already signed merch deals,E! will probably give him his own show,hell if they give Kim Kardashian two of them he can get one!
    That show is rubbish without him,they can't replace him so who is the biggest loser?
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    It wouldn't be a surprise if this "meltdown" was all an act, look at this pic, his thumb is over the top of the bottle, he isn't even drinking it!! All for show! Not saying he isn't an addict but the media has been on his case for ages now thanks to his outspoken views on certain things. He doesn't seem to be taking their crusade too seriously.article-1364040-0D840CFA000005DC-903_634x667.jpg
  • mjdb.jpg

    You can see a bottle of juice on the night stand next to the bed but it's too blurry to tell for sure. But the shape of the bottle, the lid and the label look similar to Naked Juice. And I'm pretty sure I read somewhere on here before that it was that juice...?
    That does look like the Naked juice bottle even though the picture says orange juice <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Naked-Juice.jpg
    If it is Michael made a good choice because Naked juice is delicious <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I think Sheen is a genius in his own right, just like Michael. OBVIOUSLY he's not a moron, he knows what's going on in the world and in our government especially. Anyone who can't see what is clearly being done to him is just plain ignorant. Unfortunately, most of our population is ignorant and believes whatever they see on tv or in a magazine. Charlie Sheen already spoke out about how he feels, and now he's just playing along with their game until the time is right. In my opinion, I think Michael Jackson might have a lot to do with it. Once the world finds out that MJ didn't really die, all eyes will shift from Charlie to MJ...and hopefully the truth regarding our government and media lies will be revealed, and Michael will have at least one other celebrity on his side (Sheen). I have a feeling all hell will break loose in Hollywood once this happens, because I'm sure many other celebs WANT to speak out but are afraid to at this point in time. Thank God we have these brave men who are willing to risk their lives (and even GIVE their lives in a way) in order to fight for true freedom in a country where freedom is an illusion at best. I applaud Charlie Sheen for taking one of the team and I'd bet my last dollar that this is all directly related to MJ's hoax.
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    I think Sheen is a genius in his own right, just like Michael. OBVIOUSLY he's not a moron, he knows what's going on in the world and in our government especially. Anyone who can't see what is clearly being done to him is just plain ignorant. Unfortunately, most of our population is ignorant and believes whatever they see on tv or in a magazine. Charlie Sheen already spoke out about how he feels, and now he's just playing along with their game until the time is right. In my opinion, I think Michael Jackson might have a lot to do with it. Once the world finds out that MJ didn't really die, all eyes will shift from Charlie to MJ...and hopefully the truth regarding our government and media lies will be revealed, and Michael will have at least one other celebrity on his side (Sheen). I have a feeling all hell will break loose in Hollywood once this happens, because I'm sure many other celebs WANT to speak out but are afraid to at this point in time. Thank God we have these brave men who are willing to risk their lives (and even GIVE their lives in a way) in order to fight for true freedom in a country where freedom is an illusion at best. I applaud Charlie Sheen for taking one of the team and I'd bet my last dollar that this is all directly related to MJ's hoax.

    I share your view. Here is some reminder on what some of his views are:

  • It wouldn't be a surprise if this "meltdown" was all an act, look at this pic, his thumb is over the top of the bottle, he isn't even drinking it!! All for show! Not saying he isn't an addict but the media has been on his case for ages now thanks to his outspoken views on certain things. He doesn't seem to be taking their crusade too seriously.article-1364040-0D840CFA000005DC-903_634x667.jpg


    But has he lost it? He actually is #winning at the moment, and raking the dollars in.

    I really like Charlie Sheen. Being in the UK, his show is not popular over here. I dont even know what channel screens it. But since this has happened, ive watched his interviews and i find his honesty very refreshing.
  • Lovely OneLovely One Posts: 430
    This needs to be put on itunes immidiatley and be number 1.



    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    HAHAHA!!! This is amazing!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    LOL my phone keeps ringing and all I hear is 'Duh winning winning,I was banging 7gm rocks that's how I roll winning..........' I dont want to answer my phone so I can let it ring hahaha
  • LOL my phone keeps ringing and all I hear is 'Duh winning winning,I was banging 7gm rocks that's how I roll winning..........' I dont want to answer my phone so I can let it ring hahaha

    I love your sig;
    We should all be #Winning at life

    I was also thinking since jacilovesmichael mentioned that Charlie could be connected to MJ's hoax, what if Charlie Sheen was reading this? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • LOL my phone keeps ringing and all I hear is 'Duh winning winning,I was banging 7gm rocks that's how I roll winning..........' I dont want to answer my phone so I can let it ring hahaha

    watch this video on this link.

    Charlie isnt mad... he knows exactly what he is doing:

    <!-- m --> ... red_videos<!-- m -->
  • LOL my phone keeps ringing and all I hear is 'Duh winning winning,I was banging 7gm rocks that's how I roll winning..........' I dont want to answer my phone so I can let it ring hahaha

    watch this video on this link.

    Charlie isnt mad... he knows exactly what he is doing:

    <!-- m --> ... red_videos<!-- m -->
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ...I absolutely love Charlie Sheen...what about when he says, "Warning the taste of Charlie Sheen has the potential to cause your soul to weep and forfeit." <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    LOL my phone keeps ringing and all I hear is 'Duh winning winning,I was banging 7gm rocks that's how I roll winning..........' I dont want to answer my phone so I can let it ring hahaha

    watch this video on this link.

    Charlie isnt mad... he knows exactly what he is doing:

    <!-- m --> ... red_videos<!-- m -->

    I will watch but where in what I said about my ringtone did I say Charlie Sheen was mad <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    I haven't once said he was mad in any of my posts,I am on #teamsheen which what I have been saying this whole time.

    @ MJhasSpoken Thanks,we should though,one shot at it,one chance to win <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    'I'm on a drug,it's called Charlie Sheen,it's not available,if you take it once your face will melt off and you will die' HAHA.
  • LOL my phone keeps ringing and all I hear is 'Duh winning winning,I was banging 7gm rocks that's how I roll winning..........' I dont want to answer my phone so I can let it ring hahaha

    watch this video on this link.

    Charlie isnt mad... he knows exactly what he is doing:

    <!-- m --> ... red_videos<!-- m -->

    I will watch but where in what I said about my ringtone did I say Charlie Sheen was mad <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    I haven't once said he was mad in any of my posts,I am on #teamsheen which what I have been saying this whole time.

    @ MJhasSpoken Thanks,we should though,one shot at it,one chance to win <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    'I'm on a drug,it's called Charlie Sheen,it's not available,if you take it once your face will melt off and you will die' HAHA.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Never a dull moment in the life of Charlie Sheen.
  • @sinderella. Sorry, i didnt mean it to come out that way. I merely meant it in general... that the media are labelling him mad and that i dont think he is. I can see how you thought i had directed that at you. I wrote it in a wierd way, i guess.

    Sorry about that confusion! x

    Also,... check this link out. Charlie is selling tickets to a road-show: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Here is the bio:
    My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not An Option Show is coming for you.

    I'm going on the road. LIVE.

    Will there be surprises? Will there be guests? Will there be mayhem? Will you ask questions? Will you laugh? Will you scream? Will you know the truth?

    This IS where you will hear the REAL story from the Warlock.

    Bring it. I dare you to keep up with me.
  • charliesheen

    Curveball; Warlock edict; pain & devastation in Japan demands us all to dig deep & LOVE THEM VIOLENTLY Dogspeed my cadres of the Far East! c about 2 hours ago via Twittelator
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    by RunFaYaLife » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:49 pm
    I can tell you this most of the people in the USA are sick of Charlie Sheen
    He is nothing more than a spoiled celebrity.

    I live in the USA and I'm not sick of Charlie. If he's sober, heck, even if he's not, he's speaking more truth than most of them have in a long, long, time. If he's sick he needs help but I am another who wouldn't be surprised to learn that he is acting.

    On another note I keep hearing how difficult and long the process is to get verified on Twitter. Charlie Sheen had over a million followers in less than 10 posts and now has over 2 million followers in what...a week? Amazing. However, I just noticed that he's also been verified by Twitter.

    I guess this makes another area that Charlie is #Winning.

    i'm not sick of him either. my mom is borderline about the hoax (i talk to her about it) and she thinks charlie has issues, but she told me that he makes some really good points. he's an ACTOR. he's raised some really good questions about US policies and such. if you actually read past the warlock's tales, there's actually something there.
  • Yeah that warlock BS is just nonsense.

    I do not think Charlie is even aware of the "hoax" ...
    he's too stuck on himself and his message...whatever THAT is.
    He also has too big of a mouth.
    Bet your mom would agree with that.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125

    That link doesn't work for me. Does it work for you?
  • It did for me Mrs Peppers.

    All it says is "sign up and start winning'".
    With your email.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334

    That link doesn't work for me. Does it work for you?

    Nope! He might be but his website is deffo #notwinning haha

    Check out the thread from Nelly's twitter and what he tweeted yesterday...

  • That link doesn't work for me. Does it work for you?

    Nope! He might be but his website is deffo #notwinning haha

    Check out the thread from Nelly's twitter and what he tweeted yesterday...

    Do you have a link to Nelly thread? x

    Also, did you see my reply to you further up? x
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Do you have a link to Nelly thread? x
    Also, did you see my reply to you further up? x

    I do

    and I missed it but I have just read it over now and it is no problem,just a mix up is all <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    I checked your links out too,haha I just joined The church of Charlie Sheen on facebook,someone suggested the page to me,how could I say no?
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