7 Stars & a Palm Tree - JCC clue?

TouchedByAnAngelTouchedByAnAngel Posts: 143
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I came across something tonight and I would like to share with you all. I was looking for something on my computer and ran across a notepad file that I saved on March 8, 2010 called JCC Clues. I don't remember if I copied this from somewhere or if a hoax friend shared this with me, since it has been so long ago. Anyway, I've heard of this poster named JCC (Joke Calms China) but I think this was all posted before I signed up with the forum. Anyway, I must have planned on looking into this at one time since I saved it, but with new things coming out all the time I never looked at it after I saved it, until tonight. I'm going to copy/paste exactly what I have in this notepad file below. Then I will post what jumped out at me and is the title to this thread. Ok, here is what is in the file

Hey guys,

For those who don't know- Joke Calms China (Anagram of Michael Jackson) was a mysterious poster from MJHD ( <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.com<!-- m --> ) He left us with riddles and other strange messages, but of course many people (myself included) disregarded all of these; until they began to make sense. This is the post in which you can view all of the JCC riddles, and maybe work them out for yourself! Most have already been cracked, ( see MJkit ) but more riddles may arise now that JCC has joined MJkit.


I am a very close London based friend of MJ.
I am not prepared to say too much but a few people on this site are very close to the truth with what they are speculating.

Everything will become clear soon, trust MJ.
I cannot reveal too much at this present time but I can tell you, MJ is happy now.
I will still be here on 1st August 2009
I must go now.
Colour of flowers
German banquetting hall August 1st 2009
Colour of flowers
Oodless of press
set destination
He takes all the credit
Really this is all I can say, I have said too much already.
From this you can work it out, you just have to research and put together a few other things on this.
Please understand the sensitive nature of this issue.
People could go to prison can you see my reason for being so secretive.
Germany is the key.
I shall not be able to post very often as I will be travelling out of the country.
Keep faith
The sweetest river in Germania
Hello everybody, I have now landed at my set destination.
Things are progressing well and everything is according to plan.
shhh! The worthier, over-fed patient
Trust MJ
Lonely I stand on the moon
Sunshine boat games
I am being silenced and maybe its for the best.
The heat is on and the circle is closing tighter.
May the sun set on the darkest grass.
Trust MJ
||||||| \|||\\||||\\|||
hundred cremators
the sun that shines on everyone
princess grace
mourn small flowers
Dominate insociable thieving.
Overjoyed helping crudities
Alert steel thickhead
I wake up coming soon
No man of gold
7 (seven years old)
Get them On 20th (10th August 2009 )
OLD FOOL BACK ON EARTH (Mon Sep 14 2009, 01:06 [GMT])
7 stars and a palm tree
the sun shines on everyone
Ha Ha (Thu Sep 24 2009, 15:51 [GMT])
[Please note: this was a reply to a topic about MJ's 'penguin dance']
JCC Posidonius Jackson high in the sky ( Posidonius or Poseidonios was an greek philisopher who first created the word "Germania" (for Celts) in a book which gave the base for "Tacitus Germania". )
L.A is my Lady
No more clues.This is it. The last goodbye. L.O.V.E.
(Fri Sep 25 2009, 23:12 [GMT])

JCC also said something about it being a 'wild ride' and to 'hold on tight'
At an earlier time, in MJHD chat room ,JCC wrote: "Hightail Pidgins Inn","Their sole","Dema Ref". But I don't know if it was real JCC.

JCC: October 30th. Rebirth.

JCC2: Liberian Girl.

JCC2: of course its all a lie. for michael didn't die. JCC is he..and JCC is me. Oct. 30th. I will COME BACK. This wasn't it for me.. but for the meDIA.

Jokecalmschina: 7 stars and a palm tree.
Jokecalmschina: of course (this was in response to Bidoska's "I'd like to ask you a question may I?")
Jokecalmschina: just think of lovely things and your heart will fly on wings.
Jokecalmschina: I love you and miss you all dearly.
Jokecalmschina: thank god for the internet.
Jokecalmschina: **heart icon**
Jokecalmschina: goodbye everyone.

JCC: I hear a symphony each time you speak of me
JCC: yes, we are very interested
JCC: do it mac
JCC: sorry, wrong
JCC: joke, you are just a joke
JCC: 51
JCC: Morning glow all days long
For we sing tomorrow\\\\\\\'s song
Never knew we could be so strong
\\\\\\\"its time, i love you from the bottom of my heart, but please, be good, be good\\\\\\\"
JCC2: Dimonstratzione: A commitment to test knowledge through experience.
Sensazione: The continual refinement of the senses, especially sight, as the means to clarify experience.
Sfumato: A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty.
Arte/Scienza: The development of the balance between science and art, logic and imagination (\\\\\\\"whole-brain thinking\\\\\\\").
Corporalita: The cultivation of ambidexterity, fitness, and poise.
Connessione: A recognition and appreciation for the connectedness of all things and phenomena; \\\\\\\"systems thinking.\\\\\\\"

Michaeljackson1996: so he said JCC3 , a fake , JCC2 a messenger , JCC1 the delivery, and Jokecalmschina is MJ
Michaeljackson1996: JCC2 is a messenger. he tells michael wut we do and what we want him to know
Michaeljackson1996: JCC1 tells us what mj says in return

So, there is a lot here to look into and I know many of you worked on this on the old forum. I haven't had time to go through it all yet, but here is a link I found to mjkit where there was a whole section dedicated to investigating this persons "clues".


I put in bold red color what jumped out at me. 7 Stars and a Palm Tree

On Feb. 24th I post this in another thread http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=250&t=18006
This is interesting and I'm looking forward to more in this series from TheMichaelProject.

Godspell does seem to have some Michael flavor to it <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I noticed that it began it's off Broadway run at The Cherry Lane Theatre and then moved to the larger Promenade Theatre in New York City.


The Promenade Theatre is an Off-Broadway theater, which is actually located on 2162 Broadway, and was renovated from a Mormon church.

This reminded me of the TMZ article about MJ's latest video being produced for Hollywood Tonight...in front of the Pantages Theatre. The Pantages Theatre, formerly known as RKO Pantages Theatre, is located at Hollywood and Vine (6233 Hollywood Boulevard), Hollywood, California, in the United States of America.

- There are many references to Vaudeville Schtick in the Godspell movie.

The Pantages Theatre Circuit had been built on Vaudeville, and the new Hollywood theatre programmed first-run movies alternating through the day with Vaudeville acts for its first two years. But like other theatres during the Great Depression, it was forced to economize and thereafter operated primarily as a movie theatre, though live entertainment was presented occasionally.

Pantages sold the Hollywood landmark in 1932 to Fox West Coast Theaters. In 1949, Howard Hughes acquired the Pantages under his RKO Theatre Circuit and moved his personal offices to the building's second floor.

Past productions that have graced the Pantages (as part of Broadway in L.A.) have included: Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz. There are numerous others but these of course jumped out at me.

<!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantages_T ... llywood%29<!-- m -->

It's late and I will have to look into this more, but I found the theatre connection intriguing, and of course the Howard Hughes link is just another coincidence I'm sure <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

Blessed to have been,
Touched By An Angel

<!-- m -->http://twitter.com/TouchedByAngelM<!-- m -->

On Feb. 26th I posted the following in that same thread
In my last post I talked about the Pantages Theatre where MJ's video for Hollywood Tonight was being filmed. Today, Feb. 25th I run across this gorgeous shot of the front of the theatre that was supposedly sent from the Jackson Estate to the fan site called Mjnewsalerts.com


<!-- m -->http://home.mjnewsalerts.com/2011/02/25 ... 9D-videos/<!-- m -->

It is taken from a distance but the 7 big stars jump right out at ya! Also when P P and B were on the Good Morning America show with grandma today, Paris said she wants to try out for a play. Plays are usually in theaters (I know she said school play, but still) IDK, thought I'd share.

Touched By An Angel

So, Hollywood Tonight was filmed at the Pantages Theatre which has 7 BIG Stars on the banner area where the name of the play would normally be displayed. Also the cover art for the Hollywood Tonight single has a Palm Tree on it.


We know better than to think it is a coincidence, and we also know that everything is planned and included for a reason...especially when it comes to MJ and his art/videos etc.

So how did this person JCC know about this clue way back in Aug. of 2009? At that time, nobody knew there was going to be this MICHAEL album and what would be on it, especially cover art for singles. Well nobody EXCEPT Michael himself <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

I'm excited and think this is important. Perhaps there are other things about these clues that would make sense now? As I said, I never investigated the JCC clues and now I'm anxious to look at them. I'm hoping some of you that did look into these clues way back when will look again with "fresh eyes".


Love & Light,


  • pepperpepper Posts: 558
    Regarding Stars and a Palm Tree - made me think of this at the end of the "Hold My Hand" video -

    at 3:38

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Did he also post all these \\\\\\\\\\\\\ ? Because that was the same OCD type of thing that Maura supporter troll had who I banned from here several times. Dorian, MHA, Lizard something.

    I remember JCC and I never liked his clues and how he acted in the chat. IF he was a genuine informer, Mike made the right choice 'replacing' him.

    I am actually more interested in the old Shanaland posts from back in the days. She didn't make any sense at all back then, but I would love to read those posts now. Anyone saved those?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I am actually more interested in the old Shanaland posts from back in the days. She didn't make any sense at all back then, but I would love to read those posts now. Anyone saved those?

    Me too...since I have NO idea what they are. lol
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Thank you for sharing this TBAA. I do remember JCC but I also remember that s/he was debunked. But there was also more than one JCC around that time. There was one on Twitter too.
  • ijcslyijcsly Posts: 128
    i always thought the 7 stars and a palmtree were referring to the palms resort hotel in vegas because of a) the palm in palms resort and b) it has its own walk of fame with 7 stars and c)in 2009 the kids went there during the summer with katherine and at thanksgiving they stayed there with Joe , but what do i know right??

    I'll see what if anything i can dig up on Shanaland.
  • ROFLROFL Posts: 530
    I googled a bit and found some posts i assume it's "our" shanaland, not sure though but it seems like her

    <!-- m -->http://lapdblog.typepad.com/lapd_blog/2 ... pdate.html<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://lapdblog.typepad.com/lapd_blog/2 ... pdate.html<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://parabook.wordpress.com/2009/07/1 ... -who-died/<!-- m -->
  • ijcslyijcsly Posts: 128
    thank gawd for copy and paste oh well enter" Shanaland" at your own risk!
    The following is from wherever shana 's spaceship landed:

    You should see more info given also with the name “Brandon DeMarcus Jackson” If you don't, then you know what's going on.

    FLUCK NO. Thanks 4 asking mjforever.always. Talked to LAPD Detective Sanchez (female)today. 213-485-2129 Was told one family member identified MJ's body. Coronor did not perform DNA test for identity purposes. I told her it was absurd not to bury a body this long. It has decomposed to fragmented rot, even if refrigerated. BTW, I'm an RN. I should know. Marlon has some audacity to talk about dressing MJ with the makeup & outfit!!!! I asked if the MJ Investigation was nearing....

    NO DNA taken per Detective Sanchez/LAPD Detective Division

    YES!!!!!!! I smell a rat on here. We must find it before my freakin pc blows. I'm already getting a “virus type” error msg & I'm running top-notch anti-spyware,adware,etc….

    <!-- m -->http://www.harding.edu/Mag/feature4.html<!-- m -->
    $500 to $999
    Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jackson
    Mr. and Mrs. Johnny McCaleb has been deleted.
    There IS a reason.
    Forest Hills purchased Fitz Henry Funeral Home sites in Ca day after MJ “died”
    Fitz Henry filed bankrupty-Found Bankrupty Notice indicating Franke Goode
    and Pearl McCaleb were owners filing; Also bankruptcy for gas
    stations in “DUBAI”
    more…I doubt this will get through

    Because they're screwin with my pc & I'm tired of posting then it gets blocked. So I try again.
    Sheridan James Jackson
    father: Roy Jackson
    mother: LUCY GAY MCHENRY
    Fitz Henry Funeral Homes = NV
    <!-- m -->http://www.harding.edu/Mag/feature4.html<!-- m -->
    Mr. and Mrs. Todd R. Goode? FitzHenry Funeral Home Ca Locations Bankruptcy Notice filers: Frank Goode and Pearl McCaleb
    I'm working on identifying “Brandon DeMarcus Jackson” ?

    Post 1
    Shanaland 1 sept at 3.04 pm
    You should see more info given also with the name “Brandon DeMarcus Jackson” If you don't, then you know what's going on.
    First of all, thank you for answering my email.
    The reason I wrote was the fact that you were accurate with your predictions about the rehiring of these people.
    Regarding the health of Michael Jackson, I really would believe that Michael himself leaked the illness. Michael has a history of not hiding his illness from the public. The way Ian describes the lung disease is exaggerated, when compared to the second autopsy report.
    If these autopsy reports are true, because they are very contradicting. It is as if there are two different sources, with two different stories to tell.
    The first portrays an ill and frail man who could have never done 50 concerts. This story is being supported by the Jackson family. They clearly stated that there were doubles during the This Is It and that Michael was forced to do the concerts.
    Karen Faye and I quote: “…walking the red carpet, would be like walking on Michael’s blood”. She also supports the frail and ill Michael story.
    The second is a healthy Michael Jackson preparing to do 50 exploding shows for his fans.
    This story seems to be supported by AEG and Sony. Kenny Ortega has said several times that Michael was very excited about the shows.
    Both of these stories are very contradicting to me and turning the death of Michael Jackson in to a mystery. The death of Michael Jackson has been ruled homicide and dr Murray has been the main suspect ever since, but no arrest has been made so far.
    Dr Murray disappeared after Michael was brought to the hospital, along with the bodyguard who made the 911 call. Dr Murray refused to sign the death certificate and has had boxes removed from his office, 5 hours before calling 911. Any way these alone should be enough to make an arrest.

    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K<!-- m -->…..ne_Jackson
    Brandon Jackson, stillborn twin brother of American singer Marlon Jackson

    <!-- m -->http://www.iberianet.com/artic<!-- m -->…..726504.txt
    caleb wrote on Jul 7, 2009 3:11 PM:
    ” r.i.p brando jackson and michael “
    <!-- m -->http://files.usgwarchives.net/<!-- m -->…..llv85k.txt

    Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health.
    As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from
    1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM.
    JACKSON, BRANDON DEMARCUS 29-Aug-1985 m (same birthday as Michael)
    I'm not going to write out this again. Pasting from a post I did from yesterday.
    Getty Images took photos inside Staple Memorial/Jacksons own Getty Images
    Getty merged with AEG
    Jackson bought Associated Press Images/has interest in AP that release news to the media
    Kevin Winter-Photographer/AP Images
    Ed Winter/LA County Chief Coroner who released MJ's cause of death to the media
    Jackson had already bought AEG/AP Digital(to pull off the fake rehearsal footage of MJ at Staples) Mark Jackson maintains the LA County coroner's website
    Jackson has power over what news is released-Ed Winter-Chief Coroner related to Kevin Winter who is employed by AP Images which Jackson own=corrupt coronor and corrupt news THAT IS WHY UCLA HOSPITAL CHIEF CORONER REFUSED TO SIGN THE DEATH CERTIFICATE-THE BODY WAS NOT CONSISTENT WITH MJ'S MEDICAL RECORDS
    And we wondered why Katherine wanted a 2nd autopsy….Somebody had to be willing to sign the Death Certificate? Fitz Henry Funeral Homes/Forest Lawn(who purchased Fitz Henry California funeral locations day after MJ died) That's why Forest Lawn is willing to cover for the hoax-They got a GREAT DEAL on all those CA cemetary locations
    <!-- m -->http://www.google.com/search?h<!-- m -->…..amp;aqi=g1
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v<!-- m -->…..ENLl-hDya0
    stop mark jackson video at 2:53…Anyone familiar?
    I am not a mod or affiliated with this forum other than joining as a member like you people. However, I suspect/know the site is being watched by wizards behind the curtain. As I reveal info, they go to the site & erase it.
    Now, please, no more posts from me. I have enough to think about. I will not open any pms. This is all I can give you. I leave you with this thought in dectecting clues: YOU MUST NOT THINK LOGICAL. BELEIVE THE UNIMAGINABLE, UNTHINKABLE, PREPOSTEROUS
    Oh, soooo being the MJHD addict that I am, I spent an hour bawling my eyes out but still looking through the posts here! JUST as I was about to sign off for good, I came across Shanalands post! I KNOW that most people aren't a fan of hers here, but I could not BELIEVE what I read!!
    PROOF PROOF PROOF that this ENTIRE thing is in some way orchestrated!!!! So I am taking the liberty to post what she wrote, because I don't think that most of you will even go into one of her threads anymore!! CHECK THIS OUT!! HOPE YOU DON'T MIND SHAINA!!

    Shamoan, moaning again…Beat it! I'm tired of your ::edited::. Facts: Mark Jackson is the webmaster at LA County Coroners Ofc (Cheryl Terrell/Joe Jackson's son)
    Getty Images took photos inside Staple Memorial/Jacksons own Getty Images
    Getty merged with AEG
    Jackson bought Associated Press Images/has interest in AP that release news to the media
    Kevin Winter-Photographer/AP Images
    Ed Winter/LA County Chief Coroner who released MJ's cause of death to the media
    Jackson had already bought AEG/AP Digital(to pull off the fake rehearsal footage of MJ at Staples) Mark Jackson maintains the LA County coroner's website
    Jackson has power over what news is released-Ed Winter-Chief Coroner related to Kevin Winter who is employed by AP Images which Jackson own=corrupt coronor and corrupt news THAT IS WHY UCLA HOSPITAL CHIEF CORONER REFUSED TO SIGN THE DEATH CERTIFICATE-THE BODY WAS NOT CONSISTENT WITH MJ'S MEDICAL RECORDS
    Guys!! Freaking GAME on!!!! I dont know if I should be really pissed at Michael right now or REALLY REALLY in love with him for being so genius! But GAME ON!!!!!!!!
    I am a polka and writes in Polish. I do not know English.
    Michael Jackson has company does what agencies and thrown to the network these false tidings to see
    that the official version given by the media and individuals are false, or inaccurate.
    Michel agency operates under the agreement and Michael Jackson.
    It seemed such a double hoax.
    Media, police, coroner, DEA and others are not expected.
    For some reason hoax – his death – M. Jackson
    agreed and carried out in cooperation with the relevant authorities and persons.
    They all did not expect that it is a company that lays bare the actions. That is why such confusion.
    for example: the house of Michel are journalists and an ambulance, but the second is / will see it when the gate is closed /. It has come too late for 6 minutes and the trip to see the gate that will leave the ambulance and filming it.
    Yes there are 2 versions.
    1 version:
    The first ambulance and journalists / i purported picture of Michel / in an ambulance by his friend the journalist captured
    2 version:
    second ambulance and delayed trip
    Same with the helicopter ambulance to the coroner and others explore everything like that. Everything is double.
    Hoax in the hoax-Aug.
    Hoax live reality of the death of Michael for his life filmed by the media.
    Hoax reality the agency made in the death of Michael for his life filmed by him.
    I cannot believe my long explaination didn't post!!! Take Katherine's Biological Adult kids add Joe's other nestlings: David M, Marnel, Pauline Colette, Mark Jackson. Fling w/Cheryl Terrell. Think of the multiple names you could use to buy businesses & obtain loans until the REAL MJ $$$ starts pouring in(1st creditors must be satisfied, so there is a waiting period)Then the J business offers start flooding in & it's like MONOPOLY. You start small & end up broke or buy up everything in sight! <!-- m -->http://www.iviewtube.com/video<!-- m -->…..sy-results <!-- m -->http://www.nj.com/entertainmen<!-- m -->…..ad_pi.html
    Chief Coroner Ed Winter possibly related to KEVIN WINTER/GETTY IMAGES MARK J. TERRILL/AP PHOTO
    Fling with Cheryl Terrell. Children:David M, Marnel, Pauline Colette, & Mark Jackson (think of how you can work the initials/last name Mark Jackson=Mark J Terrill(he replaced the e before both l's with an e)giving greater borrowing power/buying power/enough power to HOAX a death? Here's a huge business just acquired:
    <!-- m -->http://www.apimages.com/Search<!-- m -->…..p;pagez=20&
    btw, I found a previous Jackson myspace with Joh'Vonnie's pic on it & then when I tried to copy the link it disappeared?
    Theory here:You own part of the associated press who share news with the world, you buy off the coroner who may have a son/relative by the name Kevin Winter who has a stake in Getty Images & you generate enough clout to buy out google(between all the Js esp Jermaine & his wealthy oversea friends) I think that's what Liza Minelli was speaking about when she said, “All hell's gonna break lose.” Get ready members. They're buying up everything. Could someone please check who owns Staple Center? I've got to go rest my weary head
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Ah great! I will go read after a good night of sleep (or bottle of Vodka, not sure yet) <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I am actually more interested in the old Shanaland posts from back in the days. She didn't make any sense at all back then, but I would love to read those posts now. Anyone saved those?

    I found something HERE:

    - Mark Jackson is the webmaster at LA County Coroners Ofc (Cheryl Terrell/Joe Jackson's son)
    - Getty Images took photos inside Staple Memorial/Jacksons own Getty Images
    - Getty merged with AEG
    - Getty/AEG
    - Jackson bought Associated Press Images/has interest in AP that release news to the media
    - Kevin Winter-Photographer/AP Images
    - Ed Winter/LA County Chief Coroner who released MJ's cause of death to the media
    - Jackson had already bought AEG/AP Digital(to pull off the fake rehearsal footage of MJ at Staples) Mark Jackson maintains the LA County coroner's website
    - Jackson has power over what news is released-Ed Winter-Chief Coroner related to Kevin Winter who is employed by AP Images which Jackson own=corrupt coronor and corrupt news THAT IS WHY UCLA HOSPITAL CHIEF CORONER REFUSED TO SIGN THE DEATH CERTIFICATE-THE BODY WAS NOT CONSISTENT WITH MJ'S MEDICAL RECORDS
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I wasn't aware of all Joe's other children besides JoVonnie. These's another whole family of Jacksons here if this is true. David M, Marnel, Pauline Collette, Mark Jackson. If this is true, I wonder why we've only been told about JoVonnie.
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    In my last post I talked about the Pantages Theatre where MJ's video for Hollywood Tonight was being filmed. Today, Feb. 25th I run across this gorgeous shot of the front of the theatre that was supposedly sent from the Jackson Estate to the fan site called Mjnewsalerts.com


    I thought this was interesting. I checked for the meaning of the word "Pantages" and it means: "MAY YOU LIVE FOREVER!" ... just another thing that makes you go <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    Just thought I would share that with you. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Last name origin & meaningof Pantages

    Americanized form of Greek Pantazis, from a personal name meaning ‘may you live for ever’, from panta ‘always’ + zis ‘may you live’ (an inflected form of the verb zein ‘to live’).

    Read more on FamilyEducation: <!-- m -->http://genealogy.familyeducation.com/su ... z1FfvzbEWQ<!-- m -->
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