Why would AEG hire Dr. Murray?

IntegrityIntegrity Posts: 449
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
He was a shady Doctor so why did AEG hire him unless he was paid off to kill MJ:(
Than when AEG was asked they decline TO COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RED FLAG!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you pay someone $150.000 a month without checking out there background??
And his contract was not even signed by MJ so he really did not have a legal contract at all so while he might of thought he was playing Michael AEG was playing Dr. Murray.. Just a painful thought.. I know we all must have read this before but it just does not make since to me...AEG SHOULD BE ON TRIAL SITTING NEXT TO DR. MURRAY
Help please! If it is a repeat topic sorry!
Found this article.. Check it out..
Michael Jackson's death: Jackson camp says concert promoter hired doctor [Updated]
Comments (20) (113)(0)June 26, 2009 | 2:43 pm
The cardiologist being sought for questioning in the investigation of Michael Jackson's death was hired by a concert promoter to accompany the entertainer to London for his comeback concert series, a Jackson advisor said today.

Dr. Conrad Murray, a physician with offices in Nevada and Texas, was with Jackson when he went into cardiac arrest Thursday; police, who talked to Murray briefly at UCLA Medical Center, are trying to track him down for further interviews.

Dr. Tohme Tohme, a Jackson advisor, said that Los Angeles-based concert promoter AEG Live retained Murray and that the physician arrived in town less than two weeks ago.

Jackson and the rest of the company were set to depart early next week for England.

"I don't know the exact arrangements, but AEG paid him and he was going to go with [Jackson on tour]," Tohme said of Murray. Tohme said Murray treated Jackson for a cold when the singer was living in Las Vegas last year.

A spokesman for AEG declined to comment.

In a statement, the company, which had sunk tens of millions of dollars into Jackson's comeback efforts, expressed condolences to the singer's family and said it planned to begin processing refunds for about 750,000 tickets next week.

Police sources said Friday afternoon that they were still looking for Murray. Investigators impounded his vehicle at Jackson's Holmby Hills house.

Murray was hit with hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal judgments last year and has a history of money problems.

In 2008, three judgments were filed against Murray or his company, Global Cardiovascular Associates in Clark County, Nev., totaling more than $435,000, and two other cases are pending from companies that claim Murray owes them a total of $355,000. The three judgments include $71,332 for school loans, $135,302 to Popular Leasing USA and $228,420 to Citicorp Vendor Finance.

Murray specialized in cardiovascular disease and was licensed in California, Nevada and Texas. He has no history of discipline in those states. He graduated in 1989 from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, an independent, historically black university that touts itself as “perhaps the major educator of black physicians in the U.S.”

Murray practices in both Nevada and Texas. In Houston in 2006 he helped open the Acres Home Heart and Vascular Institute, fulfilling part of a promise he made after the death of his father, a longtime community leader and doctor. He opened Global Cardiovascular Associates, his Las Vegas practice, in 2000. On Friday, that Las Vegas office was dark and locked. A "Closed" sign hung on the door, reading: “Will be back at :00 p.m.”

At least one TV crew circled the parking lot.

Nobody answered the door at Murray’s Las Vegas home -- a million-dollar stucco-and-stone dwelling in a gated community next to the Red Rock Country Club -- but a gray sedan pulled away as a reporter approached.

In addition to the recent judgments, Murray filed for bankruptcy in 1992 in Riverside County. Five tax liens were filed against him between 1993 and 2003, in amounts totaling more than $44,600, according to county records.

[Updated at 4:40 p.m.:Tohme said that Jackson selected Murray but that AEG paid the doctor's bills.]

--Harriet Ryan and Kimi Yoshino, with Ashley Powers in Las Vegas

Photo. Dr. Conrad Murray in 2006. Credit: Houston Chronicle


  • so again how much time lapsed between the time murry left the hospital and the police caught up with him. was it like a coupe full days? anyone remember?
    another question was there an unsigned contract for murry or no contract at all? anyone know ?
  • I guess nobody knows, including Murray. That's the weakest point of the hoax scenario.... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    Conrad Murray: Michael Broke the Syringe!

    27 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

    A huge development in the Dr. Conrad Murray trial involving the death of Michael Jackson ... the defense wants a first generation fingerprint of a broken syringe found in MJ's bedroom the day he died ... and our sources say they think it could prove that Michael killed himself.


    Dr. Murray's lawyers were in court this AM. Among other things, they lasered in on a broken syringe that had rolled under Michael's deathbed. The defense wants a first generation fingerprint to determine who was handling it.

    Defense sources tell us ... Dr. Murray insists he did not break the syringe. As TMZ first reported ... the defense believes MJ caused his own death by giving himself a massive overdose of Propofol while Murray was out of the room.

    Defense sources say ... there were only two people in the room, and since Murray did not break the syringe, Michael must have handled it.

    The defense is asking that the FBI deliver the first generation fingerprint.
  • IntegrityIntegrity Posts: 449
    Please tell me how can someone who has a catheter on, who has been injected with durgs by his doctor for over 14 hours OUT SIDE A HOSPITAL SETTING, when medics arrived they said looked like a hospice aids patient and they had prounced him DEAD!!!

    Being this weak & frail could in this sickly condliton be able to drug himself.


    IS THIS A JOKE OF A HOAX OR WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • I honestly feel that Michael rented that house, but he was not living in it. He probably stayed at the Beverley hills hotel, the hotel near his rented house. In his rented house was a frail man who unfortunetely was very sick. This man was the man who passed away. Michael was not there at all, he must have hired Murray to take care of the sick man. That's why you see the catheter, syringes, etc.. That was not Michael... Believe me.
  • IntegrityIntegrity Posts: 449
    Thank you so..That makes so much since <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    I have to stop falling for the movie that is being played out.
    Much love!
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    Carrie Fisher also hinted at this when she was on Craig Ferguson.
  • IntegrityIntegrity Posts: 449
    Who verified that the body that was taken to UCLA hospital was Michael Jacksons?
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    I honestly feel that Michael rented that house, but he was not living in it. He probably stayed at the Beverley hills hotel, the hotel near his rented house. In his rented house was a frail man who unfortunetely was very sick. This man was the man who passed away. Michael was not there at all, he must have hired Murray to take care of the sick man. That's why you see the catheter, syringes, etc.. That was not Michael... Believe me.

    I've always wondered about that also. Especially since the 911 came from there. Like Michael was there, and Murray and the rest of the "cast" were at Carolwood. I've always also thought it was another dying man there. All reasons for the medical equipment..and for hiring Murray. Also, maybe Michael'd been at Beverly Hills hotel awhile, as that was what the song was written on. Then again, I suppose no ones to say, he didn't write it after he died. lol.
    But, now, fit that into this TS FBI scenario. Even if all his reasons for getting to the FBI were genuine, as, we know he feared for his life, but, what, does the FBI bring in a person to cover for MJ, as in set up the hoax with someone living there that was dying, and when they did die, the plan went into action?
  • IntegrityIntegrity Posts: 449
    I agree frodtocarr with both of you!!
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