Michael Jackson stunt is a lookalike thriller

all4loveandbelieveall4loveandbelieve Posts: 4,455
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
A London music studio has re-created the heart-stopping moment Michael Jackson dangled his nine-month-old son from a fifth-floor Berlin hotel balcony.

Madonna and Child, a life-sized sculpture of the late king of pop with baby Prince Michael II, has been installed at Premises in Hackney, causing passers-by to do a double-take.

Los Angeles-based artist Maria von Köhler, a former Royal Academy of Arts student, was commissioned to create the piece, made of polyester resin, finished in acrylic and wax. It is on display until May 1 then moves to LA.

What I have a hard time comprehend is the family got angry at that poor James for saying pepsi moment,at American Idol. are the family going to get angry for displaying this waxed statue ??? Probably not. I find it unfair..

<!-- m -->http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/showbiz/a ... hriller.do<!-- m -->


  • I hope that Michael will not see it <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Maybe we should remove from here, to not give any kind of publicity to it.
    Whoever did this sculpture in my opinion are sick people.
  • angranityangranity Posts: 339
    To me it looks like an insult to Michael Jackson, and his fans.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    To me it looks like an insult to Michael Jackson, and his fans.

  • This is degrading Michael. I forgot to write this on my first post. If I were the Jackson family I would tell them to remove that waxed statue immediately. It also states that the statue will travel places to places. I am so upset I cannot express myself enough.. I AM ANGRY AT THIS..
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    This is degrading Michael. I forgot to write this on my first post. If I were the Jackson family I would tell them to remove that waxed statue immediately. It also states that the statue will travel places to places. I am so upset I cannot express myself enough.. I AM ANGRY AT THIS..

    An MJ lover/fan would never make a statue of Michael like this. Why is it traveling places like it is a masterpiece? It pissed me off too.
  • This is degrading Michael. I forgot to write this on my first post. If I were the Jackson family I would tell them to remove that waxed statue immediately. It also states that the statue will travel places to places. I am so upset I cannot express myself enough.. I AM ANGRY AT THIS..

    it can be expressed pretty simply. anything for money
  • angranityangranity Posts: 339
    This is degrading Michael. I forgot to write this on my first post. If I were the Jackson family I would tell them to remove that waxed statue immediately. It also states that the statue will travel places to places. I am so upset I cannot express myself enough.. I AM ANGRY AT THIS..

    An MJ lover/fan would never make a statue of Michael like this. Why is it traveling places like it is a masterpiece? It pissed me off too.
    Everyone is pissed about this insulting statue. There's nothing good about it!

    Y'know the rumors of MJ's child molesting and stuff, - (but he was of course innocent and was proven to be). This statue supports this rumor 100%, and it makes me angry.. That's what it looks like. <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    Please tell me this is an April Fool's joke...

    Dear God, if a statue was made for some of the things that I did that were either blown out of proportion or that I had a misjudgment on... wow! There would be some pretty interesting statues out there! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • this kind of shit just pisses me off!!!..sorry but it does..this is not art!!..this is not funny!!..this needs to be removed!!!..wish there was someway to get this banned and the person doing it!!..just how low some will go..why would any person or company want to have this at there site?..i also hope mj kids and family dont see this and if the family does i hope n pray they take action!!......THE ONLY PLACE IT NEEDS TO TRAVEL IS UP THE AZZ OF THE PERSON THAT MADE IT!!!!..
    huggs n faith n love to all
  • Please tell me this is an April Fool's joke...

    Dear God, if a statue was made for some of the things that I did that were either blown out of proportion or that I had a misjudgment on... wow! There would be some pretty interesting statues out there! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    when I read the article I honestly thought it would have been an April fool joke. NO it ain't...
  • Thank you for pointing this out to us. I wonder if there is someone that we can write and complain to? I agree - this is just as insulting as continually bringing up the allegations as though he is guilty. This needs to stop.

    Michael meant no harm by this. He thought he was doing a good thing by showing the fans his new son. Clearly he made a poor decision not knowing the outcome that would follow but in my opinion this is absolutely no different than parents who leave their small children unattended in cars while they run into a store or allow them to ride unrestrained in a car without seat belts or even letting them play near water or a busy street without direct supervision. The only difference is that this is Michael Jackson. People need to put this into perspective and get over it. This happened like, what, 10 years ago?

    Geez. Sorry, it gets me going at how people hang onto every little thing when it comes to Michael. Geraldo was right. When's the last time we heard the story of Brittney Spears driving with her infant in her lap or shaving her head or Charlie Sheen and his wife attacking each other with their small children in the same house? Okay...I'm going to go to the other room and take a deep breath now.... LOL.

    Who commissioned this artist - does anyone know how we can contact them? And, why would it be going on tour? What tour? Who would want to see this? To me it does sound like an April Fools' joke...but nothing surprises my anymore. Blessings.
  • dom425dom425 Posts: 100
    I am 13 and I still remeber seeing him dangle Blanket from the balcony on the news. I saw it over and over again. I will probibly never forget seeing it. I don't even remember what I thought about it, but now that I'm older I think it's sad how the media makes everything that is not important/life altering into the worst thing that could have ever happened.

    No wonder alot of people make small things into the worts thing ever. The media is controling our minds.
  • DanielaDaniela Posts: 37
    You can post a reply or comment at this website:
    <!-- m -->http://www.premisesstudios.com/blog/mic ... -premises/<!-- m -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    The world once loved Michael Jackson, and he was huger than huge. He made people jealous, and they had to find weaknesses or things to tear him down. His enemies jumped with glee at the baby dangling and the molestation accusations. Today those are symbols of winning to them. But guess what, Michael is still winning and always will! He is pure, loving and strong. This baby-dangling did take place, they're not making anything up. The heart of that MJ was so proud of being a dad, and proof is in seeing those 3 kids today. No one can question that they are healthy, happy, beautifully raised children by their Dad. I'm glad they've been highly visible. He took them everywhere with him and the world knows that. How many travelling Dads do that? MJ does EVERYTHING in an unorthodox way, so that's nothing new. So I say, let them do their worst; MJ lives for controversy. Before June 25,09 I was fully aware of the media coverage of anything MJ, and was on the fence about most things realizing the media exagerated things. I don't think this latest piece of "art" will add anything really. It's just another enemy offensive, as usual. Michael will win this fight! Maybe somehow this could bring attention to the children of the world that their parents are not bursting with pride in having them, and choose to exploit them, abuse them, neglect them or abort them.
    And have people never seen The Lion King???
  • The world once loved Michael Jackson, and he was huger than huge. He made people jealous, and they had to find weaknesses or things to tear him down. His enemies jumped with glee at the baby dangling and the molestation accusations. Today those are symbols of winning to them. But guess what, Michael is still winning and always will! He is pure, loving and strong. This baby-dangling did take place, they're not making anything up. The heart of that MJ was so proud of being a dad, and proof is in seeing those 3 kids today. No one can question that they are healthy, happy, beautifully raised children by their Dad. I'm glad they've been highly visible. He took them everywhere with him and the world knows that. How many travelling Dads do that? MJ does EVERYTHING in an unorthodox way, so that's nothing new. So I say, let them do their worst; MJ lives for controversy. Before June 25,09 I was fully aware of the media coverage of anything MJ, and was on the fence about most things realizing the media exagerated things. I don't think this latest piece of "art" will add anything really. It's just another enemy offensive, as usual. Michael will win this fight! Maybe somehow this could bring attention to the children of the world that their parents are not bursting with pride in having them, and choose to exploit them, abuse them, neglect them or abort them.
    And have people never seen The Lion King???

    Wow~! that is very true. The lion king. Thank you for sharing this. blessings.
  • You can post a reply or comment at this website:
    <!-- m -->http://www.premisesstudios.com/blog/mic ... -premises/<!-- m -->

    Thank you for the link <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • 2MuchMJLuv2MuchMJLuv Posts: 332
    OMG, how stupid and what a waste of art. He has done soo many wonderful things, amongst them all why this? Steve Irwin (the crocodile hunter) wasn't ridiculed for taunting a croc in it's cage with his baby in tow. Within a split second his son could've been an Hor' Dourve. I didn't have a clear understanding about why Mike did it. When it happened, I thought he was taunting the fans and not necessarily trying to show the baby's face. He'd thrown several items over the balcony as they cheered and begged for more, and being the joker that he is I thought he'd lowered Blanket. He wasn't trying to hurt him.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    OMG, how stupid and what a waste of art. He has done soo many wonderful things, amongst them all why this? Steve Irwin (the crocodile hunter) wasn't ridiculed for taunting a croc in it's cage with his baby in tow. Within a split second his son could've been an Hor' Dourve. I didn't have a clear understanding about why Mike did it. When it happened, I thought he was taunting the fans and not necessarily trying to show the baby's face. He'd thrown several items over the balcony as they cheered and begged for more, and being the joker that he is I thought he'd lowered Blanket. He wasn't trying to hurt him.
    Were you there in person to see it yourself?
  • Yambo3003Yambo3003 Posts: 291
    Some people are really bored and spending their time making...well, you just saw it! UNBELIEVABLE!!
  • 2MuchMJLuv2MuchMJLuv Posts: 332
    I saw the footage as well as the hundreds of journalists who passed judgement. Did you see it? Were you in the hotel suite with him? Yeah, didn't think so. If you read my post my choice words were "thought", "didn't hear".....etc. Wow! Here we have someone with nothing better to do but start ish.

    Moving on.... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    OMG, how stupid and what a waste of art. He has done soo many wonderful things, amongst them all why this? Steve Irwin (the crocodile hunter) wasn't ridiculed for taunting a croc in it's cage with his baby in tow. Within a split second his son could've been an Hor' Dourve. I didn't have a clear understanding about why Mike did it. When it happened, I thought he was taunting the fans and not necessarily trying to show the baby's face. He'd thrown several items over the balcony as they cheered and begged for more, and being the joker that he is I thought he'd lowered Blanket. He wasn't trying to hurt him.
    Were you there in person to see it yourself?
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I'm sorry I didn't ask in the right way, I meant it as a sincere question, to the way you worded it. I don't know what people may have experienced or seen, and don't know what country you're from.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    The world of art encompasses some of the most cruel and pathetically stupid people on the planet. Yet, at the same time, that same art world holds some of the most brilliant minds the world has ever known. Growing up in the art world, I have seen many pieces of so-called, "art". It's art because someone says it's art. This is one of the lowest pieces I have seen. For an, "artist" to make light (and profit) out of this situation is incomprehensible. However, I also hold this supposed recording studio responsible. They have absolutely no right to commission such a piece. They should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone within the music business, no matter what type of music, owes a great debt to Michael. They need to be held accountable. Yes, the family should be up in arms over this. All4loveand believe.....you mentioned James on AI...I had the strangest feeling about that comment. When I watched the show, I felt like he was told to say that <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I have no idea why.
    Anyways, I have more thoughts.......but, alas, the coffee is done!
    Hope everyone has a beautiful Sunday!
    Blessings to all.........
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    OMG, how stupid and what a waste of art. He has done soo many wonderful things, amongst them all why this? Steve Irwin (the crocodile hunter) wasn't ridiculed for taunting a croc in it's cage with his baby in tow. Within a split second his son could've been an Hor' Dourve. I didn't have a clear understanding about why Mike did it. When it happened, I thought he was taunting the fans and not necessarily trying to show the baby's face. He'd thrown several items over the balcony as they cheered and begged for more, and being the joker that he is I thought he'd lowered Blanket. He wasn't trying to hurt him.
    Steve Irwin copped some pretty heavy media flak here in Australia. News stations even compared that episode to MJ's baby dangling incident.
  • The world of art encompasses some of the most cruel and pathetically stupid people on the planet. Yet, at the same time, that same art world holds some of the most brilliant minds the world has ever known. Growing up in the art world, I have seen many pieces of so-called, "art". It's art because someone says it's art. This is one of the lowest pieces I have seen. For an, "artist" to make light (and profit) out of this situation is incomprehensible. However, I also hold this supposed recording studio responsible. They have absolutely no right to commission such a piece. They should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone within the music business, no matter what type of music, owes a great debt to Michael. They need to be held accountable. Yes, the family should be up in arms over this. All4loveand believe.....you mentioned James on AI...I had the strangest feeling about that comment. When I watched the show, I felt like he was told to say that <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I have no idea why.
    Anyways, I have more thoughts.......but, alas, the coffee is done!
    Hope everyone has a beautiful Sunday!
    Blessings to all.........

    Wishingstar, I have the same feeling you have. I think this was part of his script somehow. The judges had no reaction to it. I guess they knew he was going to say it. you have a point there. blessings.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    what a jackass <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
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