Did Michael Jackson have a Twitter?

angranityangranity Posts: 339
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
The title says it all.

I've been wondering for a while as if.. did Michael Jackson have his own Twitter account where he posted his own updates, written with his very own fingers (if you know what I mean), - this all of course before his "death".


  • I have no idea about that <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    But i remember that in one of his interviews he said that he wishes to have friends who would not know that he is Michael Jackson. Of course that's not possible in real World, everybody knows who Michael Jackson is, even if that person lives under a rock <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> . But it is possible in the internet, who could create a file on facebook, myspace or twitter and talk to people without them knowing who he really is. I think it's possible <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I am not sure about Michael having a twitter account, but I came across this today on my time line. And I went to check it out. My first instinct tells me, wait a minute, but then reading more, I am going hmmm.... This may be worth keeping an eye on, then again maybe not.

    This user is Peter Pan @truthlovebelief - Neverland

    @TrueNewsZone Michael comes onto this account to speak to his fans, but he does not own any accounts himself, this one is mine.
    5 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    truthlovebelief Peter Pan
    I'm going now. It's 10:06pm and I need to get some rest. I'll try and be online tomorrow. Much love. - Michael JOE Jackson
    6 hours ago

    truthlovebelief Peter Pan

    @Eternal_Blisss I'm glad to hear it <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    6 hours ago

    truthlovebelief Peter Pan

    @TheLadyAmalthia Thank you so much. That means a lot to me.
    6 hours ago

    truthlovebelief Peter Pan

    @bettal8thanever I love you more. I'll be back after the trial. I promise. Much love.
    6 hours ago

    truthlovebelief Peter Pan

    @gypzygurl I'm well, how about you?
    6 hours ago

    truthlovebelief Peter Pan

    @selena2244 I'm here. How are you, sweetie?
    6 hours ago

    truthlovebelief Peter Pan

    @Freeyoursoul12 Thank you. This is Michael. I love you so much more. I love you all.
    6 hours ago

    truthlovebelief Peter Pan

    @Eternal_Blisss I'm good, how're you?
    6 hours ago

    @assenav39 I'll come back in a conference and a tour. London is major in the hoax.
    6 hours ago

    truthlovebelief Peter Pan

    @TheLadyAmalthia Good to hear! I'm good, thank you.
    6 hours ago

    truthlovebelief Peter Pan

    @_Crescendo_ Yes, this is Michael.
    6 hours ago

    truthlovebelief Peter Pan

    @marbina64 Hello. How're you? I hope you are well.
    6 hours ago

    truthlovebelief Peter Pan
    Sorry I'm late, I've been very busy. How're you all? I Love you so much. - Michael
    6 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    truthlovebelief Peter Pan
    "He'll" be on in about one hour. I have to go now. Bye!
    11 hours ago
  • I think if he would have a twitter account, he wouldn't name it Peter Pan because fans would figure out it's him. It would have to be some off the wall name...like Dookie, Junebug or maybe a common name like Trevor Jones.<!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Well there is a Michael Jackson twitter account that is verified but it just post updates and trivia questions things like that.
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