2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
edited July 2010 in News
This article is taken directly from the site I have included

"They didn't know why he was still alive. But his heart stopped at 4:15am on the morning of Thursday, June 25th, 2009. "

He was given prompt pronouncement of death and placed in the ice bath with the autopulse cardiopulmonary support. But the standby team had to wait an hour for the funeral director before they could leave the hospital. It took another hour for the team to reach the funeral home, driving slowly in the van while the team gave him cardiopulmonary support. "" Hmm the same day MJ passed(?). Another coincidence again.

Remember in the interview with Bashir, MJ was asks how he would want to be buried? His reply was " I never want to die...I want to live forever"....MAYBE A BIT FAR FETCHED...... BUT COULD IT BE POSSIBLE? WHAT IF HE WANTED TO LIVE FOREVER AND CHOSE TO FREEZE HIS BODY UNTIL THEY FIND A CURE FOR HIS ILLNESS??? THATS WHY HE IS MISSING?? AND NOT REALLY DEAD?

CRYONICS- Freezing of the body. I believe they can do this now while you are still alive, and do not have to be dead.....

"Your Last Best Chance For Life--and Your Family's."

The Cryonics Institute offers cryopreservation services and information. As soon as possible after legal death, a member patient is infused with a substance to prevent ice formation, cooled to a temperature where physical decay essentially stops, and is then maintained indefinitely in cryostasis (ie, stored in liquid nitrogen). When and if future medical technology allows, our member patients hope to be healed, rejuvenated, revived, and awakened to a greatly extended life in youthful good health, free from disease or the aging process.


  • Eva REva R Posts: 1,217
    hmm.. I don't think he will do that to his children <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    "Your Last Best Chance For Life--and Your Family's."

    The Cryonics Institute offers cryopreservation services and information. As soon as possible after legal death, a member patient is infused with a substance to prevent ice formation, cooled to a temperature where physical decay essentially stops, and is then maintained indefinitely in cryostasis (ie, stored in liquid nitrogen). When and if future medical technology allows, our member patients hope to be healed, rejuvenated, revived, and awakened to a greatly extended life in youthful good health, free from disease or the aging process.
    LIFETIME $1,250 once none $28,000
    YEARLY $120 per year $75 once $35,000
    (Human cryopreservation prices do not include "Local Help" cost for a funeral director or shipping, which can range from nothing in Michigan to $3,000 on the US west coast -- and more overseas.)
    Membership gives the privilege of making arrangements for human cryopreservation, pet cryopreservation or tissue/DNA cryopreservation
    Click Membership page to join the Cryonics Institute
    Insurance-funded costs for basic SA Standby/Transport
    plus CI Perfusion/Storage:
    $88,000 $95,000
    Click Suspended Animation, Inc. for details on costs, terms and procedures

    That would be feasable if he had died of a terminal illness that there is a possibility of finding a cure in the future. I really don't think this has happened though as there are many things to suggest he is alive, also his family would be acting as a bereaved family would as it may be that they will never see him again in their lifetimes. My Sister did read many years ago in a comic with an article about MJ that he had in fact paid to have his body frozen when he dies but was maybe no truth in it. I did mention this on the old site but everyone dismissed it so is probably a bit far fetched.Walt Disney had his body frozen and the time lapsed for what he had booked for so I do not know if he is still frozen or not.
  • I thought that too
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I'm glad someone else at least gave it a thought. I suppose we all have to find answers, and although this is the most unlikely one, I would have been really happy if when my mother died in 1980, that they could have frozen her, until they found a cure.....she should have lived. I know the pain of losing a parent . I was only 13, and we still had 5 children at home.

    I think we sometimes have to think outside the BOX..... it's my enthusiastic mind that doesn't stop and wants to know the truth.
  • Thing is it is really good that members are pointing out all options and reasons as it may be a reason that we had not even thought of. I have always thought there is something that we are missing/ something that we had not even contemplated. It may be like a mystery novel- when you get to the end and you could kick yourself for not guessing the plot and not figuring it out as it was obvious all along!
  • Freezing someone alive would kill him. So the guy would not only been labelled 'dead', but also 'murdered'.
    By the way, cryogenics can't work : our body is full of water. When freezing, water gets a bigger volume and breaks the containers - whatever they are : human cell, glass bottles, stones...
  • Thing is it is really good that members are pointing out all options and reasons as it may be a reason that we had not even thought of. I have always thought there is something that we are missing/ something that we had not even contemplated. It may be like a mystery novel- when you get to the end and you could kick yourself for not guessing the plot and not figuring it out as it was obvious all along!

    Last summer, at seeing how they were delaying the burial, I had that idea that maybe he hadn't died on June 25, but his brain was damaged by the lack of oxygen and he would never recover. This would have been the reason why the family had chosen to tell he was dead. That's also the reason why they couldn't bury him just after the memorial. They thought he would soon after June 25, but it took more time than expected and that why they had to delay the burial for two months.
    That theory would explain why they were not devastated on July - he was still alive, even if in a coma ; why nobody signed the DC ; how it was possible to do the prep and make-up in September... That would also explain why the family was not so devastated in September either - they had time to prepare themselves to the idea of the death, and to say him goodbye.
    Well, that's just a theory.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    It's great the both of us are looking at other options. I believe he is still alive, but there is more talk about him being dead, than alive (besides us).
    At some point, either way, we all have to accept the truth, whatever that is. Maybe we are so focused with looking for the clues of him being alive, that our minds are not seeing anything else. Alot of people say and do things out of the ordinary when under stress. I know the Jackson family are very spiritual, and they believe that MJ will never die in their hearts and through his music. What if the family are just not showing too much emotion in front of a large crowd, like at the memorial. Some reports say Catherine was a blubbering mess and crying the whole time, but the cameras weren't allowed to show that. Alot of children don't cry tears. Men don't cry alot in public either. I'm sure there was alot of crying in private. When my mother died of Lupus, I was only 14 y/o. Even though I was grief stricken, I didn't cry that much at her funeral in front of 100's of people, but when I got home, I couldn't stop, and haven't got over it since. I'm now 45 y/o. We as investigators, need to always keep an open mind. It takes a while to speak of the deceased in past tense, cause for at least 6mths, you are in denial and keep thinking they will come back. That's how I coped. I still believe he is alive, otherwise I wouldn't be here, but I think I need to keep an open mind on this. Think of the consequences if he did come back. Did he really achieve anything? The media will have a field day with him and will think his is really Wacko. I still keep the faith. Just thinking out aloud.
    This is not to offend anyone. I spend about 5 hrs a day looking for more clues as well. My 6 y/o son hates me doing that. Cheers
  • traceys_hometraceys_home Posts: 102

    This should answer some of your questions. I have contacted them myself for other reasons. It's very real and has been done for decades. Not until now has there been any true success.

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I think this is part of Michael saying at the end of TII, "I'm going to have a little fun with them, snap my fingers maybe and BAM. Here's a pic from Leave Me Alone video.

  • traceys_hometraceys_home Posts: 102
    I think this is part of Michael saying at the end of TII, "I'm going to have a little fun with them, snap my fingers maybe and BAM. Here's a pic from Leave Me Alone video.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I haven't seen that image in a longtime <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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