Nikki Sixx spreading HATRED about MJ being a pedophile

edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Sorry I do not know how to post pics of this HATRED at the hands of Nikki SIxx the bassist for Motley Crue and a radio personality for Sixx Sense also he has a clothing line as well, all should be boycotted !!

its all here on my Facebook (<!-- m --><!-- m -->) , sorry I do not know how to post pics and stuff, maybe a mod or so someone can copy it here please.

SO its NOT ok to call people racist names or gay slurs , BUT THIS HATRED is ok??? Where is his family??? Where is his friends?? Where is the Estate?? SORRY this from a Celebrity who has a big syndicated radio station?? Where is Al Sharpton and Jesse? Here I am tweeting all these people to try to get them to stand up for the person they personally loved and knew first hand. They didn't stand up back in 2004 then lets see if all their tears and words are backed up by action against this hatred!! I am fighting for him and yet I am getting called the most VILE names from Nikki Sixx fans, mind you I use to follow him on both twitter and facebook and then I saw today and realize he has hatred in his heart!! Clear Channel needs to do something about this guy, and I won't stop until they do!!

Sorry but if you call someone a faggot or N***** its enough to lose your jobs in the entertainment industry, BUT this IS NOT???

His bosses should have to answer for this!!! HELP ME FIGHT THIS

heres the link to my facebook and twitter, if I have to I will call Clear Channel and anyone paying Nikki to be on the radio / record label/ clothing line and ask that he be stopped, this is too far!!!

<!-- m --><!-- m --> there are screens shots here of what's being said on his twitter and there is even more on his facebook and he talked about this on the radio airwaves!!!
<!-- m -->!/JENNYAPPLEHEAD<!-- m -->

I really am curious to see how many fans/believers will stand up about this...... THIS has to stop where is his ARMY?? His children should not see another "artist" attack their father so publicly


  • Jenny - I appreciate that you did not post what he actually said. We don't need to have that continually spread throughout the Internet.

    I feel your heart and I understand your anger. But sometimes we need to fight with level heads. You are doing a great job voicing your concern in the right area but if I can caution you, please make sure you state your case with fact.

    I did post a comment on one website that had the article listed. Unfortunately I was distracted and hit the submit button before I could check my grammar so it could have been written better. But, I did manage to state fact, like the Child Welfare Agency that investigated Michael has recently made a statement that the allegations were unfounded.

    We stand with you on this and together we will set the record straight. Mr Sixx should know better than to point fingers.

  • Jenny - I just looked at how many people of Michael's celebrity friends/family you tweeted this subject to. I have to say that I think you are incredible. It will be interesting to see who responds.

    Great job <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Thank you. I usually stay silent most of the time. But this today I could NOT. This was too hateful and all I thought is where is all these people that have spoken out since 6/25 I mean I can name 20 celebs off the top of my head that should be jumping on Nikki. Its shocking!! I guess I am too loyal a person. IDK, this time I could NOT sit and do nothing I am sorry I just can't this time. I had to act.

    If I can fight the Department of Justice in honor of my father for 3 years with no lawyers I can fight for my support and belief in this type of hatred NOT being tolerated.

    I will be in contact with Clear Channel tomorrow and maybe even Brancas office and Al Sharptons and Rev Jesse Jacksons offices as well. I think they would like to know and could come to his defense.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I saw what he had to say he is a horrible person and I sent him twitter messages and I told jermaine and teddy Riley this behaviour can not be allowed
  • I also tried responding, not with the same tastelessness he displays, but by sending several links to articles, youtube accounts, and posting some truth. But, fools will not listen to truth if it hits them in the face.

    In all of this we need to remember to conduct ourselves in the same manner that Michael would - after all, we are an extension of him.

    The truth will prevail in the end. Blessings.

    A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.
    Proverbs 29:11
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