Michael Jackson exclusive: Blanket Jackson's surrogate mother is a Mexican nurse

all4loveandbelieveall4loveandbelieve Posts: 4,455
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
<br />Is this the truth, I have no clue.. I was searching in the internet something really different, and this came to me.. I tried to attach Blanket`s photo but it gave me an error message. I would like for you to focus on that picture, you can see actual tears in his eyes. This photo was taken on the day of Michael`s funeral.. <br /><br /><br />The surrogate mother of Michael Jackson’s seven-year-old son Blanket is a Mexican nurse named Helena.<br /><br />As several people come forward to claim parenthood over the King of Pop’s three children, the Mirror has discovered the truth behind the birth of his youngest.<br /><br />Despite rumours about who fathered the boy, we can reveal Jackson is his biological dad.<br /><br />Blanket, real name Prince Michael Jackson II, was born on February 21, 2002 at the Sharp Grossmont Hospital in La Mesa, near San Diego in Southern California.<br /><br />Now it can be revealed his mother was a pretty latino nurse who Jackson personally selected. Jacko paid Helena a $20,000 surrogacy fee to have his child and lavished her with gifts, generous expenses and staff to see to her needs.<br /><br />Her identity has been a secret since Blanket was born. On his birth certificate Michael Joseph Jackson is identified as the father but the line for “Name of Mother” is left blank.  <br /><br />The child was conceived through IVF. Jacko donated his sperm for the procedure.<br /><br />An unknown woman, also chosen for her gene pool, was the egg donor – effectively making her Blanket’s biological mother.<br /><br />The woman was paid a mere $3,500 for her contribution and signed legal papers handing over all rights to the child. Her identity is an even bigger secret within the Jackson family.<br /><br />It is unlikely she was even told that her eggs were involved in Blanket’s birth.<br /><br />A close friend of Jackson’s told the Mirror: “Michael wanted a designer baby. He had two wonderful children but wanted one more and was quite specific on the gene pool he wanted to tap into.” Jackson approached IVF specialist Dr Lila Schmidt at the beginning of 2001 when Prince was three and Paris was two.<br /><br />It has been claimed that Debbie Rowe, the mother of the two eldest children, had medical complications following Paris’s birth which forced Jacko to look elsewhere for a mother.<br /><br />Helena was one of a string of women presented to the star as possible surrogates. He reviewed several profiles which included photos, full background checks and family history.<br /><br />Jacko decided on Helena, who lived on the outskirts of San Diego at the time, and after meeting her was convinced she was perfect.<br /><br />The friend told the Mirror: “He chose Helena because she had a latino background but she was also a US citizen and had quite fair skin. <br /><br /> “He liked her because she was very attractive and seemed stable and intelligent. She was a nurse or medical assistant, which he also liked.  <br /><br />“She was around 5ft 4ins, slim, aged around 30 and had long, dark, straight hair. He said she was strait-laced, almost a girl next door type.  <br /><br />“There were no dramas with her. She knew what she had to do and got on with it.”  <br /><br />Despite Jacko’s careful selection over the surrogate mum, little of her genetic attributes will have been passed on to Blanket. Dr Schmidt, who is bound by confidentiality rules but can talk in general terms, said: “The surrogate is the carrier of the baby. The biological mom is the egg donor.  <br /><br />“The surrogate has no connection to the child. It’s not their kid. On the birth certificate you can say whoever you want. That’s why you hire anattorney.  The birth certificate can say Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse but there might not be any genetic relationship to the child.”  <br /><br />While Jacko was keen for Helena to be well looked after, the friend said “He kept his distance. She didn’t have a chaperone or any kind of handler watching her every move or anything like that.”  <br /><br />The friend added that Helena agreed to the surrogacy because she needed the money to send back to her family in Mexico.  <br /><br />“She was a lovely person and told Michael the money would help her family out,” said the friend.  <br /><br /><br />Advertisement - article continues below »<br /><br /><br /><br />“Michael rang her a few times during the pregnancy to make sure everything was OK.  <br /><br />“He had a picture of Helena which he showed to close friends. But he never discussed whether he’d ever tell Blanket about his mom.”  <br /><br />Dr Maria Castillo is the medic who delivered Blanket and is named on the birth certificate.  <br /><br />She recalled the delivery at Grossmont hospital was a success but says Jackson was not present.  <br /><br />Dr Castillo said: “There was an attorney at the birth. He took the baby away immediately after delivery. I didn’t know who the baby belonged to when I delivered the child.  <br /><br />“I was later told by a nurse at Grossmont that the woman had named the baby Prince Michael Jackson, and I said wow, I guess they like their rock stars. Maybe she likes Prince and Michael Jackson or something.  <br /><br />“It never occurred to me it was Michael Jackson’s baby.”  <br /><br />Dr Schmidt added: “Michael Jackson wasn’t at the delivery but in order to get that kid out of the hospital there has to be a court order in place.”  <br /><br />It is believed the attorney then whisked the baby up to the star’s Neverland ranch.  <br /><br />The friend said: “Michael was thrilled. He was so excited and said Blanket was a good-looking kid. He had nurses and a nanny at the ranch to make sure the baby was cared for properly.  <br /><br />“But he was also a hands-on dad and didn’t mind changing diapers himself.”  <br /><br />TV producer Gary Pudney recalls that just days later, Jackson proudly introduced him to Blanket.  <br /><br />Pudney said: “Michael told me, ‘I have something to show you, Gary.’  <br /><br />“And he went in the back of the trailer into the little bedroom and brought out this little blanket that had something in it. And it was the baby.”  <br /><br />He added that Jackson never told him who Blanket’s mother was and he never asked.  <br /><br />Blanket was introduced to the world aged 11 months in Germany – immediately at the centre of a media storm after his superstar father dangled him perilously over a balcony rail at a hotel.  <br /><br />Over the years Jackson couldn’t keep his story straight about Helena’s identity.  <br /><br />He told Martin Bashir in the controversial 2003 documentary Living with Michael Jackson: “We have an agreement that we can’t talk about.  <br /><br />We have a contractual agreement, who she is and everything, that’s how we worked that out.”  <br /><br />Bashir asked if it was someone Jackson had had a relationship and the singer replied: “Yes.”  <br /><br />But in the same documentary Jackson completely contradicted himself, saying. “I used a surrogate mom, my own sperm cells. She doesn’t know me, I don’t know her.”  <br /><br />With his older brother and sister, Blanket, at least for now, is in the custody of Jackson’s mother Katherine, just as his father wanted.  <br /><br />Even if Blanket’s surrogate mother or the egg donor were to come forward, legal experts say they would almost certainly have no claim to him. <br /><br />http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/2009/08/12/michael-jackson-exclusive-blanket-jackson-s-surrogate-mother-is-a-mexican-nurse-named-helena-115875-21590431/


  • I don't know it's the truth or not , but i do think this is none of our bussines , this is very private and if Michael would have wanted us to know he would had tell it.<br />It's just an sensational story, and for me this is gossip.<br />I don't believe this belongs at the Hoax forum as well.<br /><br />always with LOVE<br /><br />BleuEyes
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    This article can be true or just a gossip. I personally do not care who Blanket's mom is. I do care about who his father is and that is Michael Joe Jackson. :)
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    It's nice to know Michael is indeed his father. He really looks like him.
  • Thank you for sharing this. I agree, it's personal and if Michael wants to share the details that's his business. In my eyes he's Michael's and that's all that matters to me. He could be adopted and he'd still be Michael's so I'm not sure why others are stuck on this subject of paternity.<br /><br />PureLove - I agree :)<br /><br />The first thing I noticed is that this came from a tabloid. So we can bet that it's not all fact. But, I do believe that he is Michael's and I do believe that Michael treated the mother very well.<br /><br />It made my day that much brighter by seeing your similar comments. Blessings :)
  • just like everything else so far, there is probably a little truth and a little ( or maybe a lot ) of lie here. i see they say at first the person got 20,000. 00 then say 3,000.00. besides that i am pretty sure the thing with debbie was a problem delivering . doesn't mean she couldn't have a c-section. even if she had trouble carrying she could still concieve. my opinion is there was no need for him to ever have to go to anyone else. jmo
  • Blanket looks just like Michael, especally his eyes.  Beautiful.  I never, ever doubted Michael is his father.
  • [size=12pt]I agree that this is a very private and sensitive subject but I did want to point out one thing.  IF the bulk of the story is correct then in my opinion Michael really never contradicted himself.  He DID have a "relationship" on a small scale with the surrogate if he met her during the selection process and kept contact periodically during the pregnancy.  Regarding the bio Mother...he truly didn't know her and had no contact.  I think the confusion and the suggestion of a contradiction stems from the fact that people assumed that there was only 1 woman involved when in fact there may have been 2.  That would mean that he spoke truthfully both times depending on how the question was phrased.[/size]
  • on 1312582629:
    <br />I agree that this is a very private and sensitive subject but I did want to point out one thing.  IF the bulk of the story is correct then in my opinion Michael really never contradicted himself.  He DID have a "relationship" on a small scale with the surrogate if he met her during the selection process and kept contact periodically during the pregnancy.  Regarding the bio Mother...he truly didn't know her and had no contact.  I think the confusion and the suggestion of a contradiction stems from the fact that people assumed that there was only 1 woman involved when in fact there may have been 2.  That would mean that he spoke truthfully both times depending on how the question was phrased.<br />
    <br /> <br />yep could be 
  • skywaysskyways Posts: 745
  • skywaysskyways Posts: 745
    Also i cant imagine that Michael will leaving his new-born child to the hand of his lawyer or some nurses :-??? NO WAY!  Article is tabloid - BURNED!!
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    tabloids have nothing else better to write? leave the kid alone. he's too young to even defend himself. LOW BLOW.
  • [size=12pt]I am so sorry to post this article, If I knew you guys would have bit my head off I wouldn't have posted it.. I agree it is not part of the hoax, I DID NOT WRITE THE ARTICLE, DO NOT SHOOT THE MESSENGER. Like I said I was not searching for anything related to the hoax, and this article popped out of no where. Is that we needed to see? Maybe.. Anyways I am sorry again to have offended some of you.. I will not post anything anymore .... Blessings to all. [/size]
  • on 1312607287:
    <br />[size=12pt]I am so sorry to post this article, If I knew you guys would have bit my head off I wouldn't have posted it.. I agree it is not part of the hoax, I DID NOT WRITE THE ARTICLE, DO NOT SHOOT THE MESSENGER. Like I said I was not searching for anything related to the hoax, and this article popped out of no where. Is that we needed to see? Maybe.. Anyways I am sorry again to have offended some of you.. I will not post anything anymore .... Blessings to all. [/size]  <br />
    <br /><br />Aaww, allforloveandbelieve,<br /><br />I'm so sorry you felt this way, it really was not my intention to attack, or hurt you.<br /> it was just my opinion.<br />Please post again. <br /><br />Remeber,  its all for LOVE<br /><br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1312607287:
    <br />I am so sorry to post this article, If I knew you guys would have bit my head off I wouldn't have posted it.. I agree it is not part of the hoax, I DID NOT WRITE THE ARTICLE, DO NOT SHOOT THE MESSENGER. Like I said I was not searching for anything related to the hoax, and this article popped out of no where. Is that we needed to see? Maybe.. Anyways I am sorry again to have offended some of you.. I will not post anything anymore .... Blessings to all. <br />
    <br /> <br />Oh don't say that, I'm glad you posted the article and enjoyed reading it! Yes, some may be true and some tabloid fabrication, but it certainly answered my question about the 2 different answers of Michael's in the Bashir interview. I totally agree with Love4Michael way of explaining it. Makes sense. I've always known MJ was the biological dad, but it's nice they confirm it.
  • skywaysskyways Posts: 745
    Dear All4love!! Plz do not take our comments as offended to yourself! U well explained that  content of the post is have nothing to do wth ur side- so we just analysing 2 the point of truth@ I am very sorry if i hurt you- plz accept my apology. BLESSINGS!
  • They said there were no tears at the memorial, but there are tears rolling down poor little Blankets face :(
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1312622463:
    <br />They said there were no tears at the memorial, but there are tears rolling down poor little Blankets face :( <br />
    <br /> <br />Do you have a link to this video or pics of this? I've never heard or seen this. Thanks.
  • Just click on the link under all4loveandbelieve article above, and you will see the pic :)<br />
  • goatgoat Posts: 46
    This cant be taken seriously imo.Daily mirror?The only thing this so called newspaper is good for is to recycle.Nothing but trash,please believe that(I know you already do).Not sure if you are all aware but they are also being investigated for phone hacking just as news of the world were and look what happened to them.They dont care who they hurt or offend as long as they get their story to fill a space.Shame on them.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I've seen this pic before but not the "tears". Betcha they were added. His face doesn't look like that of a crying kid. He's too young to be stoic with tears. Crying children are a mess. I don't believe this pic is unaltered. These tabloids are disingenuous at best, we know this.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Actually I remember him crying at the memorial. I don't think the picture is photoshopped. Blanket is a small kid and he looked so bored at the memorial. Probably he didn't like the crowd and wanted to leave and that's the reason why he was crying. No big deal imo.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1312607287:
    <br />[size=12pt]I am so sorry to post this article, If I knew you guys would have bit my head off I wouldn't have posted it.. I agree it is not part of the hoax, I DID NOT WRITE THE ARTICLE, DO NOT SHOOT THE MESSENGER. Like I said I was not searching for anything related to the hoax, and this article popped out of no where. Is that we needed to see? Maybe.. Anyways I am sorry again to have offended some of you.. I will not post anything anymore .... Blessings to all. [/size] <br />
    <br /><br />No need to be sorry for posting it. We talk about very different issues about Michael, hoax related or not. This is not something you wrote, it is just an article. Pls do not be offended by some of the comments. Keep on posting pls.  bearhug
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    @all4love, I don't see see any of the comments directed at you. Please calm down. Clearly the rage is targeted at the tabloid and those who consume it.
  • Not unlike any other small child that age, don’t matter what the occasion, when they get tired and bored, they will cry. Some will raise pure hell.  :lol: I can imagine Blanket was both by the time that service was finished.
  • In this picture it looks like he is crying a lot  :( It was during Paris' speech
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