V for ReVolution, Volume 1

Kristina4LOVEKristina4LOVE Posts: 622
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Sorry if this video has been already posted<br /><br />
<br /><br />0:33! Does this mean that he is connected to Michael? :shock:


  • on 1313347883:
    <br />Sorry if this video has been already posted<br /><br />
    <br /><br />0:33! Does this mean that he is connected to Michael? :shock:<br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]WoW this is what I call a POWERFULL SPEECH  8-)!!!! Thank you very much for this Kristina :).<br />Many people dont know this and many people dont care,but they have the power to choose their future.We as people can do many things united,unfortunately the majority are still "sleeping".I like many people here ,I'm hoping for better days,when all the human beings will be for peace and LOVE :).<br /><br />P.S. Michael can be very well conected to this,who knows why he choose to talk exactly about SONY and share a picture of egyptian bust,who looks like Mj?????<br />[/size]<br />080509jacksonbustp1.jpg
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I agree with V on the fact that the most important revolution is about the soul-awakening that has to be done and that will more effectively generate change. The tragedy of what is going on in the world is caused not only by the evil deeds of evil people but is let possible because of the unawareness of the majority and disunity.  Because let's ask ourselves the question. How is it possible that a majority is controlled by a minority? It's all based on the conscioussness level not on power and force because the law of physics is on our side when it comes to this. People are caught up in the fog, a fog of confusion and fear and uncertainty permitting the minority to have control over the majority. Sometimes I wonder what it is that they want? They already have everything but always want more than what they could possibly ever use in their lifetimes, so what's the point? The minority itself is being deceived and it seems its main role is to deceive the majority. Anyway, evil will destroy itself because evil always falls into its own trap.
  • on 1313356942:
    <br />I agree with V on the fact that the most important revolution is about the soul-awakening that has to be done and that will more effectively generate change. The tragedy of what is going on in the world is caused not only by the evil deeds of evil people but is let possible because of the unawareness of the majority and disunity.  Because let's ask ourselves the question. How is it possible that a majority is controlled by a minority? It's all based on the conscioussness level not on power and force because the law of physics is on our side when it comes to this. People are caught up in the fog, a fog of confusion and fear and uncertainty permitting the minority to have control over the majority. Sometimes I wonder what it is that they want? They already have everything but always want more than what they could possibly ever use in their lifetimes, so what's the point? The minority itself is being deceived and it seems its main role is to deceive the majority. Anyway, evil will destroy itself because evil always falls into its own trap.<br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]LOVE YOU Sarahli :-*!![/size]<br /><br />"God did not create EVIL.<br />EVIL is the result of what happens,<br />when man doesent have God's love,<br />in his heart."<br /><br />Deus Existe - Comercial da Macedônia (Albert Einstein) - Legendado<br />
    " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Do you know what Applehead? I LOVE YOU too  bearhug ... and thank you for this great video I totally agree  :-*
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Amazing video. Thanks for posting it.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    <br />Anyone ever bothered to ask this guy why the hell he always has an inverted pentacle on his desk that can only be seen a few times? And why he continuously makes a pyramid with his hands (NOT inverted)?<br /><br />I am sorry, but these videos give me a bad vibe everytime I watch them. I don't think he is connected to MJ, but that's just my opinion...<br /><br />

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    on 1313367538:
    <br />ngavcp.jpg<br />
    <br /><br />Still doesn't answer my questions. And in this hoax there has been talk about V and Revolution for way longer, plus there are more groups at the moment using it. Who says this guy isn't just using all of that for other intentions? Nothing happened on his predicted date, gathering at the Hollywood sign is plain out dangerous and he uses equipment that a 13-year-old can crack? Sorry, but there is nothing in his videos that convinces me that he is affiliated with one of the groups or with Michael. And again: why occult symbolism in a video that intends to preach freedom and revolution against it?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I didn't post the pic because it answers your questions. I posted it because it is interesting how Jacksons are interested in V. A good reference. I don't know if this dude is related with MJ or not but his videos are definitely interesting. I haven't made a decision about him yet tho.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I repeat what said at other times, these things have to be careful we don't know who  be behind these videos and "anonymous" :geek:
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    What other revolution could Front and Criss Angel be talking about coming this summer? Does anyone know if Back mentions a revolution coming, or just  "not a comeback but a takeover"?<br /><br />To me it makes no difference if V says it's a peaceful revolution or using some force, because the reaction of TPTB if threatened will be with awesome deadly force around the world, the likes we've never seen before. It could well lead to apocalypse and massive loss of life (Revelation scenario). The video is correct in showing that it is Israel that is the seat of the rulers of the world.
  • Yambo3003Yambo3003 Posts: 291
    I will say this, V is Michael Jackson and it's also my father. But he's also my mother and your brother... my friend! He is you and me. He is all of us!  ;) <br /><br /><br />9312ced70a16592d96d810afa61f1758.jpg
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    Thanks so much for posting this.  This reminds me of something called the meditation effect
    In 1960, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi predicted that one percent of a population practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique would produce measurable improvements in the quality of life for the whole population. This phenomenon was first noticed in 1974 and reported in a paper published in 1976. Here, the finding was that when 1% of a community practiced the Transcendental Meditation® program, then the crime rate was reduced by 16% on average. At this time, the phenomenon was named Maharishi Effect. The meaning of this term was later extended to cover the influence generated by the group practice of the TM-Sidhi® program. Generally, the Maharishi Effect may be defined as the influence of coherence and positivity in the social and natural environment generated by the practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi program
      <br /><br />http://www.mum.edu/m_effect/<br /><br />Interestingly, just earlier this evening I was recalling a quote from Einstein to the effect that a problem cannot be solved by the same level of consciousness that created it.  <br /><br />I can't help but think that Michael is behind this.  If not him, then certainly someone wanting us to think it is him, what with that Egyptian statue that looks like Michael.  Generally speaking, most people out there would not make the connection between MJ and the statue so that had to have been put in there as a clue.<br />
  • Ron paul 2012
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Alright, I think Alex Jones knows what a pentagram is. But, like all good scaremongers he also knows how to play up a story. Saying that they were "sacrificing goats on an upside down star" clearly informs the viewer that he is relating this story to Satanic influences. He doesn't need to say "they sacrificed goats on a satanic pentacle" because it is clearly implied. None the less, the information on this thread alone about pentagrams and pentacles is enough to drive anyone both ways. <br /><br />Pentagram is simply a five-pointed star symbol. There is no circle, and no intrinsic association to it. Will, and intent give a pentagram it's power and association. When the single point is facing up the pentagram represents the mastery of Spirit over Matter (the 4 elements, one for each lower point). When two points are facing up then it represents the reversal: Matter dominating the Spirit. Neither of these is inherently "satanic". Satanic philosophy, as taught by Anton LaVey, implies that there is no afterlife, or lofty, fluffy ambitious goodness waiting beyond this life. Therefore, LaVeyian Satanism proposes that Matter (the physical universe) is more important than Spirit (the metaphysical universe). That is why the inverted pentagram has associations with Satanism. <br /><br />Pentacles are pentagrams, encased by the circle. The circle has various association: the divine feminine; Karma; Hindu reincarnation associations; the Oroborous; and more. While the pentagram is meant as a symbol of power, intent, and energy, the pentacle is meant to be a symbol of permanence, protection, and recognition of forces/powers pervading the universe. You don't wear a pentagram; you create it in your minds eye, with your magick wand, or out of some sacred substance. You do wear a pentacle (inverted or right-side up) to symbolize your acceptance of certain supernatural forces at work throughout the universe. <br />http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_-rS5pXNsudg/SxVBATLUHFI/AAAAAAAAAcA/_6yJRCCKQVc/s1600/Pentagram.png&amp;imgrefurl=http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread709059/pg1&amp;usg=__O3Z6vvQDcR-x07z_hunQ-Ylqncs=&amp;h=512&amp;w=512&amp;sz=81&amp;hl=en&amp;start=19&amp;zoom=1&amp;tbnid=TbfVqTX50KZ8QM:&amp;tbnh=131&amp;tbnw=131&amp;ei=pUBKTtqMFMmGsAKu5oW4CA&amp;prev=/search?q=pentacle+inverted&hl=en&biw=1659&bih=818&gbv=2&tbm=isch&amp;itbs=1
    <br /><br />I'm wondering if many symbols like numbers can be used for both evil and good sides, depending on interpretation.  http://www.templestudy.com/2008/02/04/the-ancient-pentagram-a-christian-symbol/  But I know it is commonly used by Satanists, so I don't know why V would openly show this. :? Nothing is as it seems though, so I just don't know.<br />Here's the pentacle in front of V.<br /><br />vpentacle.jpg<br /><br />Does anyone see anything in these hands or whose they may be?<br /><br />vhands.jpg
  • He mentions Annonymous...Ron Paul (who's campaign is the Ron Paul Revolution)...SONY...Pepsi/Coke... All things could be things that Michael would speak about. I think the point is that everything is connected. We are all apart of this. It doesn't matter who this specific person is, he is representing all of us. As for the occult symbolism, I don't know, I tend to believe that symbolism can only be dangerous to those who don't realize what it means. There was questionable symbolism used in This is It, and even Thriller for that matter, that can all be interpretted as for or against the occult. I agree these videos are a little creepy, but again, so was Thriller and that's why it held my interest. It might just be a form of art/mystery to keep our attention. Or taking it a step further in terms of mind control, can't mind control be used for good in a sense? There's nothing evil about the information itself given in these videos, just as there's nothing good in the poetic, innocent sounding speeches given by Obama. My main point; I don't know if this is Michael or related to the hoax itself, but it isn't hurting anything.
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