Man Behind the Myth - excellent video about Michael

voiceforthesilentvoiceforthesilent Posts: 5,485
I wasn't sure where to put this but I couldn't pass up not posting it. If you do one thing today please watch this incredibly well written video. It brought out every emotion I have, I think. This is what people who don't understand the complexity of Michael need to see because it explains it so well.<br /><br />Blessings to each of you :)<br /><br /> /><br /><br /><br />


  • on 1315016615:
    <br />I wasn't sure where to put this but I couldn't pass up not posting it. If you do one thing today please watch this incredibly well written video. It brought out every emotion I have, I think. This is what people who don't understand the complexity of Michael need to see because it explains it so well.<br /><br />Blessings to each of you :) <br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />Thank you Voice for posting this. Of all the videos that I have watched on this site, this one is a keeper! :'(  Thank you for sharing.<br /><br /><br />Stay blessed, because you certainly are!<br />OnTheWingOfLove
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Absolutely amazing video.  Everyone should watch it, thanks for sharing voiceforthesilent.
  • Thanks for sharing this video. I'm only 4 minutes into it and I am really enjoying it.
  • Can't stop crying over that one.  I wish we could start over from day one and shown nothing but love for Michael.  It is amazing what the press will do for a story.  They just don't understand how such a beautiful soul can be real.  Thank you for posting that.
  • ChinbieChinbie Posts: 160
    Tks so much for this video!<br />michael is so awesome bearhug
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Just brilliant. I couldn't help but jot down this line from it....The biggest case of bullying the world has ever seen.  :'(
  • OMG, thank you so much! I posted it on every social network I'm in and even on my blog. My heart is crying right now because of all the injustice he had to go through.  :'( We love you Michael and we're there for you! Hope you never have to deal with that again! (I could use a heart like emoticon right now!  lolol/ )<br /><br />Thanks again, Voice!<br />[size=12pt]LOVE[/size] u all! bearhug
  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    Thanks Voice...really thanks for this video bearhug I'm specchless.... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:  MIke is.....wonderful, unique, rare , special...Mike is Mike !!! We are lucky!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: ......Amazing...... bearhug  <br /><br /><br />I don't found words...only...LOVE YOU MIKE EVERY DAY MORE ! bearhug <br /> moonwalk_/
  • LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this video! I cried like a baby when my husband and I watched it a few days ago. <br /> <br />The narrator's voice sounds like Ann Medina from the History channel....I wonder if maybe this is a documentary in the making, that will be shown on the history channel at a later date?<br /><br />I hope everyone watches this! Sending Blessings and Love to all!! :)<br /> bearhug <br />
  • This video is beautiful. I posted it all over facebook. One woman commented and said it hit her straight to the heart. If only one person watched it on my facebook page, fine by me. That's one more person who opened their eyes and at least gave truth the chance.
  • <br />Excellent video indeed! It really shows the man behind the myth, and it's inviting you to look further behind the biased opinion caused by the tabloids. This video should be watched worldwide, it's really worth it.<br />I love you Michael :'( .
  • This video is Awesome.  It makes me want to scream out to those who persecuted Michael unrelentlessly, and break down and cry for the kindness that went uncelebrated because so many were too blind to see. OMG! totally freakin Awesome.
  • Posting this on FB! <br />Amazing and of course had me crying at parts. What a unique loving caring human being Michael Jackson is!
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    I'm calm now, but the first time I saw this, last night on the "Back" thread, I broke down and cried like a baby.  And not just about the content, which is as voiceforthesilent said, "incredibly well written".  Imo, the narrator's voice sounds like MJ's.  Some members on the other thread mentioned this also, or that it sounded synthesized, or like Dave Dave, etc.  To me, Michael could easily sound this way, without any technical help at all.  I'm probably way out in left field with this, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was actually listening to Michael.  The video is brief, simple enough for children to understand, and gets to the point amazingly well, as though it is coming directly from MJ's heart.  Ok, I'll hush for now, just had to get this off my chest.  L.O.V.E.
  • I watched this movie a couple days ago...and wanted to reflect on it before posting.  I absolutely LOVE everything about this movie and hope that a very wide audience gets to see it.<br /> <br />For all that Mike is an absolute genius in music (singing, dancing, writing, short film, etc, etc)...that part of him is simply a reflection of the beauty that resides within him.  The music aspect of Mike isn’t a ‘job’ or ‘career’’s an extension of the ‘man’ and his soul.  Mike used his God-given talent to touch on social and personal issues...all in an attempt to make the world a better place.  He then took it many steps further and actually put his words into action by donating to charities, visiting orphanages, inviting disadvantaged children to his home...and in so many other countless ways that we may never fully know.<br /> <br />Sadly, many got ‘lost’ in the media-frenzy that surrounded Mike...and many believed everything they read and heard about him....most of which was the furthest thing from the actual truth.  The fact that the lies about Mike stuck with people, rather than all the good he has done...IMO speaks volumes about the state of humanity that we find ourselves in today.  <br /> <br />A lot of ‘fans’, after his ‘death’, said that the world wasn’t ready for someone like Mike.  I truly believe that Mike was sent to us because he was the type of person that the world desperately needed...but, for the most part, the world was too asleep to notice.  <br /> <br />I know that many are ‘touchy’ about Back’s post comparing the two ‘kings’...and I’m not suggesting that Mike was/is Jesus (nor do I think Back was).  But, in my eyes...Mike came pretty darn close to being as Jesus-like as he always hoped to be.  <br /> <br />It is my hope that the world gets it right the second time around.<br /> <br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
  • I so agree with all of you. It's an incredible video and I was thrilled to see on the BACK thread where it was posted that there is something planned by the author (s) of that video. I'm so so thrilled for that!<br /><br />I, too, posted it on all the media outlets I participate in. If one person watches it and has their eyes opened, their hearts pierced, and their minds changed, that is a step in the right direction.<br /><br />Yes, BeTheChange - let's hope the world gets it right the second time around. Very rarely does anyone get the chance for a "redo". The world will get it - let's hope they know how to respond this time.<br /><br />Blessings :)<br />
  • on 1315364064:
    <br />I watched this movie a couple days ago...and wanted to reflect on it before posting.  I absolutely LOVE everything about this movie and hope that a very wide audience gets to see it.<br /> <br />For all that Mike is an absolute genius in music (singing, dancing, writing, short film, etc, etc)...that part of him is simply a reflection of the beauty that resides within him.  The music aspect of Mike isn’t a ‘job’ or ‘career’’s an extension of the ‘man’ and his soul.  Mike used his God-given talent to touch on social and personal issues...all in an attempt to make the world a better place.  He then took it many steps further and actually put his words into action by donating to charities, visiting orphanages, inviting disadvantaged children to his home...and in so many other countless ways that we may never fully know.<br /> <br />Sadly, many got ‘lost’ in the media-frenzy that surrounded Mike...and many believed everything they read and heard about him....most of which was the furthest thing from the actual truth.  The fact that the lies about Mike stuck with people, rather than all the good he has done...IMO speaks volumes about the state of humanity that we find ourselves in today.  <br /> <br />A lot of ‘fans’, after his ‘death’, said that the world wasn’t ready for someone like Mike.  I truly believe that Mike was sent to us because he was the type of person that the world desperately needed...but, for the most part, the world was too asleep to notice.  <br /> <br />I know that many are ‘touchy’ about Back’s post comparing the two ‘kings’...and I’m not suggesting that Mike was/is Jesus (nor do I think Back was).  But, in my eyes...Mike came pretty darn close to being as Jesus-like as he always hoped to be.  <br /> <br />It is my hope that the world gets it right the second time around.<br /> <br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br /> <br />
    <br /><br />Amen sister, Amen! Sending you Love always!!! bearhug
  • @BeTheChange.....what a great post.....all the posts are.  Such love is apparent here....wonderful to see.  BetheChange...your post hit on exactly what I felt while watching this video.....I could quote..but would have to quote the whole thing, lol.  <br /><br /><br />How much better would we, the human race, be if we used our talents for good.....true good.  If we acted upon our whims of compassion towards those in need?  Who are we to decline the basic needs of life to our fellow man/woman/child?  Why is it those who have it all, sometimes give the least?  Michael lived what he preached, walked the walk, and talked the talk.  He never backed down of helping others....especially children....God Bless him for that.  In a world that values whether you are male or female, black or white, young or old....Michael loved all.  How many true celebrities do you know that give that much?  I am sure a few give back....what their account says to give (ouch, that hurt!)...but the truth hurts.  And the truth is, most people don't care nearly as much as Michael.<br /><br /><br />This is why we are here, on a death hoax forum, for all to see and read.  The message of love is still shallow in the minds of many.  We can't let the minds of many, outweigh the hearts of few.  Michael believes in love, love for all.  It's the heart that will outweigh the mind in the end.  Michael knew that long ago...that's why he fought for it, gave for it and eventually died for will conquer all.  <br /><br /><br />BeTheChange......The world may or may not get it the second time around.  It won't be for lack of trying on Michael's part....that's for sure! My hope and steadfast prayer is that the world will wake up to it's self-destruction.  The bent humanity has upon itself is scary.  In my heart, I know things will be has to.  Thank you for your wonderful, thought provoking post....great as usual : ) <br /><br /><br />Thank you for posting this video's a beautiful reminder of Michael's heart and soul.  <br /><br /><br />Blessings to all.....
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    An incredible video and also some amazingly eloquent comments here that I won't try to add to or improve on. Thanks guys!
  • @Voice and mjj4ever...thanks for your kind words and for keeping L.O.V.E. alive :) <br /> <br />@WishingStar...<br />You added on to my post beautifully...thank you for sharing your thoughts.  I also believe that things have to get better...and they will.  The world will either wake up on its own...or have ice-cold water splashed on them while in slumber.  The former is much more refreshing  ;) <br /> <br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
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