Open Letter On Behalf of Michael Jackson Fans to the Mainstream Media

PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
[size=14pt]Open Letter On Behalf of Michael Jackson Fans to the Mainstream Media <br />[/size]<br />Dear Worldwide Mainstream Media,<br /><br />We, the Michael Jackson fanbase, are keenly aware that the Society of Professional Journalists believe that public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy.The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. And although this code of ethics is voluntary, the majority of journalists embrace this code, believing that professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist's credibility.<br /><br />The Michael Jackson fan base is asking for a worldwide media ban of the use of the term "Jacko". Rooted in racism and negativity, the name plants the suggestion of "Wacko Jacko" widely used by tabloids to identify Michael Jackson prior to death. The media's use of this name directly contradicts professional journalists' code of ethics. There is no "public enlightenment" with the use of the term "Jacko". There is no truth to the name "Jacko" and there certainly is no provision for a fair or comprehensive account of any event or issue surrounding Michael Jackson.<br /><br />The name "Jacko", when used by journalists has two priorities: ratings and revenue. Additionally, the name is used to sway public opinion. In a heightened age of mistrust of the media by the public, it is imperative that journalists truly use their sense of professional integrity, including avoiding the use of headline grabbing names that harm the subject or those related to him.<br /><br />Leading the way are Elysa Gardner from USA Today and CBS News, both of whom changed their headline from "Jacko" to "Jackson" when asked. We are asking for the rest of the mainstream media to follow suit. Journalists should see this as an act of human dignity, both for themselves as professionals, and for Michael Jackson and his family.<br /><br />Sincerely, <br /><br />


  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    This is very well written. I liked it.  /woohoo/
  • And wr are winning /woohoo/<br /><br />on yesterday, CBS removed “Jacko” from the title of its article and replaced it with “Jackson”<br /><br /><br /><br />Read the comments below the article
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1315530773:
    <br />And wr are winning /woohoo/<br /><br />on yesterday, CBS removed “Jacko” from the title of its article and replaced it with “Jackson”<br /><br /><br /><br />Read the comments below the article<br />
    <br /><br /> /woohoo/
  • If things keep going as they are, with the fans being in control, Michael can come back and KNOW he’s not alone in his fight against the press and the media degrading his name.  They will know they’ve got a fight on their hands, and we are playing hard ball.  They will think before they act becaue now Michael has someone in HIS corner.  They know our names!  And they know we are many! ANd we will stop at NOTHING.
  • If it is a fight they need, a fight they will get. Finally now they know we mean business. Michael will be happy to see that his fans has been fighting for him..  /woohoo/ Thank you for posting this letter, it made my day.. blessings to all..
  • I have been a part of this "movement" and I am so happy that CBS and USA Today retracted that slanderous, (I can't even type it), name, because it shows that we can get our voices heard!! I will continue on this mission in hopes that ALL journalists will refrain from slandering Michael's name, especially with all of the media coverage of the trial coming up.<br /><br />Its nice to see some progress being made. I hope that all of you will join in this effort.<br /><br />Sending Blessings and Love to all! bearhug
  • I've never been part of a fan site so I don't know if these open letters that have been coming out as of late have been done in the past but, I'm glad to finally see an open-letter I think all of the fans can agree on. If open-letters such as this one haven't been done in the past it's a shame. It would have been great for the media and the world to see that his fans and supporters were not going to tolorate the bashing YEARS ago.
  • The thing I like the most about an open letter like this, is that it is something that the "Believers" and the "Non Believers", can work on together, because it is something that we ALL want to do...clear Michael's name and make sure that the media respects him and  his name from this day forward! <br /><br />This is unity at it's finest, because we ALL Love Michael!!<br />
  • This is amazing. I'm so glad that some of the media is finally starting to listen to the fans and to give some respect to Michael. Hopefully, this continues!
  • It is so wonderful to hear that our voice has finally been heard and my hope and prayer is that it will continue to be heard as justice for Michael.  We his fans will never stop.  Michael can be reassured that his fans will always be there for him fighting for him.  Love and Blessings to all.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Hey that's neat!
  • Bravo!!! I am extremely excited to see this progress - it's what got me on the bandwagon in 2009. I could no longer sit back and watch Michael's name being drug through the mud for no reason. I felt I needed to step up and be a voice for him...hence my screen name.<br /><br />Anyway - so, so glad to see all the progress. There is still a long way to go but little by little we WILL make a difference and one by one we will change how HIStory is written.<br /><br />Blessings to you. And  bearhug
  • Like Purelove said, this letter is very well written. All of this weight is being lifted off Michael, his children and his family. The decades long bullying toward him is finally being addressed and taken care of. A little too slow if you ask me, but as long as we are moving forward and not back I won't complain too much. And for those who still doubt the hoax, remember that you too are making a huge difference with your love and support. The respect you show for a man who has been publicly ridiculed, abused, exploited, tarnished, tortured, mocked and EXTORTED is beautiful and inspiring. Michael's reputation is being restored and more importantly he is gaining his freedom back.  <br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    TheMoonIsDancing<br />The respect you show for a man who has been publicly ridiculed, abused, exploited, tarnished, tortured, mocked and EXTORTED is beautiful and inspiring.
    <br /><br />The utter shamefulness of this cowardly act committed by media almost world-wide for so long, should cause all those who champion human-rights to support this and other attempts to right the wrongs done to him. I'm hoping media will begin to pressure other media to use "Jackson" as well, a snowball effect. However if MJ's enemies still are out there trying to destroy him through the media, there may still be a stubborn holdout.<br /><br />voiceforthesilent, perhaps you can add this to the list you made a couple of days ago! /woohoo/<br />--media using the proper name of Jackson in their news, in response to fan open letter<br /><br />
    I'm hopeful that the trial will bring up a lot of these issues only to have them settled (once and for all) just like when they wanted to view TII and decided he was good even on his bad days. LOL.<br /><br />Let's see - what has been solved:<br /><br />Michael made that leap into film that he wanted.<br />Any financial problems he may have had are disappearing. <br />Frivolous lawsuits are being settled or thrown out.<br />His children have had official introduction into the world.<br />Michael's name is uncovered on the Elementary School Auditorium.<br />Michael's name is restored on the Michael Jackson Vanguard Award.<br />Friends of Michael is no longer afraid of backlash to talk about Michael as their friend and mentor.<br />Michael's music is being played again.<br />Michael's fans have shown incredible loyalty as most believe that Michael is dead yet they are fighting for his vindication.<br /><br />So, we've come a long way in 2 years but I think the biggest obstacles are yet to hurdle. I love happy endings so I'm going to be hopeful that I will get my wish.
    <br /><br />
  • What wonderful news!! We will keep fighting for you Michael, until every name you were called, every insinuation about you and every non believer believes in you. bearhug
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    ^^ That's excellent!<br /><br /><br />I think it would be also great if the believers addressed an open letter like that to the main-stream media and make pressures on them to start presenting the hoax to the general public!<br />I think Pearl Jr's documentary is done in this sense too! so that someone from the media starts noticing and say something about it! But so far they have "successfully" ignored the hoax and the believers, either out of fear to look ridiculous [as we are catalogued as NUT-cases!] or simply lack of interest!<br />Maybe if we join our forces something will eventually happen!
  • The only problem with that I think is; in two different occasions they picked and ran with topics within the hoax or proof of the hoax that intentionally made us look bad. As far as Pearl Jr. we all have different opinions about her but even her videos,book,interviews can't be taken seriously by those outside of the hoax. I know if I was an outsider looking in I wouldn't take her seriously because of the presentaion and her videos and interviews aren't as professional as they should be.<br /><br />It has beed discussed before that perhaps it should be taken to the media but in all I think (and I could be wrong) it was decided against upon because if the main media wanted to pick up on it they would have by now. It's not as if this hoax is a deep dark secret if that makes sense.
  • I have always been in the fight for justice4mj simply because it’s a fight that’s long overdue.  Whether he is alive or not, what they already did to him is autrocious.  If I can in any way be instrumental in righting the wrongs done, I am in it for the long haul.  Diane Dimond and her crew are just itching to get started up again.  We’ve got to be ready.  Now I believe they take the fans seriously because they know there is power in numbers and we are standing firm.  That is one reason why I am praying that Wagener can get his video out there. It will be like icing on the cake. 
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