Why is this so confusing?

alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
At some point, I believe that MJ is really alive....but at the same time, I watch the trials then get a bit discouraged. Why would occasions such as this go to the extreme if MJ was still here on earth- alive?! I just don't get it.  :o Any other opinions on this???? (sn)...I viewed the tape of LKL interviewing Dave Dave, and in all honesty, that's a bit of a dead give away ....but then again, idk. Skeptic.....


  • Hi alfarle,<br />Sometimes I question my belief in the fact that MJ is alive. I wonder if I'm just in denial because he was/is a truly great man. But then I go over some bits of info that really stood out to me and would only make sense in the hoax context.<br /><br />First, to answer your question about the trial, you have to remember that even though we think/know that CM is innocent, the unassuming public don't. Because of the media, in their eyes, CM is "Doctor Death", he is the man that killed the greatest entertainer in the world. So, to not have a trial wouldn't look too good. People want to know what happened to Michael, they want to see the man who killed him rot behind bars. And right now, that man is Dr Conrad Murray. But, if you've been watching the trial, I'm sure you would've noticed some interesting things going on. <br /><br />I must admit, I haven't been watching the trial, but from what I have read about in other threads, this trial is showing some "kangaroo court" tendencies. The fact that the judge made jokes, I mean, come on! If this was a real trial to find out if CM really did kill the KOP, do you think the judge would be so cheery? And the fact that evidence was handled without gloves on? I know very little about law and all that jazz, but even I know that all evidence should be handled carefully and with gloves on, so you don't get your own fingerprints on there, or, I don't know, wipe the real killers prints off. And finally (this info I got off another thread), there was that alarm that went off at 2:26 PM California Time during the trial (time of MJ's "death"). The judge said it was set off by a child. Okay, let's break this down (this is coming from my own thoughts now, as I'm thinking about this). If the child was old enough to understand that you are not to push the red button (for example), or even to read the warning on/next to it, then he/she probably wouldn't, since they would also understand that they were in a courthouse and something serious was going on. But if the child was young and therefore couldn't read or understand the situation, then why was he/she wandering around unsupervised? In fact, why would there be any children there unsupervised? Why were there children there full stop? It's a courthouse for goodness sake! So I come to the conclusion(as others have) that Mike himself was there and set it off. He is a child at heart, so the judge wasn't lying, just not telling the whole truth.<br /><br />Second, is the kids. First of all, they were chewing gum and seemed bored at the memorial. If it was my dad, I definitely wouldn't be doing that. Then there's the fact that Michael loved his children very much. So much, in fact, that I would think he would at least limit his drug intake, if he was indeed an addict (IMO, he wasn't but I don't know him, so how would I know?). The kids already go around without their mother, I don't think Michael would want to leave them without a father as well, so I think he would try very hard not to take more drugs than necessary.<br /><br />That's all I have to say on the matter right now. I hoped you found it helpful, because I always do when I have a 'doubting moment'. Please don't lose faith in Michael. I never had the chance to meet him, but I can tell you that he was an intelligent and loving man. He has been planning this for a while, and he loves the world too much to let it go. One of the phrases that I live by is "No matter how bad or hard things get, there is always someone worse off than you". So keep your head up, stand tall and commit to whatever you believe in.<br />Much love,<br />SpeedDemon1987<br />
  • I agree with you SpeedDemon.....sometimes i need to remember myself all this things . Michael loves his children more than anything in this world so i really think he wouldn't have left them just like that, Michael is not like that ...even if i don't know him personally I don't think he will abuse drugs and think of him not his children.He has to be alive .I miss him like crazy
  • Because it's ALL A SHOW, the GREATEST SHOW...MJ is going all the way with this.
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1317901357:
    <br />Hi alfarle,<br />Sometimes I question my belief in the fact that MJ is alive. I wonder if I'm just in denial because he was/is a truly great man. But then I go over some bits of info that really stood out to me and would only make sense in the hoax context.<br /><br />First, to answer your question about the trial, you have to remember that even though we think/know that CM is innocent, the unassuming public don't. Because of the media, in their eyes, CM is "Doctor Death", he is the man that killed the greatest entertainer in the world. So, to not have a trial wouldn't look too good. People want to know what happened to Michael, they want to see the man who killed him rot behind bars. And right now, that man is Dr Conrad Murray. But, if you've been watching the trial, I'm sure you would've noticed some interesting things going on. <br /><br />I must admit, I haven't been watching the trial, but from what I have read about in other threads, this trial is showing some "kangaroo court" tendencies. The fact that the judge made jokes, I mean, come on! If this was a real trial to find out if CM really did kill the KOP, do you think the judge would be so cheery? And the fact that evidence was handled without gloves on? I know very little about law and all that jazz, but even I know that all evidence should be handled carefully and with gloves on, so you don't get your own fingerprints on there, or, I don't know, wipe the real killers prints off. And finally (this info I got off another thread), there was that alarm that went off at 2:26 PM California Time during the trial (time of MJ's "death"). The judge said it was set off by a child. Okay, let's break this down (this is coming from my own thoughts now, as I'm thinking about this). If the child was old enough to understand that you are not to push the red button (for example), or even to read the warning on/next to it, then he/she probably wouldn't, since they would also understand that they were in a courthouse and something serious was going on. But if the child was young and therefore couldn't read or understand the situation, then why was he/she wandering around unsupervised? In fact, why would there be any children there unsupervised? Why were there children there full stop? It's a courthouse for goodness sake! So I come to the conclusion(as others have) that Mike himself was there and set it off. He is a child at heart, so the judge wasn't lying, just not telling the whole truth.<br /><br />Second, is the kids. First of all, they were chewing gum and seemed bored at the memorial. If it was my dad, I definitely wouldn't be doing that. Then there's the fact that Michael loved his children very much. So much, in fact, that I would think he would at least limit his drug intake, if he was indeed an addict (IMO, he wasn't but I don't know him, so how would I know?). The kids already go around without their mother, I don't think Michael would want to leave them without a father as well, so I think he would try very hard not to take more drugs than necessary.<br /><br />That's all I have to say on the matter right now. I hoped you found it helpful, because I always do when I have a 'doubting moment'. Please don't lose faith in Michael. I never had the chance to meet him, but I can tell you that he was an intelligent and loving man. He has been planning this for a while, and he loves the world too much to let it go. One of the phrases that I live by is "No matter how bad or hard things get, there is always someone worse off than you". So keep your head up, stand tall and commit to whatever you believe in.<br />Much love,<br />SpeedDemon1987<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Yes...thank you. This is very encouraging. However, I did some research LATE last night (and found myself in tears....not able to sleep) on the illuminati. It has been said that Jimmi Hendrix died just about the same way MJ did. Drugs in his system...not knowing where they came from....something along those lines. Tupac was also caught up in the mix....among a bunch of other artsist who spoke against the illuminati. MJ used to participate into that type of media/music, but since it was controversial, he decided to turn over a new leaf and speak on "LOVE", "coming together"...and so forth. The free masons didn't like that, so what did they do? Try and tarnish his good name right? <br /><br />I don't know everything for sure but why is it that LaToya and Jermaine keep saying that it is a huge conspiracy but yet they can't elaborate on it any further? Why? Because they're either afraid for Michael (if he IS still alive), OR they're afraid for themselves. I do HOPE and PRAY that he escaped the situation of being under the illuminati's control. This is just something that really makes me wonder. <br /><br />The numbers 6, and 7 play a HUGE significant role in this matter. <br /><br />When you mentioned the alarm going off @ 2:26, I noticed how many times it rang during intervals and that was 7....so perhaps that was another indicator. Illuminati's believe in that demonic number 666....They control the media which had the national enquirer publicize that MJ was going to be dead in SIX months. SIX months later....what happened? 2+5 =7...so IDK. All is SOOOOO confusing. <br /><br />Nonetheless, thanks for your input and encouragement. We must remember to STICK TOGETHER on this matter and PRAY that MJ is in the very best of health as well as his family. The illuminati is nothing to play with.....
  • Love4MJLove4MJ Posts: 114
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1317935585:
    <br />Alfarle, SpeedDemon1987, For All Time: <br /><br />Dear ones, please continue to follow what your heart is telling you. Often we fear that which will cause us pain and therefore prefer to protect ourselves. If the idea of Michael no longer living causes you great pain, stress or anxiety then please take your time. Eventually the truth will always be come to light. <br /><br />The trial is not a show. This is actually happening and that is why it's confusing, long, and perhaps at times boring. <br /><br />You will come to the answers eventually.<br /><br />Bless you.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />You're right @Love4MJ. It is real....and frustrating @ some point.  I suppose time is of the essence. What are your views and opinion on the whole case scenario? Please share. :) /judge/
  • I know it may be hard at times, to hear the trial, and there goes our hopes, but never give up hope. Faith is the key word.. Now Michael's words in the recording, is a sign, a message he is trying to give us. Remember even if he  slurred his words he was coherent, he did this unpurpose. <br /> This is what he said:<br />We have to be phenomenal, when people leave that show, when people leave MY show I want them to say I've never seen nothing like this before.. This is all a show, so brace yourselves we are going to rock soon.. <br /><br />He said it My Show, this is all a show, a movie..
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    You could be right @all4loveandbelieve . That tape sounded totally "doctored up" and tampered with. I was also looking at some vids from "DAVE DAVE", and I can hear the similarities between the voices, and that's a darn near give away . #period. The myspace msg that dave dave gave was STILL at some pt MJ trying to warn ppl of the illuminati. 3rd eye in the middle and saying that the world has come to a new place...not verbatim but I'm sure you catch my drift. It is one big show that's for sure.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Keep your heads up guys. It's almost over. If you are thinking to give up, pls just wait till the trial ends. And then we will see...
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1317957444:
    <br />Keep your heads up guys. It's almost over. If you are thinking to give up, pls just wait till the trial ends. And then we will see...<br />
    <br /><br />Very true & thanks :) The trial last 4 more wks doesn't it? And thanks to your bottom pic, I have to go watch "Liberian Girl" now. haha. The end of that video was just TOO cute.
  • Love4MJLove4MJ Posts: 114
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1317968299:
    <br />
    on 1317957444:
    <br />Keep your heads up guys. It's almost over. If you are thinking to give up, pls just wait till the trial ends. And then we will see...<br />
    <br /><br />Very true & thanks :) The trial last 4 more wks doesn't it? And thanks to your bottom pic, I have to go watch "Liberian Girl" now. haha. The end of that video was just TOO cute.<br />
    <br /><br />It was in the articles that the trial will end on October 28th. The same day TII was at theaters. :lol:
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1317999618:
    <br />Michael also said Go. Go. as in go see the show. He was referring to the shows at the O2 arena in London. He was a perfectionist he wanted to give his fans the best of him. It is my sincere feelings that Michael never intended to die and especially in way that he did. It is worth repeating here. This trial is not a show, it's a trial and Dr. Conrad Murray is fighting manslaughter charges for killing the greatest and most well known entertain in the universe. <br />
    <br />I agree in that MJ has paid attention to the smallest detail, so people can follow side bunny 'trails' of the trial and it all looks legit. It's in reading between the lines to find the hoax details which are like the 'elephant in the room' kinda thing. This is a masterpiece not child'splay. Put on hoax glasses and you see clues everywhere that outweigh the grisly murder story. Allow yourself a little faith!
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1318014460:
    <br />
    on 1317968299:
    <br />
    on 1317957444:
    <br />Keep your heads up guys. It's almost over. If you are thinking to give up, pls just wait till the trial ends. And then we will see...<br />
    <br /><br />Very true & thanks :) The trial last 4 more wks doesn't it? And thanks to your bottom pic, I have to go watch "Liberian Girl" now. haha. The end of that video was just TOO cute.<br />
    <br /><br />It was in the articles that the trial will end on October 28th. The same day TII was at theaters. :lol:<br />
    <br /><br />Wow...I had no idea of that. Thanks for informing me :)
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1318028382:
    <br />
    on 1318014460:
    <br />
    on 1317968299:
    <br />
    on 1317957444:
    <br />Keep your heads up guys. It's almost over. If you are thinking to give up, pls just wait till the trial ends. And then we will see...<br />
    <br /><br />Very true & thanks :) The trial last 4 more wks doesn't it? And thanks to your bottom pic, I have to go watch "Liberian Girl" now. haha. The end of that video was just TOO cute.<br />
    <br /><br />It was in the articles that the trial will end on October 28th. The same day TII was at theaters. :lol:<br />
    <br /><br />Wow...I had no idea of that. Thanks for informing me :)<br />
    <br /><br />NP at all.  bearhug
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    Hugs bck to you  bearhug :-*
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