This hoax vid I just viewed has me thinking a bit.....

alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
edited October 2011 in General Hoax Investigation
Vid deleted.....


  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Yes, it makes me think about THEIR agenda. They will do anything to make people believe you should NOT talk about the hoax. To answer some of their questions and i will only speak for myself:<br /><br />Yes, I am doing the right thing.<br />No, I am not putting a big burden on his shoulders, God has chosen him for a special mission.<br />Yes, this hoax talk is very helpful for him.<br />No, I do not ban people because they believe he is dead or wants to be left alone, I ban people that are unable to behave.<br />Yes, it will never be the same after he returns.<br /><br />And yes I DO care. I care a lot. Otherwise I would have stepped INTO my comfort zone and OUT of the hoax.<br /><br />And I am very sure about the above. They just don't get it.<br /><br />

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1318154573:
    <br />Yes, it makes me think about THEIR agenda. They will do anything to make people believe you should NOT talk about the hoax. To answer some of their questions and i will only speak for myself:<br /><br />Yes, I am doing the right thing.<br />No, I am not putting a big burden on his shoulders, God has chosen him for a special mission.<br />Yes, this hoax talk is very helpful for him.<br />No, I do not ban people because they believe he is dead or wants to be left alone, I ban people that are unable to behave.<br />Yes, it will never be the same after he returns.<br /><br />And yes I DO care. I care a lot. Otherwise I would have stepped INTO my comfort zone and OUT of the hoax.<br /><br />And I am very sure about the above. They just don't get it.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />I truly agree w/u. After viewing the vid, I allowed the information to sink in and I realized, if forums could get MJ into trouble for the specific info we tend to discuss on such matters, then his family would be getting him into trouble too for pointing out clues/hints that MJ is still here w/us. So all in all...that vid had me thinking a bit but nonetheless was kind of dumb. haha.
  • hagitghagitg Posts: 89
    the sad thing is, that the person who made this video is missing so many important facts, like all the clues that michael left for us.<br />some MJ fans consider themselves to be better then others, thinking that they know michael and knows what he would have wanted. <br />they're overlooking so many factors in this story.<br />it's just sad.  <br /><br />a few days ago I had a long conversation with someone who used to be one friends with michael (I needed to interview him for a story I'm working on for the magazine I work for). I was going to post about it. we were talking about the trial (he agreed that a lot of it seems odd). when I told him about the hoax, he didn't sound surprised. the only thing he had to say was: "well, nothing was ever a coincidence with michael, and he always considered his fans to be super smart". <br /><br />I think that says it all.<br /><br />I feel sorry for the non believers.
  • Great video!  moonwalk_/
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1318156564:
    <br />the sad thing is, that the person who made this video is missing so many important facts, like all the clues that michael left for us.<br />some MJ fans consider themselves to be better then others, thinking that they know michael and knows what he would have wanted. <br />they're overlooking so many factors in this story.<br />it's just sad.  <br /><br />a few days ago I had a long conversation with someone who used to be one friends with michael (I needed to interview him for a story I'm working on for the magazine I work for). I was going to post about it. we were talking about the trial (he agreed that a lot of it seems odd). when I told him about the hoax, he didn't sound surprised. the only thing he had to say was: "well, nothing was ever a coincidence with michael, and he always considered his fans to be super smart". <br /><br />I think that says it all.<br /><br />I feel sorry for the non believers.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Wow. That's very interesting. But yeah...I feel sry for the non-believers too. When he first "died" or when it was reported that he was "dead", I cried like a bby whole day was was already bad enough that it rained that night...and on top of that I had a huge argument with my boyfriend(whom is now my ex lolol/  ) Then I shortly realized...."what am I crying for?!?!?! lol There are SOOOOO many mixed messages and details that didn't add up in regards to the media that was providing information. First they said he was in a "coma" , THEN some said he was just "sick"...the story went on & on with SOOOO many inconsistancies. The situation for me as well as others slowly started to unfold...and now that the trial is going on, it shed so much light on what's REALLY going on. SO MUCH! <br /><br />So yeah...the un-believers are yet left in the dark...and some ppl even today still say some awful things about MJ. They need to have some respect/ because all of their hate will eventually kill them mentally and physically. If they're that hateful towards one person who probably doesn't even know they exist, they're hateful towards many others ...and that's not cool. <br /><br />So yes hagitg. I totally agree w/what you're saying. It is very sad
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Oh my I don't like this video, it's trying to make us feel guilty.
  • So this was obviously written by a believer who wants everybody to just shut up right?  When have we not entertained other believers with different views?  Either this is a believer who was banned or a person who doesn’t know which side he/she belongs on.  Maybe I’ll visit tha site to see what’s up.
  • We are all humans, we are all one.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Well that was a bit over dramatic. First up, I'm not dependant on MJ or MJ BAMing for my happiness. I'm happy now and I was happy before the hoax. Independently and autonomously. However, the bigger picture and the collective consciousness of the hoax hive is not mind control. Quite the opposite actually. Read, question, research, verify, then take it on board and apply it.  And have some fun while doing so, which is not a crime by the way. ::P  The purpose of that video was to instill fear and to have a swipe at this hoax site in particular. It wreaked of emotional manipulation, trying to conjure up guilt, confusion, judgment, intolerance and blame served with a nice side of fear. In my books, that is underhanded.  /toldya/
  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    I don't understand why this person did this video.. :( We believer  continue on our way without disturbing... /scream/ People like this disturb,but not by much :) We are believer with the heart as well as evidence  ::) <br /><br /><br />We are lucky because we have a precious treasure... michael-jackson/ but these people who can understand ??? /pull hair/ <br /><br /><br />Souza once again thanks for everything you do bow/ typing/ . Love you all guys ...Love you immensely Mike !!! bearhug <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />                                    moonwalk_/ <br /><br />
  • The weirdest thing is that who ever this is obviously believes Michael s alive.  But thinks that we are placing him in danger by displaying all this investigative information.  This is not a person who thinks he’s dead, but that he secretly hoaxed and is in danger of being outed if we continue to post our findings.  At least that’s what I got from watching it.  Sounds like someone who wants to come across as “knowing" some things.
  • Mish1981Mish1981 Posts: 538
    on 1318172769:
    Well that was a bit over dramatic. First up, I'm not dependant on MJ or MJ BAMing for my happiness. I'm happy now and I was happy before the hoax. Independently and autonomously. However, the bigger picture and the collective consciousness of the hoax hive is not mind control. Quite the opposite actually. Read, question, research, verify, then take it on board and apply it.  And have some fun while doing so, which is not a crime by the way. ::P  The purpose of that video was to instill fear and to have a swipe at this hoax site in particular. It wreaked of emotional manipulation, trying to conjure up guilt, confusion, judgment, intolerance and blame served with a nice side of fear. In my books, that is underhanded. /toldya/ <br />
    <br /><br />I completely agree! <br />
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    I get where the person who made this video is going with it and it seems to be aimed at this forum although they say forums.  This video is far too assuming.  We (I would think for the most part) are not a bunch of sad Keanus moping about and pinning all our hopes on MJ's return.  The video assumes we do nothing in our own lives to help our fellow humans, animals and planet Earth and I can only speak for myself when I say that is not true.  I think we all care very much.  And we are collecting information from the clues that Michael left for us.  I think if this forum placed Michael in danger, the forum would've been shut down a long time ago, at the request of the Jackson family.
  • I think one of the main purposes of the hoax is to "wake people up" and improve awareness.  Awareness about a variety of topics including the media, mind control, illuminati, 2012, history, science, religion, numerology and much more.  I learned a lot during this past year or so.  The person who did the above video says the "hoaxers" are spreading misleading information and causing Michael trouble.  Most of the hoax talk is there to help find and document the truth.  The mainstream media does not do this.  Michael needs his army of love to do this until we "fix" the mainstream media.    We need to come together to "Heal the World".    Let's come together to find the truth.  It wasn't meant to cause division and arguments.  Peace and Love.    bearhug        michael-jackson/        mj_dance/ mj_dance/      moonwalk_/          :-*      :-*      :-*      respect/
  • dear video maker . next video if you could show exactly how we are hurting michael it would be really helpful . no one here wants to hurt him.
  • on 1318156564:
    <br />the sad thing is, that the person who made this video is missing so many important facts, like all the clues that michael left for us.<br />some MJ fans consider themselves to be better then others, thinking that they know michael and knows what he would have wanted. <br />they're overlooking so many factors in this story.<br />it's just sad.  <br /><br />a few days ago I had a long conversation with someone who used to be one friends with michael (I needed to interview him for a story I'm working on for the magazine I work for). I was going to post about it. we were talking about the trial (he agreed that a lot of it seems odd). when I told him about the hoax, he didn't sound surprised. the only thing he had to say was: "well, nothing was ever a coincidence with michael, and he always considered his fans to be super smart". <br /><br />I think that says it all.<br /><br />I feel sorry for the non believers. <br />
    <br /> <br />Remember Michael let us know what he wanted us to know.. No one knew Michael at all.. What I have learned about Michael these last 2 yrs it is flabbergasting.  So these supposedly fans, are not true fans, nor have compasion. Just feel what Michael went through in his life, like I have said all the time, if I were him I would have faked my death long time ago, and knowing myself I would never come back. (this is me now).. If they only can walk a mile on Michael's shoes, they wouldn't talk that way.
  • I think we ought to be through with this thread. Why give so much attention to it which is exactly what was intended.  We know what we’re doing here so whom ever they speak of is none of our concern.  Moving on to the next subject :roll:
  • msgitmmsgitm Posts: 186
    This person is implying MJ is in danger. Which I admit was my first thought. But did he/she ever stop to think that if MJ were in danger and had to fake his death, it would be of an illness or something where no autopsy was needed. An open and shut case without someone being charged with manslaughter and long homicide trial airing on TV.  It’s been 2+ years and this story keeps growing, he/she needs to think about that!<br /><br />
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1318171560:
    <br />So this was obviously written by a believer who wants everybody to just shut up right?  When have we not entertained other believers with different views?  Either this is a believer who was banned or a person who doesn’t know which side he/she belongs on.  Maybe I’ll visit tha site to see what’s up.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />That's what I thought @ first......But it did scare me a little.
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    My fault for tha that last post.....I thought the quoted was referring towards what I wrote or posted....not the creator of the video in bad. :) Sowwy.... ::P :-*
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    on 1318183842:
    <br />
    on 1318171560:
    <br />So this was obviously written by a believer who wants everybody to just shut up right?  When have we not entertained other believers with different views?  Either this is a believer who was banned or a person who doesn’t know which side he/she belongs on.  Maybe I’ll visit tha site to see what’s up.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Um First of all, I know where I stand in regards to believing so that's really no ones place to say unless you fully understand my reason for posting it.<br /><br />Secondly, I posted it because at SOME POINT, it makes you think a bit hence the title of the post.<br /><br />Thirdly, keep an open mind in regards to the situation in itself.<br /><br />Fourthly, as I've said BEFORE.....IT WOULD MAKE NO SENSE FOR PPL SAYING THAT FORUMS ARE THE ONES GETTING MICHAEL INTO TROUBLE BECAUSE IF THAT WERE THE CASE THEN HIS FAMILY WOULD BE GETTING HIM INTO TROUBLE AS WELL RIGHT?!<br /><br />So before you judge as to whether another is either "in or out" , read thoroughly and see the different point of views before you draw up your own perspective of another who is also willing to support and stand by #TeamBelievers. Thank you<br />
    <br /><br />hesouttamylife refered to the one that made the video. maybe it would be helpful to read before you say something...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1318184236:
    <br />
    on 1318183842:
    <br />
    on 1318171560:
    <br />So this was obviously written by a believer who wants everybody to just shut up right?  When have we not entertained other believers with different views?  Either this is a believer who was banned or a person who doesn’t know which side he/she belongs on.  Maybe I’ll visit tha site to see what’s up.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Um First of all, I know where I stand in regards to believing so that's really no ones place to say unless you fully understand my reason for posting it.<br /><br />Secondly, I posted it because at SOME POINT, it makes you think a bit hence the title of the post.<br /><br />Thirdly, keep an open mind in regards to the situation in itself.<br /><br />Fourthly, as I've said BEFORE.....IT WOULD MAKE NO SENSE FOR PPL SAYING THAT FORUMS ARE THE ONES GETTING MICHAEL INTO TROUBLE BECAUSE IF THAT WERE THE CASE THEN HIS FAMILY WOULD BE GETTING HIM INTO TROUBLE AS WELL RIGHT?!<br /><br />So before you judge as to whether another is either "in or out" , read thoroughly and see the different point of views before you draw up your own perspective of another who is also willing to support and stand by #TeamBelievers. Thank you<br />
    <br /><br />hesouttamylife refered to the one that made the video. maybe it would be helpful to read before you say something...<br />
    <br /><br /><br />I did but I didn't know who hesouttamylife was referring to so that's why I had that somewhat of an outburst /scream/ now I know.  geek/
  • Thanks Souza. 
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1318180062:
    <br />
    on 1318156564:
    <br />the sad thing is, that the person who made this video is missing so many important facts, like all the clues that michael left for us.<br />some MJ fans consider themselves to be better then others, thinking that they know michael and knows what he would have wanted. <br />they're overlooking so many factors in this story.<br />it's just sad.  <br /><br />a few days ago I had a long conversation with someone who used to be one friends with michael (I needed to interview him for a story I'm working on for the magazine I work for). I was going to post about it. we were talking about the trial (he agreed that a lot of it seems odd). when I told him about the hoax, he didn't sound surprised. the only thing he had to say was: "well, nothing was ever a coincidence with michael, and he always considered his fans to be super smart". <br /><br />I think that says it all.<br /><br />I feel sorry for the non believers. <br />
    <br /> <br />Remember Michael let us know what he wanted us to know.. No one knew Michael at all.. What I have learned about Michael these last 2 yrs it is flabbergasting.  So these supposedly fans, are not true fans, nor have compasion. Just feel what Michael went through in his life, like I have said all the time, if I were him I would have faked my death long time ago, and knowing myself I would never come back. (this is me now).. If they only can walk a mile on Michael's shoes, they wouldn't talk that way. <br />
    <br /><br /><br />I really like your posts  ;) They make A LOT of sense. Much  respect/ to you. <3
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1318176471:
    <br />I think one of the main purposes of the hoax is to "wake people up" and improve awareness.  Awareness about a variety of topics including the media, mind control, illuminati, 2012, history, science, religion, numerology and much more.  I learned a lot during this past year or so.  The person who did the above video says the "hoaxers" are spreading misleading information and causing Michael trouble.  Most of the hoax talk is there to help find and document the truth.  The mainstream media does not do this.  Michael needs his army of love to do this until we "fix" the mainstream media.    We need to come together to "Heal the World".    Let's come together to find the truth.  It wasn't meant to cause division and arguments.  Peace and Love.    bearhug        michael-jackson/        mj_dance/ mj_dance/      moonwalk_/          :-*      :-*      :-*      respect/<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Amen to that! /bravo/ party/
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