Michael Jackson death hoax - Movie 2011 IMMORTALS - Michaels mission?

applehead250609applehead250609 Posts: 2,615
edited October 2011 in General Hoax Investigation
Michael Jackson death hoax - Movie 2011 IMMORTALS - Michaels mission?<br />
<br /><br />[size=10pt]This video is mind-blowing !!!!!Esprit is a vedy good hoax-video maker 8-).<br />What we have here again??????WE have HEROES and COURAGE  afraid/<br />HEROES from YESTERDAY,TODAY,TOMORROW.This is a subject that was in my head for a long time now,but because of this super-duper hoax I "forget" about it.I think everything has a time and purpose,and now it was the perfect time for Esprit to show it.If I remember correct last year in FEBRUARY 13 TIAI,via twitter,had as redirect this:<br />[/size]<br /><br />TIAI (Twitter) - Feb 12 - Heroes for a Better World<br />http://www.betterworldheroes.com/pages-d/dominique-quotes.htm<br /><br />Jean Dominique<br />(1930-2000)<br />Haitian Journalist<br />Birthdate: July 30<br />Birthplace: Port-au-Prince, Haiti<br /><br />The Website contains a list of 1000 "heroes for a better world".<br />On their front page there is an image of Gandhi, Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King.<br /><br /><br />[size=10pt]1. We the Believers are also HEROES and we are also an ARMY.Our weapon are not guns,our weapon is LOVE.Remember Michael words:[/size]<br /><br />
I'm LOVER,not a FIGHTER.<br />
<br /><br />M.Jackson, soldier of love<br />
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<br /><br />[size=10pt]2.V from Vendeta is also a HERO,and he was ALL OF US  8-) :'( :'(<br />[/size]<br /><br />GREAT SCENE - V for Vendetta (finale)<br />
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<br /><br />Soldiers of Love- Michael Jackson - Sade Parte II<br />
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<br /><br />[size=10pt]3.Michael was/is our HERO and the interwiev with Diane Saywer was super,because it was filmed in SONY STUDIOS and because that part about History promo clip was CONTROVERSY created by Michael.Also it was the END OF THE BEGINING for him and also a BACK-memory(flash-back) for FUTURE THIS IS IT,specialy for us.[/size]<br /><br />Michael Jackson Prime time live BEHIND THE SCENES (Fulll 10 minute version)<br />
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<br /><br />Michael Jackson History soldiers<br />
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<br /><br />[size=10pt]Do you all understand what I want to say with this????Everything Michael was done all this years was with a PURPOSE for the FUTURE!!!!!!Everything had A MEANING and A PURPOSE,that's why we have the FEELING we already LIVED THIS.OMGGGGGGG this is PURE GENIUS.This is like going BACK ,to CONNECT THE DOTS,from the FUTURE. afraid/ afraid/ afraid/ af.Like Seve Jobs said in his speech,to connect the dots you have to look BACKwards not FORWARD!!!!<br />Has enybody saw something like this???????  afraid/ afraid/ afraid/ WTF?? WTF??PURE GENIUS!!!![/size]<br /><br />[size=10pt]Now I'm gonna leave you all with Michael's poem called COURAGE.This poem is about Courage to show your true self,to open up to people,even if you know you will be rejected.To LOVE them,even if they HATE you.To do it OVER and OVER again,because you LOVE THEM.Like Kenny said in THIS IS IT,"piece by piece Michael is reveald".Michael is opening to us ,his fans and the people from all over the world,he is REMOVEING is SHIELD,his SUIT OF ARMOR (bullet-proof vest  :lol: 8-)),beeing vulnerable to bullies and hate  :'( .All this years Michael has done this,all over again,but noboby understood until after 2009.We,his fans,his ARMY OF LOVE,have finally the priviledge to KNOW THE MAN BEHIND THE MASK,THE MAN BEHIND THE LIES,THE MAN BEHIND THE MIT.We see THE MAN WE NEVER KNEW,like WE NEVER SAW HIM BEFORE,and all this BACKwards!!!!!!From 50 years old to 0(zero),when this beautiful baby was born ! :'( :'([/size]<br /><br />Baby-Michael-Jackson-with-Mother-Katherine-Jackson-_____-3-prince-michael-jackson-22837065-314-363.jpg<br />MJ-as-a-baby-michael-jackson-11349865-376-443.jpg<br /><br /><br />Courage by Michael J.Jackson<br />It's curious what takes courage and what doesn’t. When I step out on stage in front of thousands of people, I don’t feel that I’m being brave. It can take much more courage to express true feelings to one person. When I think of courage, I think of the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz. He was always running away from danger. He often cried and shook with fear. But he was also sharing his real feelings with those he loved, even though he didn’t always like those feelings.<br /><br />That takes real courage, the courage to be intimate. Expressing your feelings is not the same as falling apart in front of someone else — its being accepting and true to your heart, whatever it may say. When you have the courage to be intimate, you know who you are, and you’re willing to let others see that. Its scary, because you feel so vulnerable, so open to rejection. But without self-acceptance, the other kind of courage, the kind heroes show in movies, seems hollow.<br /><br />In spite of the risks, the courage to be honest and intimate opens the way to self-discovery.<br />It offers what we all want, the promise of love.<br /><br />[size=12pt]LOVE,because is not THE END,is THE BEGINING!!!


  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    Wow...thanks for posting that vid Applehead...I hadn't seen a preview or heard of the movie Immortals...but it looks amazing!  November 11 is gonna be a busy movie-watching day with that and Thrive coming out  afraid/ <br /> <br />I do see a lot of 'similarities' in the two stories...I'm sure there'll be even more to see once the movie comes out.  There was a couple clips in the movie trailer, though, that show a big 'wall'...at 1:47, again briefly at 2:40...does it remind anyone else of the opening 'wall' seen in the Hold My Hand video?  If I was more skilled technically, I would post a screen shot of both....but I'm not, so I can't  :lol: <br /> <br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Well put Applehead250609, everything was/is planned by the man. Like Omer sang (I think about MJ) "My life is a movie!"<br />Like The Truman Show, everything has been choreographed on a higher level for "The Greatest Show On Earth", for the healing of the planet! L.O.V.E!<br /><br />Aside note: That pic of Katherine holding MJ, there's a purse hanging near by that looks like a nasty demon disapproving! :lol: Or is he shuddering in fear! pale/
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    afraid/  afraid/  afraid/<br /><br /> OMG! Oh My God!!! is all I can say! I dropped my jaw when I saw this video. How many films are there we're gonna watch on 11.11.11? The Thrive, Immortals and 11.11.11. All are a big WOW for me. Can't wait to see them all. Thank you for this post Applehead.  bearhug
  • [size=10pt]I want to thank everybody who saw my video,I'm very happy that someone is WATCHING !!!!!<br />But still I have one question????Did someone even saw what I wrote ,or you only watched the HOAX VIDEO  :? :(????? I think I 'm on something and that's why I want to share,but if no one is saying a thing,than I dont know what to think.Thank you again,God bless you all!!!![/size]<br /><br />[size=12pt]LOVE[/size]
  • First of all, I want to thank you for sharing this. This movie looks incredible.<br /> <br />
    on 1318298863:
    <br />[size=10pt]Do you all understand what I want to say with this????Everything Michael was done all this years was with a PURPOSE for the FUTURE!!!!!!Everything had A MEANING and A PURPOSE,that's why we have the FEELING we already LIVED THIS.OMGGGGGGG this is PURE GENIUS.This is like going BACK ,to CONNECT THE DOTS,from the FUTURE. afraid/ afraid/ afraid/ af.Like Seve Jobs said in his speech,to connect the dots you have to look BACKwards not FORWARD!!!![/size]<br />
    <br /><br /> I feel the same way. It's like Michael is giving us pieces of a giant, complicated puzzle and now we have to assemble them, so we can get the complete picture. There are still missing pieces but I think everything will become clear at some point. We just have to be patient and keep our eyes wide open not to miss anything. It will take some time but this “game” was never supposed to be easy. After all, it wasn't simple for Michael either.  ;) <br />
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