LaToya on America's Next Top Model

alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Is anyone watching ANTM on the CW where the models are doing a shoot posing as MJ? Quite cool! Some of the models actually pulled it off! It's on now....last 9 minutes of it anyway.


  • i have basic cable.  :cry: <br /> <br />Ill catch it on yt. Thanks for the info
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1318474851:
    <br />i have basic cable.  :cry: <br /> <br />Ill catch it on yt. Thanks for the info<br />
    <br /><br />No problem. :) I won't tell you the last part of the show but one girl says, "Idk if it was LaToya , Michael, or God.....". Interesting. Maybe I'm reading too far into things haha.  moonwalk_/
  • Yes, I'm watching it now. <br /><br />The models all were dressed as Michael down through the years, one was even dressed as Michael during the "Ben" era. They all did a good job. If I were a judge it would be a stuff decision, but I think the model who was portraying Michael in Smooth Criminal will win. LaToya was well received by the ladies and she even had a personal belt that she put on one of the models for her photo shoot.  She encouraged the ladies during their individual shoot and was quite an inspiration!  Great job!<br /><br />I was hoping that she would be one of the judges and she was!  <br /><br />Stay blessed!<br /><br />OnTheWingsOfLove
  • Tyra let LaToya make the entire decision from best photo to the worst!
  • on 1318475095:
    <br />No problem. :) I won't tell you the last part of the show but one girl says, "Idk if it was LaToya , Michael, or God.....". Interesting. Maybe I'm reading too far into things haha.  moonwalk_/ <br />
    <br /><br />It seems to me when she said that she was referring to Michael's spirit.
  • CocoCoco Posts: 80
    Oh my gosh. I absolutely adore ANTM.<br />MJ/Jackson-related ANTM? I think I have just died and gone to heaven.<br /><br />I'm watching for sure. Maybe there's a clue or two... rr/
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1318482206:
    <br />
    on 1318475095:
    <br />No problem. :) I won't tell you the last part of the show but one girl says, "Idk if it was LaToya , Michael, or God.....". Interesting. Maybe I'm reading too far into things haha.  moonwalk_/ <br />
    <br /><br />It seems to me when she said that she was referring to Michael's spirit.<br />
    <br /><br />I'm sure it was.  ;)) She looked like she was crying before Tyra handed out the photos.
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