Need Help Understanding - Trial Contradiction

havok_foreverhavok_forever Posts: 2
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hello everyone!<br />I would just like to introduce myself first. I became an MJ fan a few months before he died, and since then he has been a huge part of my life. <br />I do accept that he is gone (though at times it is still hard to digest), but I have always wondered (and admittedly hoped) about the possibility of a hoax. <br /><br />There was a time where I did believe he may have possibly hoaxed his death, but over the last 2 years I've realized the improbability of it. <br /><br />But, like I said before, I am open to the possibility of it, and I would love it if some of you could answer a few questions that I have had regarding contradictions and how it works exactly. <br /><br />1) Who would know about the hoax? I don't think the family has been faking their heartache for 2 years, and I don't feel like Michael would do that to his own children for such a long period of time. <br />2) My main concern. If he hoaxed his death, why the trial? How are the countless pieces of evidence, testimonies of witness and coroners, autopsy photos possible if Michael was still alive? Why would there be a manslaughter case for a man that is alive? I don't see how Michael could let that happen, and most importantly how a case with so much evidence could exist. <br />3) What is his motive? I understand it is a lot to do with fame and the upcoming concerts, but if Michael wanted to get away from it all, he could've just moved elsewhere free of the media and hassle like he did in Bahrain. Surely this hoax would take a lot of planning, even before the concerts were settled. <br />4) Is there a possibility of Michael being under the Witness Protection program?<br />5) Do you guys think that Michael would ever 'come back'? Wouldn't this cause more harm to him, in safety and reputation?<br /><br /><br /><br />Again, I can't stress enough how these are just questions that I have thought of and in no way am I trying to go against you guys - I honestly am just interested in knowing. I would love for Michael to be alive, and would be ecstatic, but I am very doubtful because of the trial. <br /><br />Thank you! :D


  • Hi Hovak, this is what I think;<br /><br />1)The Jackson's are acting,to protect MJ<br /><br /><br />2)Sting Court<br /><br /><br />3)In TS posts he states the reasons,18185.msg314370.html#msg314370<br /><br /><br />
    Without quoting anyone specific, I will give my answers here to things that have been asked or stated by several hoax members about the FBI.<br /><br />First, I am not the one to initiate FBI or government involvement.  This is a theory that has been around pretty much from the beginning.  Souza has had the FBI on the home page for a long time: "If he has the FBI on his side, a lot can be done." {[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]http://[/color]}.<br /><br />Second, I never said that everyone in the entire FBI organization is involved.  I have always said MJ was planning this for years, and got a few key people in a few key positions to cooperate with him.  Notice that this is possible with the structure of the FBI: "The article went on to also blame the FBI's decentralized structure which prevented effective communication and cooperation between different FBI offices. The article also claimed that the FBI has still not evolved into an effective counterterrorism or counterintelligence agency, due in large part to deeply ingrained cultural resistance to change within the FBI." {[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]http://[/color]}.<br /><br />Third, as I have said a few times already in this thread: the Elvis connection answers much of these objections--including the idea that there would be 100% secrecy, and no clues.  Elvis had government help, that is unquestionably established not only from Linda's website--but just about anyone else who talks about the Elvis case.  Also, originally Elvis had only six people in on it--and they were not all government agents.  Therefore, all the people in all the government agencies were not in on it. <br /><br />Fourth, if the FBI is involved, why would TS expose this publicly on the internet?  Again, look at the Elvis case.  Why does Linda's website publicly expose the fact that government agents helped Elvis in the past and recently?  Is Linda's website putting anyone in danger?  No.  Why not?  Because the general public has never heard of her website; and of the few who do see it, many still don't believe it.  Same for this MJ hoax website.  It is not getting millions of hits a day (not yet, anyway    ).  Few are watching, most of which are merely forum members here; and even some of those don't believe what I am saying about the FBI.<br /><br />Fifth, there is more than one way to skin a cat.  So let's look at it from the other side of the coin.  If the FBI did not help out, then how could the Bel Air station not know something is fishy?  Would they sit by quietly, and say nothing, while MJ hired actors and rented an ambulance to look just like the LAFD #71 ambulance?  And why would the LAFD Captain say {[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]http://[/color]}: "On June 25, 2009, LAFD responded ... our paramedic ..."--if indeed the LAFD did NOT respond, and it was merely actors in a rented ambulance?<br /><br />Do you think professionals could ALL be bought out for money?  And when the truth came out, wouldn't there be serious consequences for all of them?  Do you think they would not be charged with abuse of public office--ESPECIALLY if they got paid for it?  Can they get out of it all, by saying that it was all just for a movie--and this or that legal loophole squeaks them by?  Did you know that legal loopholes do not prevent people from getting charged with a crime?  Did you know that loopholes may not even prevent someone from being convicted of a crime?  Different people interpret the law differently; that is why there are lawyers and judges and juries.<br /><br />However, if key people in the FBI are cooperating with LAFD and MJ: then when the truth comes out, all they have to do is show success in catching some public corruption through this process--and all is well that ends well.  After all, once again, that is their "top priority among criminal investigations" {[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]http://[/color]}.<br /><br />Finally: is this hoax a prank, or a Thriller II reality movie, or an ARG, or a sting operation, or a Vendetta, or an NWO/EOW warning, or a wake-up call to the gullible public (don't believe everything in the media), etc--which is it?  And the answer is: all of the above!  It is something that people have never seen before, at least not the combination of these things and on this scale.
    <br /><br /><br />4)No but I think he is working with the FBI (look at quote above)<br /><br /><br />5)Yes
    Hello HAVOK<br /><br />This is a hoax isn't it?<br /><br />Were you bored that you opened this thread?
    In your other post you said you were a huge MJ fan from before he passed away.<br /> <br />Now you say you became a fan a few months before he died.<br /> <br />Could you please make up your mind?<br /> <br />last thing I need is another hoax within a hoax /pull hair/
    on 1318739870:
    <br /><br /><br />[size=12pt]1) Who would know about the hoax? I don't think the family has been faking their heartache for 2 years, and I don't feel like Michael would do that to his own children for such a long period of time. <br /> <br />They are all as "crazy" as him so why not?<br /><br />2) My main concern. If he hoaxed his death, why the trial? <br /> <br />Because he is a crazy kid.<br /> <br />3) What is his motive? <br /> <br />To shock the world.<br /> <br />4) Is there a possibility of Michael being under the Witness Protection program?<br /> <br />With Michael Jackson anything is possible.<br /><br />5) Do you guys think that Michael would ever 'come back'? <br /> <br />What's the fun if he doesn't?[/size]<br />
    <br /> <br />
  • 1) Who would know about the hoax? I don't think the family has been faking their heartache for 2 years, and I don't feel like Michael would do that to his own children for such a long period of time. <br />IMO his family and closest friends must know about it, I don't believe he would be so cruel to fool them especially not his own kids and mother. So they would know about it.<br />2) My main concern. If he hoaxed his death, why the trial? How are the countless pieces of evidence, testimonies of witness and coroners, autopsy photos possible if Michael was still alive? Why would there be a manslaughter case for a man that is alive? I don't see how Michael could let that happen, and most importantly how a case with so much evidence could exist. <br />If this is a hoax the trial is television. It's a show. The greatest show on earth. Some here have called it a kangaroo court (look it up if you want) and the many stuffed animals inside the court house refer to this.<br />3) What is his motive? I understand it is a lot to do with fame and the upcoming concerts, but if Michael wanted to get away from it all, he could've just moved elsewhere free of the media and hassle like he did in Bahrain. Surely this hoax would take a lot of planning, even before the concerts were settled. <br />To make the biggest comeback ever. To shock the world. <br />4) Is there a possibility of Michael being under the Witness Protection program?<br />Sure there is a possibility.<br />5) Do you guys think that Michael would ever 'come back'? Wouldn't this cause more harm to him, in safety and reputation?<br />If this is a hoax he will come back. I don't think this will cause any harm to him.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    First of all: a warm-hearted welcome! <br />I hope you will find your answers within this board.  <br />A brief warning ahead: Michael's case is no digital cheeseburger to get in a drive-in, drive-out.  <br />There are weeks ahead to read about only the most important connections we found.  You will have to dive into reading because there are no good short answers available that suit everybody.  You will have to make up your mind yourself, explore and educate yourself, discuss thesis and anti-thesis with yourself and with others to understand what this journey is about. There are many layers in this, interconnected in time and space, reality, spirituality and illusion. One day you'll discover and explore one side, another day you'll get drawn to another aspect and thus widen your perspective. <br /><br />I will give you my very individual view on answers to your questions. This is only a glimpse of what this is about.<br /> <br /> 1) Who would know about the hoax? I don't think the family has been faking their heartache for 2 years, and I don't feel like Michael would do that to his own children for such a long period of time. <br /> Why would the family have any heartache? If you have seen them on the photographs after memorial laughing and joking, didn't that raise your curiosity? Why were the kids enjoying chewing-gum? What did Paris say other than her dad always has been an incredible daddy? <br /> Michael does not do anything to his family and kids.<br /> Try to separate between your personal grief and what you watch and interprete in your understanding.<br /> This will help you in understanding what was and is going on.<br /> <br /> 2) My main concern. If he hoaxed his death, why the trial? How are the countless pieces of evidence, testimonies of witness and coroners, autopsy photos possible if Michael was still alive? Why would there be a manslaughter case for a man that is alive? I don't see how Michael could let that happen, and most importantly how a case with so much evidence could exist. <br /> Why the trial? For many reasons. For educational purposes, for entertaining purposes, for sting purposes, for a movie, for nailing the jurisdiction and law and order system, for presenting the medical experts as one-eyed among the blind - there are many layers in this. Check out our threads about the trial for more information. There "is an elephant in the room". Check for the meaning of that saying.Actually there are two if you watch the videos closely. The evidence? Which one do you mean? The faked documents with the wrong names and wrong data that do not withstand any common sense? The photoshopped photos? The smiling contradicting witnesses? Michael died after one hour, was dead when paramedics arrived, died after one hour in the hospital and was at the same moment dead on arrival? Has anybody seen Michael being dead? I haven't.<br /> <br /> 3) What is his motive? I understand it is a lot to do with fame and the upcoming concerts, but if Michael wanted to get away from it all, he could've just moved elsewhere free of the media and hassle like he did in Bahrain. Surely this hoax would take a lot of planning, even before the concerts were settled. <br /> Michael's motive? Remember the accusations, remember Michael being on trial for nothing? Being murdered by press, the fans, the media, the public eye, the haters for nothing he did? It is payday, V for Vendetta if you like, nailing those who did this to him in the public eye with the whole world watching as they were watching when Michael was crashed down. Some of the media have already begun to behave hesitatingly and to not copy/paste/report everything on Michael's case. This does however not express that they really have understood and that they would change the way they report each and every b.s. they get presented from lobbyists via news agencies without questioning. Michael appears to have planned all this since many years. <br /> <br /> 4) Is there a possibility of Michael being under the Witness Protection program?<br /> I will not exclude this as we do not know yet which way the kangaroo court will take. Personally, I don't think so. Michael's vulnerability is not his life but his kids' lives. If he'd be in danger, his kids would be in danger even more. I don't see this at all.<br /> <br /> <br /> 5) Do you guys think that Michael would ever 'come back'? Wouldn't this cause more harm to him, in safety and reputation?<br /> If there is a sting to unveil top evil and the results would be positive in the sense that demasking was successful, why should there be any harm? One will always have haters or those who don't agree - John Doe has them as well. I do personally not expect Michael to "come back" because "come back" does imply "no change". Michael is doing great behind the curtains and I do not need him in the spotlight again. If he likes to come out - fine with me. If he prefers to stay private - fine with me.  He does not owe us spectators anything. He gave already 40 years - that's a whole lot of half a life, isn't it?  <br /><br />Blessings to you for coming into our house and opening up with questions. Have a good read and take your time. It is breathtaking at times. <br />And don't give up or in - this is a rollercoaster by definition.  ;)
  • on 1318860925:
    <br />First of all: a warm-hearted welcome! <br />I hope you will find your answers within this board.  <br />A brief warning ahead: Michael's case is no digital cheeseburger to get in a drive-in, drive-out.  <br />There are weeks ahead to read about only the most important connections we found.  You will have to dive into reading because there are no good short answers available that suit everybody.  You will have to make up your mind yourself, explore and educate yourself, discuss thesis and anti-thesis with yourself and with others to understand what this journey is about. There are many layers in this, interconnected in time and space, reality, spirituality and illusion. One day you'll discover and explore one side, another day you'll get drawn to another aspect and thus widen your perspective. <br /><br />I will give you my very individual view on answers to your questions. This is only a glimpse of what this is about.<br /> <br /> 1) Who would know about the hoax? I don't think the family has been faking their heartache for 2 years, and I don't feel like Michael would do that to his own children for such a long period of time. <br /> Why would the family have any heartache? If you have seen them on the photographs after memorial laughing and joking, didn't that raise your curiosity? Why were the kids enjoying chewing-gum? What did Paris say other than her dad always has been an incredible daddy? <br /> Michael does not do anything to his family and kids.<br /> Try to separate between your personal grief and what you watch and interprete in your understanding.<br /> This will help you in understanding what was and is going on.<br /> <br /> 2) My main concern. If he hoaxed his death, why the trial? How are the countless pieces of evidence, testimonies of witness and coroners, autopsy photos possible if Michael was still alive? Why would there be a manslaughter case for a man that is alive? I don't see how Michael could let that happen, and most importantly how a case with so much evidence could exist. <br /> Why the trial? For many reasons. For educational purposes, for entertaining purposes, for sting purposes, for a movie, for nailing the jurisdiction and law and order system, for presenting the medical experts as one-eyed among the blind - there are many layers in this. Check out our threads about the trial for more information. There "is an elephant in the room". Check for the meaning of that saying.Actually there are two if you watch the videos closely. The evidence? Which one do you mean? The faked documents with the wrong names and wrong data that do not withstand any common sense? The photoshopped photos? The smiling contradicting witnesses? Michael died after one hour, was dead when paramedics arrived, died after one hour in the hospital and was at the same moment dead on arrival? Has anybody seen Michael being dead? I haven't.<br /> <br /> 3) What is his motive? I understand it is a lot to do with fame and the upcoming concerts, but if Michael wanted to get away from it all, he could've just moved elsewhere free of the media and hassle like he did in Bahrain. Surely this hoax would take a lot of planning, even before the concerts were settled. <br /> Michael's motive? Remember the accusations, remember Michael being on trial for nothing? Being murdered by press, the fans, the media, the public eye, the haters for nothing he did? It is payday, V for Vendetta if you like, nailing those who did this to him in the public eye with the whole world watching as they were watching when Michael was crashed down. Some of the media have already begun to behave hesitatingly and to not copy/paste/report everything on Michael's case. This does however not express that they really have understood and that they would change the way they report each and every b.s. they get presented from lobbyists via news agencies without questioning. Michael appears to have planned all this since many years. <br /> <br /> 4) Is there a possibility of Michael being under the Witness Protection program?<br /> I will not exclude this as we do not know yet which way the kangaroo court will take. Personally, I don't think so. Michael's vulnerability is not his life but his kids' lives. If he'd be in danger, his kids would be in danger even more. I don't see this at all.<br /> <br /> <br /> 5) Do you guys think that Michael would ever 'come back'? Wouldn't this cause more harm to him, in safety and reputation?<br /> If there is a sting to unveil top evil and the results would be positive in the sense that demasking was successful, why should there be any harm? One will always have haters or those who don't agree - John Doe has them as well. I do personally not expect Michael to "come back" because "come back" does imply "no change". Michael is doing great behind the curtains and I do not need him in the spotlight again. If he likes to come out - fine with me. If he prefers to stay private - fine with me.  He does not owe us spectators anything. He gave already 40 years - that's a whole lot of half a life, isn't it?  <br /><br />Blessings to you for coming into our house and opening up with questions. Have a good read and take your time. It is breathtaking at times. <br />And don't give up or in - this is a rollercoaster by definition.  ;) <br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Thank you very much Grace ,it's very informative  respect/.<br />I still stay with my theory that this FAKE TRIAL-CIRCUS is a distraction and THE MAIN reason for ALL THIS is SOMETHING DIFFERENT  :(.[/size]<br /><br />[size=12pt]LOVE[/size]
  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    For me the trial is an act of the Michael's movie. From the beginning we did know this is it  a movie: he gave us a thousand indications to let us know /cook/ I do not know yet how long is this movie... bangbang I only know for sure I <br />want  to see until the end and beyond ...  It's all for love !!! bearhug <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />                                                moonwalk_/
  • Yes, I agree, it's all for love.  I also think that a major part of this hoax is to get the worlds attention  because a new golden age  or age of peace is coming.  The illuminati want to prevent this.  They have also been hiding a lot of truths and information from us because they want control.  New age of spirituality.    Peace and Love    penguin/ 
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