Michael's Song Lyrics

fatalkiss26fatalkiss26 Posts: 257
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I found this on a blog, not sure if its posted before<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Morphine lyrics – Released May 1997<br /><br />A heart attack baby<br /><br />I need your body<br /><br />***<br /><br />Trust in me<br /><br />Just in me<br /><br />Put all your trust in me<br /><br />You’re doin’ morphine<br /><br />***<br /><br />Demerol<br /><br />Demerol<br /><br />Oh God he’s taking demerol<br /><br />Demerol<br /><br />Demerol<br /><br />Oh God he’s taking demerol<br /><br />***<br /><br />You just sit around just talkin’ nothing<br /><br />You’re takin’ morphine<br /><br />***<br /><br />I’m going down bab<br /><br />Basically, this song says it all.  A heartattack…and then suggests that drug use is involved – did he actually predict or plan his death?  You should listen to this song again, and you will note that while the Demerol was administered, there is a knocking on the door, and someone says: “The doctor says…”  No one can make-out the rest of this conversation, but it sounds eerily similar to the 911 call made to ask for assistance prior to the ‘death’ of Michael Jackson.  Even in that call, you can hear the doctor speaking in the background, but the words cannot be made out.  It seems that the death was planned for many years before it even took place.  <br /><br /> <br /><br />Blood On The Dance Floor Lyrics – Released May 1997<br /><br />To escape the world I got to enjoy this simple dance<br /><br />And it seemed that everything was on my side<br /><br /> <br /><br />Cry lyrics – January 2002<br /><br />Stories buried and unfold<br /><br />Someone is hiding the truth, hold on<br /><br />When will this mystery unfold<br /><br />And will the sun ever shine<br /><br />In the blind man’s eyes when he cries?<br /><br />Does this mean that Michael Jackson is hiding the truth, and that one day the mystery will reveal?<br /><br /> <br /><br />Gone Too Soon lyrics – October 2001<br /><br />Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight<br /><br />Here One Day<br /><br />Gone One Night<br /><br /> <br /><br />Little Susie lyrics – 1995<br /><br />Somebody killed little Susie<br /><br />The girl with the tune<br /><br />Who sings in the daytime at noon<br /><br />She was there screaming<br /><br />Beating her voice in her doom<br /><br />But nobody came to her soon…<br /><br />***<br /><br />Neglection can kill<br /><br />Like a knife in your soul<br /><br />Oh it will<br /><br />Little Susie fought so hard to live…<br /><br />She lie there so tenderly<br /><br />Fashioned so slenderly<br /><br />Lift her with care<br /><br />So young and so fair<br /><br />The lyrics of this song as are quite bizarre and morbid.  Is Michael Jackson calling himself Little Susie?  So young, slender, fought hard to live, was a singer, neglected (and note that neglection will kill – OH IT WILL), and even died at noon?  Is this how he wanted the world to view his death?  I mean we heard each of those descriptors in news reports about him, as word of this ‘death’ broke out.  People called him young, he was skinny, neglected, king of pop, etc.  Why was he imagining the reaction or response of the public if they found out that he had died?<br /><br /> <br /><br />Money lyrics – 1995<br /><br />If you know it’s a lie<br /><br />Then you will swear it<br /><br />***<br /><br />If it’s taking a chance<br /><br />Then you will dare it<br /><br />You’ll do anything for money…<br /><br />Anything<br /><br />Anything<br /><br />Anything for money<br /><br />Would lie for you<br /><br />Would die for you<br /><br />Even sell my soul to the devil<br /><br /> People would do anything for money, including turning lies into truth and taking chances.  They would even be willing to die for Michael Jackson for money? wow…<br /><br /> <br /><br />One Day In Your Life lyrics – 2004<br /><br />You’ll remember me, somehow<br /><br />Though you don’t need me now<br /><br />I will stay in your heart<br /><br />And when things fall apart<br /><br />You’ll remember one day<br /><br />One day in your life<br /><br />***<br /><br />Just call my name, and I’ll be there<br /><br /> Is he taunting people with this – that we would remember him even though we had almost forgotten him?  This will happen when things will fall apart.  When will things fall apart, upon hearing about the staged death?  Then he concludes with  ”I’ll be there”, meaning that he never left.  <br /><br /> <br /><br />Privacy lyrics – 2001<br /><br />Ain’t the pictures enough, why do you go through so much<br /><br />To get the story you need, so you can bury me<br /><br />You’ve got the people confused, you tell the stories you choose<br /><br />You try to get me to lose the man I really am<br /><br />***<br /><br />‘cause you cameras can’t control, the minds of those who know<br /><br />He believes that a picture is enough to bury him – indeed the public saw only ONE picture of ‘him’ in the ambulance.  When he mentions “Losing the man he is”, is that his identity as Michael Jackson the King of Pop?  And then he believes that despite the pictures and reports, some people will KNOW…know the truth about the ‘death’?<br /><br /> <br /><br />Scream lyrics – 1995<br /><br />Tired of injustice<br /><br />Tired of the schemes<br /><br />The lies are disgusting<br /><br />So what does it mean<br /><br />Kicking me down<br /><br />I got to get up<br /><br />As jacked as it sounds<br /><br />The whole system sucks<br /><br />***<br /><br />Somebody please have mercy<br /><br />‘Cause I just can’t take it<br /><br />Stop pressurin’ me<br /><br />Just stop pressurin’ me<br /><br />Stop pressurin’ me<br /><br />Make me wanna scream<br /><br /> This song provides some insight into the state of his mind, or factors that could have driven him into conceiving this ‘death’.  He says that the lies and schemes are disgusting, but that he still has to react to them.  But why would that sound Jacked, as he states?  Isn’t it normal to react?  Unless he was planning to use the same lies and schemes to react, then yes, it does sound jacked.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Tabloid Junkie lyrics – 1995<br /><br />Just because you read it in a magazine<br /><br />Or see it on the TV screen<br /><br />Don’t make it factual<br /><br />Though everybody wants to read all about it<br /><br />Just because you read it in a magazine<br /><br />Or see it on the TV screen<br /><br />Don’t make it factual, actual<br /><br />***<br /><br />In the hood<br /><br />Frame him if you could<br /><br />Shoot to kill<br /><br />To blame him if you will<br /><br />If he dies sympathize<br /><br />Such false witnesses<br /><br />Damn self righteousness<br /><br />In the black<br /><br />Stab me in the back<br /><br />In the face<br /><br /> Basically he is saying that whatever news reports suggest is not the truth, and that it cannot be considered to be a fact.  He goes on to say that people can be framed and blamed, but then when they die, you will sympathize and witnesses will come out to provide fake accounts of events.  Didn’t we see this occur?  Jordan Chandler came out to say that Michael was innocent, the world sympathized for Michael Jackson, and many people including limo drivers provided accounts of how they met him and what he was like.  Then the strange part is – Kick in the back but then in the face?  I mean if he had died, and we were doing this then it would be in the back.  However, why in the face?  Is it because he will see the response to his death on a first-hand basis?<br /><br /> <br /><br />They Don’t Care About Us lyrics – 1995<br /><br />Bang bang, shot dead<br /><br />Everybody’s gone mad<br /><br />***<br /><br />You can never kill me<br /><br />***<br /><br />I’m tired of bein’ the victim of hate<br /><br />You’re rapin’ me of my pride<br /><br />Oh, for God’s sake<br /><br />I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy…<br /><br />Set me free<br /><br />***<br /><br />Tell me what has become of my rights<br /><br />Am I invisible because you ignore me?<br /><br />Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now<br /><br />I’m tired of bein’ the victim of shame<br /><br />They’re throwing me in a class with a bad name<br /><br />I can’t believe this is the land from which I came<br /><br />You know I do really hate to say it<br /><br />The government don’t wanna see<br /><br />***<br /><br />Everybody litigation<br /><br />Beat me, bash me<br /><br />You can never trash me<br /><br />Hit me, kick me<br /><br />You can never get me<br /><br />Don’t you wrong or right me<br /><br />In this song, he basically tells you about how he is treated and what he endures.  The intro starts with someone who died, and that now there is chaos. But then a few lines later – You can never kill me.  Then he mentions that he prays for death to set him free of his life, but in the end he says that no one can get him and that people shouldn’t judge him.  Judge him for this ‘death’?<br /><br /> <br /><br />Threatened lyrics – 2001<br /><br />You’re fearing me, ‘cause you know I’m a beast<br /><br />Watching you when you sleep, when you’re in bed<br /><br />I’m underneath<br /><br />You’re trapped in halls, and my face is the walls<br /><br />I’m the floor when you fall, and when you scream it’s ‘cause of me<br /><br />I’m the living dead, the dark thoughts in your head<br /><br />I know just what you said<br /><br />That’s why you’ve got to be threatened by me<br /><br />***<br /><br />You should be watching me, you should feel threatened<br /><br />Why you sleep, why you creep, you should be threatened<br /><br />***<br /><br />You think you’re by yourself, but it’s my touch you felt<br /><br />I’m not a ghost from Hell, but I’ve got a spell on you<br /><br />In one blink I’ll disappear, and then I’ll come back to haunt you<br /><br />***<br /><br />From a far corner, out of the dark<br /><br />A nightmare, that’s the case<br /><br />Never Neverland, that’s the place<br /><br />This particular monster can read minds<br /><br />Be in two places at the same time<br /><br />This is judgement night, execution, slaughter<br /><br />The devil, ghosts, this monster is torture<br /><br />You can be sure of one thing, that’s fate<br /><br />A human presence that you feel is strange<br /><br />A monster that you can see disappear<br /><br />***<br /><br />What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare.<br /><br />It isn’t. It’s the beginning.<br /><br />This is one of the most bizarre songs that he has written.  Apparently he turns into a beast that people should be scared of.  But he is not a ghost, he is the living dead.  He can see you, knows what you say, and you can feel him.  But, he disappears and and comes back to haunt.  He can be in TWO places at the same time.  Meaning one in disguise and one dead?  The closing is the epitome of the song, as it states that the nightmare is just beginning.  Beginning of a new start?<br /><br /> <br /><br />Unbreakable lyrics – 2001<br /><br />Now I’m just wondering why you think<br /><br />that you can get to me with anything<br /><br />seems like you’d know by now<br /><br />When and how I get down<br /><br />And with all that I’ve been through,<br /><br />I’m still around<br /><br />***<br /><br />And there’s no way you’ll ever get to me<br /><br />Why can’t you see that you’ll never ever hurt me<br /><br />’cause I wont let it be, see I’m too much for you baby<br /><br />***<br /><br />You can’t believe it, you can’t conceive it<br /><br />and you can’t touch me, ’cause I’m untouchable<br /><br />and I know you hate it, and you can’t take it<br /><br />You’ll never break me, ’cause I’m unbreakable<br /><br />***<br /><br />Now you can’t stop me even though you think<br /><br />that if you block me, you’ve done your thing<br /><br />and when you bury me underneath all your pain<br /><br />I´m steady laughin’, while surfacing<br /><br />***<br /><br />You can try to stop me, but it wont do a thing<br /><br />no matter what you do, I’m still gonna be here<br /><br />Through all your lies and silly games<br /><br />I’m a still remain the same, I’m unbreakable<br /><br />With the news of the ‘death’ – the media went ahead and removed the mask from Michael Jackson’s reclusive life.  So the initial paragraph begins with him telling us that he knows we now know the ‘truth’ about him, and that he is still around.  But, we will never be able to touch, hurt, or see him.  So we will bury our pain of the ‘loss’ and go on, while he is laughing and surfacing.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Who Is It lyrics – 1991<br /><br />And It Doesn’t Seem To Matter<br /><br />And It Doesn’t Seem Right<br /><br />‘Cause The Will Has Brought<br /><br />No Fortune<br /><br />Still I Cry Alone At Night<br /><br />Don’t You Judge Of My Composure<br /><br />‘Cause I’m Lying To Myself<br /><br />***<br /><br />I Am The Damned<br /><br />I Am The Dead<br /><br />I Am The Agony Inside<br /><br />The Dying Head<br /><br />This Is Injustice<br /><br />Woe Unto Thee<br /><br />I Pray This Punishment<br /><br />Would Have Mercy On Me<br /><br />***<br /><br />Still I Cry Alone At Night<br /><br />Don’t You Judge Of My Composure<br /><br />‘Cause I’m Bothered Everyday<br /><br />And She Didn’t Leave A Letter<br /><br />She Just Up And Ran Away<br /><br />Supposedly, this song is about a girl leaving Michael Jackson.  But, again the lyrics are so morbid that they don’t actually fit the context of the song.  He says that it doesn’t seem to matter if it is right or not, and that he is the dead, damned, in agony, and dying.  He wishes woe for others and for mercy, that he is bothered everyday so don’t judge him.  In the end, he says that the ‘girl’ just left without even a note, while Michael Jackson also suddenly ‘died’, when it was not even expected. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Cheater lyrics – 2004<br /><br />I hurt my backbone baby,<br /><br />I start to give it up,<br /><br />Life is an aggravator,<br /><br />Sometimes I part it up,<br /><br />I broke my radiator,<br /><br />I live to starve the bone,<br /><br />I pray to leave my body,<br /><br />***<br /><br />I don’t care a jack, or about what you do (ho!)<br /><br />Just sign your name on the line baby, I own you (Daggone it)<br /><br />(You are a…)<br /><br />Cheater (oooo0000ooh!, Give it to me, What!, What!, get jack on me…)<br /><br />***<br /><br />Somebody said, give up instead on how you feel, (aah-uh)<br /><br />One blow to the head is all you need,<br /><br />(I aint takin’ it..!)<br /><br />The song begins with Michael Jackson’s reference to ‘hurting his backbone’ – meaning his pride.  It then goes onto say that life is difficult, and that he starves and wishes for death.  Someone tells him to sign on a document and now they own him, then they tell him to let go of his reluctances – a blow to the head is all he needs.  Is this Michael Jackson’s way of telling the world that he sold off his career by staging his death, and that HE is a CHEATER (the title of the song).  Did he cheat the world?<br /><br /> <br /><br />There Must Be More To Life Than This lyrics – 1991<br /><br />There must be more to life than killing<br /><br />There must be more than meets the eye<br /><br />What good is life, if in the end we all must die<br /><br />There must be more to life than this<br /><br />Again this song talks about life and death, but he writes that there has to be more than meet the eye.  We know that he loved disguises, so is there more than meets the eye with regards to his ‘death’ as well?  Is he again telling people to be skeptical about what they see?<br /><br /> <br /><br />Xscape – 1995<br /><br />Everywhere I turn, no matter where I look,<br /><br />The systems in control, it’s all ran by the book,<br /><br />I’ve got to get away so I can clear my mind,<br /><br />Xscape is what I need, away from electric eyes<br /><br />***<br /><br />Don’t have a place to run, but there’s no need to hide,<br /><br />I’ve got to, find a place,<br /><br />So I won’t hide away<br /><br />***<br /><br />Xscape, got to get away from a system lose in the world today<br /><br />Xscape, the pressure that I face from relationships that go away<br /><br />Xscape, the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle this man<br /><br />Xscape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me<br /><br />***<br /><br />When I go, (oh, go) this problem world won’t bother me no more<br /><br />(This problem world won’t bother me no more)<br /><br />(problem world, bother me, yeah, oh, yeah, hoo)<br /><br />***<br /><br />Xscape, got to get away<br /><br />(I’ve got find a way)<br /><br />Xscape, the pressure that I face<br /><br />(can’t take it no more)<br /><br />Xscape, the man with the pen<br /><br />(I can’t take this no more)<br /><br />Xscape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me<br /><br />Xscape (auow!)<br /><br />(You ain’t my mother)<br /><br />Xscape<br /><br />Got to get away<br /><br />****<br /><br />Xscape<br /><br />(what for? I can’t take this kind of shit no more!)<br /><br />Xscape till fade<br /><br />You Want me? Come and get me.<br /><br /><br /><br />In this song, Michael Jackson is desperately searching for an escape.  He wants to get away – but he doesn’t want to hide.  He feels guilty for wanting to do this, but says that he has to face no one other then himself, and that you aren’t his mother.  Then he says that he will escape until he fades, and if you want him then go get him. 
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