Rebbie Jackson: I will see Michael again

PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
[size=14pt]Rebbie Jackson: I will see Michael again[/size]<br /><br />45370.jpg<br /><br />Michael Jackson's sister 'firmly believes' she will see him again in the next life.<br /><br />The iconic singer passed away in June 2009. His family are still struggling to come to terms with his death.<br /><br />Older sister Rebbie admits one of the things which helps her through the hard times is her belief that she will see Michael again in the future.<br /><br />'t's true that he's gone but I am firm about believing in the fact that one day I'll see him again and that's what I'm looking forward to,' she said.<br /><br />Michael died of acute Propofol intoxication. The anaesthetic is usually used to put surgery patients to sleep, but the star was using it to overcome his insomnia. His personal physician Dr. Conrad Murray is currently on trial for his involuntary manslaughter.<br /><br />Rebbie, 61, is finding the legal proceedings hard.<br /><br />'t is difficult. It's something that is not done quite [so] often I guess you could say because your life is being played out in the public,' she told UK TV show Lorraine. 'Going through something like a tragedy such as this it's not just you dealing with it, family wise. The thing you have to also remember and take in the fact that the public is involved as well and that makes it very difficult.'<br /><br />Rebbie hopes her brother ' who was 50 when he died ' will be remembered as a kind person who cared about others.<br /><br />She knows many people think they knew the King of Pop, but believes only his family really did. Michael and Rebbie grew up with their eight other siblings, including singers Janet, Jermaine and La Toya. She thinks it's only those who spent prolonged periods with the superstar who really understand what he was like.<br /><br />'What I always like to really share with people is that I guess the world and people in general look at him differently than we as a family do because he was a brother first and then of course an entertainer,' she explained. 'So when I think in terms of what's happened with him I think of him as my brother, more than anything else. I'm doing this right now because I feel it's something I should do for myself as well as for him and his kids. I just feel it's a good thing and I should be involved.'<br /><br />Rebbie was on the programme promoting new DVD Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon, which features those close to the singer discussing his legacy.<br /><br />


  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Well, the title of the article says it all. ;)
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Thanks for posting this Purelove! Love you girl!<br /><br />@Rebbie...We also "KNOW" we will see Michael again!...Blessings LOVE and Light to all!
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Rebbie looks very good to be 61 years
  • Jehova witness believe in reincarnation. When some one dies, they will come back alive.. I guess he will come back soon..
  • on 1320107161:
    <br />Well, the title of the article says it all. ;)<br />
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    I wonder when it's gonna be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Jehovahs witnesses' actually believe in resurrection, not reincarnation. So they all say things like this, they dont believe death is the end and we will all be given a second chance at life when judgement day comes. Whenever that will be..<br /><br />However if this is a hoax, then this could be taken as a clue ;).
  • ChinbieChinbie Posts: 160
    it's good to see Rebbie<br />we will both see Michael in the coming future /bravo/ /bravo/
  • Mish1981Mish1981 Posts: 538
    @Purelove - I'm wondering if this is exactly how the article is written. If so, I find it weird how they would use quotation marks around "he was 50 when he died".
  • I guess this statement is a slap in the face to all of those who believe Michael is alive but NOT coming back.<br /> bangbang
  • hmmm... this is a very interesting article fo rme...<br /><br />before i post, just want to request no judgement here. i do not push my views on anyone nor judge anyone for their religious beliefs. i love people of all religious denominations and hope people respect that i have mine. i dont use forums to preach about my personal religious views and in fact prefer to keep my personal beliefs out of my posts, however i feel that it is fitting to comment as it related to the subject matter. also this article raises questions for me re: rebbie and her involvement in DH which i'd love to hear others opinion on <br /><br />i am a practicing JW i can confirm that we most certainly do not believe in reincarnation, and yes it is correct that we do believe in ressurection. BUT this is NOT immediately after someone dies. we believe all those who have died are still waiting in SHEOL (common grave or the earth)  and it is at an appointed time after armageddon, after evil is taken away from the earth, when ALL dead in memorial tombs will come out and be ressurected to life here on earth, as per  John 5:28-29 “. . .8 Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, . . .”<br /><br />this article says that rebbie is looking forward to seeing MJ in next life. i am wondering if they were the journalists words or hers. did she merely say i am looking forward to seeing him.... meaning seeing him soon due to BAM or was she in fact talking of resurrection when Jesus calls all thouse out of the memorial tombs and brings the dead back to life in a perfect GODLY, just, painfree world.... according to rev.21:4 and 5 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.<br /><br /><br />so i am unsure if she is making reference to seeing him @ or after BAM or making reference to her beliefs as a Jehovahs Witness... if she was talking about resurrection as accoriding to what Jehovahs Witnesses believe, then she is in fact not inferring but stating that he is actually dead... (thats how I am reading it as a JW)<br /><br />so therefore this raises questions for me...<br /><br />i have to say with me personally, i am 99.9 percent positive MJ faked death... the only 0.1 percent that (not gives me doubt, too strong of a word) that I have questions around, is Rebbie Jackson....<br /><br />are there any here who think she (or any other family) might actually not be 'in on the hoax' <br /><br />i am not sure what i think, but do wonder abt this occasionally. the only ONE reason that i am saying this is because that it is against Jehovahs Witness beliefs to lie. in fact it is one of the most detestable things according to what we learn in the bible... so for her to go along with this lie, not so much go along, but to state herself that MJ is dead which means she is not merely going along with DH or not blowing the cover of DH, rather that she is actively lying too (as he is alive) this in fact 'technically' goes against Jehovahs Witnesses' christian beliefs. Lying is condemmed in many scriptures, one example is as per Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. really it is something Jehovahs Witnesses pride themselves on, not lying.<br /><br />so sometimes it makes me wonder, esp with statements such as the one in this article abt seeing MJ in next life, (if it was Rebbie who in fact inferred that) does Rebbie know? is she in on DH? Because also her interview on the view was also pretty convincing that MJ was dead. Im not saying that Rebbie gives me doubt abt DH, but is it possible that perhaps MJ didnt put her in a position to lie and go against her faith.... but then it would be cruel of a brother not to tell his sister that death was a hoax....<br /><br />can you see the conumdrum that i am in over rebbie? I am perplexed completely re: rebbie....<br /><br /><br />now, just to play devils advocate.... if MJ's life was threatened and this was the main reason behind DH, then it would be understood why she would have to go along with it...  mean i am a Jehovahs Witness. if someone i loved had to go into witness protection because they knew too much, yes, i'd go along with whatever story was put out about them also to protect their safety.<br /><br />but to deliberately go on the view, or speak to a journalist about MJ being dead, means that she is lying also not just going along. so this is what makes me sometimes question if she knows... because i dont think that a JW who is in public eye would do something that people know is against JW practice, to be later called out on. it seems as though she would be setting herself up for "well you are a JW who is not supposed to lie and yet you said ......." (trust me people love pointing out our imperfections, as we are not perfect, especially of JWs who are in public eye...) <br /><br /><br />comments grately appreciated.<br />
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    on 1320159387:
    <br />hmmm... this is a very interesting article fo rme...<br /><br />before i post, just want to request no judgement here. i do not push my views on anyone nor judge anyone for their religious beliefs. i love people of all religious denominations and hope people respect that i have mine. i dont use forums to preach about my personal religious views and in fact prefer to keep my personal beliefs out of my posts, however i feel that it is fitting to comment as it related to the subject matter. also this article raises questions for me re: rebbie and her involvement in DH which i'd love to hear others opinion on <br /><br />i am a practicing JW i can confirm that we most certainly do not believe in reincarnation, and yes it is correct that we do believe in ressurection. BUT this is NOT immediately after someone dies. we believe all those who have died are still waiting in SHEOL (common grave or the earth)  and it is at an appointed time after armageddon, after evil is taken away from the earth, when ALL dead in memorial tombs will come out and be ressurected to life here on earth, as per  John 5:28-29 “. . .8 Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, . . .”<br /><br />this article says that rebbie is looking forward to seeing MJ in next life. i am wondering if they were the journalists words or hers. did she merely say i am looking forward to seeing him.... meaning seeing him soon due to BAM or was she in fact talking of resurrection when Jesus calls all thouse out of the memorial tombs and brings the dead back to life in a perfect GODLY, just, painfree world.... according to rev.21:4 and 5 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.<br /><br /><br />so i am unsure if she is making reference to seeing him @ or after BAM or making reference to her beliefs as a Jehovahs Witness... if she was talking about resurrection as accoriding to what Jehovahs Witnesses believe, then she is in fact not inferring but stating that he is actually dead... (thats how I am reading it as a JW)<br /><br />so therefore this raises questions for me...<br /><br />i have to say with me personally, i am 99.9 percent positive MJ faked death... the only 0.1 percent that (not gives me doubt, too strong of a word) that I have questions around, is Rebbie Jackson....<br /><br />are there any here who think she (or any other family) might actually not be 'in on the hoax' <br /><br />i am not sure what i think, but do wonder abt this occasionally. the only ONE reason that i am saying this is because that it is against Jehovahs Witness beliefs to lie. in fact it is one of the most detestable things according to what we learn in the bible... so for her to go along with this lie, not so much go along, but to state herself that MJ is dead which means she is not merely going along with DH or not blowing the cover of DH, rather that she is actively lying too (as he is alive) this in fact 'technically' goes against Jehovahs Witnesses' christian beliefs. Lying is condemmed in many scriptures, one example is as per Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. really it is something Jehovahs Witnesses pride themselves on, not lying.<br /><br />so sometimes it makes me wonder, esp with statements such as the one in this article abt seeing MJ in next life, (if it was Rebbie who in fact inferred that) does Rebbie know? is she in on DH? Because also her interview on the view was also pretty convincing that MJ was dead. Im not saying that Rebbie gives me doubt abt DH, but is it possible that perhaps MJ didnt put her in a position to lie and go against her faith.... but then it would be cruel of a brother not to tell his sister that death was a hoax....<br /><br />can you see the conumdrum that i am in over rebbie? I am perplexed completely re: rebbie....<br /><br /><br />now, just to play devils advocate.... if MJ'f life was threatened and this was the main reason behind DH, then it would be undersstood why she would have to go along with it...  mean i am a Jehovahs Witness. If someone i loved had to go into witness protection because they knew too much, yes, i'd go along with whatever story was put out about them also to protect their safety.<br /><br />but to deliberately go on the view, or speak to a journalist about MJ being dead, means that she is lying also not just going along. so this is what makes me sometimes question if she knows... because i dont think that a JW who is in public eye would do something that people know is against JW practice, to be later called out on. it seems as though she would be setting herself up for "well you are a JW who is not supposed to lie and yet you said ......." (trust me people love pointing out our imperfections, as we are not perfect, especially of JWs who are in public eye...) <br /><br /><br />comments grately appreciated.<br /> <br />
    HI....<br />geez, I hate to comment on this, because I've had my butt chewed on topics like your post!  But, I too am a baptized Witness, although I haven't attended meetings in awhile I believe all I've been taught.  <br />I have to say, my one stumbling block in all this hoax, also, as been, not only Rebbie, but Katherine.  We've seen Katherine take Michael's kids to the Kingdom hall, so I presume, she's still attending and in good standing.  She talks about going out in service..and once actually said she WAS in service when she heard Michael had been taken to the hospital.  So, we know she couldn't lie about all of this.<br />Same with Rebbie.  He husband is and elder I've read!  We, of course don't know if Rebbie actually said this comment about seeing Michael, or if it was leaked to the press that she said it.  <br />I'm not like you in one aspect though, in feeling that if one of my family were in trouble, I'd give up my eternal hope and lie to protect them.  I tend to wonder if she'd doing that.  She is still, presumably, in service, and she wouldn't be doing that if she were publicly lying.  And also, how could she say to the children who she's brought up in the truth, that it's not right to lie, but if your life is in danger or someone you love is, then you can lie?  Let alone do it in front of the world..while proclaiming yourself a witness of Jehovah??  Look at the brothers and sisters during the world war that were faced with death!!  Would they just lie and claim not to be a witness because they faces death??  I think it's the same with Rebbie and Katherine.  You wouldn't lie because of danger.  YOU'D keep your mouth shut.  <br />I think they could still be a huge part of the hoax by not talking.  Rebbie and Katherine rarely spoke before this anyhow.  Now, I can't say I've heard Rebbie say all this so to me she could have a good conscience.  But, we have heard Katherine talk about Michael dying.  So, this has been quite a problem to me.  <br />My views on this are...IT'S NOT REAL.  The brothers know it's a movie/or sting/ or hoax in progress.  <br />We know how Michael walked the line with Thriller and how he ultimately had a choice to make with his career or spiritual life.  I think it would be, of course, the same with Katherine and Rebbie.  We see with Michael that just because you are a celebrity, you can't have special treatment or rules.  ESPECIALLY because the world knows they are witnesses and they set an example for the world to view what to believe witnesses are about.<br />So, Rebbie and Katherine have to be ACTING.  To get by this not be lying, that is the only way I can figure it out to be.  I've been thinking about this almost 2.5 years and I just keep going back to that.  Now, I'm sure you could ask a brother about it, but I suppose unless you went to their very hall, you'd not know if they are in good standing or not.<br />I hope all of you here, my friends whom I treasure and lean on in this hoax, don't rip me apart once again about this...:(<br />I just truly don't think Katherine and Rebbie would just LIE and give up all their hope to ever see Michael again.  That would contradict what Rebbie supposedly said. If she were lying about Michael being dead...she wouldn't see him again at the resurrection anyhow.  SO..she must be acting.<br />LOVE to you all♥
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    I thought Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only Witnesses will be resurrected? I don't know that much about the religion, only what I've read in MJ books, but that's the info I gathered. Please correct me if I'm wrong.<br /><br />I've also read multiple times that according to the religion's strict rules, Katherine or Rebbie normally wouldn't have been allowed to ever speak to Michael again after he left the faith. So, they were already not acting according to their religion then.<br /><br />Personally, I do not believe that, if this is a hoax, most of Michael's family members are in on it. Could you imagine his brothers, for example, being in on it? Michael reportedly didn't trust them, and from what I know, it wouldn't have been smart to involve them in this. That's just my two cents. :)
  • on 1320139492:
    <br />Jehovahs witness' actually believe in resurrection, not reincarnation. So they all say things like this, they dont believe death is the end and we will all be given a second chance at life when judgement day comes. Whenever that will be..<br /><br />However if this is a hoax, then this could be taken as a clue ;).<br />
    <br /><br />sorry this is what I meant resurrection you are right.. I think she meant more he is coming back with a big bang BAM
  • i personally dont think that if someone lies once they are giving up their JW faith. also each person has to exercise their own concience. i am a mother and would do anything to protect my child, therefore understand why katherine has supported DH.<br /><br />with rebbie... i dunno. she does specify death several times on interview with view. maybe she had to chose a better evil of the two, as per HER CONCIENCE. lie to protect mj and do something that goes against JW beliefs. or stay in line with JW beliefs and potentially jepordise the DH. <br /><br />regarding whether she is in good standing... i guess we are all imperfect. so no one has the right here to 'check'<br /><br />regarding resurrection, JWs believe ALL who have fallen asleep in death will get a resurrection. even murderers, theives, adulterers, etc. as death is the ultimate payment for sin and wipes the slate clean.<br /><br /><br />regarding talking to ex JW family members, we are allowed to talk to ex JW family members.
  • until i know better i am going to assume that rebbie has decided to go along with DH and doesnt feel she is lying as its an illusion that will come out... <br /><br />not saying what is right or wrong. just want to clarify that will ALL who read this... just saying it has raised questions for me at times when i look at this from a JW angle.
  • on 1320162309:
    <br />i personally dont think that if someone lies once they are giving up their JW faith. also each person has to exercise their own concience. i am a mother and would do anything to protect my child, therefore understand why katherine has supported DH.<br /><br />with rebbie... i dunno. she does specify death several times on interview with view. maybe she had to chose a better evil of the two, as per HER CONCIENCE. lie to protect mj and do something that goes against JW beliefs. or stay in line with JW beliefs and potentially jepordise the DH. <br /><br />regarding whether she is in good standing... i guess we are all imperfect. so no one has the right here to 'check'<br /><br />regarding resurrection, JWs believe ALL who have fallen asleep in death will get a resurrection. even murderers, theives, adulterers, etc. as death is the ultimate payment for sin and wipes the slate clean.<br /><br /><br />regarding talking to ex JW family members, we are allowed to talk to ex JW family members. <br />
    <br /><br />lying is against catholic religion too.. It is part of the 10 commandments. I am a mother too, and I will move heaven and earth to protect my kids.. So Katherine will be forgiven by God.. Remember God is good if you repent of your sins he will forgive you..
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    I think some are making this much more than it needs to be. I too have been raised as a witness along with my family, I cant agree with the idea that if the family is "in on it", which they would have to be, that it is going against their faith. Marlon Brando once said "actors are nothing but liars". However you interpret that, if this is a hoax, than there is nothing wrong or sinful about JW's acting lol. Of course, if one is lying for reasons dishonorable, for self gain ect, than yes that according to religion would be considered 'sinful'. If one is 'lying' (acting) for no ill intent and for reasons such as these, than there would be no problem with that person contradicting their faith because they wouldn't be. But, this is all interpretation and some JW's or w.e. religious believers could find this hoax to be offensive.<br />I have questioned the hoax on many levels because of Katherine being 80+ yrs old, her belief and the grand scale of a hoax like this. Could she do this? Would she? If it was for the love and protection of her son than 100% she would. <br /><br />On a side note for those wondering JWs believe in resurrection for everyone. "Only Jehovahs Witnesses" has been a huge misconception. Just because you call yourself a witness doesn't mean you are free of imperfection and in Gods good graces. Good and bad are in EVERY faith, because the corruption lies within the faithfuls. <br />I also find it interesting that in this article they did put "died at age 50" in quotations. I think that could put the title of the article into perspective. Or perhaps we shouldn't take everything literally or in one way, this could have a double meaning on purpose. <br /> Its also good too see many of you be JWs and be beLIEvers ;).<br /><br />P.s. JWs can/do talk to those not in the faith. Michael left in the 90's but from my understanding never stopped believing in Jehovah. In 2007/8 he gave an interview stating Jehovah was where he got his strength from ect. His security guards did say he read the bible everyday.
  • suzy, thank you for your post. i actually feel really good after reading it. i would do anything for my baby girl... and thank you for assisting me clear up some of the misconceptions amongst others who dont know abt what JWs believe.<br /><br />moreover, thank you for clearing up some questions i had by looking at rebbie and DH at a jw angle...<br /><br /><br />i guess actors lie everyday...
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    @Australian MJ BeLIEver no problem and this is what we are all here for. Glad to have made you feel better and yes actors are liars; some amazing, some wretched.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Aussie, Ford, and Suzy - thanks for your posts - I know JW's get a lot of stick, but I just wanted to say I enjoyed looking in on your discussion.<br /><br />My opinion, if you're interested, is that actors aren't liars, they are just acting! The problem we have here is that we're witnessing a production that is 'live' and the world didn't catch on when MJ said 'This is it' and so hasn't realised YET that it's all an act/illusion/movie/whatever!
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1320107706:
    <br />Thanks for posting this Purelove! Love you girl!<br /><br />@Rebbie...We also "KNOW" we will see Michael again!...Blessings LOVE and Light to all!<br />
    <br /><br />You are such a sweetheart hun. I love you more.  bearhug<br /><br />
    on 1320144414:
    <br />@Purelove - I'm wondering if this is exactly how the article is written. If so, I find it weird how they would use quotation marks around "he was 50 when he died".<br />
    <br /><br />Yes, Mish. This is exactly how the article was written. I copied and pasted it here. And yeah, that is weird where they used the quotation marks, right? ;)
  • i being also raised as JW, and most of my family are JW, and i agree with everything JW stands for. <br />I have bible study again. <br /><br />There maybe is a possibillity that rebbie doesn't know, because Michael knows it is against the religion to lie. maybe they havent told Katherine back than , but later on , so if she didn't knew at that time Michael wasent dead, she did not lie because she really thought he was gone. and if i'm correct Katherine has not giving interviews for a long time now.<br /><br /><br /> bearhug to all<br /><br />
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    on 1320181300:
    <br />Aussie, Ford, and Suzy - thanks for your posts - I know JW's get a lot of stick, but I just wanted to say I enjoyed looking in on your discussion.<br /><br />My opinion, if you're interested, is that actors aren't liars, they are just acting! The problem we have here is that we're witnessing a production that is 'live' and the world didn't catch on when MJ said 'This is it' and so hasn't realised YET that it's all an act/illusion/movie/whatever!<br />
    <br /> point exactly!!!  They are ALL acting.  That's the whole salvation in this problem for us few girls here ;)  <br />Thanks for the sweet comment ♥
  • just want to say that i really appreciate the dignified and respectful manner in which this thread was repsonded to. just goes to show that on this forum that there are many people who respect others and their beliefs and are diplomatic about how they express their views, as they keep in mind that there are people here of different religious faiths. i thank and applaud you all for your maturity and open mindedness on this topic, though many of us have opposing religious beliefs.<br /><br /> respect/<br /><br /><br />
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