The Paying Michael Forward Experience

voiceforthesilentvoiceforthesilent Posts: 5,485
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation<br /><br /><br /><br />
What does Paying Michael Forward actually mean?<br /><br />Well; the great news is most of us are already doing it.<br /><br />Whether it’s speaking up in the workplace or in your own families; meeting the questions and assumptions of friends or strangers with facts and patience; sponsoring the planting of trees; contributing or contributing more to organizations helping those that need it; reducing your consumption of tabloid fare; or taking the time to comment at outlets where tired myths are repeated – wherever and whatever it is – in our different ways, many of us are already Paying Michael Forward.<br /><br />There may be divisons and points of contention within the MJ community, but we are united about one thing: Michael Jackson matters. Not just because of what he achieved and gave while he lived. But because of the personthat he was.<br /><br />For many of us, this is what motivates our desire to try and dismantle the cultural fog that exists about who Michael Jackson really was. It’s a desire that has become integrated into our ordinary lives in a way that feels – and is – entirely rational.<br /><br />Does Michael Jackson’s legacy need our help?<br /><br />Well, firstly: Michael Jackson already created his towering, century-defining legacy through the incredible memories and music with that “extra layer of something” he left behind, the undeniable fact of his colossal humanitarian work, and his children.<br /><br />But fans, too, are a part of that legacy. On countless occasions Michael spoke about how the fans understood and helped sustain him through the turbulent times of his life. In a truly unique and authetic way Michael reached out to the fans – and we reached back. Our sense of connectedness hasn’t decreased since 2009; it’s increased. Many of us have found that focusing positively on things, ideas and ways that honor and enrich Michael’s legacy feels good. And more than that – it does good.<br /><br />Man in the Music: Dismantling a myth without them even knowing it.<br /><br />“If there’s a book you really want to read but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it. “<br /><br />Toni Morrison.<br /><br />Joe Vogel certainly felt this way. And it is a reality that work created from a place of burning passion can set powerful things in motion, because of the passion that inspired it. Michael Jackson is proof of that.<br /><br />The journey of a book is endless. New readers come to old titles and older readers find new ones. Even with the advent of ebooks, Kindle, Nook, Ipad – and who knows what’s next; whether in the bath, in bed, on trains, planes and automobiles (sorry!) – people still like to read.<br /><br />But while millions of people love Michael’s music, whether in the background of their lives, or at important celebrations; many will go no further than that. They stop short of opening the door and going behind the myth of what they think they know, because for decades and for many still – even the idea of Michael Jackson is synonymous with ridicule and overlayed with complex projections.<br /><br />But what if those people were exposed to something that looks just like a straightforward book about MJ and his music, but in fact contains and reveals so much more?<br /><br />The challenge is this:<br /><br />Since we know Joe Vogel’s ‘Man in the Music’ deserves and needs to be read by as many people as possible, and since we know Joe appreciates and wants our help – what can each of us do to get Man in the Music out there?<br /><br />PMF team member talks about her first PMF experience with Man in the Music:<br />‘Jenny’<br /><br />It was around the third or last week of October. My copies of MIM had come early and I hadn’t put it down since picking it up. Where I work, Michael Jackson, who I don’t talk about much there (at last I think I don’t) is seen as a bit of a joke – and that’s putting it mildly. In recent weeks, especially because the CM trial was on in the office, lots more opinion was flying about and it was quite difficult to be around that.<br /><br />One girl in particular that I work with – Jenny – started talking about the trial in a slow moment, said looking straight at me, “… I’ve got nothing against Michael Jackson. I like his music, I think it’s great … I mean if Macaulay Culkin doesn’t mind, why should I?”<br /><br />There was a long, silent pause. So many reactions jostled for position inside me, if I’m honest, I think I half gaped/half-smiled, just out of sheer, gut-wrenching shock. I knew I had ‘Man in the Music’ in my bag beside me but I didn’t get it out. I just said to Jenny. “What are you talking about, Macaulay Culkin? Michael didn’t do anything to Macaulay. Macaulay testified in Michael’s defense in 2005 at the trial!”<br /><br />Jenny looked at me blankly. The words “2005,” and “testified” went straight over her head, just like I knew the words, “extortion”, “J. C. Penney,” and “contradictory, impossible timelines” also would. She repeated what she said and this time her chin jutted out as she said it. This was her opinion and she didn’t even ask me why I was looking at her incredulously. I knew she couldn’t and wouldn’t hear me. A second or two later, her attention turned to something else.<br /><br />I knew in that moment I would give a copy of Man in the Music to Jenny.<br /><br />A couple of days later, at work, I did just that. Because people often act differently if there are onlookers around, I waited until I could grab a moment alone with Jenny at some point in the day. I told her I had a present for her, something that I wanted to give her. Already wrapped, I handed Jenny Man in the Music and smiled. I kept my voice really even and didn’t look obviously expectant. I half expected her to give it back.<br /><br />Jenny looked at me confused, her eyebrows wrinkling. Seriously wrinklng.<br /><br />“Wow, thanks … er, it’s Michael Jackson” Jenny said. Part of her lip actually looked like it was curling. “ Er … are you lending this to me?….” She asked, with a kind of off-hand tone.<br /><br />Several confused questions later, back at our desks I pointed Jenny in the direction of Joe Vogel’s website (easiest address ever right?), and she was soon checking his credentials out and looking at the book as if it might actually be worth taking home (!)<br /><br />I didn’t say anymore, didn’t try to evangelicize, just kept it really light. I left her alone for the rest of the day and got on with my work. But the really good bit is at the end of this story. Just as we were leaving work and putting our coats on, I joshed a bit with Jenny, asking her whether she’d really read the book I’d given her.<br /><br />Here’s what Jenny said:<br /><br />When you initially presented the book to me, I was surprised. I was slightly perplexed as to why you were giving it to me. Then I was intrigued.”<br /><br />And with that, we said our goodbyes. I sat on the subway with a big smile on my face all the way to my stop. I thought of Jenny reading MIM. I thought about her reading the part where Joe wrote about Rob Hoffman talking about how shocked he was when during a bit of downtime at the studio with MJ, a TV news report came on blatantly stating Michael was somewhere he physically couldn’t be (because he was right there with Rob) and what the news report was implying.<br /><br />Just then, blinking hard, my stomach kind of frissoned. I knew Jenny would ‘get’ how huge that recollection was. Somehow I knew she’d be open mouthed when she read Rob’s words. I also knew she never have read them on ‘gearslutz’ but she’ll read them in Man In The Music. I’d just had my first PMF experience with MIM – and it felt amazing.<br /><br />Paying ‘Man in the Music’ Forward: You know ‘why’ so how about ‘where?’<br /><br />lt could be anywhere. Literally. Anywhere where you see or meet someone, or have a conversation where you intuitively feel it would be the ‘right’ time and place to do it. That’s your PMF moment right there. It’s that simple. But of course, there are some obvious places just crying out to be PMF’d!<br /><br />1: Libraries:<br /><br />Just walk in. Look for the friendliest looking and most senior looking librarian you can find. Politely ask them if you could have a quiet word. Wait if necessary until your designated librarian is also ready for that. When they are, tell them in a an easy and friendly way, (never hurts to smile too), that you would like to ‘gift’ a book to the library.<br /><br />Suggested reasons listed below: (or just use one or two of them. Mix it up!)<br /><br />That you’ve read the book and loved it, and that you wanted to support your local library and pass on something you thought others might appreciate. No big discussions about Michael’s ‘imminent factual vindication’ are necessary! Try and make your PMF experiences – wherever they are and whoever they’re with – pleasant for both you and the recipient (s).<br /><br />Ask, if at all possible, if the book could be prominently displayed. It is rare that any library turns such gifts down, but if they for some strange reason they do – find a smarter one!<br /><br />Choose your library wisely. Choose one that is actually visited by people who want to read books rather than people who want to find a sofa and sleep! Where the staff seem keen and involved, and one where you can possibly keep a ‘gentle eye’ on your gift’s journey.<br /><br />2:Libraries in educational places:<br /><br />This could be in secondary schools, colleges, universities or specialist educational facilities. If you’re able to visit the libraries of these different Ed places, check to see if they stock cultural content like biographies, normal fiction, reference books or other wider texts. There’s no point in gifting MIM to an Educational library if every other book there is about geographical stress lines!<br /><br />Your manner and the process you go through at an Educational libarary should be exactly the same as the one you applied at the ordinary library. Always politely ask to speak to the most senior staff member, as only they can make the decision to accept your gift.<br /><br />3: Work friends and Intimate friends:<br /><br />Using the example of ‘Jenny’ above, you will know which of your friends to approach, when, and how – since you know them. Wait for a natural moment. Try to avoid writing a overly emotional inscription in the book as this may feel to your friend like they are being told what to think. A simple inscription like “Enjoy!” or something light may be more appropriate.<br /><br />You can also ask them to pass on MIM once they have read it, in the same way it was passed to them. By gifting MIM, you are really just giving someone a chance to see a book they might not otherwise be exposed to. The rest is up to them.<br /><br />Barnes and Noble are featuring Man in the Music at the front of their stores in the US for the entire month of November 2011, but whatever each of us can do to heighten the books visbility during – and beyond November, would be fantastic.<br /><br />4: Book Clubs:<br /><br />You can join an existing one and wait until it’s your turn to suggest a book, or set up your own book or reading club.<br /><br />If you’re joining an existing club:<br /><br />If asked, and you will be, why you want to put MIM forward to the group, we suggest perhaps saying you’ve heard great things about the book. Hopefully, by then Joe will have a top rated Amazon (he was number 1 in Japan for pre-orders) and Barnes and Noble ranking that you can quote, and this will also encourage your fellow book-club members. Try to keep it light.<br /><br />If you’re setting up your own book club:<br /><br />There are links under the word ‘Book Clubs’ that detail how to set up a reading group. There, you can read about what to do, what not to do, how to set your ground rules and the skills involved in running a discussion group and basically how to get up and running.<br /><br />5:Libraries in Hospitals:<br /><br />Uusally, there would be a librarian in charge or a duty nurse who can show you who to talk to. Choose your moment and your venue in this instance very carefully so you are not interfering with a medical emergency. If the library at the hospital does not look frequently used, don’t gift it there. Again, your usual PMF protocol, which you will have completely down by now should apply.<br /><br />6:Youth groups or church groups:<br /><br />Choose one in your own area. Speak to whoever’s in charge and scope out whether or not they have a library. If it looks secure and if you are given permission, talk about your reasons for gifting MIM with the decision-makers (s) there. This will only be possible if reading on the premises is part of what that group does. It may not be.<br /><br />7: Other places:<br /><br />There are other places we have not listed, places you may think are really obvious. By all means check them out. See what happens and let us know about it here at PMF!<br /><br />It’s All About You:<br /><br />This page and the ideas behind this site, is really all about you. Our approach here is to think short term and long–term.<br /><br />The contest is all about the short term as we Surge Buy during the Nov 1-4 window period. All the details about additional bonus prizes for the ‘most creative ways’ of paying MIM forward are on the contest page here.<br /><br />The Pay Michael Forward Contest<br /><br />By accelerating MIM’s chances of entering the bestseller’s lists, we are not only sending a powerful message to publishers, we are giving Man in the Music a chance to be noticed by millions of people.<br /><br />Each one of those people represents a heart and a mind that can be moved, or can move others. That’s how momentum is created. It really is a ripple effect. And it’s going to be really interesting to be a part of trying to make that happen.<br /><br />But after the contest is over, that’s when the PMF experience kicks into its long term strategy. That is when we ‘take Michael to the people’ in the ways we’ve explored above and spread MIM to as many people as possible. So if you have already bought your extra copies of MIM, and cannot buy more during the contest – this site is still for you.<br /><br />Man in the Music will be there after the contest and so will the PMF team. This journey we are all on together supporting and getting active about positive books and media about Michael Jackson is a lifetimes work.<br /><br />Upload your videos, Tweet us, Twitpic us: Help build the PMF Experience Archive:<br /><br />The PMF experience should be fun too!<br /><br />We need your help and would love to see your PMF experience. Help us build the PMF Experience archive here. If, and as we get bigger we’ll open up more sections.<br /><br />Upload your video clips of your PMF experience with Man in the Music in the comments section. You can also upload twitpics of you Paying Michael Forward.<br /><br />Also please tell us how the experience was for you, we want to hear all about it! How you felt, what the other person (s) involved said? It doesn’t have to be amazing. It just has to be real. Whatever happens in your PMF experience, capture it! We would have liked to uploaded some example videos for all of you, but we didn’t get a chance. But we will try to get that sorted soon.<br /><br />You can also also send twipics of your PMF experience and a little bio about it, to our twitter account which is on the home page of this site.<br /><br />Happy Paying Michael Forward!<br /><br />Ultimately, your Paying Michael Forward Experience can be anything you want it to be. It can be playful, it can be brief, it can funny – it can be brave.<br /><br />But remember: everybody like presents right?<br /><br />All we’re doing is showing someone a door, so that hopefully they’ll want to want to know more about Michael Jackson. After they finish Man in the Music, they may begin their own journey into the man …<br />
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