Video for Vanquish - Anonybook: The Sea Change is Here 11/11/11

reveron1958reveron1958 Posts: 514
edited November 2011 in General Hoax Investigation
Sorry if this has already been posted, or if it is in the wrong section:<br /><br />
<br /><br />These are the images at the end of the video -<br /><br />Anonybook111111.jpg<br /><br />Anonybook111111V.jpg<br /><br />Anonybook111111Rabbit.jpg


  • on 1321059836:
    <br />Sorry if this has already been posted, or if it is in the wrong section:<br /><br />
    <br /><br />These are the images at the end of the video -<br /><br />Anonybook111111.jpg<br /><br />Anonybook111111V.jpg<br /><br />Anonybook111111Rabbit.jpg<br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Finally!!!!!<br />Thank you very much for this post  :) .I saw this video 4 hours ago and I was waiting for SOMEONE to notice it.This is VERY, VERY IMPORTANT and I think it deserves to be in BREAKING NEWS  8-)!!!! I have also something to SHARE,and it is wonderful!!!!<br />[/size]<br /><br />Night Of A Thousand Masks -11.11.11 - Anonymous<br />
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    Thank you both.  It all seems to be coming together so nicely, doesn't it?
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
  • Wow - very interesting. Thank you for sharing this with us.<br /><br />Fascinating.<br /><br />
  • sighsigh Posts: 88
    From what movie are the images with Christian Bale ? Thanks.
  • Has anyone else joined Anonybook yet?  bounce/<br /><br />There are currently 36 members and many seem to be MJ fans  michael-jackson/<br /><br />
    what do they mean "the sea change is here" ?
  • on 1321140444:
    <br />what do they mean "the sea change is here" ?<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br />Anonybook: The Sea Change is Here<br /> <br />"It is 11/11/11. Earth, Venus, Mercury and Elenin are in perfect alignment, and the moon is full in Scorpio. Anonybook. The sea change is here. Vanquished are invasion of privacy, censorship, data mining, movement tracking, corporate subterfuge, criminal snooping, eternal cookies and sneaky sharing changes." <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />A sea change Meaning: A radical, and apparently mystical, change.<br /><br />
    ahhh I see, but somehow I doubt the sea really changed geek/
  • 45 members now  ;D
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    I have TRIED several times but ran into problems, the latest is they're looking for a 'Profile Address' that is both alpha and numeric.  Did that, still doesn't work.  What is a profile address?  Very frustrating.  Perhaps it's meant to be.
  • I just put in my email address and chose a password. It did say that I should get an email but I never received one. I just tried to log in about 30 mins after registering and it accepted me.<br /><br />My son will be registering, I'll see if he has any problems.<br /><br />
  • on 1321115255:
    <br />From what movie are the images with Christian Bale ? Thanks.<br />
    <br /><br />MV5BMTkzMzA1OTI3N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMzUyMDg5._V1._SY317_CR0,0,214,317_.jpg<br />[size=10pt]The movie is called Equilibrium and is from 2002  albino/. In a Fascist future where all forms of feeling are illegal, a man in charge of enforcing the law rises to overthrow the system. Doesen't this sounds familiar to you  geek/????<br />This is a powerful scene from the movie and they talk about the purpose of life  /cook/!!!!<br />[/size]<br />Equilibrium - live to feel <br />
    <br />Jon Preston talks to Mary about what the purpose of life is. she says she lives to feel.<br /><br />[size=10pt]LOVE  :) you!!![/size]
  • on 1321139990:
    <br />Has anyone else joined Anonybook yet?  bounce/<br /><br />There are currently 36 members and many seem to be MJ fans  michael-jackson/<br /><br /> <br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Hy Reveron!!<br />I'm already there my friend  :)!!! The END OF FEAR IS near so let's feel LOVE and forget about fear  8-).Michael is wonderful and so is his nephew Donte  8-) .Like Donte Jackson said,terrorism is an illusion, one that has kept us locked inside the cage of fear. Since about the George Bush senior days lol -_-<br />Courage and LOVE is what we need  and to imagine that we are no loger afraid OF FEAR!!!Here is the last video of anonymous:[/size]<br /><br />Anonymous Project Mayhem 2012: Dangerous Idea #1 <br />
    " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
    <br /><br />Imagine we are Anonymous.<br />Imagine you are Anonymous.<br /><br />Imagine we plant trees.<br />Imagine we become Seed trees.<br />Imagine we sow the world with seeds.<br /><br />Imagine we finally find the COURAGE needed.<br />to BECOME THE CHANGE WE WISH TO SEE in the World.<br /><br />Imagine we are no longer afraid of Fear.<br />Imagine we re invent and reverse Reality.<br /><br />Imagine the corrupt start to Fear Us.<br />Imagine corrupt Banksters start to Fear Us.<br />Imagine corrupt Governments start to Fear Us.<br />Imagine corrupt Corporations start to Fear Us.<br /><br />Imagine we conquer Freedom by beginning to be Free.<br />Imagine we conquer Justice by beginning to do Fair.<br />Imagine we conquer Truth by beginning to do and be True to ourselves.<br /><br />Imagine Information equals Power.<br />Imagine we start a Fight Club.<br />Imagine the System is built upon lies.<br /><br />Imagine we purchase a USB drive.<br />Imagine we take it to our workplaces.<br />Imagine we pretend we have to work late hours.<br />Imagine we accumulate all sort of evidences about illegal deeds.<br />Imagine Conscientious insiders worldwide begin to expose all lies.<br />Imagine we code an extremely simple interface so that anyone can do it.<br /><br />imagine we all synchronize our clocks to act at the same Time, on the Winter solstice, The 21st of December 2012 at eleven minutes past eleven local time.<br /><br />On the 5th of November 2012 TYLER will be out of beta testing.<br /><br />TYLER is a massively distributed and decentralized Wiki pedia style Pee two Pee cipher-space structure impregnable to censorship<br /><br />TYLER will gather an unprecedented number of the best hackers and coders ever to develop its structure from scratch, from the lessons learned from the Freenet, TOR, G N U net, e-Mule, Bit Torrent I2P, Tribler and related projects<br /><br />From the 12th of December 2012, to the 21st of December 2012, people all over the world upload the evidence of illegality corruption and fraud They have gathered To TYLER<br /><br />Imagine we Leak it all<br /><br />Imagine...<br /><br />We are Anonymous.<br />We do not forgive.<br />We do not forget.<br />Expect us.
  • on 1321067392:
    <br />Thank you both.  It all seems to be coming together so nicely, doesn't it?<br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Gwynned and Reveron1958 thank you very much for the support,and for sure EVERYTHING COMES TOGETHER very,very nicely  8-) 8-) 8-) !!!![/size]
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