California Medical Board Subpoenas Dr. Arnold Klein

SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
[size=12pt]California Medical Board Subpoenas Dr. Arnold Klein, Michael Jackson's Former Physician[/size]<br /><br />Posted on Dec 02, 2011 @ 01:00PM <br />By Jen Heger - Radar Legal Editor<br /><br />Dr-Arnold-Klein-subpoena-California-medical-board.jpg<br /><br />The California State Medical Board has formally subpoenaed Michael Jackson's former physician and long time friend, Dr. Arnold Klein to appear at a hearing on December 15, is exclusively reporting.<br /><br />Dr. Klein's lawyer, Herbert Weinberg, advised the dermatologist on November 30, via letter, that he would no longer be representing him for the California Medical Board proceedings.<br /><br />The letter states: "Please be advised that our company is withdrawing as your counsel. We urge you to obtain counsel as soon as possible, as you have been subpoenaed to appear before the Medical Board on December 15, 2011. Failure to appear may result in the Medical Board petitioning the administrative courts for suspension of your license to practice."<br /><br />During Dr. Conrad Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial in connection with the death of Michael Jackson, it was revealed that Dr. Klein gave Jackson staggering amounts of the powerful painkiller, Demerol when he would get Botox injections.<br /><br />Dr. Klein didn't testify during Murray's trial, but Jackson's medical records while under his care were presented by Murray’s defense. Over a three day period in April 2009, Jackson received a whopping 775 milligrams of Demerol.<br /><br />The California Medical Board wouldn't comment on what Dr. Klein will be questioned about.<br /><br />Dr. Klein's lawyer, Garo Ghazarian didn't immediately respond to comment.<br /><br />As previously reported, Dr. Conrad Murray was sentenced to four years in jail for the involuntary manslaughter of Jackson, who died of acute Propofol intoxication on June 25, 2009.<br /><br />


  • Thank you so much for sharing this information. I am always amazed at the media for how they obtain information. Who provided this information that Dr Klein's lawyers are no longer representing him? I'd think that would be nobody's business - I know I'd be highly upset to have my business splashed all over the media...true or not.<br /><br />
    Dr. Klein didn't testify during Murray's trial, but Jackson's medical records while under his care were presented by Murray’s defense. Over a three day period in April 2009, Jackson received a whopping 775 milligrams of Demerol.<br /><br />The California Medical Board wouldn't comment on what Dr. Klein will be questioned about.
    <br /><br />What caught my attention is that the medical board is going to question Klein on his medical records obtained as told in the court proceedings. Yet, Dr Klein was on Twitter vehemently denying that he was the one who treated MJ saying he was in Europe at the time. He also said that those records were taken without permission which brings up another set of legal issues IMO.<br /><br />So, if this is true it will be interesting to see what comes of it because it's possible that those records might not match what was shown in court.<br /><br />
    rnold's Profile · Arnold's Wall<br /><br />    Arnold W. Klein<br />    Occupy Bankruptcy court 2<br /><br />    Happy Thanksgiving and I am very very thankful. I have a great new office,my work is better than ever,busier than ever and moving better than ever (only one cane). Of course I owe a great deal of thanks to certain people. Adrienne Maloof,Carrie Fisher, Penny Marshall ,Stan and Joan Lee,John Baldessari, Billie Hayes(Witchey Pooh),Pope Benedict XVI, Lori and Richard Stark (of Chrome Heart), My partnerSean Anderson, ,Paul Camuso,Howard Levine, Nabil Abu-Assal, Nakia, William Shatner,Gemma Cunningham,my beloved friend Ben Stull, Mitch Diegan,the great Sir Dan Gonzalez and so many others. My greatest concern remains my patients but will someone please tell me what has happened to the legal system in America. First Michael Jackson’s records were illegally released from my office and the local , state , medical, and federal government did nothing. Furthermore, these records are not just my records but those of every doctor who treated Michael in my office.<br /><br />    My office medical records are illegally attributed to me during the Murray trial on national TV suggesting I gave Michael medication and treatment in May of 2009 while I was in Europe. Why did Judge Pastor allow this absolutely false information be presented in court and defame me. With the illegal release of Jackson’s records it created an AEG/TMZ smokescreen attaching me. At the same Muhammad Khilji and Jason Pfeiffer used this very same smoke screen to steal my identity and not one of the governmental agencies I contacted did anything despite absolute proof. Indeed, I have contacted the Beverly Hills Police.LAPD,Homeland Security, Laguna Beach Police.US Attorney,FBI., Cal Med Board, Cal State Attorney Jerry Brown (now governor Brown), and Cooley (LA District Attorney)and nothing happened. What is wrong with the US Government that allows no response to my complaints? There are no legitimate power of attorney documents in any of the Khilji /Pfeiffer documents (most are unsigned or have my mother's named misspelled ) yet nothing is being done. I reported these acts since December 2010 yet please explain to me why the government as failed to act. As I have written a 100 times.<br /><br />    To Whom it may concern;<br />    My case of Bankruptcy is clearly due to identity theft.I am totally appalled that the Federal Agencies have consistently failed to help me. While the agencies responded quickly to the actions of Gabay Perez,Cher’s facialist, you have totally ignored me. I communicated with the FBI, was assured the FBI was handling the situation, yet again nothing. Muhammed Khilji and Jason Pfeiffer increased the number of my bank accounts from 4 to 40 and clearly were using an endless number of monetary wire transfers. Remember I was never there when a single bank was opened yet the government does nothing. This is clearly an example of identity theft--the use of another person's personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain. In October 1998, Congress enacted the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act, 18 U.S.C. §1028 ("Identity Theft Act") to ameliorate this situation. The Identity Theft Act made it a crime to "knowingly transfer[] or use[], without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, or to aid or abet, any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of Federal law, or that constitutes a felony under any applicable State or local law. Furthermore, the Identity Theft Act designated the Federal Trade Commission as the federal clearinghouse for receiving and processing identity theft complaints, providing information to consumers, and referring consumers to the appropriate agencies for investigation of their complaints. Violations of the Identity Theft Act are investigated by agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation; the Secret Service, for bank and credit card fraud; the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, for mail fraud; the Social Security Administration's Office of Inspector General, for fraud relating to Social Security benefits; and the Internal Revenue Service, for tax fraud. The Justice Department handles the prosecution of cases under the Identity Theft Act. To help coordinate identity theft investigation and prosecution, the Justice Department created a working group that includes members from Justice components such as the U.S. Trustees, the FBI, and the Criminal Division; from other federal entities including the FTC, Secret Service, U.S. Postal Inspection Service, IRS, and Social Security Administration; and from state and local governments I have every piece of information you need regarding the illegal monetary transfers. I am more than willing to share them with you. Furthermore, I feel my bankruptcy filing should have included some information or a brief from you to the judge regarding the nature of my embezzlement , As reported in my complaints first presented in Decmber 2010 upon returning from a trip to Europe, I tried to use my American Express card to make a nominal purchase online of less than $10.00. My transaction was denied. When I called American Express I discovered that what I owed was a huge amount of money and subsequently I found that my finances had been substantially depleted, that several loans had been taken out without my knowledge, and that all the funds had been fraudulently withdrawn from my investment and retirement accounts, again without my knowledge. I quickly was able to identify two people in my employ who were responsible.<br />    Jason Pfeiffer former office manager in my Beverly Hills medical practice. Muhammad Khilji former accountant whose practice is based in Newport Beach. These two conspired and obtained mortgages on my Laguna Beach property and put my property up for sale without my knowledge in addition to taking out other loans on my house in LA and cross collateralizing those mortgages to affect both the LA and Laguna Beach properties. These loans were at usury rates and points of 33 1/3%. Additionally they stole over $250,000.00 worth of art:<br /><br />    My initial group of attorney’s were ineffective or useless:<br /><br />    Philip W. Boesch Jr who did tell me he also worked for AEG<br />    William Seki who did a totally ineffective criminal investigarion<br />    Mike Degeus and Andrew Whorton of homeland security<br />    Robert Dugdale of the US Attorney’s office<br />    David Neale- Bankruptcy lawyer who because of his failer to act lost me my medical office and broke Confidence by speaking to hostile reporters. His was his assumption I should retire.<br /><br />    I am presently in bankruptcy court which is nothing more than a medieval experience where they are trying to sell everthing not yet stolen. Please get me of here before they bring in the manacles and the rack. Bankruptcy court is nothing more than a"feudal" system, where the the king or Judge awards land grants or "fiefs" to his most important nobles, the bankruptcy lawyers in return for their contributions of kind to his war chest. At the lowest echelon of society were the peasants, also called serfs,villains or those of us who have been robbed of all are possessions. To be kept in bankruptcy court because of a federal Hippa violation, credit card fraud, embezzlement, theft, attempted homicide, elder abuse and identity theft is illegal and is a criminal violation of my rights
    <br /><br /><br /><br />Blessings on your day :)
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    You're welcome Voice. Indeed it will be interesting to see what's going to come out of this. I'm back to be very confused about Dr Klein's "role" in all this.
  • Maybe had Arnie kept his scruples online and calmed his outrageous outbursts his counsel wouldn’t have any reason to be abandoning him now. 
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    Man when it rains it pours. <br /><br />I don't know what to make of it. smiley-confused005.gif<br /><br /><br />Either it's a hoax, he has some REALLY dumb luck, or someone is out to get him BIG TIME! smiley-angry027.gif
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Perhaps all his diatribe via twitter and facebook, the suspected that something was yet to come, .." that nothing duty, nothing fear " 8)
  • Snoopy I really do need your huddle smiley. It’s cute as can be.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    The date of the tape recording from Muray that was presented at the trial of Michael drugged was May 05, 2009 to 9:05 am. That was a Sunday, in her interview on Arnold with Harvey Levin, november 2009:<br /><br />
    Michael is not here, and i think i am entitled to that money and i am going to donate to charity in their name. But i am entitled to the money for the work that i did because it would take my weekends outside of everything . Do You Know how many weekends i spent with him to do this, and only by working on your face, trying to rebuild a face? It is not easy
    <br /><br /><br />MJ+2011+Trial+Klein+Records+4th+of+May+300.JPG<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />If Arnold was not in the country in May as he says, then why demanding money?<br /><br />If Murray appeal the ruling perhaps Arnold is mentioned this time
  • on 1323045902:
    <br />The date of the tape recording from Muray that was presented at the trial of Michael drugged was May 05, 2009 to 9:05 am. That was a Sunday, in her interview on Arnold with Harvey Levin, november 2009:<br /><br />
    Michael is not here, and i think i am entitled to that money and i am going to donate to charity in their name. But i am entitled to the money for the work that i did because it would take my weekends outside of everything . Do You Know how many weekends i spent with him to do this, and only by working on your face, trying to rebuild a face? It is not easy
    <br /><br /><br />MJ+2011+Trial+Klein+Records+4th+of+May+300.JPG<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />If Arnold was not in the country in May as he says, then why demanding money?<br /><br />If Murray appeal the ruling perhaps Arnold is mentioned this time<br />
    <br /><br />You bring up great points, Paula. I wonder now that Dr Murray is going to represent himself (something that is never recommended) what he will say? Will Dr Klein be brought into this unwillingly? Hmmm....
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    UhOh! Let the exposure of the remaining SUSPECTS  BEGIN! /judge/ ::P /woohoo/
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    skin popping Propofol<br />.of Arnold W. Klein , on Thursday, December 8, 2011, 22:52.Dr. Klein<br /><br />dr,klein<br /><br />Arnold W. Small<br /><br />Pain with Propofol injection---not even mentioned in court.<br /><br />studies have shown Propofol cannot be injected into the muscle because of the severe pain. Why has this not been mentioned in court by the so-called authorities! MJ could never have injected himself!<br /><br />He is totally ignorant on the concept of Propofol addiction. I hate tv but someone must bring the truth.<br /><br />Dr Drew your ignorance is astounding. Please read about Propofol addiction<br /><br />before you continue because you are beginning to look like a mindless pawn of AEG.<br /><br />in 2009 I told the world of Michael's addiction to Propofol which existed since the 1990's. Why did he have all the needle marks? Because Murray could not start IV's and wasskin-popping him with Propofol.During the autopy they should have a biopsied these spots.<br /><br />We must have justice for Michael's death.My records were illegally released breaking HIPAA and the US Attorney would not react. The then misinterpreted my records purposely to cover the track's of Branca, Weitzman,and Anshcutz who hired Murray!<br /><br />The Anti-Gay Anti-Lesbian Evangelcal Christian who paid Murray and bought the mortgage on Neverland.<br /><br />Philip Anscutz owns AEG, hates gays,lesbians and blacks and now owns Neverland and controls Michael's Music. He paid Murray!<br /><br />Many of the so-called Jackson fans sites on Facebook are run by AEG. Recently one of their writers listed all their phony fan sites for me. Disgusting,<br /><br />Barack sold the Mortgage of Neverland to Anchutz of AEG.<br /><br />Anchutz said do 30 shows or loose your house and maybe your children.<br /><br />This is my final facebook post. Must finish my book. by for now<br /><br />one last thing: The reason I am not testifying at the Murray trial the records they are presenting are not the records of Arnold Klein!!!<br /><br />Dr. Klein:<br /><br />One of the most difficult things over the last few years has been Harvey Levin,and TMZ. He is guilty of slander, defamation of character, preventing fair business trade and endangering my life. Historically the records firmly show Michael Jackson was addicted to Propofol by Steve Hoefflin. In 2003 Michael made a cease and desist order against Hoefflin. Harvey Levan’s best friend is Howard Weitzman who was well aware of Hoefflin’s involvement. Also by pointing the finger at me, which Mrs Jackson did, no one ever wondered who hired Murray or how Howard Weitzman and John Branca got together with AEG totally to totally control the Jackson estate. I enclose an article about the true story but as recent as last week Harvey Levin released a story about me, Demerol and Karen Faye (Michael’s hair stylist) saying I contributed to Michael’s death. She later tweeted that he totally misquoted her. Michael was totally not himself the last two weeks of his life. He said it was benadryl but it seemed more than that. I guess it was Murray injecting Propofol into his muscle because The things you should be aware of is before I was a dermatologist I spent two years studying addiction and wrote a text on it. I made two interventions on Michael’s PropofolAbuse myself and was aware of Mark Honzel making one hf. Mark is an addiction specialist who I consulted before ever giving Michael medication. AEG camera’s were always at my office and forced me to close my office twice. Randy Phillips of AEG hired Murray “Phillips said that Jackson insisted that AEG hire his doctor of choice, Dr. Conrad Murray, the Houston- and Las Vegas-based physician who was with Jackson as he died, for 24-hour medical assistance on tour in London. AEG was paying Murray $150,000 per month for compensatory fees, as well as hotel and travel costs..” Why did AEG not talk to me his physician of 30 years before doing this.? Howard Weitzman was my lawyer during the Botox trial, he knew the truth when Hoefflin pointed to me. Weitzman knew what Hoefflin was saying regarding me and propofol was unfounded in that he represented Michael during the first molestation trial and interviewed me extensively Allegations about me teaching Murray to give Propofol ( I never used it without an anestheologist) or Jason being Michael Jackson’s lover are ridiculous. That story was made up by Paul Camuso who will admit to it. Boyer and Charmley my lawyer released Michael’s records when he ask for payment of Michael’s bill’s because Jason Pfeiffer thought it was the right thing to do telling Murray I gave Michael 41 shots of ? when I was rebuilding his face. Charmley releases the records and Hippa does nothing. Levin came to a huge news conference held in front of my office with Dick Winters from the Coroner’s . There were helicopters and everything there. TMZ was there and it was planned by AEG. Then Dick Winters ends up in the third row of the memorial service. Winters came to my office requesting the records I already had given him. So this mass news conference was a ploy to make look responsible for something I never did. As per the DEA Mickey Fine was the problem but Levin portrayed me as addict. I am alreading suing Hoefflin but wish to sue Harvey Levin, Howard Weitzman and Phillips before the trial begins, I remember TMZ almost killed me while they chased my car on Beverly Blvd… You want to talk about the will? How could Michael sign it when he was with me and Sharplon in NYC? i never saw any will or notary there. Ask Miko Brando, he does not lie"<br /><br /> <br /><br />October 25 October 25<br /><br />awkmd Arnold Klein awkmd アーノルド クライン<br /><br />Propofol addiction is very specific.Once addicted you cannot sleep without it<br /><br /> <br /><br />Who killed Michael Jackson? please read!<br /><br />by Arnold W. Klein on Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 7:59pm<br /><br />Arnold W. Klein, MD<br /><br />Professor of Medicine and Dermatology<br /><br /> <br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />374904_2542378450047_1571307064_32302411_1189209347_n.jpg
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    The saga continues....smiley-gen063.gif
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1323142804:
    <br />UhOh! Let the exposure of the remaining SUSPECTS  BEGIN! /judge/ ::P /woohoo/<br />
    <br /><br />This is what I thought too. Klein was tweeting and making posts on his FB like crazy. He was scared to death if you ask me. I believe that he is one of the targets in Michael's sting. Let's wait and see what happens to him.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    We will see that result from this fight of cats and dogs from Arnold Klein and others ...
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Someone knows what happened with the summons of the medical council the day December 15 :-\
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