Michael Jackson death hoax - Michaels message - The movement

applehead250609applehead250609 Posts: 2,615
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
[size=10pt]This time NO COMMENT just BELIEVE = 7 letters  :'( :'(  :'(  !!!!![/size]<br /><br />Michael Jackson death hoax - Michaels message - The movement <br />


  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    An amazing video. Thanks for posting applehead.  :mrgreen:
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I am completely blown away by this video!!<br />Thank you for posting this Applehead.<br /><br />I was feeling a little sad tonight since all the wonderful action of these last months seems to be dying down. TS and Front quiet.  Sometimes (briefly) doubts start to creep in. This video gives me a glimpse of things possibly happening behind the scenes.<br /><br />It was also a eureka moment, realizing this is the answer.  All these years Michael has been meeting and talking with the elite of this world, those with great influence and power. He wasn't just posing for a picture with them, but meeting, talking, sharing his heart, planting seeds of ways to impliment helping people while still making money, influencing them, telling them of his dream to heal the world, to help the children, to bring back love. He's giving them an overall plan, a guide, a road-map. He is leading the planet by love, by example with his huge charisma and influence. This is what I truly believe is happening behind the scenes as we write here. MJ has big/powerful enough love to soften the hardest/shrewdest/smartest business man. Think about Steve Jobs and his speech, and his friendship with MJ. This Lunden's Bridge with Paris, helping with education. I'm sure that Children's Hospital that he envisioned in his "drugged state" :lol:  , is definately going to happen times 10+ around the world. [size=small]I'm starting to cry as I'm typing. What would happen if Michael pushed the first domino which hit the dominoes of Sony, Coca Cola, Apple and on and on starting that crazy spread around the world.  This Is It!!  I was so perplexed wondering if these big guys were friends or foes, but I BELIEVE that MJ's influence has been much greater than any of us here have suspected.  But of course not everyone was listening or receptive, in fact, I'm sure they are part of the ones/enemies TS has mentioned who want MJ stopped.  But MJ has covered his tracks well. He has friends protecting him everywhere. He has God on his side! [/size]<br />Sorry to be so excited! penguin/  <br />
  • DeliaDelia Posts: 151
    Even AVON has a programme these months named <Believe> using  the colour red. Why now ?
  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    Hello applehead! I saw this video yesterday and really gave me a share of excitement. I feel that Michael has put the engine and slowly have been joining the move. I think it's great that the more popular is done, the better the result. Many things are unfolding worldwide, is a task that takes a long time, there are still many people with resources and power to turn a deaf ear to it, but people are raising their voice, and at some times be heard. blessings  moonwalk_/
  • on 1323228712:
    <br />An amazing video. Thanks for posting applehead.  :mrgreen:<br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]You're welcome  :) !! I'm happy you like it  :)  !!![/size]
  • on 1323244895:
    <br />I am completely blown away by this video!!<br />Thank you for posting this Applehead.<br /><br />I was feeling a little sad tonight since all the wonderful action of these last months seems to be dying down. TS and Front quiet.  Sometimes (briefly) doubts start to creep in. This video gives me a glimpse of things possibly happening behind the scenes.<br /><br />It was also a eureka moment, realizing this is the answer.  All these years Michael has been meeting and talking with the elite of this world, those with great influence and power. He wasn't just posing for a picture with them, but meeting, talking, sharing his heart, planting seeds of ways to impliment helping people while still making money, influencing them, telling them of his dream to heal the world, to help the children, to bring back love. He's giving them an overall plan, a guide, a road-map. He is leading the planet by love, by example with his huge charisma and influence. This is what I truly believe is happening behind the scenes as we write here. MJ has big/powerful enough love to soften the hardest/shrewdest/smartest business man. Think about Steve Jobs and his speech, and his friendship with MJ. This Lunden's Bridge with Paris, helping with education. I'm sure that Children's Hospital that he envisioned in his "drugged state" :lol:  , is definately going to happen times 10+ around the world. [size=small]I'm starting to cry as I'm typing. What would happen if Michael pushed the first domino which hit the dominoes of Sony, Coca Cola, Apple and on and on starting that crazy spread around the world.  This Is It!!  I was so perplexed wondering if these big guys were friends or foes, but I BELIEVE that MJ's influence has been much greater than any of us here have suspected.  But of course not everyone was listening or receptive, in fact, I'm sure they are part of the ones/enemies TS has mentioned who want MJ stopped.  But MJ has covered his tracks well. He has friends protecting him everywhere. He has God on his side! [/size]<br />Sorry to be so excited! penguin/  <br /><br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Hy MJonmind  :) !!!You are right ,I think also that Michael influenced alot of powerfull people,to help him in his "BATTLE" for a better world  8) .Actually I was very impressed when I found about that Michael is a very good friend with Dalai Ilama  :shock: .Dieter Wiesner said that him and Michael where many hours together,behind closed doors,to talk about problems of the world.Here is a news about them from 1999:[/size]<br /><br />tumblr_lky7hdTq5R1qg4hbbo1_400.jpg<br />1999 - On Sunday, the Dalai Lama, earthly embodiment of the Buddha of Compassion granted an audience to Michael Jackson.<br /><br />It was the first meeting between His Holiness and Michael. The meeting took place at the Mark Hotel. The Dalai Lama and Michael spoke for about 20 minutes<br /><br />The Dalai Lama left New York Yesterday, but Michael remained in New York finishing an album. While there, he dined at a New York apartment with Dolly Parton and Elizabeth Taylor. According to a source, the focus of much of their talk was the death of John Kennedy Jr.  :shock:  :shock:  :shock: and the dangers Celebrities face when flying private planes.
  • on 1323280335:
    <br />Even AVON has a programme these months named <Believe> using  the colour red. Why now ?<br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Delia you are right ,thank you for the info, :shock: ,OMG!!!!!! Look even Judith Hill from This is it movie is involved  :shock: !!!! OMG.Michael is behind all this,he have to  :shock:  albino/ !!!!![/size]<br /><br />[size=10pt]Avon Believe Tour[/size]<br />Avon-Picture-1024x577.jpg<br /><br />IMG_0648-e1318838277641.jpg<br />[size=10pt]Posted in: News | No Comments | Posted on October 17, 2011 by admin<br /><br />This summer, I had the amazing opportunity of traveling the world with Avon and singing for their Believe Tour. It was fantastic!! I got to see first hand how there is so much more to Avon than just selling makeup products. It is a company that inspires so many women around the world and fights for causes including breast cancer and domestic violence. I was blessed by the many stories of how Avon provided jobs and empowered so many women. On top of that, I had a chance to visit some very exotic and beautiful places including Istanbul, Shanghai, New Delhi, Warsaw, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, and Johannesburg. All throughout the course of the trip, I met some amazing people and had some pretty unique adventures. To name a few, I visited the Humayun Tomb and Lotus Temple in New Delhi, learned the tango at some random restaurant in Buenos Aires, and held a baby lion cub in Johannesburg. It wasn’t my typical rock and roll tour, but it was precious. It was more on the “Eat Pray Love” side of things, being that I spent a lot of time traveling alone:) But, I’ll never forget this unique experience.  [/size]
  • DeliaDelia Posts: 151
    Thanks ! You made my day with these beautiful photos and the special extra information on this matter. For me Avon is important because is giving me a glimpse in another world. I am so glad that you appreciate their amazing programme.
  • DeliaDelia Posts: 151
    Indeed he shure is behind all theese, you see ?!
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