Jackson Family members demand Estate executors resign



  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    on 1342618989:
    <br />Lol.<br /><br />Well of course it's nearly time for them to resign. MJ is coming back.<br /><br />Heehee.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /> :icon_bounce: :icon_e_surprised: :icon_e_surprised: bec...with your words you make me happy...    :moonwalk_:  I think the same .... after a period of total silence, now a news after another....and behind this there is  Mike sure ..  :icon_bounce: I love this moment !!  :icon_razz:
  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    Wow! I have a feeling we approach the end of this hoax, and had the calm, it's time the storm .. or better BAM. Thanks guys for the information. keep watching<br />                          :bearhug:
  • ??? So we're supposed to believe that the family knew the will was fake, but waited three whole years to say anything and allowed these fraudulent executors to do whatever they wanted with the estate??  :WTF: That doesn't even make any sense
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    I think it is very convenient. They have used John Branca and Mclain. Used them to clear the debt, and used them to make MJ a household name that everyone respects again. It is not true that the kids and their grandmother have less money, they are managing very well and are living life happily.<br /><br />The Estate has done a great job in the last 3 years.  I think they have had good projects (apart from the Michael CD controversy) <br />- Highest Grossing North American Tour - Michael Jackson still tops highest grossing North American tour - Music-News.com<br />- BAD DVD release (the fans have been waiting for it for 20+ years)<br />- CLEARING THE DEBT<br />- ACQUIRING various Music companies<br /><br />The only people they have offended is the family, not allowing the father's perfumes, not supporting the brother's tour, etc. <br /><br />Maybe it is sweet revenge, getting Branca & Mclain to ressurect MJ's name and then pulling the rug out from under their feet. Or maybe Michael really trusts these lawyers - we will know shortly.<br /><br /><br />
  • LoveunitedLoveunited Posts: 370
    Fan Group Backlash:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Open Letter On Behalf Of Michael Jackson Fans in Support of MJ Estate<br /><br /> <br /><br /><br />Thursday, 19 July 2012 04:28 <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />0<br />inShare.<br /><br />Share on Tumblr<br /><br /><br /><br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Michael Jackson's fan base is aware of derogatory statements made by certain members of the Jackson family, against the executors of his Estate. We are shocked and saddened that propaganda, rather than seeking avenues to address their concerns legally, have been used to gain sympathy. While we most certainly support the beneficiaries of Jackson's Estate, Katherine Jackson and Michael's children, we equally support the executors, Mr. John Branca and Mr. John McClain.<br /> <br /><br />Jackson's fans understand that the task both Branca and McClain took on when Michael died was staggering. Weighted in nearly $400 million in debt, with an overwhelming amount of pending lawsuits, the Executors took the reins of the Estate and went to work.<br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Posthumously, the Executors have ensured the highest grossing music documentary of all time, This Is It, two successful albums, the number one tour in the world, Cirque du Soleil's IMMORTAL, sold millions of Michael Jackson The Experience video games, and are planning a huge release for the 25th anniversary of Jackson's legendary Bad album. Although every fan does not agree with all decisions the Estate has made, we agree that overall, the Estate has done well in preserving Michael's legacy. In addition, we agree with the Estate, that "false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale Internet conspiracy" do nothing to promote the positive ethic Michael Jackson espoused while alive.<br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />In three years, Jackson's Estate is thriving, nearly debt free and Michael Jackson's music is still at the forefront of the music industry. We wholeheartedly support Michael Jackson's final wishes; that he trusted both John Branca and John McClain to continue his message through his music. The Michael Jackson fan base thanks the Executors for continuing to do just that, with grace and dignity.<br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Sincerely,<br /><br />MJJCommunity, MJJUnderground, MJJJusticeProject, United4MJsLegacy, MJ Fans of NYC, MJ4Justice, Justice4MJ, TributoMJ, MJTruthNow, MJNation, SOMJ, Canadian MJ Fan Club, The Jam Café, Michael Jackson Vindication 2.0, Stop Global Airwave Abuse <br /><br /><br />
    <br /> <br /><br />Note to fan groups: Please sign the letter and post it at your websites,blogs, forums, facebook and twitter accounts. Notify us and we'll add your name to the list.<br /> <br />Note to individual fans: Please post the letter at your blogs, facebook and twitter accounts and help with circulation of it. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Followed by this tweet!<br /><br />MJJJusticeProject‏@MJJJusticePrjct<;br /><br />Just heard thunder? That is rare here in SoCal..we are in for some rain! YIPEE<br /><br /><br /><br />THUNDER? YOU AIN"T SEEN NUTHIN YET!!!--  LoveUnited
  • very good point Stranger in California. <br /><br /><br />what? only an issue now??<br /><br />
  • LoveunitedLoveunited Posts: 370
    The familys objection ISN'T new. Motions were filed originally and the will was upheld--this is what is referred to in the Estate's response to the family's letter.  The will contained a clause that if the will were challenged, no one who was to benefit from the family trust would receive anything.  HOW BLATANT IS THAT?  Since those who signed the letter allegedly wouldn't benefit from the family trust, they have position to do something. TIME has most likely been important to gather information and to let the rope loose a bit before the knot needed to be tied......... "hoisted by their own petard....' (okay gotta be of a certain generation to remember THAT reference!<br /><br />So the plan is in motion......wrongs righted....... truth will prevail in time....
  • LoveunitedLoveunited Posts: 370
    PS...personally I am waiting for the criminal  interventions  ; even tho i do agree that the "feather" of divine justice outweighs the justice of man on that scale.......Still, i would like to accounting for on this earthly plane......
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Oh how fun. The Jackson's Reality Show is back for another season.
  • LoveunitedLoveunited Posts: 370
    on 1342702641:
    <br />Oh how fun. The Jackson's Reality Show is back for another season.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /> :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
  • reveron1958reveron1958 Posts: 514
    So basically Paris logged onto Twitter and saw/heard a rumor from somewhere that her Grandmother had suffered a stroke. She assumed it was referring to Katherine's current state of health and did not have the full details. She then went on the defensive to clear it up immediately, not knowing they were referring to a past mini-stroke. She then asked people to tell her who was spreading the rumor and was told Uncle Randy, so she immediately tweeted him.<br /><br />Hot headed little thing  :icon_lol:<br /><br />Glad Jermaine cleared it up.  :icon_cool:
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Ah... that's a whole lot of assumptions you made there, reveron.
  • reveron1958reveron1958 Posts: 514
    :icon_lol:<br /><br />It was my interpretation of Jermaine's tweets.<br /><br />Does it sound unfeasible to you then?
  • @ reveron<br /><br />its kinda like judging paris beacuse of the punchline, when there are other reasons / circustances we dont know, regarding 'why' she posted. it could be completely hoax related.<br /><br />dont forget, the jacksons are kinda famous for their inhouse family fighting (all families are like this, they just happen to have public viewers) the drama actually draws people in.<br /><br />look at how we are drawn in over it. i think there is 4 threads discussing the tweets / will right now.<br /><br /><br />you know the saying, even bad publicity is good publicity.... i think it applies here (not that i believe it's a genuine situation as i think its more strategic somehow)<br /><br /><br />
  • side note, and not sure where to post this because there are so many threads abt the subject right now, and this is more to do with randy, i admit... <br /><br />but i am saddened, dissappointed and angry at some of the responses i am reading from non believer folk on twitter. really not nice stuff abt the family.<br /><br />i actually need to tidy up my twitter and get rid of some of the trash talkers. <br /><br /><br />sigh. if only they would 'get' it. so many clues, hints & whispers and they fail to see each and every one of them.  :icon_rolleyes:
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Don't feel sorry for people who squandered the same opportunity you recognized. They have had the exact same info we have, yet they refuse to see. Over n over n over again. This is what I consider witnessing a lesson in the midst of being learned. They were given a rope and instead of climbing it they chose to hang themselves instead.<br /><br />I still love the headline, "Jacksons DEMAND executors resign". Lol, I imagine MJ saying, ok guys, we are almost done, it's time to resign----> "J's DEMAND resignation!" Funny.
  • My post came across wrong. Perhaps the sigh was misleading. Don't feel sorry for them, more baffled by the level of ignorance at every single MJ related release. Nothing blatantly hoaxy registers with them and penetrates their tunnel vision! More a sigh of disbelief at the amount of blindness.<br /><br />Just cleaned out my twitter, non believers are gong on about how evil randy was during 05 trial etc<br /><br />Don't mean to be rude, but i just can't do dumb anymore. It's tiresome.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Yep, perspective is everything! You got to be wearing hoax glasses to see, otherwise nothing makes sense, and someone has to be to blame.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    I’m kinda late on this discussion.  I’ve decided its better to not try posting at work.  It frustrates me.<br /><br />Anyway, regarding Joe’s lawsuit, wasn’t it disclosed that his lawsuit was dismissed because Katherine filed first?  Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought I read that somewhere.  :icon_e_confused:  And according to what I’ve read , they have up to 6 years to contest the will since they questioned the validity in court early on and if they subsequently feel things are not being handled honestly.  Not meaning it will change anything but they are within their rights to file on it.
  • IWantYouBackIWantYouBack Posts: 208
    on 1342702641:
    <br />Oh how fun. The Jackson's Reality Show is back for another season.<br />
    <br /><br /> :icon_lol:  :th_bravo:
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct<;br />jane velez mitchell on HLN tonight going to talk about this letter.. "follow the money" she says on her facebook clip - pffft<br /><br /> :icon_e_confused: Is there anyway to watch this online?  I, unlike 99% of the planet, do not subscribe to cable t.v.
  • LoveunitedLoveunited Posts: 370
    on 1342732409:
    <br />I’m kinda late on this discussion.  I’ve decided its better to not try posting at work.  It frustrates me.<br /><br />Anyway, regarding Joe’s lawsuit, wasn’t it disclosed that his lawsuit was dismissed because Katherine filed first?  Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought I read that somewhere.  :icon_e_confused:  And according to what I’ve read , they have up to 6 years to contest the will since they questioned the validity in court early on and if they subsequently feel things are not being handled honestly.  Not meaning it will change anything but they are within their rights to file on it.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Hesoutta,<br /><br />My recollection was that it was  dismissed because he wasn't a named party in the will, therefore could not object to those who were named to execute the will, as Katherine did.
  • LoveunitedLoveunited Posts: 370
    At least ABC news is reporting on what the letter is OBJECTING TO!<br /><br /><br /><br />Top 5 Accusations Michael Jackson Siblings Make Against His Estate<br /><br />Janet, Jermaine, Tito and Rebbie threatening legal action against the executors of Michael Jackson's estate.<br />abcnews.go.com/...accusations-michael-jackson-siblings-make-estate/...<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Okay, so now it has hit mainstream news....<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Good-o!  Mainstream media needs to start joining in - MJ news can't be kept just to Twitter and MJ forums. They're gonna have to get used to it! By the way, that link didn't work Loveunited, so I've put this one that hopefully will:<br /><br />http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/top-accusations-michael-jackson-siblings-make-estate/story?id=16813632#.UAlf2qCEA9N
  • LoveunitedLoveunited Posts: 370
    Thank you Curls, I am often frustrated by my lack of computer comptence! I appreciate you posting it so people can view it. I think hitting mainstream media is significant.
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