“Road To Murder: The Enslavement of Michael Jackson” by Dallas Newton

2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
[size=12pt]A regular reader, Sister Dallas Newton, wrote this piece entitled “Road To Murder: The Enslavement of Michael Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009)” to share the truth surrounding Michael Jackson’s death that’s been under wraps even three years later.  It’s a powerful piece that must be spread...[/size]<br /><br /><br />The title of this article may sound shocking, but I have come to suspect that it is probably more plausible than not. This is based on Information contained in the books written by Leonard Rowe; “What Really Happened to Michael Jackson”; Aphrodite Jones, “Michael Jackson Conspiracy”; and LaToya Jackson, “Starting Over”; This damning information which destroys the validity of the will and the credibility of the named executors, has yet to be disputed or challenged by those implicated in a fraud perpetrated on the court, and who are now in charge of Michael Jackson’s vast estate, serving as it’s executors. Who are these men?<br /><br />They were at one time thought to be trusted employees of Michael Jackson, serving as his lawyers and advisors. John Branca, a lawyer, actually engineered the acquisition of Michael’s valuable music catalogue, which included the Beatles songs. The other executor is John McClain, who is an executive in the music industry. Both men had been fired by Michael Jackson in February 2003, for among other reasons, embezzlement of millions of Michael’s money and conflict of interest. “On February 3, 2003, Michael instructed Branca to turn over to his new attorneys all records, files, and papers dealing with his personal and business life…No will was ever turned over to Michael’s new attorney. In addition, it is reported that Michael’s Interfor investigators (A private investigation company) uncovered an improper relationship between Tommy Mottola and John Branca;”[1] “whereby Branca and Mottola were allegedly funneling Michael’s money to offshore accounts in the Caribbean. The Interfor report caused Michael Jackson great anguish and Michael demanded that Branca was never to have anything to do with him, his business, his family, or his personal life again.”[2] So how did these two men whom Michael dismissed from his life forever, come to be in charge of his billion dollar estate? How did control and thus ownership of his estate leave out his natural heirs?<br /><br />According to the reading of Michael’s Contract with AEG, (the agency promoting his “This Is It Tour”) he had been made a virtual “economic” slave. He could be made to perform like a puppet at the command of AEG and receive little or nothing in the way of compensation. “….When a reasonable person takes a look at the contract between Michael Jackson and AEG, you ……will be left with the undeniable feeling that Michael Jackson had been placed on an economic plantation with AEG as the master and overseer of all that Michael Jackson did or could do.”[3] How was this done? Apparently, Michael was put into this situation, because he trusted two people: his business overseer, Dr. Tohme Tohme, who was referred to him by Jermaine Jackson, and his lawyer at the time, Dennis Hawk, who was to work in his best interest, where it involves contracts. These two employees of Michael Jackson’s appear to be instrumental in his “economic enslavement” to AEG, the agency that was promoting his “This Is It Tour”.<br /><br />Dr. Tohme Tohme was responsible for running the Michael Jackson Company, LLC, when Michael died. Unbeknownst to Michael, Dr. Tohme Tohme entered into a separate agreement with AEG, involving his own company known as TT International, where he was being paid $100,000. Clearly, this was a conflict of interest. To add insult to injury, the $100,000 paid to Dr. Tohme Tohme was “considered an advance against Michael Jackson’s contingent compensation.”[4] Let’s get this straight. Dr. Tohme Tohme was being paid by Michael to look out for his best interests in doing business with companies such as AEG, and Dr. Tohme Tohme was also on the payroll for AEG, except Michael will ultimately be the one who pays for the betrayal.<br /><br />We do know that Dr. Tohme Tohme blocked very lucrative deals being offered to Michael during this time. One such offer was for $15 million for one show. In addition, his mother would be paid $2 million dollars. Offers such as this would free Michael up from any financial hold AEG had on him at the time, including the outrageous amount being paid for rent for the estate he ultimately died at. Michael had to reimburse AEG for the months he stayed there at $100,000 a month contracted by AEG.<br /><br />As mentioned earlier, Dennis Hawk was Michael’s lawyer, who should have been looking out for the interest of his client when it came to contracts. Quite to the contrary, the contract drawn up for Michael’s “This Is It Tour” was totally one-sided in favor of AEG and reduced Michael to a virtual Slave.<br /><br />The term of Michael Jackson’s contract with AEG went well beyond the London O2 Arena shows from July, 2009 until February, 2010. The AEG contract, however, doesn’t end until December 31st, 2011. To extend Michael’s contract beyond the O2 London shows, make no sense, since Michael’s awesome drawing power precluded any risk on the part of AEG. In addition, all expenses incurred by AEG on Michael’s behalf were subtracted from ticket sales. AEG also took out an insurance policy in the event of Michael’s death worth millions of dollars. Michael was responsible for paying the premiums on this insurance, where AEG was the sole beneficiary. This insurance policy covered all AEG’s losses, but the contract still put claims on his estate after his death. The terms and conditions of this lopsided contract were to be kept “strictly confidential.” This makes sense in light of the fact that the contract called for Michael to assume all cost, production and artist cost, leaving AEG in essence assuming no risks. This contract also allowed AEG to withhold Michael’s money made from the tour for an extra 60 days. According to Leonard Rowe, it is customary for an artist on tour to be paid every Monday morning. This creates an even further financial straitjacket for Michael and a dependency on AEG. Two months of figuring out an artist pay after they have already earned it seems ridiculous and criminal. It is even more ridiculous and criminal that Michael’s attorney, Dennis Hawk, would allow any contract putting up as collateral, The Michael Jackson Company, LLC.. But this is exactly what happened in return for a $15 million advance AEG gave Michael for the purchase of a house in Las Vegas.<br /><br />By owning the Michael Jackson Company, AEG would own his publishing rights and catalogue, investment holdings, his memorabilia, and his many grammy awards. AEG essentially would own Michael Jackson. Under this contract even if Michael filed bankruptcy he would be in default, and he would summarily lose his entire fortune to AEG. After putting Michael into this financial straightjacket, John Branca and Frank DiLeo were brought back into his life under threat that if he did not go along with this, AEG would pull the plug. John Branca was literally forced back into his life days before he died. At this time, Michael was quite sick, including brain swelling. A doctor had previously advised that Michael should be brought to the hospital right away after he learned of his symptoms. The doctor said they were classic symptoms of poisoning.<br /><br />In conclusion, it is not a stretch to compare Michael’s last month’s alive to major aspects of sharecropping, a form of slavery. We have a few white men who totally disrespected any rights under the law that Michael was entitled to. These include the duties and responsibilities a lawyer and business overseer is bound to in the course of employment by another. In ruling on Dred Scott v. Sanford, Justice Roger Taney said “A Black man has no rights; a white man is bound to respect.” This certainly seems to be the standard applied in the case of Michael Jackson. In particular, the withholding of pay for two months after a contract has been fulfilled, while AEG figures out what Michael is entitled to is reminiscent of the sharecropper working the season, and by the time the landowner deducts credit extended the poor sharecropper is entitled to nothing. And in most instances, he actually owed the landowner. There was no recourse for the poor sharecroppers, because they were not protected by the court system. The blatant disregard by his lawyer and business overseer for Michael’s rights makes one wonder if Michael and his estate would have been protected by the courts. In this scenario, Michael Jackson was worth more dead than alive.<br /><br />Footnotes:<br /><br />[1] Rowe, Leonard, What Really Happened To Michael Jackson, p.238<br />[2] Ibid. page 187<br />[3] Ibid. page 161<br />[4] Ibid. page 166<br /><br /><br />http://africanbloodsiblings.wordpress.com/2012/06/25/road-to-murder-the-enslavement-of-michael-jackson-by-dallas-newton/


  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    With all these vermin and scavengers that MJ had his whole life around, is more than understandable that he did, I think you should have faked his death many years ago.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I just wonder why it is still a point of view to picture Michael being without a brain, without a voice, without a will.<br /><br />Remember how his brain was cut in pieces and could not return to be laid to rest with his body for 7 weeks?<br /><br />Whose brain has been amputated must really have lost his mind.<br /><br />Sigh.
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    I feel sorry for Michael. Everyone was after his money. No wonder he couldn't trust people! But how come he didn't fire these people when he discovered their betrayal?! 
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    There’s something about the timing of the signing of the will on July 7, 02 happening the same day as MJ in NY calling Tommy Matolla a very very devilish man, and here them saying MJ fired Branca who together with Matolla was funnelling MJ’s money to offshore accounts.  Could these be MJ’s private funds/accounts to hide his real income?  The Matolla racist show and Branca firing could have all been a show much like the Jackson feud.  I also suspect that just as CM is an actor in this drama, so is Tohme Tohme.  Just as Sneddon had many fighting on his side starting in 1993, so MJ has many fighting for his side as he set up his chess board for a future Clean-up/Take-over.
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    I thought Tommy Motolla was a devil ???
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1343943199:
    <br />There’s something about the timing of the signing of the will on July 7, 02 happening the same day as MJ in NY calling Tommy Matolla a very very devilish man, and here them saying MJ fired Branch for together with Matolla funnelling MJ’s money to offshore accounts.  Could these be MJ’s private funds/accounts to hide his real income?  The Matolla racist show and Branca firing could have all been a show much like the Jackson feud.  I also suspect that just as CM is an actor in this drama, so is Tohme Tohme.  Just as Sneddon had many fighting on his side starting in 1993, so MJ has many fighting for his side as he set up his chess board for a future Clean-up/Take-over.<br />
    <br /><br />Ya there is definitely something about the timing of the signing of the will.  I think in 2002 that MJ already knew when his memorial date would be, exactly 7 years later on July 7.  Considering his public appearances were rare, he made sure to do something controversial that people would remember for years, in NYC.  KNOWING the will would be signed on July 7, stating it was in L.A.  It's all in the details.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1343945117:
    <br />
    on 1343943199:
    <br />There’s something about the timing of the signing of the will on July 7, 02 happening the same day as MJ in NY calling Tommy Matolla a very very devilish man, and here them saying MJ fired Branch for together with Matolla funnelling MJ’s money to offshore accounts.  Could these be MJ’s private funds/accounts to hide his real income?  The Matolla racist show and Branca firing could have all been a show much like the Jackson feud.  I also suspect that just as CM is an actor in this drama, so is Tohme Tohme.  Just as Sneddon had many fighting on his side starting in 1993, so MJ has many fighting for his side as he set up his chess board for a future Clean-up/Take-over.<br />
    <br /><br />Ya there is definitely something about the timing of the signing of the will.  I think in 2002 that MJ already knew when his memorial date would be, exactly 7 years later on July 7.  Considering his public appearances were rare, he made sure to do something controversial that people would remember for years, in NYC.  KNOWING the will would be signed on July 7, stating it was in L.A.  It's all in the details.<br />
    <br /><br />Triple attention:<br />Back -  "Physically--no more, but with us in an eternal Angelic presence. We witnessed the beginning of this transfer on 7/7 of this historical year."
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1343952105:
    <br />
    on 1343945117:
    <br />
    on 1343943199:
    <br />There’s something about the timing of the signing of the will on July 7, 02 happening the same day as MJ in NY calling Tommy Matolla a very very devilish man, and here them saying MJ fired Branch for together with Matolla funnelling MJ’s money to offshore accounts.  Could these be MJ’s private funds/accounts to hide his real income?  The Matolla racist show and Branca firing could have all been a show much like the Jackson feud.  I also suspect that just as CM is an actor in this drama, so is Tohme Tohme.  Just as Sneddon had many fighting on his side starting in 1993, so MJ has many fighting for his side as he set up his chess board for a future Clean-up/Take-over.<br />
    <br /><br />Ya there is definitely something about the timing of the signing of the will.  I think in 2002 that MJ already knew when his memorial date would be, exactly 7 years later on July 7.  Considering his public appearances were rare, he made sure to do something controversial that people would remember for years, in NYC.  KNOWING the will would be signed on July 7, stating it was in L.A.  It's all in the details.<br />
    <br /><br />Triple attention:<br />Back -  "Physically--no more, but with us in an eternal Angelic presence. We witnessed the beginning of this transfer on 7/7 of this historical year."<br />
    <br /><br />Love it, it's amazing to see this all make sense.  Can I just say how much fun this hoax is? Because it is. 
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