Was the First Moonlanding Fake?

edited January 1970 in General Discussion

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong planted his left foot in the lunar dust and became the first human to walk on the moon. Unfortunately, that stellar moment in history may have been marred by one not-insignificant detail: If inquiring author Bill Kaysing has it right, Amstrong made his giant leap for mankind not 240,000 miles above the Earth in the barren Sea of Tranquillity, but a mere 90 miles north of lusty Las Vegas on a top-secret movie soundstage. Yes, as Kaysing tells it, the nation was gulled into believe that Armstrong and Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr., were gamboling through a bona fide lunar landscape, when in fact the two "actors" were hamming it up in a sinister government production that qualifies as the greatest hoax of all time.

Sheer lunacy, you say? Not according to the millions of skeptics who watched the spectacle of men walking on the moon in disbelief. And not according to Kaysing, who outlined his highly evolved theory in a self-published expose, We Never Went to the Moon. A former technical writer for Rockwell International (which contributed to the alleged "moon missions"), Kaysing claims no direct knowledge of NASA's shenanigans. Rather, his certainty derives from the epistemological alignment of a "hunch," photographic "proof," and a gnawing feeling that "the government is a specialist in hoaxing the public."

If his thesis is, well, somewhat weightless in the hard evidence department, Kaysing more than compensates with copious enthusiasm. "America's 30 Billion Dollar Swindle!" he declares, played itself out over the course of five more sham moon landings and involved "well-faked photographs," phony moon rocks, and "programmed astronauts" - not to mention "the help of father-figure [Walter] Cronkite as the journalistic goat."

First and foremost, Kaysing has questions - questions that NASA and the former astronauts evade like a grifter dodges the "heat";

In photographs of the lunar sky, why are no stars visible, and why are the astronauts "extremely evasive regarding stars"? With no blocking atmosphere, the celestial tableau would have been "the most magnificent available to mortal
man," Kaysing writes. The answer, he posits, is that NASA's set decorators knew they couldn't dupe professional astronomers with an ersatz starry backdrop. If the moon's surface was powdery enough for deep footprints, why didn't the lunar lander's rocket thruster dig a gaping crater? And why in photographs is there no moon dust on the lander's legs?

If the moon was proven to be "sterile" after the first Apollo mission, why were astronauts in later missions held in quarantine so long? Kaysing submits that they needed quality time in an airstream trailer to "1) eliminate guilt feelings; 2) study and memorize moon data; and 3) practice responding to questions."

"Why did so many astronauts end up as executives in very large corporations?"

Kaysing provides answers to most of the questions, including the most obvious - why would NASA go to the trouble of faking the Apollo moon shots? It seems the space agency launched its elaborate ruse when, after years of technological screw-ups and bureaucratic snafus, NASA realized it would never put a man on the moon by the close of the 1960s.

To avoid international embarrassment, NASA and the military's stealth apparatus, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), established a top-secret operation that Kaysing calls the Apollo Simulation Project (ASP). For their secret base of operations, the cold-blooded ASP team chose a site in Nevada adjacent to land used by the Atomic Energy Commission in nuclear bomb testing - the perfect deterrent to the overly curious. Of course, ASP's secret base also had the advantage of being less than an hour's drive from "a twenty-four-hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week, anything-goes resort boasting more than thirty large casinos." According to Kaysing, who presents his case in semiomniscient fashion, ASP quite naturally hooked up with the Vegas "Cosa Nostra," which patriotically provided the space program with expert "services," apparently in the lethal splashdown department, so to speak.

In its desert redoubt, ASP excavated an underground cavern and installed "a complete set of the moon." (Some word-of-mouth versions of the moon scam theory place the phony set in Arizona or New Mexico.) In fact - and in the absence of traditional journalistic sourcing, we must take Kaysing at his word on most "facts" - none other than film director Stanley Kubrick assisted in the plot, generously using his 2001: A Space Odyssey to develop the Hollywood special effects required to foist the NASA hoax on an unsuspecting public. (It makes you wonder what The Shining was all about.)

According to Kaysing, ASP's modus operandi went something like this:

An empty Saturn V rocket lifts off in Florida - in full public view, thereby lending the Apollo con a patina of authenticity. However, once out of sight, the ghost rocket ditches into the South Polar Sea. The "astronauts" are jetted to ASP's Nevada complex where the enjoy "every conceivable luxury, including a few of the shapeliest showgirls from Las Vegas,
cleared for secret, of course." When Armstrong and his fellow playboy thespians aren't earning membership in the 240,000 Mile High Club, so to speak, they "are free to wander about and play the slots" and "sample the twenty-four-hour buffet from the Dunes" hotel. (In this moral vacuum, the well-informed Kaysing reports, one of the astronauts may have "socked an ASP official in a dispute over a showgirl named Peachy Keen."

When the curtain finally rises, the special -effects team, TV cameramen, and "ASP moon walk director" create a near-seamless piece of performance art, as Armstrong recites his scripted "one-small-step" line. Every aspect of the phony video feed is "meticulously" choreographed, down to the "boo-boos," jokes, "and seeming improvisations of the astronauts." Meanwhile, NASA cooks up counterfeit "moon rocks," the purported hard evidence of the journey, in a high-tech ceramics kiln.

In time for their triumphal return to Earth, the astronauts are coaxed away from the Vegas vixens and whisked to a hidden air base south of the Hawaiian Islands (the "Tauramoto Archipelago," Kaysing obligingly specifies). There they are sealed inside a dummy space capsule and dropped from a C5-a transport plane into the roiling seas.

If the plot sounds a lot like the 1979 film Capricorn One, which dramatized a similar cabal involving a bogus mission to Mars, it is because, according to Kaysing, Hollywood borrowed the idea from the first edition of his book.

Like the O.J. Simpson-Telly Savalas film (or any conspiracy hypothesis worth its salt), Kaying's theory has its martyrs, a whole cemetery full. There's Tom Baron, the aerospace technician who complained to Congress about dangerous corner-cutting in the Apollo program - and died in a train accident "just four days after he testified." There are also the three astronauts - including Gus "the Right Stuff" Grissom - who died on the launchpad in a 1967 "mishap" when fire swept through their capsule. Grisson had groused publicly about Apollo's safety troubles, leading Kaysing to postulate that perhaps the DIA arranged a little "accident" to silence the whistle-blower and impress other loud-mouth fly-boys.

And, as in many a postulated conspiracy, this one involves brainwashing. Kaysing suggests that the astronauts might have been subjected to state-of-the-art mind-control techniques and turned into "Manchurian Candidates," thus ensuring their obedient participation in the hoax. This, he postulates, might explain their subsequent reclusiveness and, in some cases, "severe mental problems."

What are they trying to hide, anyway? Kaysing wonders. Neil Armstrong "will not speak on the phone to me," Kaysing complains in his book. Buzz Aldrin apparently won't appear on talk shows alongside Apollo's intractable critic. Despite their seeming aloofness, however, the space jockeys may in fact be very interested in the California researcher's doings: Kaysing intimates darkly that agents of Armstrong keep close tabs on his ongoing quest to defrock Apolloscam.

Alas, NASA's secrets remain as impenetrable as any Vegas vault. Barring unforeseen revelations, hectoring ex-astronauts may be the only way for Kaysing to get to the bottom of the conundrum. Like David flinging tiny Earth rocks at a space-suited Goliath, the intrepid investigator has issued a standing challenge: "I am willing," Kaysing pledges, "to debate any or all of the astronauts at any time on live TV or in person anywhere."

So far the Manchurian Spacemen have declined to take that one small step.

Source: <!-- m -->http://www.carpenoctem.tv/cons/moon.html<!-- m -->


  • Haha, Mo, you really rock!

    Yes, the moon landing was/is a big hoax. Enough evidence is out that it cannot have been carried out physically - the Van Allen Belt and radiation -, nor practically.
    The waving US flag, although there is no "wind/weather" on the moon, the reflections in the helmets showing lighting rigs, the false shadows, etc. and so forth.
    I always wondered what had happened in the 6 hours between the landing and the so-called first step.
    But my biggest question always has been: who filmed the first step on the moon??????
    I see, they needed those 6 hours to step out, install the camera, step back in, drink champagne and then sep out again. Yeeeeeesssss - any other fairy tales???
  • Yep.Even I knew that.LMAO when i llooked in the background..NO STARS!! awws,my poor country <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> ......awww <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> oh well..Thanks Mo!

  • DooDooDooDoo Posts: 437
    Well, what do I think? I think it's a BIG FAKE of course <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> They took the pics in the studios, they only wanted to do that before the Russians, that's that.
    FAKE FAKE FAKE <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • TracyKTracyK Posts: 163
    I haven't had time to read this, but I will get to it.. The title alone i am able to answer, lol. I do think it was staged! Look at the way that they bounce on the moon on the black and white tv.. Then look at it in color years later.. They should be walking the same.. But as technology improved the way they walked improved.. REM had some lyrics in a song.. "If you believe they put a man on the moon" I was a teenager when I heard that and it got my mind to thinking. I researched this a few yrs ago. It is my personal opinion that we have not been on the moon.. At least in 1969 we did not go. People think I am so weird for thinking that.. But the proof is in the pudding so to speak.
  • misha86misha86 Posts: 508
    wasnt there shadows also <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> in 1969 im not shocked that it passed but now <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> its like come on now <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    i honestly never thought we went to the moon, idk but im just not buying it <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I actually met one of the Apollo 15 astronauts James B. Irwin who was the Lunar Module Pilot when he came to Edinburgh, Scotland in the late 70's I think it was. I have his autograph on an official photo and he signed a map of the moon for my father of the Hadley Rille/Apennines landing site. Jim Irwin and Commander David R. Scott were the first astronauts to drive the Lunar Rover Vehicle on the moon. I believe Jim Irwin was in Edinburgh to spread his religious knowledge rather than in a NASA capacity.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
  • wow i like this "The Great Hoax Invenstigation forum" LOL

    and yes i agree FAKE
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    Definitely fake. I worked for a space agency and participated in a conference regarding a return to t he moon and Mars. One of the most important issues they dealt with was the problem of a soft landing. It is impossible that they could have accomplished what they did with 1969 technology. Remember the computers that were around 40 years ago? They were huge machines that filled entire rooms. I think most people are sceptical about the moon landing. It's harder to prove the assassinations. For example, I have my doubts about John F. Kennedy Jr. Have we mentioned Princess Di?
  • I have worked for W.L. Gore & Associates and I have seen and touched and examined one of the original astronaut suits of the Apollo program and moon landing. Never ever could this suit have protected the astronauts from the radiation - a fireman had better protective clothing even in 1969 (although this stretched PTFE aka Gore-Tex is quite an amazing material). I would bet any sum that all the astronauts have been highly mind-controlled and programmed.

    Oh, there's many more assassinations of people who got too dangerous, there's JFK, there's his brother Bobby, there's his son John John, there's Princess Di, there's William Milton Cooper, there's Marilyn Monroe, and many more. They had to die for their guts to either not acting according to 'the Agenda', or for proclaiming to expose some 'interesting facts'.

    We should keep all these people in our thankful hearts for their bravery!
  • Yes I believe JFK jnr and Princess Di , Marilyn Munroe were murdered.. The story I heard about JFK Jnr is that he was investigating his fathers death and I guess found out what went on and who was responsible and was going to spill the beans so they got rid of him...

    Everything is a LIE
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    I've always wondered about John John. Do you where I can look for info on him regarding a conspiracy? Most people buy into the story of the plane crash. They tried to kill Ted Kennedy in a plane crash, but he survived that one. That's another trick--when they want to get rid of someone, the person conveniently dies in a plane crash.
  • I've always wondered about John John. Do you where I can look for info on him regarding a conspiracy? Most people buy into the story of the plane crash. They tried to kill Ted Kennedy in a plane crash, but he survived that one. That's another trick--when they want to get rid of someone, the person conveniently dies in a plane crash.

    I will need to look for it... I heard about it awhile ago
  • liegi, When you say John John do you mean JFK Jnr? I'm also interested in this plane crash. On TIAI update a few days ago I believe there was mention of a fourth person/co-pilot on board. The official NTSB report only refers to three people on the plane, JFK Jnr, his wife and her sister. Re reading the TIAI update I can no longer see the reference to the co-pilot. I know I read this info on TIAI because until then I only knew of three people on board. I cannot find the name of the co-pilot anywhere.
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    <!-- m -->http://www.john-f-kennedy-jr.com/murdered.htm<!-- m --> of course--John F. Kennedy Jr.

    I've found this link. Basically it states that:
    1. There was a time gap between approach and the eventual search for a missing plane.
    2. John Jr. was a cautious and methodical pilot. The plane was equipped with auto-pilot.
    3. A blackbox revealed a spiral plunge down. A suicide? Unlikely.
    4. There was a FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR on board (not navigator).
    Possible reason for his assassination--his popularity and he was the only one to acknowledge a conspiracy in his father's death. Also, there was a suggestion mind control regarding the flight instructor.

    I am always suspicous when the eminently famous people who can sway public opinion (Princess Di, MJ, JFK, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Robert Kennedy, etc.) die in crashes or are gunned down.
  • I've studied this and it convinced me that the 1st landing was a hoax.
  • liegi, Thank you for your info and for posting the link. There is still no mention of the co-pilot's name anywhere. For me that is suspicious. It means one cannot look into this side of the conspiracy.
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    It seems there are always missing links in these cases. They know people won't investigate because they do not have the resources, the time and the special skills needed. They also know that people do not want to be ridiculed for their beliefs. With Michael Jackson it seems as if many people outside of the forums have their doubts too, so that is helping the case. For example, I don't think the CSI Miami episode about the death of the popstar is a mere coincidence.
    Re: Moon landing--yes, it was probably staged due to the fact that the technology of that time could not have allowed this. Another thing to take into consideration--why would it have taken another 50 years to return to the moon if we have already been there? I wish I had the scientific knowledge to refute it. I remember one man who had worked at NASA and had retired from there told me that all the plans for the Atlas rockets had mysteriously disappeared.
  • liegi, Thank you for your reply. It's all very interesting and thought provoking. No wonder there are conspiracy theorists about.
  • I DO think the 1st moon landing was fake....for the simple fact that....THEY HAVEN'T BEEN BACK SINCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • BlessHisHeart, Do you think the subsequent Apollo missions were faked or just Apollo 11?
  • http://www.john-f-kennedy-jr.com/murdered.htm of course--John F. Kennedy Jr.

    I've found this link. Basically it states that:
    1. There was a time gap between approach and the eventual search for a missing plane.
    2. John Jr. was a cautious and methodical pilot. The plane was equipped with auto-pilot.
    3. A blackbox revealed a spiral plunge down. A suicide? Unlikely.
    4. There was a FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR on board (not navigator).
    Possible reason for his assassination--his popularity and he was the only one to acknowledge a conspiracy in his father's death. Also, there was a suggestion mind control regarding the flight instructor.

    I am always suspicous when the eminently famous people who can sway public opinion (Princess Di, MJ, JFK, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Robert Kennedy, etc.) die in crashes or are gunned down.

    I have always been fascinated by the Kennedy assasinations, i have known about JFK all my life seeing as i was born on the anniversary of his death (not telling ya what year though lol) Every birthday my mum would say ' i can never forget your birthday two important things happened on 22nd November, you were born and the dream for a better world died'. I have read every book, watched every film, everything concerning JFK i have disected, investigated lol you name it ive done it. But getting back to John John, the coast guard refused to send out the air sea rescue untill the following morning. If you want an illuninante connection check out the videos on youtube concerning Bush and John jrs death. I personally have my own opinion on who truley killed JFK, L.B. Johnson being as guilty as sin along with the cia, bush snr and his father and the top texan oil families. BUT thats another conspiricy and does not belong here. Its wasnt Just America that died the day JFK did, i feel the whole world died that day but that is only my opinion.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    <!-- m -->http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http ... sQL9l82SAQ<!-- m -->
    LRO Sends Back Images of Apollo Lunar Module Hardware On The Moon
    Source: NASA HQ Posted Friday, July 17, 2009

    NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, or LRO, has returned its first imagery of the Apollo moon landing sites. The pictures show the Apollo missions' lunar module descent stages sitting on the moon's surface, as long shadows from a low sun angle make the modules' locations evident.

    The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera, or LROC, was able to image five of the six Apollo sites, with the remaining Apollo 12 site expected to be photographed in the coming weeks.

    The satellite reached lunar orbit June 23 and captured the Apollo sites between July 11 and 15. Though it had been expected that LRO would be able to resolve the remnants of the Apollo mission, these first images came before the spacecraft reached its final mapping orbit. Future LROC images from these sites will have two to three times greater resolution.

    "The LROC team anxiously awaited each image," said LROC principal investigator Mark Robinson of Arizona State University. "We were very interested in getting our first peek at the lunar module descent stages just for the thrill -- and to see how well the cameras had come into focus. Indeed, the images are fantastic and so is the focus."

    This photograph shows Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin in front of the lunar module. The photo helps provide a scale to the LROC images shown above. Credit: NASA/Neil Armstrong
    � Larger image

    Although these pictures provide a reminder of past NASA exploration, LRO's primary focus is on paving the way for the future. By returning detailed lunar data, the mission will help NASA identify safe landing sites for future explorers, locate potential resources, describe the moon's radiation environment and demonstrate new technologies.

    "Not only do these images reveal the great accomplishments of Apollo, they also show us that lunar exploration continues," said LRO project scientist Richard Vondrak of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. "They demonstrate how LRO will be used to identify the best destinations for the next journeys to the moon."

    The spacecraft's current elliptical orbit resulted in image resolutions that were slightly different for each site but were all around four feet per pixel. Because the deck of the descent stage is about 12 feet in diameter, the Apollo relics themselves fill an area of about nine pixels. However, because the sun was low to the horizon when the images were made, even subtle variations in topography create long shadows. Standing slightly more than ten feet above the surface, each Apollo descent stage creates a distinct shadow that fills roughly 20 pixels.

    The image of the Apollo 14 landing site had a particularly desirable lighting condition that allowed visibility of additional details. The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package, a set of scientific instruments placed by the astronauts at the landing site, is discernable, as are the faint trails between the module and instrument package left by the astronauts' footprints.

    Launched on June 18, LRO carries seven scientific instruments, all of which are currently undergoing calibration and testing prior to the spacecraft reaching its primary mission orbit. The LROC instrument comprises three cameras -- two high-resolution Narrow Angle Cameras and one lower resolution Wide Angle Camera. LRO will be directed into its primary mission orbit in August, a nearly-circular orbit about 31 miles above the lunar surface.

    Goddard built and manages LRO, a NASA mission with international participation from the Institute for Space Research in Moscow. Russia provided the neutron detector aboard the spacecraft.
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