How MJ Could Hoax Death With UCLA Help.

Just a thought that came to me. Maybe someone can add to it, but people are wondering how in the world a hospital can be quiet about a hoax, or even how they could go along with it. What if MJ had a meeting with a director of the hospital and donated a LOT of money with the condition that he get help faking his death. Maybe they said they couldn't lie for him but that he could have use of the facility to stage it. For a lot of money to do research or build I'm sure they would help. I wonder if anyone can investigate about any new secret donations UCLA has received....HMMMM....


  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Interesting theory! I have wondered the same thing. Wouldn't contributions to the hospital be private information though?
  • MJhunnyMJhunny Posts: 239
    yeah thought about that too.
    That or they had to if MJ was in danger of sorts and the police or whoever is running his protection told the hospital they had to go along with it...
    either would or could explain why jermaine made the statement and not a hospital spokesperson or doctor.
  • For MJ to "donate" money in exchange for cooperation, that would easily be viewed as buying their silence (i.e. a bribe) if the hoax is ever revealed. I just don't see that as likely; I don't think MJ would want the backlash that would accompany that. If the hoax involves the government, then it would be a non-issue. UCLA could/would help because they had no choice. But if not, I just don't think MJ would be part of a bribe like that. There has to be more going on in that case.
  • or..they didnt have to lie about anything because the fire alarm was pulled
  • or..they didnt have to lie about anything because the fire alarm was pulled
    The thing about the hoax, the more people who know about it the more likely it's gonna come out. If the staff was not involved, don't you think they would miss a missing body after the fire alarm and if they were involved...that is way too many people. The government or police don't go thru this amount of trouble to hide someone if some one is danger...this is what the witness protection program is for. Can you immagine the NON fans who would be upset to know tax dollars were used for this if government or police were involved? I'm not saying MJ bribed anyone, he could have given them donations in the past and they could have done this for him in thanks. People do it all the time! University's accept donations with stipulations ALL the time...example...take this money and I want this building named after me...Take this money and name your school after me...
  • Oops, I didn't see this thread before posting mine about Michael & UCLA MC. Sorry.

    But I fully agree with the OP. I just wrote in the above mentioned thread that Michael has a history at UCLA by attending/witnessing operations on a frequent basis for many many years. That UCLA is the 'chosen' hospital for him to 'die' is just TOO coincidental (NOT!) , especially when he was a known 'guest' there. How easy to arrange a June 25, 2009 scenario <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Just my 2 cents
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    The Goverment, ie FBI, Chief of LAPD, etc., would have had to request the Director of UCLA to participate - they may have made a donation on MJ's behalf.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    For MJ to "donate" money in exchange for cooperation, that would easily be viewed as buying their silence (i.e. a bribe) if the hoax is ever revealed. I just don't see that as likely; I don't think MJ would want the backlash that would accompany that. If the hoax involves the government, then it would be a non-issue. UCLA could/would help because they had no choice. But if not, I just don't think MJ would be part of a bribe like that. There has to be more going on in that case.

    But I remember an article. A good friend of MJ talked about him and there was a situation where Paris felt of a tree or something. And this friend wanted to bring Paris to the hospital and Michael came out and wanted to give a bunch of money for doin this. He didn't take it but I just wanted to say that Michael gave money to him for doing this...maybe he thought he had to "buy"friends because a lot of people treated him that way...

    But maybe he could have gave the hospital a lot of money to do that
  • EVERYONE and EVERYTHING has a price...thats all i have to say lol Money rules this world.. the more money you have seems like the more respect you get from people...just saying
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    I don't think MJ would have done it to buy silence, I think it would have been a gesture of thanks. It is quite a big thing to ask of an establishment like UCLA.
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