BlackorWhite: an informer on Italian forum



  • It's hard for me to fully believe things anymore. I'd hate to completely put all my faith into what this person is saying because it would kill me to believe someone so much only to be let down.

    I don't know what I believe, but I hope this person isn't just playing with everyone's emotions. That would be so sick.
  • Sorry I don't believe this person. He or she? tells us everything we all knew already. Like he went to the hospital and the firealarm went off, so he could escape unseen and go to the airport,which was supposedly closed for the time. Why would he have gone to the airport when this persons says Michael is still in L.A. and has never even left L.A.? I think he just made a story of all the facts we found. I just don't buy it.
  • That's not right....BlackorWhite intodruced herself, her name is Daniela and she's 30 years old. If you read it all carefully...she never said, Michael stayed in LA. He's moving and does sometimes visits his kids, last time was Christmas.

    Let's keep an open mind! <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • Thanks for your great works!
    More exactly the new link of italian forum is : <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    I still cannot find any flags on this site <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Obviously I'm a bit impaired at this. I cannot read a darn thing.
  • I try again for you, I hope this works:

    <!-- m --> ... 5#lastpost<!-- m -->

    See you there....
  • IntegrityIntegrity Posts: 449
  • A part of me want to believe that someone is in contact with MJ and reporting for him. I think I would have believe more had this person given information on things such as (who was really in the ambulance, what happened to the missing video footage from the house) etc.

    However, unlike Cassandra, this person is giving direct answers and not beating around the bush. My question is that this person is also saying that the FBI and CIA are both involved. Isn't this illegal to flat out put in print that the FBI and CIA are involved in a serious death hoax as if its fact, if it isn't ??? This person isn't assuming but stating facts according to his "MJ" contacts.

  • Hi guys
    I've been a casual observer here for some weeks now and thought I'd chime in on this particular topic. I guess the difference with this site and poster is they are giving hard answers. Not vague reponses, but straight ahead answers. And for the first time, based on what they're saying, it all seems to really add up. They say the simplest answer is usually the right answer. The most obvious scenario is the one nobody speculates about. From what I can gather and summarize, it seems Michael and the concerts were under a very serious terrorist threat. If this is the case, then it makes absolute sense that he would be forced to do this to make sure the fans would not be harmed during the shows. Think about it, what better place to stage a horrific event than the most joyous of all events, a Michael Jackson concert. This would allow the FBI to get involved and it would all be legal and straight forward. If he did it speciffically to protect his fans then they would be MORE than forgiving upon his return. It was the perfect plan. The people that this person says knows and doesn't know about the hoax makes sense also.
    Can anybody actually explain Diana Ross' silence this past six months OTHER than she knows what's going on and is in on it. More than likely she is set up to be the person to reintroduce MJ back onto the scene, thus reigniting her own flagging career.
    Once again, makes sense. That clue is even evident in TII during the J-5 sequence.
    I believe this is the first firing shot, folks. Keep your eyes open because it may just have begun...STAY TUNED!
  • I really believe MJ is ALIVE, but...if what BOW says is true, that the concerts were under a very serious terrorist threat, Mj really needed to fake his death rather than just cancel (or postpone) the tour?
  • HoaxornotHoaxornot Posts: 100
    I wish I could believe in this italian source.. but I know for a fact that Dr Conrad Murray is real... He was born in Tobago.. He is a not an actor.. He is a friend of my boyfriend so I know this for sure...
    He did not talk to him since June 25th
    Now I wonder if Michael had to fake his death, why leave any clues? If he was in danger or because of health or money problems.. I do not think he would leave any clues behind.. Yes friends and family can have have slip ups
    If he really faked is death, for sure he is not in this country
    I really hope he is still alive but Dr Murray is a real doctor, a bad one but real
  • yayayaya Posts: 158
    I wish I could believe in this italian source.. but I know for a fact that Dr Conrad Murray is real... He was born in Tobago.. He is a not an actor.. He is a friend of my boyfriend so I know this for sure...
    He did not talk to him since June 25th
    Now I wonder if Michael had to fake his death, why leave any clues? If he was in danger or because of health or money problems.. I do not think he would leave any clues behind.. Yes friends and family can have have slip ups
    If he really faked is death, for sure he is not in this country
    I really hope he is still alive but Dr Murray is a real doctor, a bad one but real

    that's interesting...i've always believed he's a real person but question his part in this.
  • HoaxornotHoaxornot Posts: 100
    I do not know Dr Murray's role yet.. I will ask my bf if she talked to him lately.. and if maybe we can get anything from him....
    He finds it very strange as well and he is a doctor!!!
  • HoaxornotHoaxornot Posts: 100
    If HE sorry bad typing!!!
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    Hi guys
    I've been a casual observer here for some weeks now and thought I'd chime in on this particular topic. I guess the difference with this site and poster is they are giving hard answers. Not vague reponses, but straight ahead answers. And for the first time, based on what they're saying, it all seems to really add up. They say the simplest answer is usually the right answer. The most obvious scenario is the one nobody speculates about. From what I can gather and summarize, it seems Michael and the concerts were under a very serious terrorist threat. If this is the case, then it makes absolute sense that he would be forced to do this to make sure the fans would not be harmed during the shows. Think about it, what better place to stage a horrific event than the most joyous of all events, a Michael Jackson concert. This would allow the FBI to get involved and it would all be legal and straight forward. If he did it speciffically to protect his fans then they would be MORE than forgiving upon his return. It was the perfect plan. The people that this person says knows and doesn't know about the hoax makes sense also.
    Can anybody actually explain Diana Ross' silence this past six months OTHER than she knows what's going on and is in on it. More than likely she is set up to be the person to reintroduce MJ back onto the scene, thus reigniting her own flagging career.
    Once again, makes sense. That clue is even evident in TII during the J-5 sequence.
    I believe this is the first firing shot, folks. Keep your eyes open because it may just have begun...STAY TUNED!

    In a way it does not make sense if Michael was really afraid about his fans, he could just let give an explanation that the concerts won´t be made, because it is too dangerous that is it. But it does not make any sense then to fake his death. And it underlines that there will be no come back why should the threat be over when he appears there might be more threats, because a lot of people would hate him for doing that. People are deeply hurt, it is a big emotional presure for many, many people, fans have commited suicide. is this nothing? I do not think that.

    By the way Ross did make a statement on Michael´s death, but not everybody has noticed it, that´s all.
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