Article comparing Elvis & Michael

dirtydiana2009dirtydiana2009 Posts: 31
edited January 1970 in News

Elvis Presley's birthday weekend
From: Herald Sun January 08, 2010 12:00AM

THEY were both called the King, but they reigned in different eras. Elvis was the original King of rock 'n' roll. Michael was known as the King of Pop.

Who do you think will emerge out in front in the history books, Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson? Have your say here.

They both changed music forever with their unique styles and talents, achieving extraordinary success that could often be described only by comparing one with the other.

Both died suddenly, but not totally unexpectedly, after years of real and rumoured health problems at a time when most considered their careers to be on the downward slide.

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Both also died in questionable circumstances, and the outpouring of emotion from broken-hearted fans ensured a huge spike in sales of CDs and memorabilia.

Their music, still respected but generally ignored by radio stations and the public in the years leading up to their deaths, again shot to the top of the charts, and the intense attention paid to their demises catered to devoted fans and casual observers alike.

Both superstars were also relatively "rehabilitated" in death, at least initially. Respect for their achievements swamped the more controversial aspects in many hastily compiled bulletins, retrospectives and commemorative editions.

There was also a stampede to produce every souvenir that could possibly be sold before public hunger was sated - or diverted - by the next big story.

So, just as we now see the hullabaloo around Michael's death being replaced by the hullabaloo of what would have been Elvis's 75th birthday, let us pause to remember some of the other bizarre connections between the two kings.

First, there was always the remote possibility, while Michael and Elvis's daughter, Lisa-Marie, were married, that they'd have a child who'd have the bluest of musical blue blood rushing through its veins. But though this dynasty was never to be, Elvis and Michael did have a deep love of their respective children that continued long after their marriages collapsed.

Even their funerals shared similarities.

Elvis was initially buried in Forest Hills cemetery in Memphis before his body was moved to Graceland. Michael became a longer-term resident (along with the recently deceased Brittany Murphy) in Forest Lawn cemetery in Los Angeles, though it's not unlikely Jacko will also end up being reburied at his beloved Neverland, which one day might rival Graceland as a macabre shrine for believers and cynics alike.

Regardless of whether that comes to pass, I can't help but feel that, like the bizarre Dead Elvis concert that toured Australia, in which the King "performed" via vintage film clips to a live band and backing singers, it can only be a matter of time, given the success of the impressive Jackson documentary This is It, before commercial pressure results in a similar Dead Jacko tour circles the globe. And, no doubt, media-marketable material will -- as it did with Elvis and Princess Diana, continue to surface along with ever-more lurid revelations.

It leaves me thinking that no matter how "wacko" Jacko may have been, leaving early was still -- as it was with Elvis - a great career move in terms of regaining his legendary status.

Never let us forget, though, especially on this special day for Elvis and his legions of fans, that despite Elvis and Michael becoming figures of fun and controversy, they deserve to be remembered not as jesters but as the kings they truly were.

So have a very happy birthday in rock 'n' roll heaven, Elvis, and please say hi to Michael from us all. We miss you both.

Meanwhile, Wayne Hawthorne, who has run the Victorian Elvis Presley fan club since 1970, has co-produced a new Australian-oriented compilation album that hits stores today.

50 Australian Top Ten Hits 1956-1977 features several Elvis songs that were major hits only in this country.

The album was given the stamp of approval by the Presley estate in Graceland and is already being ordered by Elvis collectors overseas.

Membership inquiries: PO Box 301, Heidelberg 3084.


  • billy06billy06 Posts: 73
    thanks for this, but MJ is better. Elvis created the modern day music, while MJ perfected it.
  • hopehope Posts: 543
    thanks for this, but MJ is better. Elvis created the modern day music, while MJ perfected it.
    Very well said, I love that. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> Plus Elvis didnt get ridiculed by the media for his whole life either. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ^^Elvis did NOT create modern day music....he made the blues and newly-named "rock & roll" popular to young white audiences that was made by and already popular among African Americans. Elvis just got the credit.....Elvis can't hold a candle to MJ...

    The original Elvis hit "Hound Dog" originally done by Blues singer Big Mama Thornton:

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    Another instance: Little Richard's "Tutti Fruity"
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    Long before Richard recorded this, he performed it at his shows as "Tutti Frutti, Loose Booty." It was a very raucous and sexual song and was considered too suggestive for white audiences, so it was cleaned up considerably when he recorded it. The chorus was changed to "Tutti Frutti, aw Rudi."

    Pat Boone, who had a long career doing sanitized covers of songs by black artists, had a hit with this in 1956. He also covered Richard's "Long Tall Sally" that year.
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    He wasn't the first, and isn't the last....and that's "da troot"....
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