TMZ have just broke off live stream for breaking news

DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
edited January 1970 in News
whats it going to be??

They just ran off... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->


  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Gimme the link, gimme, pleeeasssseeeee ( biting nails)

  • i just saw that! I was all waitin and waitin for it to start... I wonder why... I know it said Harvey wasn't there.. maybe something happened and they decided not to do it... hmmm
  • Gimme the link, gimme, pleeeasssseeeee ( biting nails)


    it is tmz live which they do everyday at 4:30 est... <!-- w --><!-- w -->

    they will put up the live stream..
  • ejayejay Posts: 455
    hmm, yes i saw that too...i did notice sly and eminem are on the rumor mill today..
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Thanks <3
  • Thanks <3

    Your welcome! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I wonder if they are going to decide to do it later? oh man and I am going to be at the gym!
    i dont even see a live stream thingy
  • <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->Hello, I have never posted before, until now, and I have read most of what everyone is saying, and watching all the videos and you tube stuff and I'm still on the fence and wanting to beLIEve that Michael is still with us. So my statement is you CANNOT beLIEve any media outlet.. ANY of them, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS..etc. any of them. Why you might ask, is becasue they are all owed by the Illuminati (sorry if I mispelled that). They control everything, what is put out over the TV, radio airwaves and mind you subliminal messages go hand in hand with their agenda. Please be careful on what you choose to believe either reading or seeing. PLEASE BE CAREFUL. Michael was or is very aware of the Illuminati and what they have done and are doing.
    If Michael is alive then his reason for disappearing was valid and
    I feel becasue of the Illuminati. Will we see him again if he is alive? IMO probably not, why go thru all of what he has and did to go thru another year or so of "why he did what he did" from the media and folks who did not care for him. The media has never been kind to him and they wouldn't be if he did fake his death. Yes, it would be a great "screw you" to all of the press and the papparazzi, and the folks who thought he was a criminal, I in fact would laugh my butt off to think he accomplished the utmost hoax ever by anyone, and he could be the one to do it. I miss him ever so much, I play his music all the time and try and watch him dance his magic, and oh he could dance. So with I mentioned please be careful on what you are reading and seeing there is alot of deception out there and "they" will go to lengths to keep the truth from coming out.
  • Nothing yet.. it must be big for them to just run off.

    Might not be MJ related. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Wait and see.
  • larablarab Posts: 323
    I cant access tmz <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
    anyone know what happened?
  • yea I was thinking the same thing... something must have happened.. and harvey isn't there so they prolly decided to just pull the plug for now... b/c I feel like if Harvey was there he would come over and say "hey guys we are about to break a really big story so we will come back later.." or something.. you now how he is always saying when they are about to break it.. I hope no one else got hurt or died.. I feel like every other story on there has an RIP!
  • Nothing yet.. it must be big for them to just run off.

    Might not be MJ related. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Wait and see.

    Maybe that rumor on Eminem? But if it's just a rumor, I guess they wouldn't cut off just for that...
  • I cant access tmz <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
    anyone know what happened?

    we r not sure.. all I know is I had the TMZ Live streaming (and it was the 2 empty chairs) and then they just cut the feed. SO WEIRD! Any today of all days.. so much weridness going on.. I don't wanna leave my house! lol
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    if it was because of emenem that they have left two empty chairs is strange did they do that when they heard about Michael last year what is going on now ..please
  • if it was because of emenem that they have left two empty chairs is strange did they do that when they heard about Michael last year what is going on now ..please

    well usually when they first put up the live feed it is the 2 empty chairs.. it almost always takes a few mins for Harvey and Mike to come. you usually hear Harvey ("ok") before you see him.. lol.. and when MJ "died" they had not started TMZ Live yet.. it was started after.. probably b/c they were getting so many questions... Today just nobody sat down or anything.. like they didnt start it at all.. they just cut the feed with no explanation, so we have concluded something must be going on. who knows!
  • Leah-KimLeah-Kim Posts: 507
    Maybe Elvis walked into the studio!!!!!
    But seriously that is weird... Today has been sooo weird!!!!
  • whats it going to be??

    They just ran off... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    When you said that "they just ran off", was it like an emergency-type run? This is so odd!

  • ejayejay Posts: 455
    and now the new article is for murray hiring a new lawyer..which tmz is calling "breaking news"
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    if it was because of emenem that they have left two empty chairs is strange did they do that when they heard about Michael last year what is going on now ..please

    well usually when they first put up the live feed it is the 2 empty chairs.. it almost always takes a few mins for Harvey and Mike to come. you usually hear Harvey ("ok") before you see him.. lol.. and when MJ "died" they had not started TMZ Live yet.. it was started after.. probably b/c they were getting so many questions... Today just nobody sat down or anything.. like they didnt start it at all.. they just cut the feed with no explanation, so we have concluded something must be going on. who knows!
    Thankyou can you keep us posted thanks
  • if it was because of emenem that they have left two empty chairs is strange did they do that when they heard about Michael last year what is going on now ..please

    well usually when they first put up the live feed it is the 2 empty chairs.. it almost always takes a few mins for Harvey and Mike to come. you usually hear Harvey ("ok") before you see him.. lol.. and when MJ "died" they had not started TMZ Live yet.. it was started after.. probably b/c they were getting so many questions... Today just nobody sat down or anything.. like they didnt start it at all.. they just cut the feed with no explanation, so we have concluded something must be going on. who knows!
    Thankyou can you keep us posted thanks

    yup absolutely! they just put up that article about Murray lawyering up.. I posted a link...
  • Is that it.. Dr Murray hires Brittany Spears lawyer?? They ran off for that??

    Yeah... i was watching. They started the live stream and then ran off saying "we go to go, we got breaking news coming in"
  • 8-)Hello, I have never posted before, until now, and I have read most of what everyone is saying, and watching all the videos and you tube stuff and I'm still on the fence and wanting to beLIEve that Michael is still with us. So my statement is you CANNOT beLIEve any media outlet.. ANY of them, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS..etc. any of them. Why you might ask, is becasue they are all owed by the Illuminati (sorry if I mispelled that). They control everything, what is put out over the TV, radio airwaves and mind you subliminal messages go hand in hand with their agenda. Please be careful on what you choose to believe either reading or seeing. PLEASE BE CAREFUL. Michael was or is very aware of the Illuminati and what they have done and are doing.
    If Michael is alive then his reason for disappearing was valid and
    I feel becasue of the Illuminati. Will we see him again if he is alive? IMO probably not, why go thru all of what he has and did to go thru another year or so of "why he did what he did" from the media and folks who did not care for him. The media has never been kind to him and they wouldn't be if he did fake his death. Yes, it would be a great "screw you" to all of the press and the papparazzi, and the folks who thought he was a criminal, I in fact would laugh my butt off to think he accomplished the utmost hoax ever by anyone, and he could be the one to do it. I miss him ever so much, I play his music all the time and try and watch him dance his magic, and oh he could dance. So with I mentioned please be careful on what you are reading and seeing there is alot of deception out there and "they" will go to lengths to keep the truth from coming out.

    Welcome, smoothcriminal! It's great to have you here! You raised some interesting points!
  • LLJLLJ Posts: 140
    I read that Murray hired this lawyer on the 4th already! How can it be breaking news on the 8th?
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