ladylee1979ladylee1979 Posts: 257
edited January 1970 in News
URI GELLER is taking legal action against a leading American news channel over an interview with MICHAEL JACKSONs former dermatologist - he wants an apology following the medic's "false and unfounded" allegations about the psychic's friendship with the late superstar.
The late King of Pop's former skin doctor Arnold Klein spoke to U.S. talk show host Larry King in July (09) and alleged Geller had profited from the controversial 2003 documentary which saw Jackson interviewed by British journalist Martin Bashir.
The TV entertainer, who was a longtime pal of the Thriller hitmaker, has strongly denied making any money from the interview and claims he has been subject to a hate campaign since Klein's comments were broadcast on U.S. channel CNN.
Geller is taking his complaint to the High Court in the U.K. after he failed to get an apology from CNN bosses over the "totally false and unfounded" allegations.
Geller's solicitor, Paul Tweed, explained the action in a letter to the news channel, which reads, "During the course of the interview Dr Klein made a number of false and grossly defamatory allegations about our client... that he cynically exploited his friendship with Michael Jackson for personal financial gain.
"For the avoidance of doubt, we would make it clear our client was not enriched in any way as a result of the Michael Jackson/Martin Bashir interview. Any monetary consideration our client received as a result of the introduction that he made in good faith between Martin Bashir and Michael Jackson was donated to charity in its entirety. The arrangement for all proceeds to go to charity had been firmly made prior to the programme being aired."
The Living With Michael Jackson documentary saw the singer admit that many children had shared his bed, although he denied any sexual contact.
Following the screening of the TV show, Jackson was investigated by California police and charged with seven counts of sexually abusing a 13-year-old boy - he was later acquitted of all charges at his trial in 2005.


  • Uri Geller is not liked in the UK. Most people view him as an idiot and i never understood why MJ trusted him.

    It was Uri that introduced him to Bashit.. and MJ never spoke to Uri again after that.

    Interesting how Uri is screaming about how he did not profit from the Bashit documentary (which he probably did not, in truth).. but yet after MJs "death" he made a documentary that was aired on UK TV.. a documentary with Uri "private video collection" of MJ during his time in the UK.

    So Uri.. you had no problems selling your stories and documentaries after MJ dies for profit, do you???
  • I don't have any time for Uri Gellar imo he's a leech. Michael is well rid of him
  • Uri Geller was on Michaels enemy list
  • Michael was right to get Uri out of his life. He's the whole reason Michael had to go through that whole court case, because Uri thought it would be a good idea to introduce him to Bashit. <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    Uri Geller needs to go bend a spoon and then shove it somewhere. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Uri Geller needs to go bend a spoon and then shove it somewhere. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> yes you are right i agree!
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