Another 1am TMZ Post

MJsbasheretMJsbasheret Posts: 81
edited January 1970 in News
What's with the late night (early AM) postings on TMZ?

Dr. Conrad Murray -- Too Early to Deal

Posted Jan 11th 2010 1:00AM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Conrad Murray -- who is in the cross hairs of the Michael Jackson homicide investigation -- is in no position to even discuss plea bargaining a criminal case ... this according to his lawyer.

Dr. Conrad Murray and J. Michael Flanagan

Attorney Michael Flanagan tells TMZ he has already been in touch with Pat Dixon, the Head Deputy District Attorney in the L.A. County D.A.'s office, and Dixon is not sharing any info about the case against Dr. Murray. According to Flanagan, Dixon said he can't share information in a case that could go to the L.A. County Grand Jury.

A spokesperson for the D.A.'s office tells TMZ Flanagan did speak with Dixon on Friday, but all Dixon said was he could not discuss the case. The spokesperson says Dixon never mentioned a possible grand jury.

As we first reported, there is a "strong likelihood" the D.A. go after Dr. Murray for involuntary manslaughter, but it's not a done deal.

Law enforcement sources say they don't know if the big wigs in the D.A.'s office will sign off on involuntary manslaughter. The LAPD will be formally presenting the case to the D.A. soon, and the presentation, we're told, will be critical in the decision-making process.

Flanagan tells TMZ as far as he knows Dr. Murray has not violated any law in connection with Michael Jackson's medical care the day he died. Flanagan believes it will be "very difficult" for the D.A. to base a case on gross negligence -- a requirement in proving involuntary manslaughter. As Flanagan puts it, even if there's proof of "an error in judgment," it's a giant leap for a jury to conclude the lapse of judgment constitutes manslaughter.

But, law enforcement sources say the LAPD has experts who have gone on record saying Dr. Murray's conduct constitutes gross negligence that supports a manslaughter prosecution.

Filed under: Celebrity Justice, Michael Jackson


  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> keeping us on our toes about it all!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • LorrieLorrie Posts: 232
    What's with the late night (early AM) postings on TMZ?
    TMZ posts new stories almost every night around midnight Eastern Time (which is 9pm the previous night their time) to keep the website active until the first posts of the new day, hours later.

    It's an excellent strategy for maintaining around-the-clock traffic because (1) since most websites don't publish new posts that late/early, TMZ attracts more readers looking for fresh late-night/early-morning news and (2) frequent readers know there will be new material every night/morning, and they stop by just so they can read it and comment. I'm sure TMZ's advertisers love the continuous traffic.

    As for the article, I'm sticking with my usual wait-and-see, then-I'll-believe-it approach. There are just way too many media outlets publishing way too much contradictory, inconsistent, and questionable "news" allegedly obtained from way too many unreliable faceless, nameless, anonymous sources.

    This is worse than a three-ring circus, and I refuse to waste my time on it anymore. If Michael is really dead -- and I still don't believe he is -- he deserves much better than what's happened since June 25.
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