Nightmare play.Written by Michael..Starring MJ kids



  • I write too i have in my home few notebooks but i'm not into drugs or CIA or Illuminati.Michael made a beautiful story i hope it will come up soon! i find it very creepy but at the same time amazing.
  • marizamariza Posts: 37
    think ,,,mj and his kids on the horrornight at universal studio,s <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
  • MJ Ultra?? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> what is MJ Ultra??

    MK Ultra

    So you say that Michael's brain's washed by CIA? He's a test subject of CIA? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Like always the media screws up again...they translate the last part the handwritten part it says the man STABS THE EARTH while they are looking into the window...NOT them...Prince and paris run and prince has an asma attack and goes down. he awakens in bed to find paris and the man. the man is not bad at all like the RUMORS say...he took care of Prince and fixed their toys...not stole them. I think this would have been a fantastic story...especially at the end when we get to see who the scary man is who they made up all these rumors about...maybe MJ? LOL
  • It's just garbage.
  • Like always the media screws up again...they translate the last part the handwritten part it says the man STABS THE EARTH while they are looking into the window...NOT them...Prince and paris run and prince has an asma attack and goes down. he awakens in bed to find paris and the man. the man is not bad at all like the RUMORS say...he took care of Prince and fixed their toys...not stole them. I think this would have been a fantastic story...especially at the end when we get to see who the scary man is who they made up all these rumors about...maybe MJ? LOL

    I agree...Michael is just brainstorming here. I like to write short stories also, and when I brainstorm nothing makes sense at the eyes of others. My opinion? The story is a tale Paris is telling Prince...that's why probably on the second note, it says "The kids talk", "bad night scene". Sounds like a story within a story. Hope that makes sense, lol.
  • misha86misha86 Posts: 508
    Mike has a scar under his eye! White rabbit can you pm me please
  • White Rabbit please pm me with more information regarding the MK Ultra...Thank You!!! Or you can put it up here for everyone to see...your choice though <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Michael Jackson allegedly scribbled a synopsis for a horror play in which is hidden information about THE ENEMY. Yes, that could be true, because he knew this ENEMY. Michael did not release this synopsis himself. And what was the reason someone released this? Was this his best friend who knew and understood where he was working on at a certain time? When did he write this synopsis?
    Michael Jackson the performer; Michael Jackson in front of a camera was a different person than Michael Jackson privately must have been. Only his loyal true friends can tell us who he was privatly. Some did talk about what a kind and loving father he was. Some talked about what a fun guy he was to be with. Some talked about his fears, because he got a whole lot of falseness and most probably some serious threats to digest--to put it mildly--. Caught in a true nightmare of many years he must have been.
    I find it rather improper to release his synopsis of a 'nightmare play', without Michael's consent to do so.
  • yall. this story comes from the News of the world. utter garbage.
  • um i have a question...i thought Mike was like a very intelligent human being. These notes are horrible! They have horrible grammar. It's all over the place. I think this News Source is just trying to make people think that MJ is some freak or something and that he is stupid...Of course I don't think he is but i think that is what the News of the World is going for in this article.. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • um i have a question...i thought Mike was like a very intelligent human being. These notes are horrible! They have horrible grammar. It's all over the place. I think this News Source is just trying to make people think that MJ is some freak or something and that he is stupid...Of course I don't think he is but i think that is what the News of the World is going for in this article.. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Certainly. Theyre trying to making out like Michael was some twisted guy. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Silly tabloids.
  • um i have a question...i thought Mike was like a very intelligent human being. These notes are horrible! They have horrible grammar. It's all over the place. I think this News Source is just trying to make people think that MJ is some freak or something and that he is stupid...Of course I don't think he is but i think that is what the News of the World is going for in this article.. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    MJ had to go to a remedial reading class when he was younger and struggled with reading at an early age (maybe why he loved books so much later in life) It is well known that he is not a great speller or grammatically correct. He got the basics of education as a kid...the bare minimum! Everything else was self learned. This story shows us a man who has an idea and probably scribbled as fast as he could to get the idea out...I don't think that he cared about spelling as much as he cared about getting it down so he wouldn't forget his idea. I think it would make a fantastic story...the bones are great! This is his handwriting by the way. Immagine if we found the plot line to Thriller scribbled on paper like this... would we all be saying it's garbage? It would sound just as crazy and scary as this story!
  • pyt777pyt777 Posts: 36
    by The White Rabbit » Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:54 pm
    MK Ultra anyone?

    Rabbit, that is what I also thought originally! When I first read the article I only read the quotes and comments by the author because I didn't want to spend the time to decipher the handwriting. In addition, on a quick cursory glance of the scanned paper I could only make out words like "stab", "murdered" and "coma". This led me to believe that Mike must have been in an incredibly disturbed state of mind- not only to write something like that, but to include his children!! However, after patiently- and I do mean patiently (I usually wear glasses <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> ) I read the writing which actually seemed to plot out something completely different! It reminds me of the storyline for the "Ghost" short film- a misunderstood recluse. Can you imagine what his inter-brainstorm scribbles for the storyboard for "Ghosts" and not to mention "Thriller" looked like! People would have probably demanded that he be committed to an asylum and the greatest music video ever made would be...non-existent!

    On the note by someone (I'm sorry I forgot to copy and quote it <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> ) about the bad spelling, I picked that up too on some scanned pages of notes that where found around Neverland during the raids- no one's perfect. I'm not a great speller either- dn't know what I would do without spell check- and I'm a university student who writes 3500 word pages x 5 (amount of courses I take) every week for Professors who just LOVE their grammar! Plus he always said he was most creative during the early morning, can you imagine after a full day with the kids with barely enough rest @ 4 a.m to be worrying about spelling and grammatical errors! I've always heard that creative types aren't really sticklers for English or grammar anyway <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> - that's what editors are for daggonit!
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