Jackson's family hopes his killer will be caught

Leah-KimLeah-Kim Posts: 507
edited January 1970 in News
Jackson's family hopes his killer will be caught

Michael Jackson With the coroner stating that pop legend Michael Jackson was murdered, his family members are pinning hopes on the police to catch the person who killed him.

The news came after the emergence of the death certificate stating that Jackson was murdered. While a original July 7 certificate has no cause of death on it, further probes in the case by medical examiner Christopher Rogers amended on August 31, 2009, call his accidental death on June 25 last year a "homicide”.

Rogers concludes Jackson died from "acute Propofol intoxication" due to an "intra-venous injection by another" and the family is hoping to find out the culprit.

"We are all keeping our faith with the police. We want them to do this case properly and put away the man who we feel is responsible for Michael's death. We want the authorities though to release details of what happened to Michael in his last few hours," said a family source, on condition of anonymity.

"We want the paperwork to come out to show just what drugs were put inside him and what happened in his last few hours alive. Much of the documentation has been kept secret - and we can't understand it. We still feel that there is more than one person responsible for Michael's tragic death. Joe (Jackson's father) won't give up on getting justice for his son and a lawsuit is his focus," the source added.

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  • This is the first I have heard of his family doing anything and Joe supposedly seeking justice for Michael is a far cry from anything else I have seen. The only lawsuits I have seen from Joe are the ones where he is seeking money from the estate claiming that he is on a fixed income and is basically entitled.

    Again, I noticed that this "source" claims to be a representative for the family but yet speaks on condition of anonymity. For me, I have developed this mentality of if you can't give me a name then I can't believe your news!!!!
  • I agree - no name, no belief. No offense, but I believe this story is coming from a foreign article. I haven't seen any other articles, local or otherwise say this. We'll have to see if anything else develops but it looks suspicious as LaToya would have been telling TMZ by now, right? Also - why would the family say that when they have been saying they believe Dr Murray is responsible?
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