MJs Giraffes Found Dead

TruthBeToldTruthBeTold Posts: 178
edited January 1970 in News
NOOO! his beloved giraffes have been found dead and they are suggesting foul play. Those animals roamed freely on his whole estate and land. he will be devastated.

if you look at it this way, on LKL with jermaine when they visited NL , NL looked in brilliant shape, the flowers were stil watered etc....eveytrhing was in good shape, and surely leaving the animals there must of suggested he was going back there to live there sometime..

<!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/01/13/accusatio ... -giraffes/<!-- m -->


  • Foul play-- how horrible! I hope that the person or persons who are responsible are found and fully proscecuted!
  • ejayejay Posts: 455
    Except the giraffes were not living at Neverland..they were moved in 2006 to the Banjoko Wildlife Preserve in Page, Arizona --
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    You still go for OMG and not for reading between the lines.
    Who has the story? TMZ.

    What do the giraffes represent?
    They are animals, they live as zoo animals in a cage (captured), they are not originating from the U.S., they have a long neck to observe everything.

    Captivity is over, freedom is on.
    Strange is over, coming home.
    Observation is over, action is commencing.

    PLEASE take a step back before OMGodding and reflect what we have learned during almost 7 months of strangest news that had a complete different meaning after we debunked them.

    Get champagne in your bar and plan for a party because the king will be coming home soon.
  • ejayejay Posts: 455
    Nah, i dont see anything between the lines of two giraffes being dead. Thats just a bit too out there for me. Much respect.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Did you see them dead?
  • ejayejay Posts: 455
    lol..nope didnt see them dead. Still not buying into it though. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • ChanceChance Posts: 250
    I hope this was not some kind of warning to Michael
  • MJ-FanMJ-Fan Posts: 234
    This is just awful if it's true! I hope someone's not sending a 'threat' to Michael or his family..
    I hope Grace is right and this is some sort of sign, but right now I'm not seeing it.
    Weird though <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • You still go for OMG and not for reading between the lines.
    Who has the story? TMZ.

    What do the giraffes represent?
    They are animals, they live as zoo animals in a cage (captured), they are not originating from the U.S., they have a long neck to observe everything.

    Captivity is over, freedom is on.
    Strange is over, coming home.
    Observation is over, action is commencing.

    PLEASE take a step back before OMGodding and reflect what we have learned during almost 7 months of strangest news that had a complete different meaning after we debunked them.

    Get champagne in your bar and plan for a party because the king will be coming home soon.

    Oh Grace!Your posts are so delightful to read <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • It was not foul play. They are saying animal abuse/cruelty charges could be filed against the preserve that bought them. They were not being fed properly, and were cold. Poor babies. Peta wants to rescue the survivors.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    It's a strange information. Plus this autopsy:
    "A necropsy is currently underway to establish an official cause of death"
    Another TMZ info about the Giraffes:
    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2009/10/16/michael-j ... 0-000-war/<!-- m -->
    This Banjoko Wildlife Preserve located in Page, Arizona acquired 4 Giraffes from Neverland and the city council of Page was asking for money (100.000 dollars) regarding the Giraffes security (if I understood well) without this amount being paid the Giraffes would be placed somewhere else. But the Preserve needed a document from the Page city to make the money available from insurance but it was never given this form. Now 2 Giraffes died. Weird.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Michael Jackson -- PETAphile?

    Posted Nov 27th 2008 3:30AM by TMZ Staff

    Michael Jackson has turned his back on cardio-deprived giraffes, according to PETA.
    Michael Jackson: Click to view!
    When Neverland Ranch was essentially dismantled a year ago, a bunch of Jacko's pets -- including four giraffes -- were sold to an Arizona couple that wanted to start an animal sanctuary.

    PETA claims the giraffes are stuck in cages barely as wide as the animals are tall. They wrote Jacko a letter asking him to help pressure the owners into doing something more humane.

    The couple that owns the animals says the giraffes have been moved to their new 150 x 150 ft. digs -- and the animals will have an even bigger space to do whatever the hell it is that giraffes do when their 185 acre sanctuary is up and runnning.

    All that aside -- the video of Jacko's old giraffe "Rambo" hittin' the bag to the "Rocky" theme song is worth a peek.

    Read more: <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/tag/giraffe/#ixzz0cX50DC5V<!-- m -->
  • It was not foul play. They are saying animal abuse/cruelty charges could be filed against the preserve that bought them. They were not being fed properly, and were cold. Poor babies. Peta wants to rescue the survivors.

    hmmm things may not always be as they seem. There are always two sides to a story and then there is the truth...
    PETA's Dirty Secret

    Hypocrisy is the mother of all credibility problems, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has it in spades. While loudly complaining about the "unethical" treatment of animals by restaurant owners, grocers, farmers, scientists, anglers, and countless other Americans, the group has its own dirty little secret.

    PETA kills animals. By the thousands.

    From July 1998 through December 2008, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) killed over 21,000 dogs, cats, and other "companion animals." That's more than five defenceless creatures every day. PETA has a walk-in freezer to store the dead bodies, and contracts with a Virginia Beach company to cremate them.

    Not counting the pets PETA spayed and neutered, the group put to death over 90 percent of the animals it took in during the last five years. And its angel-of-death pattern shows no sign of changing.

    On its 2002 federal income-tax return, PETA claimed a $9,370 write-off for a giant walk-in freezer, the kind most people use as a meat locker or for ice-cream storage. But animal-rights activists don't eat meat or dairy foods. And during a 2007 criminal trial, a PETA manager (testifying under oath) confirmed the obvious -- that the group uses the appliance to store the bodies of its victims.

    In 2000, when the Associated Press first noted PETA's Kervorkian-esque tendencies, PETA president Ingrid Newkirk complained that actually taking care of animals costs more than killing them. "We could become a no-kill shelter immediately," she admitted.

    PETA kills animals. Because it has other financial priorities.

    PETA rakes in nearly $30 million each year in income, much of it raised from pet owners who think their donations actually help animals. Instead, the group spends huge sums on programs equating people who eat chicken with Nazis, scaring young children away from drinking milk, recruiting children into the radical animal-rights lifestyle, and intimidating businessmen and their families in their own neighborhoods. PETA has also spent tens of thousands of dollars defending arsonists and other violent extremists.

    PETA claims it engages in outrageous media-seeking stunts "for the animals." But which animals? Carping about the value of future two-piece dinners while administering lethal injections to puppies and kittens isn't ethical. It's hypocritical -- with a death toll that PETA would protest if it weren't their own doing.

    PETA kills animals. And its leaders dare lecture the rest of us?
  • DooDooDooDoo Posts: 437
    I'm very sorry to hear that <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> TS posted a link to the news, I wonder what is the connection. I found the meaning of the giraffe symbol in african culture, it might help:

    Apparently in Tanzania, there is a dance in which a giraffe costume of some sort is animated by two men. The giraffe is a symbol of grace.Apart from that, I cannot see that the giraffe has been used widely by any African culture. In modern times, it has become a symbol of the contintent of Africa as a whole and some new agers are using it as a symbol of intuition and flexibility (<!-- w -->www.crystal-cure.com/protection-giraffe.html<!-- w --> ).
    The TWIGA foundation says this on its site:
    The word Twiga is the translation of giraffe in Swahili. The giraffe is a graceful animal whose long neck represents the ability to be visionary while still viewing the past and present. The giraffe teaches us to increase our understanding by viewing life from all angles. The heart of the giraffe is large. In some African traditions, a giraffe symbol is taken to every meeting to assure that the understandings of the heart are addressed as well as the understandings of the head. The giraffe uses strength and flexibility to align the physical, mental and spiritual faculties of all situations.
  • That is really sad news and the Giraffes. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    If PETA really kills animals then I'm really in shock now! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Stranger this cannot get:
    TMZ set up a photo gallery "to remember Michael's giraffe".

    Look at the giraffe's head, how it looks like being full of skin disease:
    <!-- m -->http://photos.tmz.com/galleries/remembe ... t&id=59729<!-- m -->

    And compare with a healthy one:
    <!-- m -->http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_u ... 00_750.jpg<!-- m -->

    And now the two of them giraffes are declared dead?

    La maladie a pris la fuite?
    Illness is gone?
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    That is really sad news and the Giraffes. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    If PETA really kills animals then I'm really in shock now! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I don't know about PETA but in Los Angeles all animals brought to a shelter are being killed after one week if there's not somebody claiming them. I lost a kitty there.
  • That is really sad news and the Giraffes. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    If PETA really kills animals then I'm really in shock now! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I don't know about PETA but in Los Angeles all animals brought to a shelter are being killed after one week if there's not somebody claiming them. I lost a kitty there.

    Oh yeah that's true, they are doing that here too.
  • I find this story bizarre to say the least. Dont know what to think... TMZ are very surprising. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • Hopefully this doesnt stall MJ's return... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> poor babies
  • Yall are so sad.Do you see?goshh,even if they are gone,RIP but why all the sorrow? its not just what its said to be.and its not a warning to MJ,the investigation is close.They got em. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    I don't know about PETA but in Los Angeles all animals brought to a shelter are being killed after one week if there's not somebody claiming them. I lost a kitty there.
    hi! out of topic: i thought you live in europe? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • misha86misha86 Posts: 508
    You still go for OMG and not for reading between the lines.
    Who has the story? TMZ.

    What do the giraffes represent?
    They are animals, they live as zoo animals in a cage (captured), they are not originating from the U.S., they have a long neck to observe everything.

    Captivity is over, freedom is on.
    Strange is over, coming home.
    Observation is over, action is commencing.

    PLEASE take a step back before OMGodding and reflect what we have learned during almost 7 months of strangest news that had a complete different meaning after we debunked them.

    Get champagne in your bar and plan for a party because the king will be coming home soon.
    i agree, this is a symbol for something...and why all the boo hoos <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> its not that deep, i love animals but lets boo hoo over haiti and not 2 giraffes, that may not even be dead <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I dont trust PETA and never have. Have alot of free opinion on them,...but that is aside.
    This story is odd..and heartbreaking if it is true. I hope it is a "story". We will have to wait and find out if we hear it again I guess. A warning...well that would just be real weird too.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    That is really sad news and the Giraffes. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    If PETA really kills animals then I'm really in shock now! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I just saw this terrible story on the news this evening! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> It is just heartbreaking! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Poor MJ's giraffes.
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