TMZ on Jan 11th 2010 about xtrajet leaking videotapes

GrenatGrenat Posts: 279
edited January 1970 in News
I was going trough TMZ so see if these dumbies were leaving some clues
And if saw this
In a stunning reversal of fortune, a California appeals court has overturned a massive judgment against the jet company that secretly videotaped Michael Jackson and his lawyer, Mark Geragos, as they were flying to Santa Barbara in 2003 when Jackson turned himself in to cops

Have you already heard about it prior Michael's death ?
Because it's not hot news ! I searched on youtube and some freaks made a spoof of this "leaked video" in the video you can see some dumbies imitating Michael and saying some nasty stupid things.And the video is dated from 1 year too
So if someone has done a spoof it means that they knew about it since some time obviously !
Why report the news about it just now ? And why Geragos has waited so much time to sue XtraJet !

Here is dumb video, I wanna kill thoses f****** b****** <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> but I had to watch it anyways.
Obviously it's a spoof , but why a spoof ? I mean we had the 911 calls and other many things that are hard to access like death certificate on the net.
Why spoof this video ? Why not the real one ?
My theory is that
If TMZ is involved in the hoax(directly or used as a pawn to feed us clues)
They want to bring attention to this !
Maybe it show some relations between LAPD and Michael (it could help if he has some connections with LAPD)
Or maybe it tell us that some thing happened around 2003
I don't know but what do you think about this TMZ's BS ?


  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    I find their behavior really odd on Michael since june 25th. I cant help but wonder why they are acting like such clowns, they do want to be taken seriously dont they!?! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> I dont know, why? What's in it for them I think is the real question, I think they are playing stupid mind games. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • GrenatGrenat Posts: 279
    Why report of something that old ? If someone could do a spoof about it , it means it known about since prior to June 25th , why the lawyer is suing now ?
    Why the news is reported now ?
  • mmzmmz Posts: 450
    Why report of something that old ? If someone could do a spoof about it , it means it known about since prior to June 25th , why the lawyer is suing now ?
    Why the news is reported now ?

    the answer is "TAPES"!
    we must get to know the truth through missing tapes!!
  • These news are not that new; TMZ already wrote about that in 2008, and it said that documents would follow. It just took some time...

    "Judge Orders XtraJet to Pay Up in Jacko Flight

    Posted Mar 3rd 2008 3:11PM by TMZ Staff

    A judge has ordered the former owner of a charter jet company to pay uber-attorney Mark Geragos and an associate lawyer $2.25 million for secretly taping them and Michael Jackson aboard a chartered plane as Jacko was en route from Vegas to Santa Barbara to surrender to child molestation charges in November of 2003.

    Geragos filed suit against the XtraJet, claiming the company videotaped the flight and tried to sell the tapes to the media for a sum in the high six figures. The lawsuit claimed this violated Jackson's right to privacy.

    FOX News reported back in November of 2003 that the network had viewed the tape without audio and it showed a calm and often smiling and laughing Jackson drinking a soda and, at one point, spraying cologne.

    Geragos had called the taping "one of the most outrageous acts I've seen in my 20 years of practicing criminal law."

    Documents to follow."

    Read more: <!-- m --> ... z0cgPAc0Gp<!-- m -->
  • i think TMZ published this article besause they want us to pay attention to the "tapes", i think that Jan 18th will be the beginning of the "return" of MJ, and this beginning could start with "appearing" of the tapes recorded at Jun 25th.
  • in the last post of TS, when he/she explains the UPDATE of TIAI TS mentions that at the TII´s DVD, which in addition will be leaked on Jan 26th (one day after 25th), we can see the "stages of the return".

    It could be possible that the return of MJ will be in different stages, and one of this stages would be the tapes were founded, what do you think guys?
  • in the last post of TS, when he/she explains the UPDATE of TIAI TS mentions that at the TII´s DVD, which in addition will be leaked on Jan 26th (one day after 25th), we can see the "stages of the return".

    It could be possible that the return of MJ will be in different stages, and one of this stages would be the tapes were founded, what do you think guys?
    I agree! I think many of the TMZ articles that reference MJ have a hidden word or clue within them. This time it's "tapes" as everyone has said.
    I have mixed feelings on what the missing tapes might reveal if recovered....the negative side of me says it will show what none of us want to see; the positive/hopeful side of me says it might be the beginning of us seeing this was all staged, i.e. showing everyone in the house filming the setup with a director telling everyone their lines, taking pictures, etc....
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I wonder where the tapes could be found ?
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