Records detailing MJ's death could be hidden forever!

DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
edited January 1970 in News
Records detailing Michael Jackson's death could be hidden forever

Michael Jackson's drug intake and medical reports may never be made public thanks to an extraordinary court battle - The News Of The World can reveal.

Lawyers for MJ's estate want to stop Joe Jackson, 81, from getting his hands on reports including the singer's autopsy, toxicology probe, doctor's notes and UCLA hospital records in the final few hours of his life.

They have filed a court motion blocking Joe and his legal team from pulling public records to show his family the exact causes of Jacko's death.

Last week we showed the world the paperwork where coroners ruled Jackson's death was a homicide - but no further records have emerged about what was in the star's drug addled, stick thin frame. As yet police and California district attorney have not charged anyone.

Dad Joe wants the world and his family to see what substances were in his son's system and ask experts to unravel what triggered his son's fatal cardiac arrest on June 25.

The former manager of the Jackson 5 believes these documents will be the key in his planned private lawsuit case against Doctor Conrad Murray for wrongful death of his son.

He is still considering whether he will file an action against concert promoters AEG as to whether they were complicit in MJs treatment. Joe insists Murray was employed by AEG to " look after the star's needs."

However estate administrators John Branca and John McClain reckon that most of his medical records should remain secret on "privacy" grounds forever.

In December LA judge Mitchell Beckloff denied Joe the right to contest Branca and McClain's right to govern the Thriller star's $1bn fortune. He is now hoping to bank a monthly allowance from his dead son's fortune.

A source close to the family said : "Joe is a father simply trying to learn the truth about his son's death ; the family have had to endure almost seven months with these records being kept secret .

"Now the estate, the people who are meant to be acting in Michael's best interests, are blocking him from doing that.

"Joe is asking for this information to establish how strong our case would be against Murray and any other

"The problem is Joe would need money from the estate to sue Murray on behalf of his son - but they don't want a part of it.

"Joe has to present his case for cash to the judge, but cannot do that without these records.

"We are going to fight this, but if we lose and the police either don't take the case to court or get a plea-bargain from Murray then Michael's health records will remain a secret forever.

"If the estate get their way just how Michael died will be hidden forever. His family and fans will not have peace with that. If there was foul play no-one will ever know why.

"It means the public may not know just what levels of drugs were in the star's body, what happened at Jacko's house and the hospital. These records are so important"

The source added: "This is a delaying tactic. If the case is made criminal all these documents will be released to the public. We cannot understand the administrators' stance."

Last night Brian Oxman, lawyer for Joe, told The News Of The World: "The world and Michael's fans should rise up in outrage that a grieving father should not be permitted to know how his son died."

The estate lawyers have filed a motion to block Joe's subpoenas to pull medical records from UCLA hospital and the coroners offices.

The row is set to explode in court when Joe, Branca and McCLain go head to head in the LA Superior Court on February 11.

So far coroners concluded Jackson died from an overdose of Propofol, a hospital based anesthetic drug which Dr Murray told cops he had injected.

Cops' affidavits also showed that Murray gave him a batch of prescription pills to help the star sleep hours after a rehearsal for his London comeback shows.

However the autopsy, toxicology and hospital emergency room records have been kept under wraps.

Last night Howard Weitzman - legal representative for the estate's administrators - said: "Mr Jackson is not entitled to the records as set out in our court motion.

"He is before the court asking for a family allowance for his support and these records have no relation to that request.

"The motion and requested order protects Michael's privacy.

"If there is a criminal case against Dr. Murray the overwhelming number of items asked for by Mr Jackson will not be part of that case nor would they be released to the public."

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  • InhalibInhalib Posts: 170
    Thanks for posting, maybe is because my english isn't good but, is this news trying to show Joe again like someone who only wants mone and use his son death to reach it?.. The media showed Joe like this in a first moment, most of MJ fans that I know had a bad reaction against Joe because of what the media showed.. like a man who only wants money, But then this money thing became quiet, and now with this.. is like seeing that money thing againm O.o
    I repeat, maybe is because my english is awful :s
    lot of L.O.V.E
  • The News of The World - say no more! Tabloid trash. I wouldn't believe what they say.
  • To me the piece seems to be sympathetic to Joe Jackson... it portrays him as a father who is being denied the truth behind his sons death,
    Why would they hide the medical records and autopsy reports from the father? Thats awful.
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    Dancing the Dream thank you for this news. I think for us who believe that Michael might have faked his death this is very good information.
  • IF MJ really is dead they should have NO right to keep Joe from seeing those medical records AT ALL.
    Joe is Michaels family and blood REGARDLESS how Joe treated anyone. Joe and the family should have every right to see those medical records. They are family. The estate is not family! So I do not see how they even got those medical records in the first place! If MJ really is dead then this really makes me upset and i feel bad for Joe and the whole family. That would be hard going through life not knowing what truly happened to your son/brother/uncle/dad. Horrible. They say they are giving Michael peace and respecting his can he be in peace if somone murdered him and that particular man just get a slap on the wrist!
    Even if MJ is alive this still pisses me off
  • That would be wrong! Hopefully this all comes to an end before things like this go into effect.
  • mordormordor Posts: 16
    I think this is a great news for us-believers!Any member of family can see the reports!!!My family did some investigation when my grandma pass one,just the family could see all the one else,but the FAMILY YES!It sounds like another message from Jackson family to us..Another strange,alogical message.Guess,what doesn it mean???? no one can now how much of the drugs was in his body.because there was never any drugs <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> and he wants us to know that ,my opinion ,thanks for posting that <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    I think this is a great news for us-believers!Any member of family can see the reports!!!My family did some investigation when my grandma pass one,just the family could see all the one else,but the FAMILY YES!It sounds like another message from Jackson family to us..Another strange,alogical message.Guess,what doesn it mean???? no one can now how much of the drugs was in his body.because there was never any drugs <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> and he wants us to know that ,my opinion ,thanks for posting that <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I think it is very obvious that Michael was a drug addict
  • DooDooDooDoo Posts: 437
    I think this is a great news for us-believers!Any member of family can see the reports!!!My family did some investigation when my grandma pass one,just the family could see all the one else,but the FAMILY YES!It sounds like another message from Jackson family to us..Another strange,alogical message.Guess,what doesn it mean???? no one can now how much of the drugs was in his body.because there was never any drugs <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> and he wants us to know that ,my opinion ,thanks for posting that <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I think it is very obvious that Michael was a drug addict
    Oh really? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • this is another clue no u cant see the records joe because there is no records no death and in the sad case that it is true then joe should be able to acess the records regardless.
  • JessyJessy Posts: 6
    I think this is a great news for us-believers!Any member of family can see the reports!!!My family did some investigation when my grandma pass one,just the family could see all the one else,but the FAMILY YES!It sounds like another message from Jackson family to us..Another strange,alogical message.Guess,what doesn it mean???? no one can now how much of the drugs was in his body.because there was never any drugs <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> and he wants us to know that ,my opinion ,thanks for posting that <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I think it is very obvious that Michael was a drug addict

    Michael was?
    Are you kidding?
  • i think he was...but i think he MIGHT have overcame it...but who knows. You guys need to remember that Michael is only human. He is NOT perfect. Yes he probably thinks badly of people. YES he gets jealous and angry at people. Yes i know he probably will look at a girl and go DAMMNNN!!! she hot. he is human yes...Just because he doesnt sit there and talk bad about people in public does not mean anything...he is just a gentleman and finds it inappropriate. He is not a saint he is not perfect. he is far from it. He makes mistakes and he will learn from those mistakes and he will also continue to make mistakes...HE IS HUMAN AND WE NEED TO REALIZE IT. He is not as pure as we think...he just a polite gentleman and keeps some of his thoughts to himself heehee <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> LOVE YOU MOST
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    I think this is a great news for us-believers!Any member of family can see the reports!!!My family did some investigation when my grandma pass one,just the family could see all the one else,but the FAMILY YES!It sounds like another message from Jackson family to us..Another strange,alogical message.Guess,what doesn it mean???? no one can now how much of the drugs was in his body.because there was never any drugs <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> and he wants us to know that ,my opinion ,thanks for posting that <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I think it is very obvious that Michael was a drug addict
    Oh really? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Yes to me it is obvious because Liz Taylor was very worried about it and because of Michael´s behaviour. She knew/knows Michael and should be more informed about it than we are. A lot of big stars are addicts and again I do not judge Michael or any person who are addicted to any kind of drugs..., because there is a history which leads to an addiction. But it is up to you to believe what you want...I feel sorry for Michael because of his loneliness, his depressions and his pain.

    I love Michael and respect him!

  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    Sometimes an addiction is the only way to survive!! Look behind the surface! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • I think this is a great news for us-believers!Any member of family can see the reports!!!My family did some investigation when my grandma pass one,just the family could see all the one else,but the FAMILY YES!It sounds like another message from Jackson family to us..Another strange,alogical message.Guess,what doesn it mean???? no one can now how much of the drugs was in his body.because there was never any drugs <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> and he wants us to know that ,my opinion ,thanks for posting that <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I think it is very obvious that Michael was a drug addict
    Oh really? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Yes to me it is obvious because Liz Taylor was very worried about it and because of Michael´s behaviour. She knew/knows Michael and should be more informed about it than we are. A lot of big stars are addicts and again I do not judge Michael or any person who are addicted to any kind of drugs..., because there is a history which leads to an addiction. But it is up to you to believe what you want...I feel sorry for Michael because of his loneliness, his depressions and his pain.

    I love Michael and respect him!

    I wouldn't be so sure about that ,I never met a drug addict that eats organic food ,exercises, hardly drinks ,dosen't smoke ,& has been against drugs his whole life .Michael wasn't interested in getting high ,he was interested in going to sleep at a certain time ,& waking up at a certain time .According to the Autopsy report he had no signs of being a long term drug user .& according to the breakdown of drugs in his system and a count of the pills left over in the bottles ,he was taking a normal amount that was perscribed & if you look at the drugs he was taking ,Millions of other folks are on these types of anti- depression anti-axiety drugs .I don't see how Mj could do what he does messed up ,And besides that ,100's of people around him and you can't find one person that was around MJ that says he ever saw MJ messed up . Wouldn't his kids notice ? some thing is fishy .
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    To me the piece seems to be sympathetic to Joe Jackson... it portrays him as a father who is being denied the truth behind his sons death,
    Why would they hide the medical records and autopsy reports from the father? Thats awful.

    wait! the autopsy reports aren´t public ??? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    at least that the ones we saw aren´t the real autopsy reports?! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    To me the piece seems to be sympathetic to Joe Jackson... it portrays him as a father who is being denied the truth behind his sons death,
    Why would they hide the medical records and autopsy reports from the father? Thats awful.

    wait! the autopsy reports aren´t public ??? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    at least that the ones we saw aren´t the real autopsy reports?! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    that is very probably one of the reasons to withhold any documents. were they ever legally verified in terms of authenticity? the thing is not to hand over the papers to joe but what happens after that. joe's legal team would be taking every inch of those documents apart to ask very specific questions that nobody would be able to answer right. or would have to deny an answer in the first place or even admit to the documents being false...and then what...? that would blow the whole thing now, would it? <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    To me the piece seems to be sympathetic to Joe Jackson... it portrays him as a father who is being denied the truth behind his sons death,
    Why would they hide the medical records and autopsy reports from the father? Thats awful.

    wait! the autopsy reports aren´t public ??? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    at least that the ones we saw aren´t the real autopsy reports?! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    that is very probably one of the reasons to withhold any documents. were they ever legally verified in terms of authenticity? the thing is not to hand over the papers to joe but what happens after that. joe's legal team would be taking every inch of those documents apart to ask very specific questions that nobody would be able to answer right. or would have to deny an answer in the first place or even admit to the documents being false...and then what...? that would blow the whole thing now, would it? <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    joe don´t know about the hoax? what is his role? he is fighting for justice and true and the state don´t alowed it? here´s something wrong, something that don´t FITS...
    like MJ say in TII at the end of I WANT YOU BACK! (casual, lol):
    "when I try to hear it's like somebody fits is punched in to my ear, it is very difficult"
  • i think he was...but i think he MIGHT have overcame it...but who knows. You guys need to remember that Michael is only human. He is NOT perfect. Yes he probably thinks badly of people. YES he gets jealous and angry at people. Yes i know he probably will look at a girl and go DAMMNNN!!! she hot. he is human yes...Just because he doesnt sit there and talk bad about people in public does not mean anything...he is just a gentleman and finds it inappropriate. He is not a saint he is not perfect. he is far from it. He makes mistakes and he will learn from those mistakes and he will also continue to make mistakes...HE IS HUMAN AND WE NEED TO REALIZE IT. He is not as pure as we think...he just a polite gentleman and keeps some of his thoughts to himself heehee <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> LOVE YOU MOST
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    I think this is a great news for us-believers!Any member of family can see the reports!!!My family did some investigation when my grandma pass one,just the family could see all the one else,but the FAMILY YES!It sounds like another message from Jackson family to us..Another strange,alogical message.Guess,what doesn it mean???? no one can now how much of the drugs was in his body.because there was never any drugs <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> and he wants us to know that ,my opinion ,thanks for posting that <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I think it is very obvious that Michael was a drug addict
    Oh really? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Yes to me it is obvious because Liz Taylor was very worried about it and because of Michael´s behaviour. She knew/knows Michael and should be more informed about it than we are. A lot of big stars are addicts and again I do not judge Michael or any person who are addicted to any kind of drugs..., because there is a history which leads to an addiction. But it is up to you to believe what you want...I feel sorry for Michael because of his loneliness, his depressions and his pain.

    I love Michael and respect him!

    I wouldn't be so sure about that ,I never met a drug addict that eats organic food ,exercises, hardly drinks ,dosen't smoke ,& has been against drugs his whole life .Michael wasn't interested in getting high ,he was interested in going to sleep at a certain time ,& waking up at a certain time .According to the Autopsy report he had no signs of being a long term drug user .& according to the breakdown of drugs in his system and a count of the pills left over in the bottles ,he was taking a normal amount that was perscribed & if you look at the drugs he was taking ,Millions of other folks are on these types of anti- depression anti-axiety drugs .I don't see how Mj could do what he does messed up ,And besides that ,100's of people around him and you can't find one person that was around MJ that says he ever saw MJ messed up . Wouldn't his kids notice ? some thing is fishy .

    Well, there are diffent point of views about that. And I do believe that there are many people out there who work for Michael and definitely would lie for him and who would protect him! There are also enough people who underline that Michael had problems with drugs. Do you really think that his kids would scream out that their father takes

    Yes, I see the contradictions about Michael in public life... and his private life which (seems to be) is very different (which is just obvious and logic)...and I also see that I do not know Michael we cannot know everything about him and that is good, he deserves his privacy (it is his right!!!) like every other person does. Personaly it doesn´t matter to me if Michael is/was or not (if he is/was I totaly understand the bevelopment).
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    To me the piece seems to be sympathetic to Joe Jackson... it portrays him as a father who is being denied the truth behind his sons death,
    Why would they hide the medical records and autopsy reports from the father? Thats awful.

    wait! the autopsy reports aren´t public ??? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    at least that the ones we saw aren´t the real autopsy reports?! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    that is very probably one of the reasons to withhold any documents. were they ever legally verified in terms of authenticity? the thing is not to hand over the papers to joe but what happens after that. joe's legal team would be taking every inch of those documents apart to ask very specific questions that nobody would be able to answer right. or would have to deny an answer in the first place or even admit to the documents being false...and then what...? that would blow the whole thing now, would it? <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    joe don´t know about the hoax? what is his role? he is fighting for justice and true and the state don´t alowed it? here´s something wrong, something that don´t FITS...
    like MJ say in TII at the end of I WANT YOU BACK! (casual, lol):
    "when I try to hear it's like somebody fits is punched in to my ear, it is very difficult"

    i think joe must be in on it, also given the weird answers he gave in interviews, not knowing where his son's body was, advertising his label instead of being a grieving father and keeping his a$$ at home etc.. he is one of the 'circus clowns' in this, like latoya and jermaine, they're there for the whacky stuff, talking to the media and all. and throwing their 'candy' around.
    anyways, if this is about exposing a corrupt system, then it would def come out when all the paperwork is fake and none of the officials ever stepped forward to say that loud. them being quiet about it, although knowing they are dealing with fake paperwork would prove, that all of them were bought to make this hoax possible or that the officials are negligent cuz they didn't do any checks regarding authenticity. joe claims the papers cuz he knows they probably can't even produce them. and they're trying to buy time by getting into a legal thing now. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> very entertaining! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • I also remember Joe saying in an Interview that MJ had even told the kids "they were after him, being afraid his life would be taken".He points to the murdertheory. In combination with a hoax I can only see one connection: a severe thread that he was able to identify,to get protection, to escape and hopefully to surface again and be safe.In case he was not able to escape, which I am absolutely not convinced of, a lot of investigation needs to be done to at least serve justice.
  • Sometimes an addiction is the only way to survive!! Look behind the surface! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    You thinkin' what Im thinkin'.

    <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    "And if I stop, then tell me just what will I do.."
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