I think I firmly know who GH is!

edited January 1970 in News
A few months back I wrote a post in an early MJ hoax forum that I dont believe is no longer open. I didn't last too long there because I think I was actually tapping into some very truthful aspects of this case and I believe they were there to gauge people's thoughts and where our heads were at, but not to uncover the truth. Everything you would post, they would generally shoot down.
In this article I spoke of the something that had been nagging at me for some years. And it concerned a certain Beatle with the initials GH. I always thought it was very strange that when he passed almost a decade ago, that the media reported that he spent his last days being ill in Los Angeles. Los Angeles??? Of all the places to spend your last remaining hours on earth and you pick Los Angeles? At a friend's house? Now, we all know that GH had a beautiful property in England that was his HOME and would've been more suitable where he could spend time with his wife and children.

If things hadn't went the way they did some years before.

In 1998, GH was stabbed after someone trying to rob his home attacked him. He was hospitalized and recovered from the wound. But could this have been the final straw for him? If anyone listens or watches GH in interviews, he was the one Beatle who was very open in his hatred of the trappings of fame. He was reclusive and was almost to the point of rejecting "the four headed monster" as much as his friend John Lennon, who was the most vocal of all of them on this subject.
You have to realize, after John Lennon's death, the idea of being famous and everything that came with it was different for these guys, especially GH. Paul & Ringo were always more accepting of it and quite frankly, more equipped mentally to deal with it than he was. So, my theory last summer basically was if you haven't figured it out already was GH faked his death to finally escape being George Harrison, the Beatle.
And finally live out his remaining years in peace as a human being, not a circus performer who every five to ten years would have to climb back into the monster's outfit to promote some new rehash of their old work (think about the stress he must've gone through doing the the anthology series in '95) I could just imagine how much he must have dreaded that walk back in time. Having to revisit the craziness and madness of the Beatles. Something that couldn't have been all that enjoyable for him at it's peak. I wrote this post back in the summer and now in light of blackorwhite's "revelation", I'm even more proof positive that this is who GH is and I believe he is guiding Michael through this maze of dealing with the process of going through a death hoax.

*NOTE: Here's an article about the attack from November 18th, 1998:

Former Beatle George Harrison is hospitalized after being stabbed in his home in Oxfordshire, England, by an intruder today. His wife Olivia was also reportedly attacked but was not hospitalized. Hospital reports indicate that Harrison was stabbed in the chest. Motive for the attack has not been disclosed, but sources say it was a botched robbery at the walled estate of Harrison's home outside of London, which is known as Friar Park. A male assailant has been arrested and is being questioned by police. Longtime Beatles producer Sir George Martin told a British TV station that the attack was a "burgarly that went wrong" and wondered why Harrison was a target. "I know there's always people trying to get in," he was quoted as saying. "But George always leads a very quiet life . . . I can't imagine anyone picking on George." Hospital representatives say Harrison is recovering well and should be released in two days.

I didn't know his wife got attacked also. That confirms it for me even more!

What would YOU do?


  • That George Harrison "faked" his death sounds plausible to me. Howver, the GH that midnightmilk talks about is not a nice guy. Instead he is someone who conrols peoples' minds, and does all kinds of nasty things. Surely, you are not suggesting that the two are one and the same?
  • Well, I'm solely going on the description that blackorwhite gave in the italian forum, which was he is a person formerly associated to the music business who hasn't been involved for quite some time. I hadn't read about this GH midnightmlk speaks of. All I can say on that possibilty is maybe we don't know George Harrison as well as we think we do. I mean how could we know who any of these celebrities really are, including Michael Jackson. We're in love with their public image, not who they are behind closed doors. That could be two totally separate entities or maybe even personalities for that matter. I will say this, GH's last album was called "Brainwashed", so there could be some connection made.

    I guess the questions, and I've said this before, that we really need to start asking ourselves is "Just how much do these celebrities really love their fans? Or do they love them at all? Are they just playthings to be used and manipulated?" The word fan DOES mean fanatic, ya know? I don't even like calling myself a fan solely for that reason.
    Because when you look at the state of things and where people are at, and this is freakin 2010, it is a pretty dismal of affairs as far as society goes. People seem to be only as good as those in power allow them to be. The puppetmasters controlling the puppets. They throw the puppet down and it's no longer any good. Just a sack of knitted cloth.

    Also another key thing: Does anyone have ANY memory of a funaeral service of any kind for George? Where is he buried? That's a strange phenomenon that's been going on for the last 15 years or so. Celebs dying and there being no evidence of any real kind of funeral. The last real celeb funeral I saw was James Brown and they even say he was met with foul play. Why can't anyone just have a regular, normal funeral anymore? I understand the (here we go again) fan reaction and security issues, but there's no PROOF no funeral ever even took place with GH. The guy was too big not to have one, ya know? And then they do this tribute concert to cover for it so in the public's mind, THAT becomes their memorial.

    Trippy stuff for sure.
  • This is too "out there" for me.

    We are beginning to clutch at straws. Thats my feeling.
  • Well, I'm solely going on the description that blackorwhite gave in the italian forum, which was he is a person formerly associated to the music business who hasn't been involved for quite some time. I hadn't read about this GH midnightmlk speaks of. All I can say on that possibilty is maybe we don't know George Harrison as well as we think we do. I mean how could we know who any of these celebrities really are, including Michael Jackson. We're in love with their public image, not who they are behind closed doors. That could be two totally separate entities or maybe even personalities for that matter. I will say this, GH's last album was called "Brainwashed", so there could be some connection made.

    I guess the questions, and I've said this before, that we really need to start asking ourselves is "Just how much do these celebrities really love their fans? Or do they love them at all? Are they just playthings to be used and manipulated?" The word fan DOES mean fanatic, ya know? I don't even like calling myself a fan solely for that reason.
    Because when you look at the state of things and where people are at, and this is freakin 2010, it is a pretty dismal of affairs as far as society goes. People seem to be only as good as those in power allow them to be. The puppetmasters controlling the puppets. They throw the puppet down and it's no longer any good. Just a sack of knitted cloth.

    Also another key thing: Does anyone have ANY memory of a funaeral service of any kind for George? Where is he buried? That's a strange phenomenon that's been going on for the last 15 years or so. Celebs dying and there being no evidence of any real kind of funeral. The last real celeb funeral I saw was James Brown and they even say he was met with foul play. Why can't anyone just have a regular, normal funeral anymore? I understand the (here we go again) fan reaction and security issues, but there's no PROOF no funeral ever even took place with GH. The guy was too big not to have one, ya know? And then they do this tribute concert to cover for it so in the public's mind, THAT becomes their memorial.

    Trippy stuff for sure.

    I have a vague memory that George Harrison was cremated and his ashes sent to India (he was into eastern religeons in the 1970s all the beatles spent time in India with umm something something "Yogi" or somthing like thats twas a long time ago.

    Edit. My memory was right <!-- m -->http://www.seeing-stars.com/buried/G-H.shtml<!-- m --> ashes sent to India river Ganges
  • That's what they're telling us anyway. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I'm not clutching at straws, but I just think it strange that I came up with this theory months ago and now someone who is proof positive they know where MJ is and he's alive is saying they also know of someone with the initals GH who is connected and then says he absolutely can't say anymore than that on him. He also said that about Elvis. Something is significant about MJ coming back. More than just him coming back to please fans. maybe fulfillment of some biblical prophecy. I think all avenues should be looked at, that's all. One dot connects another dot connects another dot...
  • Im not knocking you... dont get me wrong. We all have our own theories and thoughts and thats all good,

    But i cant help feeling that sometimes we go too far out. It makes my head hurt. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    well <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> GH are my initials, so im not it <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    where did all this GH stuff arise from? its really the first ive heard of it
  • I learned of it from an italian forum site.

    Here's the link:

    <!-- m -->http://michaeljacksongold.forumfree.it/ ... 6#lastpost<!-- m -->

    Pretty interesting read.
  • GrenatGrenat Posts: 279
    I think that even really far-fetched D-movie's theory isn't that crazy compared to all other theories other users posted until now.
    And if Michael can hoax his death , why George Harrison wouldn't be able to do it as well ?
    I don't think that we're just pupped tough...but I think that your overall theory can be possible
    Why don't you ask BOW yourself ? Ask her if GH is George Harrison , who know ?
    You can't know unless you try <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    We have to look at everything and every way !
  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    I think that even really far-fetched D-movie's theory isn't that crazy compared to all other theories other users posted until now.
    And if Michael can hoax his death , why George Harrison wouldn't be able to do it as well ?
    I don't think that we're just pupped tough...but I think that your overall theory can be possible
    Why don't you ask BOW yourself ? Ask her if GH is George Harrison , who know ?
    You can't know unless you try <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    We have to look at everything and every way !

    I agree, I have mentioned in another post that I believe we need to stop refusing to even acknowledge some of the theories put out there because we just dont know now do we? Michael was a very intetlligent man and I wouldn't put it passed him to cook up a really intricate plan for the exact reason that the general public will say come on now that's just not possible. IMO anyway
  • GrenatGrenat Posts: 279
    The thing is that if we don't toroughly explore all theories before discarding it, we'll reach a dead end at some point.
    If we're careful enough even at some far-fetched theories , we'll have the idea to search where we haven't searched before , thus leading us to new clues.
    We have to think about everything happenning around us.
    Sure most of our theories are quite messed up and seems out of this world but...
    Human's imagination is a great thing that can lead to great discoveries.
    We shoudl try to ask if GH is George Harrison , if he is not , be it. we'll search somewhere else.
  • I think that even really far-fetched D-movie's theory isn't that crazy compared to all other theories other users posted until now.
    And if Michael can hoax his death , why George Harrison wouldn't be able to do it as well ?
    I don't think that we're just pupped tough...but I think that your overall theory can be possible
    Why don't you ask BOW yourself ? Ask her if GH is George Harrison , who know ?
    You can't know unless you try <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    We have to look at everything and every way !

    She is really screening those questions. She'll only talk about certain things. She already says she can't reveal who GH is at all.

    I'm going to put together a vid of George's interviews. I think you guys will be surprised at how much he sounds like somebody else we know. He was very much anti-establishment and anti-corporation. He even dogs what he called "big brother" at the time on the dick cavett show.
  • GrenatGrenat Posts: 279
    She already says she can't reveal who GH is at all.

    She won't say it directly but give "yes" or "no" type of answer. someone asked her one time if GH was Gary Hudson and she said "no" so if we try again she'll answer "yes" or "no" I think.
    Then we can move on about this theory.
  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282
    Im not knocking you... dont get me wrong. We all have our own theories and thoughts and thats all good,

    But i cant help feeling that sometimes we go too far out. It makes my head hurt. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I agree with you.

    And I really don't think that that GH person midnightmlk talks about is George Harrison.
    And another problem is, is that we can't be 100% sure that he/she knows anything, or maybe is just another troll.
  • I think maybe GH is Gary Hearne of MJJ productions inc. staff. I've also seen that Grace Rwaramba was on the staff list and also an Amy Hartman! Could she be the Amy that started the first MJHD???
  • mmzmmz Posts: 450
    But...If I am not wrong..it has also being said GH was an alive person! Mmmmmhhh..
    ANyway,she can't talk about it.She just answered to someone asking if GH was important in the hoax,she said yes. But she cannot say more..and she wouldn't have started the discussion,if it was not asked to her.
  • This is too "out there" for me.

    We are beginning to clutch at straws. Thats my feeling.

    Sorry to say this, and dont want to offend, but I have to agree.
  • Well, it's just fodder for the mind. I don't think we can discount anything at this point. It seems there is a whole alternate world that celebrities know about that the general public doesn't. It makes sense that they would considering the type of life they have to lead being under a microscope all the time.
  • Midnightmlk has already said that GH is someone named Gary Hudson (I think that was the name they gave). If you believe their tweets that a GH even exists then it's probably a good bet that they are talking about someone named Gary Hudson...
  • GrenatGrenat Posts: 279
    Midnightmlk has already said that GH is someone named Gary Hudson

    But BOW said that it wasn't Gary Hudson tough... I don't know guys , I tought that we had nothing to lose by asking to BOW about ui , even tough if she doesn't answer afterward.
  • Got my question answered today on GH, BOW firmaly says GH is NOT George Harrison or has ever been in a rock band. So that's that. It was still a good theory though. Thanks to all who contributed with intelligent discussion. I appreciate it.

    Interesting though, whoever this GH is, both BOW and midnightmlk confirm they have did bad things in the past and if he/she says anymore it will bring things back up that the public has long since forgotten!

    So it is someone that the public knows about. A public personality.

    Stay Tuned.
  • mmzmmz Posts: 450
    she says she cannot talk more about it,anyway...
  • Got my question answered today on GH, BOW firmaly says GH is NOT George Harrison or has ever been in a rock band. So that's that. It was still a good theory though. Thanks to all who contributed with intelligent discussion. I appreciate it.

    Interesting though, whoever this GH is, both BOW and midnightmlk confirm they have did bad things in the past and if he/she says anymore it will bring things back up that the public has long since forgotten!

    So it is someone that the public knows about. A public personality.

    Stay Tuned.

    I need to figure out who this person is...its gonna drive me insane if I dont know who it is..
  • GrenatGrenat Posts: 279
    It would be interesting to know who he is but that seem hard !
    Imagine all the people that initials can be GH...
    even in music business only, it's gonna be hard.
    Now that we know it's not George Harrison( we expected this a little as he is dead but well...)We have to search for this.
  • Do we know what kind of things this person did?
    Is it a male?
    How long ago was he in the public eye?
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