Join Team Michael! Help the children of Haiti!

edited January 1970 in News
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Join Team Michael! Help the children of Haiti!


Team Michael is a UNICEF fundraising team for the relief efforts in Haiti. This team was created by and for Michael Jackson fans to continue helping those in need during this crisis.

In honor of Michael Jackson, please make a donation to the relief efforts in Haiti. The children of Haiti are counting on you!

The effort is critical in Haiti, where almost half the population is under 18 years of age. UNICEF is there to help save children by providing health care, water and sanitation, and adequate nutrition.

UNICEF is also there to bring immediate protection to children who have been abandoned or separated from their families. And UNICEF works to get children back to school as soon as possible, to help them recover from the psychological distress associated with emergencies.

If Michael Jackson was still amongst us, we know he would have been deeply affected by the situation in Haiti. Michael was supposed to perform on stage in London the day of the earthquake, and then on January 14th. Many fans believe he would have dedicated his concerts to the people of Haiti, and would have donated the proceeds from these shows to the relief efforts in Haiti.

As a result, tens of thousands of fans would have been able to help Haiti simply by being in the audience in one of these shows.

Michael is not there, but we fans can still get together and help the children of Haiti, in his name. We are millions, and if each one of us makes a small donation, we will save thousands of children lives. Every dollar counts.

It doesn’t take much to save a child’s life:

$1 can provide a child in an emergency situation safe drinking water for 40 days
$12 can provide one emergency first aid kit
$50 can provide 40 packets of high energy/protein biscuits
$68 can provide water purification tablets to provide 50,000 litres of clean water

Please donate now!

100% of your donation will go to fund relief efforts in Haiti.

Click on "Join this Team" to become a fundraiser and team member or click on one of the names listed below to make a donation on their page.

Please visit the website for more information: <!-- m --> ... 50&pg=team<!-- m -->

Thank you MJAlive999 for this video!


  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006

    This is great what you are doing. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    My prayers go out to Haiti. There are several people in my church who are of Haitian descent.
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    This is really great
  • Done!
  • This is great, Mo! Thanks for passing this along! <3
  • I joined the MJ fans and donated to Haiti.
    thank you for sharing the link !
  • mordormordor Posts: 16
    wonderful,thank you MO!!!!!will pass this to all my friends also,Im glad we can help a bit....God bless them and help them all...
  • ArielAriel Posts: 84
    There are many organizations collecting donations for Haiti, like the red cross, mercy corps. I have not checked out "Heal the world", but it would be no surprise. Going to any of them would be doing something Michael would have liked. Just pick a place nd do something.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Ah yes, my goodness! These are the kinds of things we need to be doing!
  • There are many organizations collecting donations for Haiti, like the red cross, mercy corps. I have not checked out "Heal the world", but it would be no surprise. Going to any of them would be doing something Michael would have liked. Just pick a place nd do something.

    Donate to the Red Cross and Unicef ONLY, that way you're sure your donation ends up where it's supposed to end up.
  • To Mo and Souza: Ahh, I knew you would take action on behalf of Michael J. Jackson for the children of Haiti ! Proud of you, i am and I'll donate. XX
  • Thanks MO and Souza! Great to be a part of Team Michael and donate! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • GrenatGrenat Posts: 279
    I donated too. I had problem with my card , they wouldn't accept it.I suppose it must be because I live outside of USA , I gave my donation via UNICEF France.
  • I donated $500 the other day to the Red Cross....I felt SOOO good afterwards!
  • Thank you for posting the link, Mo =)

    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • First of all Hi and L.O.V.E. to everyone!
    I´m new writing but old reading here. Sorry if I mistake writing english.

    The Haitician quake is one of these things MJ may be crying for...
    he may know the reason why of it, if he´s actually trying to expose the men behind the curtain.

    And now that he´s caused, somehow, a great aware and awakening, let´s take this chance to direct our attention towards which may be the real cause of all if this kind of catastophes such as Katrina, South Asian quake and so on.

    Google HAARP and TESLA´s ray of death.

    This is HAARP today:
    HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 1:

    HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 2:

    This is Tesla hidden technology:

    Nikola Tesla - The Forgotten Wizard:

    For further information on how this affects weather control and earthquakes,
    watch all 5 parts of the following History Channel´s documentary,
    and ask yourself where is all this tech and free energy,
    who own it and why they hide that kind of marvels to us
    if they can´t put a counting meter on it...

    Nikola Tesla - Mad Electricity part 1 of 5:

    Watch the whole documentary to understand why J.P. Morgan controlled and silenced Tesla.

    They are not dumb. We can always follow the rabbit on the news, and then desinfo becomes info.
    Ask ourselves what are they selling us, why, what does this mislead us from.

    Stories buried and untold
    Someone is hiding the truth, hold on
    When will this mystery unfold
    And will the sun ever shine
    In the blind man's eyes when he cries?
    You can change the world
    (I can't do it by myself)
    You can touch the sky
    (Gonna take somebody's help)
    You're the chosen one
    (I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
    If we all cry at the same time tonight...
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    ^ Very scary to think about.. I really think more people here need to start paying attention to these very important issues and not focusing on not-so-important things like the Jacksons show..
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