This is so cool please read

pollyannapollyanna Posts: 74
edited January 1970 in News
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Please check this out <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->


  • That is awesome. Even in Michael's absence he's still drawing people to give to those in need. It will be interesting to see how many tabloids really acknowledge this.
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    I'm sorry I didn't get the idea <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> Does it have anything to do with the hoax?
  • mmzmmz Posts: 450
    ...picture with Michael in gold pants...interesting... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I'm glad someone posted this. It is very cool. I saw it when Paula Abdul presented the book and at first Larry King didn't know why. She had to explain to him that it could be put on his website for people to bid on. The last time I checked, the bidding was at $20,000. I think it started at $1,000. It's a pretty awesome statement about how his fans truly love him.

    I really thought that Michael might do something pretty incredible for Haiti. This is exactly the kind of issue he was invested in. It is possibly the biggest catastrophe we will ever live to see. Ironically, Haiti's poverty is largely because of the loss of it's lumber and it's enslavement. Poverty, suffering, orphans, hunger, environmental concerns....sounds like Michael to me. I can't even fathom how much support he could raise worldwide.
  • katkat Posts: 1
    You can watch Paula Abdul on Larry King putting up MJ's Opus for an auction here:
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    Notice this:
    Larry King (old sheista geezer!) cuts off Paula twice @ 1:24 and 1:29 as she's about to say more on Michael !!!
    My guess is that she was going to mention MJ's Guinness Book record humanitarian efforts and generosity (almost half a BILLION $ in gifts and donations to charities, disasters, anyone in need...) CNN so skillfully UNDERREPORTED for years, even after MJs death.

    BTW, whassup with our $ not really getting to the people there in form of water, food, the basics?!
    Also, I suspect that the US (government/military... illuminati) is gonna show its REAL intentions with Haiti soon, by never leaving their crumbled White House lawn!
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