just seen this is it dvd - differs from movie in cinema



  • According to Kenny O. they were 8 days away from flying to London to get ready for the final dress rehearsals. Travis Payne said that on the last day of rehearsal (24th June) they had finished it all and were ready. Kenny said in another interview that they had planned on rehearsing Dirty Diana on the 25th. It wasn't seen in the footage, but got mention in the credits.
    Another thing is that they would have had to take everything down, pack it up and ship it to London. Now, how long would that take? At least 2 weeks, if not longer. That would bring us to around July 9th. Cutting it awfully close. The first concert was scheduled for the 13th of July, if I remember correctly. Now once all the equipment arrives, they would still have to set it all up, and make sure it all worked, and do sound checks, and rehearsals, etc. I just don't think that could have all been accomplished in such a short time.
  • mayhemmayhem Posts: 16

    i have just seen the us this is it dvd.

    after watching it, it feels totally different than the cinema version. in the cinema i was sure there were impersonators.

    watching the dvd i can categorically dismiss this. it was all michael, even orange pants.

    Sorry but I have to disagree. I have the US DVD and blue ray and it's the same version as the movie we saw in the cinema. Definitely NOT all Mike!

    not all michael? i dare u too watch in the blue ray version u can tell real well there. maybe the smooth criminal part was probably wasnt all mj cuz some parts mj didnt want to get on like him slidin down the railing.
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    According to Kenny O. they were 8 days away from flying to London to get ready for the final dress rehearsals. Travis Payne said that on the last day of rehearsal (24th June) they had finished it all and were ready. Kenny said in another interview that they had planned on rehearsing Dirty Diana on the 25th. It wasn't seen in the footage, but got mention in the credits.
    Another thing is that they would have had to take everything down, pack it up and ship it to London. Now, how long would that take? At least 2 weeks, if not longer. That would bring us to around July 9th. Cutting it awfully close. The first concert was scheduled for the 13th of July, if I remember correctly. Now once all the equipment arrives, they would still have to set it all up, and make sure it all worked, and do sound checks, and rehearsals, etc. I just don't think that could have all been accomplished in such a short time.

    You're right. This is it = It is Shit.
    Especially for a Michael Jackson show, with light man, the giant screen, cherry picker, etc. They couldn't set it all up in 3 days, leaving one for light and sound checking.
  • i have a new theory:

    i think they finished this is it entirely and recorded it for a later final version of this is it.
    mj in the grey suit did the whole concert in one swoosh which seems to be the "perfect" end version.

    the other mj recordings, i.e. orange pants were added in order to sell the image of a thin mj and so forth. mj has tons and tons of makeup on in the non-grey suit shots, this must have been done for a reason.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Indeed we can now admit that the plan was to make a movie not a serie of concerts. It's quite obvious now. There is a scene which particularly brought me to that conclusion. I don't know if I'm right maybe I'm looking to far but the scene is when Michael is looking for the perfect note and makes the musician on his piano repeat the notes several times. I think it was for the song "The way you make me feel". They all make a point to speak in the microphone. Why ? They are not far from each other and can easily be heard by each other. So why speak in the mic ? To be sure for us to understand what they say ? I don't know what you think but for me but this scene was weird..
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    Indeed we can now admit that the plan was to make a movie not a serie of concerts. It's quite obvious now. There is a scene which particularly brought me to that conclusion. I don't know if I'm right maybe I'm looking to far but the scene is when Michael is looking for the perfect note and makes the musician on his piano repeat the notes several times. I think it was for the song "The way you make me feel". They all make a point to speak in the microphone. Why ? They are not far from each other and can easily be heard by each other. So why speak in the mic ? To be sure for us to understand what they say ? I don't know what you think but for me but this scene was weird..
    you are right! that scene was weird... i love that scene and the POPEYE shirt (POP.EYE?, promnent chin?), well i notice that too, why to talk to the mic? and the sound guy is...MICHAEL PRINCE! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> SEE IT AGAIN...
  • oh my gosh Speed emon You so totally described the way I felt both in movie and then seeing DVD I thought no way that is all Michael every inch as it seemed like in DVD felt closer to real MJ like we were closer ,like to real essence of MJ !! I am so gald that Youfelt that because I had very same reaction and thought in Movie I was going crazy and then when seeing DVD I thought man how do I get 2 so convincing different opinnions, and hte more I haved awtced TII quite quite regularly I must say, and I feel no different that it is definitly MJ there so I jsut put it down to my emtion and great anticipation of TII that is why my judgement was soo entirley differnt but you know actually it wasn't my judgement , but my actual feelings like gut feelings from with in!! anyway thanks for posting this as I feel like wow I am not the only one.
    Michelle <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • HI Speed Demon and all guys here I jsut read this agin becaue another thing that I noticed in the cinema version but never except once in the DVD the masschewing of chewing gum it seemed really exagerated like I think MO or Souza mentioned way back in the Fluoride story or one mentioning clues MJ ahs left and it was so noticeable in the Movie and MJ looked different and it gave off a totaltly different fefeling but DVD all MJ jsut feels different. and not once does he look unhealthy or skinny in DVD , sorry I think I have repeated from above post but yeah . thanks anyway .
    Love You all more
    Michelle <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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