Where were the police the day MJ died

pollyannapollyanna Posts: 74
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
There were no police at his home on June 25 why not. I live in the center of the USA and when you call for a ambulance the fire dept and the police dept show up. I don't know how they do it in california but were I live they all come. The tour bus watching back here that would not be alouded. Someone getting that close to the ambulance to take a picture they would never allow that back here.


  • That is a question I've always posed myself. NO POLICE at the biggest homicide event in history. WOW, in L.A. no doubt. Who's fooling who? No CROWD CONTROL. Strange.
  • I have a very little memory that the police did show up and there is a pitchure of that, however I do know that the LAPD sealed the place a couple days after but til then the family had already destroyed the crime scene. So it was pretty much pointless...
  • I have a very little memory that the police did show up and there is a pitchure of that, however I do know that the LAPD sealed the place a couple days after but til then the family had already destroyed the crime scene. So it was pretty much pointless...

    Did they show up with the ambulance or did they show up later that day
  • I have a very little memory that the police did show up and there is a pitchure of that, however I do know that the LAPD sealed the place a couple days after but til then the family had already destroyed the crime scene. So it was pretty much pointless...

    Did they show up with the ambulance or did they show up later that day
    <!-- m -->http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl= ... N%26um%3D1<!-- m -->

    Look at the video there were police officers at place however this was not what I was talking about previously, let me see if I found the pitchure.
  • I have a very little memory that the police did show up and there is a pitchure of that, however I do know that the LAPD sealed the place a couple days after but til then the family had already destroyed the crime scene. So it was pretty much pointless...

    Did they show up with the ambulance or did they show up later that day
    <!-- m -->http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl= ... N%26um%3D1<!-- m -->

    Look at the video there were police officers at place however this was not what I was talking about previously, let me see if I found the pitchure.

    That is strange there are no christmas things on the gates were did they go
  • I was reffering to the video below not the pitchure <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • There should have been so many there would be no way to miss their presence. It's very odd.
  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    most of the time the police arrive with or before the paramedic but the LAPD did send out the robbery and homicide unit out later that day they said for crowd control but at the time they suspect no foul play and soon after they allow his family inside the house which I found very odd because if his room was a mess like was reported it could have really told what could have happen
  • This is what bothers me no police when ambulance is there they should have been there to investigate the death of someone
    check out the room the person died in to make sure that there was no crime talk to his staff his cook his maids anyone who work there you don't wait untill later in the day to investigate. If they would have done they job right they would have found the oxygen tanks and what ever else was in his room talked to the staff what are oxygen tanks doing in his room asking them all kinds of questions but they wait untill the crime scene is destroyed
  • There were no police on the scene, even after the LAFD identifed him as a high profile patient. It DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. The paramedics should have called it in and thd LAFD should have called LAPD right away. I live in L.A. and remember when Brittney Spears was taken from her home when she was having some problems and not only were there paps there, but the LAPD was all over the place.
    My sister is a LAPD detective and I asked her why weren't the police called to the scene when they realized it was MJ and she said it was up to the firemen on the scene, but usually they let the police know if they think a crime may have been committed. The LAFD knew the person who they were taking in was most likely not going to make it and they had this strange doctor who was demanding that they take the body to the hospital, yet no one thought to call the police so they could secure the scene?
    Something ain't right. Too many strange things happening on that day. You have the most famous person in the history of the world, DOA and a weird doctor, telling you he gave him something and you don't alert the police?
  • Your sister's an LAPD detective?! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> Have you asked her to look into anything about MJ's case for you? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    There were no police at his home on June 25 why not. I live in the center of the USA and when you call for a ambulance the fire dept and the police dept show up. I don't know how they do it in california but were I live they all come. The tour bus watching back here that would not be alouded. Someone getting that close to the ambulance to take a picture they would never allow that back here.

    It is even here in Germany usually, that if you call an ambulance, that the police is also showing up.
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    I have a very little memory that the police did show up and there is a pitchure of that, however I do know that the LAPD sealed the place a couple days after but til then the family had already destroyed the crime scene. So it was pretty much pointless...

    Did they show up with the ambulance or did they show up later that day
    <!-- m -->http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl= ... N%26um%3D1<!-- m -->

    Look at the video there were police officers at place however this was not what I was talking about previously, let me see if I found the pitchure.

    That is strange there are no christmas things on the gates were did they go

    That's because it's not the same gate - hence, not the same house in this picture.
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    There were no police on the scene, even after the LAFD identifed him as a high profile patient. It DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. The paramedics should have called it in and thd LAFD should have called LAPD right away. I live in L.A. and remember when Brittney Spears was taken from her home when she was having some problems and not only were there paps there, but the LAPD was all over the place.
    My sister is a LAPD detective and I asked her why weren't the police called to the scene when they realized it was MJ and she said it was up to the firemen on the scene, but usually they let the police know if they think a crime may have been committed. The LAFD knew the person who they were taking in was most likely not going to make it and they had this strange doctor who was demanding that they take the body to the hospital, yet no one thought to call the police so they could secure the scene?
    Something ain't right. Too many strange things happening on that day. You have the most famous person in the history of the world, DOA and a weird doctor, telling you he gave him something and you don't alert the police?

    The police don't always go and they don't where I live always either. It depends on the call. Can't compare Brittany to Michael. Brittany was going berserk. Michael's call was a call like the many received every day and it was not yet a potential crime scene.
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    That is a question I've always posed myself. NO POLICE at the biggest homicide event in history. WOW, in L.A. no doubt. Who's fooling who? No CROWD CONTROL. Strange.

    It wasn't a homicide at that point. It was a person not responding.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Your sister's an LAPD detective?! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> Have you asked her to look into anything about MJ's case for you? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    You cant ask someone to do that.... her sister would lose her job.
  • mjj29081958mjj29081958 Posts: 451
    I have a very little memory that the police did show up and there is a pitchure of that, however I do know that the LAPD sealed the place a couple days after but til then the family had already destroyed the crime scene. So it was pretty much pointless...

    Maybe this one?
  • pepperpepper Posts: 558
    In the photo in the post above, they obviously showed up after the ambulances were long gone. I thought this was interesting, to compare the lack of police cars at the scene on June 25, 2009, to the police cars needed for this situation involving a dog attacking another dog on August 30, 2010...

    <!-- m -->http://x17online.com/celebrities/samant ... 302010.php<!-- m -->

    They won't let me copy the photos to this page, but here are the links

    <!-- m -->http://x17online.com/gallery/view_galle ... 17&index=4<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://x17online.com/gallery/view_galle ... 17&index=3<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://x17online.com/gallery/view_galle ... 17&index=6<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://x17online.com/gallery/view_galle ... 17&index=7<!-- m -->

    The dog attack got the attention of 2 LA County Sheriff police vehicles and 2 LA County Fire Department vehicles...
    There were no police on the scene, even after the LAFD identifed him as a high profile patient. It DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. The paramedics should have called it in and thd LAFD should have called LAPD right away. I live in L.A. and remember when Brittney Spears was taken from her home when she was having some problems and not only were there paps there, but the LAPD was all over the place.
    My sister is a LAPD detective and I asked her why weren't the police called to the scene when they realized it was MJ and she said it was up to the firemen on the scene, but usually they let the police know if they think a crime may have been committed. The LAFD knew the person who they were taking in was most likely not going to make it and they had this strange doctor who was demanding that they take the body to the hospital, yet no one thought to call the police so they could secure the scene?
    Something ain't right. Too many strange things happening on that day. You have the most famous person in the history of the world, DOA and a weird doctor, telling you he gave him something and you don't alert the police?
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    If that picture posted here is from a couple of days after....when the police sealed the area.....why is the trash still out? Even if the police didn't want it thrown out....potential evidences etc.......wouldn't they at least put it back inside the gated premise? They know fans, paparazzi, press would love the King of Pop's trash. Even if the family was there beforehand, they would bring the trash in for the same reasons. We are meant to see this picture clearly.......trash, lots of trash:
    4 black cans
    2 blue cans
    3 green cans
    1 blue can
    3 green cans
    13 in all
    any guesses? I posted earlier in the year about this. But really went nowhere. I think we need to revisit the trash bins.
    gematria: 13 = AEG ????????
    Anyone venture 42313? I can tear it apart with gematria, but I'll spare you.

    Blessings Always
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