What if Michael reappeared at the Grammy's



  • yeah could be the kids then that would be a surprise and think some of the family are going i think thats a good idea!!!
  • BabyShineBabyShine Posts: 119
    I always thought that for a real good BAM Michael should appear somewhere he knows a lot of poeple are watching. The Grammy awards would be so perfect for that, but i definetly believe he wont do it....First its too early, second he cant appear just for a performance, in front of hundreds of poeple he took for fools with the hoax. People would HATE him, and he's too smart to take any risks like that.
    Im sure he had good reasons to do what he did, and he'll come back in a way that poeple will be amazed without being mad at him. I believe in the movie theory, but im sure he has some charity plans too wth the money he raised through his "death".
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