cameras and cellphones at conference.

Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Have you noticed, that the audience at the conference allmost all have a perfect caption of Michael on their camera or cellphone ? I think this is very weird. From where some of them is standing this is not possible.Look at these pics :


  • LavdHimLavdHim Posts: 352
    great find .. yeah it's so weird .. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • HopelessHopeless Posts: 278
    I found it months before and look, it looks like they all have the same photo handy or camera...has sony gave them a camera when they enters the room ???????????
    I never have seen something like this !
  • HopelessHopeless Posts: 278
    Only the one befind the curtain has a great professional the first picture. He makes a photo from the fans..i think that there are most fans then the media, or actors..., because no reporter uses such little cameras without a zoom...there is no prof camera in the room.
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    But somebody must have filmed it, the conference wa shown all over the world, I saw it on Sky news.
  • Plus on the first picture, there are lights above the curtain - MICHAEL Jackson... but on the second one they are switched off.... weird.
  • HopelessHopeless Posts: 278
    The ppl in the room are holding there cameras in the hands, but not on Michael to focus him...a few, but not all. Whats when they are getting some cameras with pictures and they are looking at the pictures in the camera....the lights are so very much light in the room. Could it be that the ppl and the stage are photoshoped ? Michael was filmed alone on stage and the ppl alone and then after all put together in a photo....ohhhhhh my english .....could anyone understand what i will say ?
    The ppl have to hold there cameras very much higher to make photos, but they have the focus on the ons before and saw's impossible....only you watch at photos on the camera.
    Poosible they got a sign and have to roll up the photos on the it looks like...
    Ppl, hold the cameras up and start to look at the photos....and all have a picture that was filmed in the backstage.
    Possible ?
    Because Michael was filmed at the pk but there is no camera in front of him...where is it ?
  • Does anybody really know someone that was really at the conference??? I mean there has to be a fan out there that was at it...
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    The ppl in the room are holding there cameras in the hands, but not on Michael to focus him...a few, but not all. Whats when they are getting some cameras with pictures and they are looking at the pictures in the camera....the lights are so very much light in the room. Could it be that the ppl and the stage are photoshoped ? Michael was filmed alone on stage and the ppl alone and then after all put together in a photo....ohhhhhh my english .....could anyone understand what i will say ?
    The ppl have to hold there cameras very much higher to make photos, but they have the focus on the ons before and saw's impossible....only you watch at photos on the camera.
    Poosible they got a sign and have to roll up the photos on the it looks like...
    Ppl, hold the cameras up and start to look at the photos....and all have a picture that was filmed in the backstage.
    Possible ?
    Because Michael was filmed at the pk but there is no camera in front of him...where is it ?
    yes I understand what you mean <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> And it could be possible. Theres something about it, that's sure.
  • HopelessHopeless Posts: 278
    No i can't found anyone who was inside the pk. Not in the fan forum, not anywhere....but i am not in London and at that time i have not my eyes on it.... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • No i can't found anyone who was inside the pk. Not in the fan forum, not anywhere....but i am not in London and at that time i have not my eyes on it.... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->[/quote

    Wonder if there ever was a real conference??

    But then again I guess there had to be as tickets went on sell...

    Makes you think...

    Also when was the last time anybody saw MJ wear tape on his fingers.. I didn't see that in the conference but in the movie I did..
  • No i can't found anyone who was inside the pk. Not in the fan forum, not anywhere....but i am not in London and at that time i have not my eyes on it.... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    There's fan footage on youtube...
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    The second photo all the way to the left is a large screen to make Michael look larger for the people in the back, looks like thats what they are taking a picture of, and is to the left, which is where most of the cameras are pointing, on the other hand, unless there is also a screen to the right of the podium, then the people to the right are doing the same, except on the right side. Make sense?
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    I can see what you mean,but most cameras point straight out.... cann see one point to the left.And the cameras is held to low.
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    Could be the angle too, whoever took that picture is either a helluv alot taller then everyone, or is standing on something and has a downward shot
  • To me they are all extras.
    We have seen a lot of videos of Mike´s concerts where first row is full of people really going crazy and a few people just singing and enjoying. Where is crazy people representation here?
    They all look like you and me if we were there, enjoying, just really enjoying.
    (You and me because people here don´t seem to be really enjoying but acting as if they were).
    If you are in a shooting long ours and repeating shots, it´s hard to.

    I can´t see people talking to each other, or distracted, or... nothing. They all seem to act like they were told to do so.

    Ok. Let´s suppose I´m the director of this film:
    "I want to see all of you screaming and watching Michael, you´re really happy seeing Michael back... Everybody hands up... Rolling...

    Then I plan and ask for a reverse angle shot:
    "I want to see people from behind with the cameras shooting", and art team bring and give out 30...
    When you look at them from the front you can´t see this huge sea of cameras.

    Are all of them shooting all the time, or they just coincided to shot all at one time?

    I work in films and shots are planned this way.

    Casting team forgot to bring some children. I´ve allways seen them going Mike´s tours, not here.

    Look at this audience from behind, they seem more the audience of an University conference, rather than tour announcement conference.

    It´s like the scripted "The Jack5on a Family Dinasty"... Reality show?
    This is not real, there is not that much of reality in reality show, they are all scripted.
    Some more, other less. Those are more.
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    Great thoughts about this <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> And it seems kind of staged the whole thing.Its been bothering me since I saw it the first time.
  • yeah. Without a doubt a strange crowd. I also wondered many many times why no fan photos or vids was circleing the internet. Who even knew about the press conference before the day before?
    I'll try to find the YT one that was mentioned. I would like to see that.
  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100
    i'm pretty sure there is a topic on this and a member on here had a friend who went.. it was after the x factor in the UK something like that, so they went along to that aswell.. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> i'll have a look see if i can find it..
  • Oh, here appears to be some fan vid..
    <!-- m --> ... e-lo_music<!-- m -->
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    Oh, here appears to be some fan vid..
    <!-- m --> ... e-lo_music<!-- m -->

    I can't forget this laughin' of him... "This is it because...(pause)....." and then his laughing...

    He was pretty nervous...I bet is was because he knew what will happen <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Lee.HLee.H Posts: 155
    Wierd that I never actually noticed that before. Yeah it's wierd that they all seem to have a perfect shot even though there are arms and heads in the way.
  • Really good to see some fan footage.
    I´d never had seen it before and gives me a wider look. It´s hard to come across with other stuff different from "oficial". This video is more how I would imagine an event like this really going on. People behind screaming and yelling, so they are more real.
    And when real people take shots shakes camera like that... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    The professional photographer ahead was more steady handed so could achieve catching front rows´ people steady <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> just joking.

    It´s weird yelling fans behind, and quiet in front.
    Were they late to catch room?

    A production like this (if it is) may well involve films and events like this, web forums, and so on. But can also involve producing amateur stuff or fan mock-footage in a real but managed and staged event.

    Well I see this fan footage quite real.
    It´s just to doubt everything...

    Still weird to me the EPK official footage of first rows and stage.
    (Have to see the begining of the fan fotage again, shows some camera distribution).
    But I doubt before about other things that now I think are explained, or not that weird. And maybe tomorrow I´ll doubt again, till I (we/each one) find that got the whole picture.
    And not this feeling of not fitting.

    Indeed, I think IT is the essence of the message (if there´s one <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> )
  • woah you guys really have good eyes i probably wouldn't have ever spotted that <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • [youtube:3lbhjnhg]

    Watching it again I see this:
    Although everybody seems ready and steady to take the photo when Michael appears,
    I don´t see any shot actually done.
    We know that the fastest cameras have a moment of black screen when the photo is being saved on memory, then the camera reacts and recovers the image on the screen.

    Where is that here?

    *Edit* Well, I see maybe two on 1´:12".
    But now I don´t see flashes on the front row.
    They´re all coming from behind.
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    I want to tell you that you made very good discoveries here about the cameras and all.

    I got to a conclusion : there are more O2 Conf. staged films. Because we see 2 different categories of audience and 2 different types of audience protection fence. In the Fan's video make a stop at min. 1:14 you will see a fence probably wood -made, white painted NON-TRANSPARENT of some shape, and in all other videos so called offical made by CNN etc... you will see a fence in front of the audience made of metalic bars and some plastic window TRANSPARENT between them, that's why there you can see people's body through them. In the video here CNN made look at the min. 2:41 it's a that fence I've told you, but better if you find a video without CNN strip.

    This is the Fan's video -min. 1:14, 1:15

    Another thing, watch TII film again and there are the dancers team with hands up, happy when MJ is doing that sexy dance move. At their hand wrist you will see something like a white bracelet, then look at the audience this one from "official" videous CNN... they have the same white bracelet. If it is some sort of identification mark is weird to be exactly the same those in USA -LA - Staples with those in London O2.

    About the audience : in the Fans video they look very young and in the other "official" videous are not so young, exactly like somebody said here like an University Conference audience. Also when they shout Michael .. King of Pop etc.. if you look in the front lines some has mouth shut, others move mouths like they are saying something else, the synchronization sound - image is zero. My opinion: this audience doesn't fit with the sound (shouting), maybe the shoutings are from the other audience the Fans video

    So what do you say if the images we have are not recorded LIVE in London, but in LA Staples?

    And how come that we don't see 1 single reporter to make a interview with fans? A Press Conf. without any question for MJ or fans ? this is IMPOSSIBLE !! so this is a film not a real Conf.
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