MURRAY To Be Arrested To-Day!!!



  • I think this is some kind of test they are putting us through. To see what it will take for us to let go.
    As I said before, I'll believe it when I see it. It ain't over til it's over.
  • It's interesting that he wants to "hand himself in to the police rather than facing a humiliating arrest". Cause an arrest would be all over the news (in pictures).
    But if he goes to the police it could happen anytime without anyone noticing.
    So they could simply say he handed himself in to them and then they could prepare some fake pictures as usual.

    If MJ really is dead, i couldnt give a stuff about Murrays feelings... drag him in with handcuffs in front of the Worlds press i say! They did it to MJ.. do it to Murray.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    It's interesting that he wants to "hand himself in to the police rather than facing a humiliating arrest". Cause an arrest would be all over the news (in pictures).
    But if he goes to the police it could happen anytime without anyone noticing.
    So they could simply say he handed himself in to them and then they could prepare some fake pictures as usual.

    If MJ really is dead, i couldnt give a stuff about Murrays feelings... drag him in with handcuffs in front of the Worlds press i say! They did it to MJ.. do it to Murray.

    I have to agree!

    They did this with Michael...what a torture!
  • TerezaTereza Posts: 2,074
    I think you got me wrong guys!
    I didn't want to protect Conrad Murray's feelings in any way!!!
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    I think you got me wrong guys!
    I didn't want to protect Conrad Murray's feelings in any way!!!

    I know that you didn't want to protec his feelings..Sorry if it seemed like that.
  • Don't sweat if Murray is arrested. It's all a part of the ploy to kill time. I believe Michael's name being obviously absent from the memorial wall last night was purposely done to keep the hoax going to buy more time to do what ever investigating they are in the process of doing. His name is missing, and so the hoax goes on.

    I believe that Murray will indeed be arrested, but that the case will be so shabby as we have all witnessed from the documents being presented, that the case will be dismissed.

    No crime was committed. No one goes to jail. They get the extra time they need. The culprits who are after Michael is surely watching this closely. They have to make it look as real as they can.

    I am keeping the faith. I think last night was a sign for us who believe that all is well.
  • I think you got me wrong guys!
    I didn't want to protect Conrad Murray's feelings in any way!!!

    I know that you didn't want to protec his feelings..Sorry if it seemed like that.

    But in the event if he is prosecuted and taken to jail we still shouldn't hate him if it turns out that he indeed murdered michael. That would make us hypocrites if we spread michaels words of endless love but have hatred for the man who killed him. Yes, it would be tragic, but you have to be willing to forgive as hard as it may seem. Bad man or not, he's still an individual that deserves the outmost respect as anyone these days! Think of everyone. think of the peace.
  • I think you got me wrong guys!
    I didn't want to protect Conrad Murray's feelings in any way!!!

    I know that you didn't want to protec his feelings..Sorry if it seemed like that.

    But in the event if he is prosecuted and taken to jail we still shouldn't hate him if it turns out that he indeed murdered michael. That would make us hypocrites if we spread michaels words of endless love but have hatred for the man who killed him. Yes, it would be tragic, but you have to be willing to forgive as hard as it may seem. Bad man or not, he's still an individual that deserves the outmost respect as anyone these days! Think of everyone. think of the peace.

    Murderers still need punishment. I wont hate him, but i will pity him.
  • by all that is holy, I pray that he did not commit murder on Michael. HOWEVER, if it is proven that he did, I WANT HIM TO ROT IN THE SLAMMER <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> He seems to have no remorse. And if it is learned that we have been wrong, I feel sorry for Michael having lived his life alone, the people who professed to love him, be his friend, never visiting his grave, never missing a beat in their own lives. That would be just as criminal as what Murray did. I hope that they know that.
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    Conrad will not be charged with anything. This is just the usual spin to keep the story going and believable. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Thank you MJ. No, thank you Carlos. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> You are so right. Why oh why do I keep falling into the dungeon of the "if factor"?
  • ok so no arrest today?.........SCREW TMZ SCREW ANY NEWS OUTLET!! they seem to be playing with ppls feelings!! I WISH I COULD GO SUE ALL OF THEM FOR GIVING FALSE NEWS MULTIPLE TIMES!!! they are gay and i want to burn all tabloids, media, and TMZ personally!!
  • ok so no arrest today?.........SCREW TMZ SCREW ANY NEWS OUTLET!! they seem to be playing with ppls feelings!! I WISH I COULD GO SUE ALL OF THEM FOR GIVING FALSE NEWS MULTIPLE TIMES!!! they are gay and i want to burn all tabloids, media, and TMZ personally!!
  • Yeah that arrest happened like me winning a Million dollars happened. :LOL:
  • Um, I wouldn't take that too seriously.

    They have written this tons of times before but it's always come out false, plus if he is charged then why did it take 7 months to 'happen'? <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • TMZ always say things like Conrad Murray could be arrested "as early as next week/this week". I wouldn't use those words after that length of time. All talk, as they say and no action.
  • TMZ always say things like Conrad Murray could be arrested "as early as next week/this week". I wouldn't use those words after that length of time. All talk, as they say and no action.

    Not happened yet.. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • still nothing eh
    i love the heads up though just in case he wants to flee <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Well did you guys see this:

    Conrad Murray Plans to Surrender
    Posted Feb 2nd 2010 3:03PM by TMZ Staff

    TMZ has learned Dr. Conrad Murray is in L.A. and plans to surrender tomorrow morning in an L.A. courtroom in connection with Michael Jackson's death ... sources tell TMZ.

    As we first reported, the Los Angeles County District Attorney will charge Dr. Murray with involuntary manslaughter as early as this week. Based on Murray's plan to surrender, the charges would have to be filed before the court appearance.

    What is unclear -- Will Dr. Murray surrender or will the LAPD arrest him and take him into custody?

    Seems like they are pretty sure of themselves this time.
    Eventhough this is all hopefully part of the hoax, it does make me nervous if this really happens.
    I don't know why really...
  • Heads up.. word is it is going to be at 5am tomorrow morning!!!
  • LSKLSK Posts: 97
    Yeah I've just heard that on the BBC, they were quoting from TMZ though! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Heads up.. word is it is going to be at 5am tomorrow morning!!!
    where did you hear 5 am??? if i were Murray i would spend my last day of freedom sleeping in!! Ok so Murray wasnt arrested today like TMZ said...HE BETTER SURRENDER himself...i am tired of writing all these hate emails to them about how mediocre they are lol...I dont even visit their site anymore. I wonder when people are going to stop believing TMZ...

    hope i didnt offend any of the people lol i am 50/50 on MJ so if he is uh gone then i want Murray to get arrested sorry <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Yeah I've just heard that on the BBC, they were quoting from TMZ though! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I heard the BBC news report, didnt quote a source or did I miss them quoting TMZ <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • LOS ANGELES – Prosecutors plan to charge Michael Jackson's doctor with manslaughter rather than take the case to a grand jury, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press Tuesday.

    Prosecutors will file a criminal complaint against Dr. Conrad Murray, who practices in Houston, instead of taking the case before a grand jury, which is done in private, the official said.
    The person is not authorized to speak publicly about the case and only spoke on condition of anonymity.

    The complaint would be the prelude to a public hearing in which a judge would weigh testimony from witnesses to decide if there is probable cause to try him on an involuntary manslaughter charge.

    Jackson died June 25 from an anesthetic overdose. Murray maintains nothing he gave Jackson should have killed him.

    Murray arrived in Los Angeles last weekend in anticipation of a charging decision from the district attorney's office, a spokeswoman said Tuesday.

    "Dr. Murray is in Los Angeles for a dual purpose – on family business and to be available for law enforcement," said spokeswoman Miranda Sevcik. "We're trying to be as co-operative as we can."

    There is no official word on when an announcement about any charges might come. David Walgren, the deputy Los Angeles County district attorney handling the case, declined to comment Tuesday.

    The district attorney's office has for weeks been working closely with Los Angeles Police Department investigators to build a case against Murray.

    Jackson, 50, hired Murray to be his personal physician as he prepared for a strenuous series of comeback performances in London. He died in Los Angeles after Murray administered the powerful general anesthetic propofol and two other sedatives to get the chronic insomniac to sleep, according to the Los Angeles County coroner's office, which ruled the death a homicide.

    Murray has denied any criminal wrongdoing.

    "We continue to maintain that Dr. Murray neither prescribed nor administered anything that should have killed Michael Jackson," Sevcik said.

    – – –

    Associated Press reporter Ken Ritter contributed from Las Vegas.

    <!-- m --> ... octor?bn=1<!-- m -->

    The underlined statement, was a headline on fox news yesterday. Both my mom and I questioned it.

    I heard Jane Velez talking about the charging of Conrad but she also used TMZ as her source
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